British student murdered in Perugia, 3 suspects

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Hi Seven,
If the text is completely random, and nothing to do with the case then it could simply have been a reply i.e.

"hi hun, what you up to tonight, I'm sitting in watching extreme makeover"
"for me, meredith dies tonight"
"oh I forgot greys was on"

Not the best example, but you get my drift.

If it came from one of the suspects.... well that is a completely different story!

Yeah, something like that.

"what do you think is going to happen on greys?"
"for me, meredith dies tonight"
"aww man i hope not, i love her"

I'm sure by now they know who sent the text... and I'm also pretty sure it wasn't any of the suspects (because there hasn't been a peep about this). My bet is on the strange coincidence. All just IMO.
I just hate these people so much!

"Mr Sollecito had been heard in an intercepted phone call telling his father Franco, a respected urologist from Bari, that "those stupid policemen" had failed to find the three inch flick knife he carried in his jeans when he was first questioned."
Who's stupid indeed??

"I saw my daughter for an hour and I feel happier for having seen her," Mrs Mellas told RAI, Italian state television. "Amanda told me she was very upset by the death of her friend but was confident she would be released soon."

"Father Saulo Scarabattoli, the prison chaplain, said Ms Knox had not shown any concern about Mr Sollecito in prison, and he had not asked about her. He said Ms Knox was "pouring her heart out on paper", writing her account of her life."

And from this one:

"In interviews with Italian newspapers conducted from prison, Raffaele Sollecito, 24, said that he never wanted to see Ms Knox again. “If I am here it’s her fault above all,” he said, answering questions through his lawyer."

"Mr Sollecito said that he had met Ms Kercher when Ms Knox fetched clothes from their cottage. The two women were on bad terms, he said, and had argued over domestic matters."

And this:

"Robyn Butterworth, one of the last people to see Miss Kercher alive, told police in Britain that Amanda Knox, 20, "seemed proud" of being the first person to see the body...."I went into the police waiting room. It was around 10.30pm. In the waiting room was Amanda, Meredith's flatmate.
"She kept talking about how she had found Meredith and seemed proud of being the first to find her. She behaved as if she was not upset."
T-Rex said: "She behaved as if she was not upset." Yep.....that is how sociopath's behave.
writing her account of her life

Shes only 20 theres not much to write about.Poor girl,NOT!She was going to a decent college in UW and then to be in Italy living going to school being able to go to different countries ect Yea she was living a hard life :rolleyes:

I think she is a sociopath.Shes really showing no emotion about Meredith and shes going to write her life down on paper:banghead: It will not be long and she will be trying to sell her life story to the highest bidder.:furious:
The forensic info is due out today, it'll be interesting to see whose hair was in Meredith's hand. That should put things into perspective.
The forensic info is due out today, it'll be interesting to see whose hair was in Meredith's hand. That should put things into perspective.

I think there is a good possiblity that the hair sample that was found was Merediths.. she may have attempted to stem the bleeding or in her attempts to push the weapon/hand may have transferred her own hair to her hand. However I dearly hope that is not the case and that it is evidence of the perps... a direct forensic link of this kind is needed at this point.
I think all 3 are involved .. AK is a narcissitic sociopath... her behavior exemplifies those characteristics.. not sure about the other 2 but I don beleive they are involved I just hope there is enough evidence to prove so..Interstingly there is another case In Paris today of a similar crime at the hands of a very drunk/drugged young woman.. (I attached the link below) which honestly just makes me wonder why so many are interested in "extreme sexual experiences".. or maybe this is just a copy cat crime ?
The Italian press is reporting that Meredith's DNA is found on the knife.
It has also hit the UK news media...


It comes as blood was found on a tissue and a sponge at the flat of Knox's boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito.
Sollecito's lawyers have attempted to explain away the blood by suggesting that the traces found are Sollecito's own because they claim he suffers from nosebleeds.

Police have also discovered that a call was made from Meredith's mobile phone to a recorded message service at 10.15pm on the night of her murder, according to the Times.
Police have said that phone records also showed that the phone at Mr Sollecito's flat rang at "around midnight" on the evening of the murder but no-one answered."
Do you think the murder was premeditated?

At first I thought it was a spur of the moment, drug induced attack.

Then I thought maybe the sexual part was planned but it got out of control. But that doesn't really make sense because Meredith would have reported the assault and they would have know that.

Could this have been a perfect storm meeting of some real freaks?
Do you think the murder was premeditated?

At first I thought it was a spur of the moment, drug induced attack.

Then I thought maybe the sexual part was planned but it got out of control. But that doesn't really make sense because Meredith would have reported the assault and they would have know that.

Could this have been a perfect storm meeting of some real freaks?

Funny, you should ask that Albert! :eek:

Meredith Kercher investigators say knife was part of a premeditated attack

here is another article discussing the premeditation portion of their theory...

Its really sad but it doesnt look like meredith had a chance in He** of getting out of there in one peice.. the more that comes out, the more I feel for her poor family and for meredith.. she just had the misfortune of being the roomate and ultimately the victim in this very sick and disturbing crime.
Here is more about it being a premeditated murder:

Police said that further evidence against Mr Sollecito had come to light in the form of receipts from a shop near his flat for bleach, bought on the morning after the murder and allegedly used to clean an 8in kitchen knife and Mr Sollecito’s Nike trainers. The first receipt was timed at 8.30am on November 2, and the second 45 minutes later, suggesting that the first container of bleach had not been sufficient. The bleach was also used to clean up the flat itself.
If the bleach was bought the morning after the murder, how can that prove premiditation? To me, that screams to complete opposite.
Does anybody know if Italy allows plea bargaining? I assume not since they haven't turned one of the suspects yet.

I also wonder how premeditation is defined? I assume when the sexual assault started they planned to kill her.
I believe it boils down to the transporting of the knife to the apartment where Knox lived. Both Italian roommates categorically said that this knife was not from the apartment. It was from Sollecito's home or elsewhere.
well the latest is that the 4th suspect has been apprehended and is returning to italy.. sounds like he has some drug connections and he is a self proclaimed "vampire" which adds a new dimension to the cuts on Merediths throat...
It is also soundig more than likely that PL will be released.. the only evidence at the moment against him is the cell phone ping.. there is no DNA or other evidence to indicate his participation. Other that of course AK's statement however she has provided several none of which seem to be the true version of the events that night. Sounds like she is using PL as a cover for the 4th suspect who knows the truth thus failure to admit to his involvement.. perhaps he will be the weak link here.. and give the real acounting of the details that fategful night..lets hope
I think miss Knoxy and her loser boyfriend are probably sticking to the plan. Hopefully this new guy will upset their little world.

Kids mess around and ruin somebody's lawn, you don't kill somebody. This must have been a convergence of some real losers.
I think miss Knoxy and her loser boyfriend are probably sticking to the plan. Hopefully this new guy will upset their little world.

Kids mess around and ruin somebody's lawn, you don't kill somebody. This must have been a convergence of some real losers.

As another poster put it.. "a perfect storm".. It reminds me to some degree of the crime in CT where the wife and daughters were raped and murdered.. some by way of the fire they set to cover their crime. It seems as if in this case you had the e individuals that would result in such as escalation of violence and the brutal attack on a purely innocent victim who in all likelihood was simply unfirtunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her worst offense was being AK's roomate and finding fault in her behavior and catching the eye of another in the group as a sexual target.
Well, it sounds like they have the three that raped, tortured and murdered this innocent girl. I hope that they spend the rest of their lives behind bars, at the very least.

I had a feeling that Patrick may not be involved. I mean, NONE of his DNA or any trace of him was in the apartment. I know that isn't full proof; however, unless they can get the text messages, they may be out of luck with him.

It sounds like they are continuing the investigation. Justice for Meredith. I'm assuming this gang was in a drug induced state.
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