Yes, it's so very very sad. But I do want to point out what the common denominator of ALL THREE IS...
Her own mother, Billie Jean Dunn!!
It all directly stems from Billie's poor choices, bad decision making, and the one we can always count on, self-centered motives when it comes to Billie.
For example with BG her motive for involving him, throwing him under the bus was strictly serving on BJD's behalf. She had irresponsibly, recklessly, and once again with poor judgement and decision making as a parent to DD stole hospital equipment and burned "tapout" into her son's back. Which little Hailey in turn told daddy and grandma Jones what Billie had done to her brother and what type instrument was used. Clint contacted CPS and when Billie got word of this what did she decide to do in retaliation to attempt to take the heat off of her "mothering skills"?she called CPS to file a claim against BG, Clint's brother, and threw Hailey directly smack dab in the middle of the mess with the claim that it was Hailey who had seen what possibly could have been a mushroom growing at BG's residence.
This is what brought about death threats. And some have even said that Hailey too was threatened(which if that's true is only because of what her mom chose to throw her into just to deflect from her piss poor mothering skills). According to CJ it was only Billie that BG threatened, never Hailey. But who knows what's actually the honest truth from this bunch?
And then the threats from SA. Again Hailey threatened because of Billie. Evidently heated arguments with Billie including both SA and BD making 911 calls. Poor Hailey again thrown in the mix of threats all because she's Billie Jean's daughter.
And lastly PT, Naomi's mother. We see once again "if" these threats hold any weight that they too directly stem from Billie. PT and Billie's issues are what had PT threatening Billie and to have a "hit" put out on her and it's said that PT stated that she'd put a "hit" on Hailey just to hurt Billie. Again whether or not Hailey was involved in the threat is anybody's guess and depends on who you ask whether or not they say Hailey was or was not part of the death threat from PT.
But as I said the one thing I do know is that they all three have Billie Dunn and her actions, statements, and decisions that are at the core of each of these three issues regarding death threats. And it's a damn shame that Hailey suffered the horrendous consequences of her mother's actions. IMO the final consequence being her murdered.
IMO she never stood a chance with Billie Jean Dunn as her "mother". Jmo, tho.
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