Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #14

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You're not kidding. My kids always get me doing something stupid and I forget its there all the time.

Lots of the laptops also have web cams built in. The lens is so small you, miss it if you weren't looking. A laptop can be sitting on the desk open and you'd have no idea you were being filmed or broadcast.
Supposedly, Brooke was in the store with MJ to set up the phony story she was going to tell her a friend, go visit friends relative in the hosp., etc. Again, supposedly, MJ asked the clerk if Brookes friend didn't show up, could Brooke use the phone to call someone to come and pick her up. So....they leave the store and go their separate ways. MJ and A.R. could have circled the block and picked her up. Makes more sense than Brooke wandering around town. Unless, MJ told her to "be seen". But why? Did Brooke even know about the made up story to mom? Personally, I'm nowhere near believing everything A.R. has said about that morning and day.

Also, RG said he had *advertiser censored* of girls as young as 5 years old....where did the info come from about "5 years worth of Russian *advertiser censored*"?
Gagnon affidavit
Jacques affidavit

I'm starting to believe that Denise was on a business trip. That would be a reason for MJ to be home that be with the kids. ick. Cassandra said Brooke wasn't allowed to be at MJs home without another adult being there. Maybe Denise left that morning, early, and Brooke was supposed to go home. But, she wanted to stay for the "party"?

This is too confusing....
He appears to have been more concerned about Brooke's mother and sister than he was about his wife, and frankly I can see why if she bought the story that her daughter was holding sex toys "for a friend". I would love to have seen the look on the investigators' faces when she came out with that one.

me toooooo...
I have to add my two cents. My personal feeling (and hope!) is that the occurrance with the towel and device found in AR's bedroom happened VERY recently, and THAT is the reason she has been talking to AR's father and scheduling counseling sessions for her and AR. The fact that MJ allegedly told AR (as a third person, of course) that he 'heard around town' that Denise had been talking about divorcing MJ also alludes to the strong possibility that there was big trouble in the marriage - and I am hopeful that she was seriously talking divorce. Just imo, of course!

That whole scenario with the Mom talking to the real Dad, IMO, is a LIE. He tells her in the email not to tell or let on to the Mom that she knows about said contact with "FATHER" because it will cause trouble or a fight and the Mom would find a way to blame the stepdad(dad) if she did. Much of that long paragraph also puts down the Mom in various ways, and he says she has nothing to complain about, etc., etc. The whole thing was meant to play with AR's mind again and make her resent or dislike her Mom, to cause distance and problems in that relationship. AR replies to the crap that she would kill her Mom if she left the stepdad.

(above emails referenced starting on Page 7 of Adnoids link,
Just because they were stuck on stupid doesn't mean others weren't just as stupid. Stupid flocks together when it comes to these . AR said she was with other men besides MJ... we know about RG so who else was that stupid in that little town? She said she was drugged... do we believe that they didn't know about GHB? Do we really believe that only two men were involved ?
Stupid has a way of attracting others that are just as stupid..... there are more and they will go down on a wide range of charges from sex with a minor, to kiddie *advertiser censored* ... owning, distributing it ....

good point, becca...
If my husband was arrested for such a thing...I woudn't be in court to support him. I might go so I could hear all the charges against him.

Me too. I'd be there to hear the charges.
I definitely wouldn't go to support him. :mad:
Honestly, I would be ashamed for people to know he was my husband.
Something tells me Denise isn't ignorant to the sex ring.
Me too. I'd be there to hear the charges.
I definitely wouldn't go to support him. :mad:
Honestly, I would be ashamed for people to know he was my husband.
Something tells me Denise isn't ignorant to the sex ring.

IF there are bigger players involved in this, AND she knew what was going on, it makes more sense for her to 'stand by her man' and show her support, because otherwise she may face retribution?

IMO, she WAS involved simply by the fact of allowing children to be around that man. Even if the towel incident happened only a few weeks previous, she should have kicked him out, or packed herself and the kids up and left.... IMO!!!!
Denise needs to deal with the fact that MJ married her to gain access to her daughter....I wonder what part of "registered sex offender" she didn't understand?
I don't know. I still can't see *why* when he was contacted by LE that he would spill his guts about having 5 years worth of Russian child *advertiser censored* on his computer and immediately implicate himself, when he had no prior record. I mean he could have just said, I was doing my ex-bil a favor, trying to change some dates on my step daughter's my space account. And why was he so explicit about the type of *advertiser censored*?

UNless, for some reason, RG knows IF he doesn't implicate himself and get himself arrested and incarcerated into protective custody of sorts, he's going to be one big fat dead duck.


I don't know what to say outside what I've already said I'm guessing the reason is.

He was already implicated in a child's murder with a live child saying the killer and he had sexually assaulted her under threat of death of she and her mother. That carries the death penalty by federal law.

I think he was trying to cop a plea with the investigators to escape state execution. They already had the goods on him and he was gonna die anyway at hands of the state. I don't think he was afraid of the skinny weasel Jacques. I have guns in my home for self-protection. I know what sporting chance I'd give Jacques and I'm just a lil' old lady 100#s.

A life sentence in federal prison and possibly state execution by the feds is a bit much just because you feared a skinny weasel the likes of MJ in my opinion. That's just how I assess the situation though for what it's worth.
I'm almost afraid to ask... doesn't AR have a younger stepsister? How old is she?
IF there are bigger players involved in this, AND she knew what was going on, it makes more sense for her to 'stand by her man' and show her support, because otherwise she may face retribution?

IMO, she WAS involved simply by the fact of allowing children to be around that man. Even if the towel incident happened only a few weeks previous, she should have kicked him out, or packed herself and the kids up and left.... IMO!!!!

She should have packed her kids up when he went to prison for aggravated rape and kidnapping. End of story.
Denise needs to deal with the fact that MJ married her to gain access to her daughter....I wonder what part of "registered sex offender" she didn't understand?

I so agree. There was some speculation I read somewhere that she may have found him with herself a willing pen pal while he was still in prison. But who knows.
Also, RG said he had *advertiser censored* of girls as young as 5 years old....where did the info come from about "5 years worth of Russian *advertiser censored*"?

Oops, I said that. :iamashamed0005:

So sorrreee

So much info. So little sleep.
I'm almost afraid to ask... doesn't AR have a younger stepsister? How old is she?

Yes, MJ and Denise's child together. I hope he didn't molest her. If he hadn't yet, it wouldn't be long before he did. IMO
IMO, she WAS involved simply by the fact of allowing children to be around that man. Even if the towel incident happened only a few weeks previous, she should have kicked him out, or packed herself and the kids up and left.... IMO!!!!
I just finished rereading the afidavits...:furious:
Yep, there was a towel incident, a find the KY Jelly incident,
and a find the dildo incident.
Denise can't be that stupid. :scream::yuck:
Ray has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and they all had "respectable" jobs. I have a feeling that MJ's money and land partly came from some inheritance from the family. His family is well connected in the community and has maintained successful businesses there for many, many years.
Didn't MJ and his father rape the sister/daughter? Didn't they go to prison for this offense? It seems to me that the father may have raped MJ. If not, the sexual offenses were out there in the open for MJ to do this to his sister. What a sick, sick family. I don't see how they were not run out of town.
I just finished rereading the afidavits...:furious:
there was a towel incident, a find the KY Jelly incident,
and a find the dildo incident.
Denise can't be that stupid. :scream::yuck:
Even if AR said that she was holding things for a friend, why wouldn't Denise call the friend's mother? I know that I would call AR's bluff because I would be quite suspicious of my young daughter running around with a towel on with my RSO husband in the house with her. Couple that with the other finds and the alarm bells would be sounding loudly.

I suspect that Denise was naive in that she probably questioned AR over and over again. AR is apparently an accomplished liar and probably convinced her mother that nothing was going on. The boyfriend was probably added to the mix and might have calmed the mother's suspicions. I wonder if the boyfriend was MJ's idea.
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