Bring Them Home Now EXCLUSIVE SHAWN ADKINS SPEAKS OUT March 3rd 2011

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This is exactly what was said before Shawn hung up...

Rachel: Connir Jones stated something to us, that I needed to address with you tonight. She stated to me that you had talked to her and that you said you could kill somebody and you could hide the body and no one would be able to find it and we've had several people state that to us.

Shawn: The only thing I can say about that is it's a flat out lie. I've never told Connie Jones anything like that. I don't talk to her. I've only said "hello" in passing and that's it.

Rachel: You've never said that to anybody?

woman's voice: Oh, please....hangs up

last 2 digits are 50 or 17(two different tel. numbers)....looking for Shawn...on their switchboard..

Several minutes pass while Bee talks while waiting for Shawn to call back in...More minutes pass....Now she is trying to call him..6 rings no answer..trying again ..4 rings reached voice mail...going to give Shawn a few more minutes to call back in..

Bee: I have one other person (other tel number??) if you would

woman's voice comes on : Call Billie quick !

man's voice: what area code is that?

And Bee hung up not thinking that was Shawn....

Anyone else feel like you are stuck in a bad dream? And that no matter how many times you slap cold water on your face you can't get rid of the dream?

You can post a transcript.
I'm more interested in knowing why he'd be thinking that Billie might agree to a plea bargain. About what, *advertiser censored* that he put in her house and on his Mom's computer? No wonder the woman was upset. If it was his Mom she's been practically accused by BD of looking up CP in a sly manipulative way.
There is an ulterior motive to going on these Interviews.

It is to cast doubt on whether either one actually even knew what was on the computer or the Memory stick.

Why would Billie be sharing info about what she found out from LE with Shawn? They are trying to figure out what LE thinks/has, and that indicates deception, IMO.

I have finished reviewing the transcripts from Billie and Shawn, and have come to the conclusion that is indeed possible that Billie is actually in on her daughter's disappearance. Despite all things obvious from her actions and words, I still didn't think she had anything to do with it. Until now.

She fooled a good man like Mark Klaas, and she is now weaving a web of doubt regarding the recent things found.

Where is Hailey Dunn? :(
Lets think here. What did he say that would make this person tell him to call BD quick? Did a cat get let out of the bag?
(snip) I don't think he ever threw Billie under the bus.

Additionally, I heard "oh please" and not "oh God" before the line went dead.

Again, this is just my opinion. I think the best thing Shawn and Billie both can do is to talk to LE and clear the air with them instead of putting it all out there for the whole entire world to hear. This whole "mess" as Billie Dunn so politely refers to it as should be on the Jerry Springer show. It's ridiculous and it does absolutely nothing to bring Hailey home. It's just really really unfortunate that Billie couldn't be the mother that Hailey so deserved. Hailey was a special, beautiful, intelligent child who deserved so much more than what she was given. Once her mother brought that man into her life, her cares and concerns for her children flew out the window. She was a "teenager" in love with her "awesome" boyfriend and couldn't even take time to be a proper parent to not only Hailey but her brother as well. It's sickening to me.


Agree. Wanted to jump off the awesome. BD said the relationship was awesome and SA stated tonight that she was an awesome mother. This whole mother thing.....imo.

Since when did "Do what?" replace "Excuse me?" for requesting someone to repeat what they hd said. I thought I was listen to a 50s Doo Wap song..
Well if they were upset about some things said,they would want to call BD about it.IMO Because SA might now be worried if BD would make a plea deal.KWIM
Never mind,someone just said that,it's my main thought of why the person would want SA to call BD.As a matter of fact,maybe that's what happened,he wasn't answering the radioshow call,but was calling Billie and just clicked on the phone to make the call and the radioshow was on it.JMO
Thanks for all of the transcribing and the play by play. I didn't get to listen live but thanks to ya'll I got the jest of it.:grouphug:
Does anyone besides me think a woman 6 plus years older than a man could have him wrapped around her wicked little finger ? you know the old saying, a older woman can show you a thing or two about a thing or two.
If BD is the oldest woman SA has been with he could be totally addicted to her for many reasons. IMO

I think this probably will go to the parking lot. oops sorry !!

1. How did Shawn know that Hailey was missing at Noon?

2. Why did Shawn tell his mother that Hailey was missing at Noon, and NOT tell Hailey's Mother?

3. When did Billie tell LE about the description of Hailey's Clothing?

4. Why does Shawn "hope that Billie does not agree to a Plea Bargain"?

5. What in the heck is going on here?

1. He said tonight that DD called him from BD phone and told him what was going on and he "raced right over"! He never gave a time but that would make it 12:30 or 1PM not 3 or 4 as BD stated last night on the same show.

2. He said he tried to call BD at work and she had already left work to go home. (Remember DD has her cell phone)

3. BD says she told LE the description of her clothes on Tuesday evening AFTER Shawn got home. (Can you tell they have rehersed their stories pretty good?)

4. He doesn't want to go to jail, go straight to jail. Do not pass GO! Do not collect $200!!

5. ????? Your guess is as good as mine.

And rest assured LE heard it all! The prosecutor and the FBI probably did also. And they can subpoena the tape. :)
Also the host told him some things that BD said last night on the show,which maybe didn't make SA happy.
Did Rachael ask SA where he was all day Tuesday?

Where did he "race right over" FROM?
1. He said tonight that DD called him from BD phone and told him what was going on and he "raced right over"! He never gave a time but that would make it 12:30 or 1PM not 3 or 4 as BD stated last night on the same show.

2. He said he tried to call BD at work and she had already left work to go home. (Remember DD has her cell phone)

3. BD says she told LE the description of her clothes on Tuesday evening AFTER Shawn got home. (Can you tell they have rehersed their stories pretty good?)

4. He doesn't want to go to jail, go straight to jail. Do not pass GO! Do not collect $200!!

5. ????? Your guess is as good as mine.


1. I thought he said he called Billies work and they told him she left.
He then called Billies phone and DD answered and told him what was going on, this was about 3:30 or 4:00 and he rushed home.
Can we sleuth this Andrea ? Do we know her last name and where she lives ?

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