Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #17

DNA Solves
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If the DNA was only seminal fluid from him, there would be no mixture of the partner (how do I put this on here?) if the item producing it was free of bodily fluid from the partner due to not being mixed to begin with. In other words, it is quite possible to only have his DNA on the tissue until Brooke's DNA was added to it.

The comment about who was holding the camera during the threesome is really easy as I explained before. The camera was probably on a tripod or in a fixed position such as behind a wall etc. Stills can be produced easily from a video. There did not have to be a third person to take photos. I also recall that LE said that Gagnon still had the photos of the teens and they were not included in the safe disposal. (I need to find that article.)

I am also wondering about the TOD now due to an open casket. While I realize that much can be done these days in reconstruction, it is difficult to imagine after a week in warm weather.

It was heartwarming to hear that 1,000 people attended her funeral. She must have touched many lives in many ways. Bless her heart. She will be missed.

She left a wake-up call for people to be more diligent in taking responsible care of their children. Maybe because of her, others girls will be spared due to their parents not allowing a RSO to be near them. Maybe because of her, mothers will choose their partners wisely and check them out for past offenses. Maybe because of her, we are all more aware of the dangers facing children today with the internet and these predators. RIP Brooke Bennett. :(
As far as logs, I'd doubt any are kept for more than a month. It's a huge amount of data.

As far as trying to hide via the VPN, it may not work and may even trap them. The default VPN setups I have seen route traffic to the remote network through the VPN but other traffic goes direct (NOT through the VPN). If the VPN logs show a connection from a certain IP at the same time Myspace shows updates from that same IP it would show me collusion between the two primary scumbags here - which I think has already been pretty well established, however.

I agree i wouldnt think Yahoo will keep those logs for a while- specially if they have millions of subscribers.

I would like to see how FEDS made the decision why they think Rauel and Chevy is only one person and MJ's using both of them. My interpretation on what they did is they'ved done forensic test on both the work laptop and home PC but they didnt mention that the only IP address used in those two accounts are only 2 ( one at home and one at work ) . I do believe that MJ is one of them but i do believe also that Ray is somehow using the . I do think that Ray did more than just obstruction of justice here IMO. remote usage on VPN is the only thing i can think of if FEDS will say that there are only 2 source IP ADDRESS for these two emails. But i doubt that Yahoo can provide them with all the logs informations.

Thanks for responding to my post even i know you guys are so busy today :)
a while ago i watched the rebroadcast of Brooke's funeral...I then went to tuck my 12 yr old daughter in bed and just held on to her so hard..I didnt want to let go....I couldn't help but just sob after...why does this happen? Why can't we stop it??
All I know is this case has effected me in a profound way and I want to do whatever it is I can to change laws that allow monsters like this NOT to be walking free and around our children...I hope Brooke didnt die in vain..I hope the state of Vermont pushes for harder sentances against SO...4 years?? For such a brutal offense?? what a joke...

Shame on the judges, probation officers and mothers that look the other way...she was just a baby that depended on all of them to keep her safe...none of them pisses me off!

needed to rant...sorry
I have not gotten caught up yet. I had to get off the computer because of having had company.
I just wanted to say that your sister probably had gotten beautiful hand drawn greeting cards also, didn't she?
Some inmates find 'jailhouse religion' and butter would not melt in their mouth! Others become budding artists. But they are all con men. This is what they do. Not all, but most, find women who will fall for their lies.
I was in law enforcement for a time and had been in Corrections also. I finally just had more than I could stand of it. Then I tried the administrative part of it with supervising the admin office. I only lasted a year and a half at that. I would notorize their legal papers, etc. These inmates were always trying to appeal their sentences and all were 'innocent'! Of course.

I just hope that your sister is not completely taken in by this person. Thank you for your post!

Yes the letters, she showed them to me complete with poetry and drawings and all the sweet talk. She was taken in by him as I outlined in the previous post but what saved her from hooking up with him is that he found another fool who was probably more attractive than my sister or whatever.
a while ago i watched the rebroadcast of Brooke's funeral...I then went to tuck my 12 yr old daughter in bed and just held on to her so hard..I didnt want to let go....I couldn't help but just sob after...why does this happen? Why can't we stop it??
All I know is this case has effected me in a profound way and I want to do whatever it is I can to change laws that allow monsters like this NOT to be walking free and around our children...I hope Brooke didnt die in vain..I hope the state of Vermont pushes for harder sentances against SO...4 years?? For such a brutal offense?? what a joke...

Shame on the judges, probation officers and mothers that look the other way...she was just a baby that depended on all of them to keep her safe...none of them pisses me off!

needed to rant...sorry

Welcome to WS's Shinalite!!! Your awareness of these kind of predators is the best defense yourself and your children have against the 's. Being aware of their tactics makes you immune.
I know this will not be popular but I was glad to see that Denise attended with little C. She did not intrude and sit with the family. The preacher appears to ask if its ok for C to speak before he calls her up. Little C cannot possibly comprehend what has happened, I think it was very very important for her to attend this funeral, she doesnt understand at this point that her mother allowed danger into her house etc. I am sure in little Cs mind she has lost her father, a cousin, and a sister, she doesnt need to feel she lost a mom right now also. I thought it was wonderful that Cassandra stood up and hugged little C after she spoke, this little girl didnt have a dang thing to do with what has happened and I am glad Cassandra realizes thats.

I agree that it was good Denise and C attended the funeral... who knows how Denise is feeling inside or the circumstances of her daily life. At the end of the day she also lost a lot in this ordeal, of course her beautiful niece Brooke was murdered, and in addition to that (assuming she was totally clueless) her mental picture of her family, her husband as a good life partner and daughter as a innocent girl, and her faith in her own decision making is most likely forever shattered. I think she has a right to grieve just like the rest of Brooke's family.
a while ago i watched the rebroadcast of Brooke's funeral...I then went to tuck my 12 yr old daughter in bed and just held on to her so hard..I didnt want to let go....I couldn't help but just sob after...why does this happen? Why can't we stop it??
All I know is this case has effected me in a profound way and I want to do whatever it is I can to change laws that allow monsters like this NOT to be walking free and around our children...I hope Brooke didnt die in vain..I hope the state of Vermont pushes for harder sentances against SO...4 years?? For such a brutal offense?? what a joke...

Shame on the judges, probation officers and mothers that look the other way...she was just a baby that depended on all of them to keep her safe...none of them pisses me off!

needed to rant...sorry

I could not have said it better myself. Brooke is in peace now, she's happy and free of pain. Hopefully she's looking down and knows that what she went through will not be in vain, that we are doing our best to change things here. Because of her, I do believe that many young children will be spared this same abuse. I hope that puts a smile on her face.

Thank you Brooke and may you rest in peace.
If the DNA was only seminal fluid from him, there would be no mixture of the partner (how do I put this on here?) if the item producing it was free of bodily fluid from the partner due to not being mixed to begin with. In other words, it is quite possible to only have his DNA on the tissue until Brooke's DNA was added to it.

The comment about who was holding the camera during the threesome is really easy as I explained before. The camera was probably on a tripod or in a fixed position such as behind a wall etc. Stills can be produced easily from a video. There did not have to be a third person to take photos. I also recall that LE said that Gagnon still had the photos of the teens and they were not included in the safe disposal. (I need to find that article.)

I am also wondering about the TOD now due to an open casket. While I realize that much can be done these days in reconstruction, it is difficult to imagine after a week in warm weather.

It was heartwarming to hear that 1,000 people attended her funeral. She must have touched many lives in many ways. Bless her heart. She will be missed.

She left a wake-up call for people to be more diligent in taking responsible care of their children. Maybe because of her, others girls will be spared due to their parents not allowing a RSO to be near them. Maybe because of her, mothers will choose their partners wisely and check them out for past offenses. Maybe because of her, we are all more aware of the dangers facing children today with the internet and these predators. RIP Brooke Bennett. :(

Hi, SS!
On the hankerchief - When the hankerchief was rubbed on the stomach to transfer the seminal fluid onto it, there is going to be DNA on the hankerchief of the person who used the hankerchief. It is impossible for there not to be.
(I was not speaking in relation to Brooke) MJ had instructed the person to use a clean, white hankerchief per the 18 page affidavit where the emails are located.

On the 'threesome', you are probably right about that. The picture was made somehow.

I am wondering the same as you are concerning the TOD.

It really is good to know that so many people were at the service for Brooke. She is at peace now. May she fly with the angels.

I would like to see Vermont come up with revamp of their laws in the name of Brooke. There HAS to be new sentencing guidelines made, and Judges who sentence accordingly. AND no 'good time' as well as having to serve every second of their sentence - no parole.

As far as I am personally concerned, it should be LWOP for even molesting a baby, child, preteen, and teen. I am outraged at the lenient sentencing.
Yes the letters, she showed them to me complete with poetry and drawings and all the sweet talk. She was taken in by him as I outlined in the previous post but what saved her from hooking up with him is that he found another fool who was probably more attractive than my sister or whatever.

That is good to know! I am glad your sister is safe.
I just read the funeral thread. When looking at the funeral pictures, a chill went down my spine. Brooke's cousin was the little girl standing at the podium. She is such a cutie.
Her mother was the lady standing beside her, right?
If that child's father is one of the perps, that child should be examined physically, mentally and emotionally.
The lawyer on O'Reily last night said that Vermont thinks it's a sickness and boasts of it's top notch, best in the country rehab program. They simply cannot be cured. The former prosecutor backed that statement and more. She said believe it or not there are murderers that can be rehabilitated but not pedophiles. Certainly she didn't mean serial killers for instance but I think we all get her point.
I just read the funeral thread. When looking at the funeral pictures, a chill went down my spine. Brooke's cousin was the little girl standing at the podium. She is such a cutie.
Her mother was the lady standing beside her, right?
If that child's father is one of the perps, that child should be examined physically, mentally and emotionally.

Yes that is Brooke's little 8 year old cousin. Parents are Denise and MJ.
I just read the funeral thread. When looking at the funeral pictures, a chill went down my spine. Brooke's cousin was the little girl standing at the podium. She is such a cutie.
Her mother was the lady standing beside her, right?
If that child's father is one of the perps, that child should be examined physically, mentally and emotionally.

I agree. It's just heartbreaking. That little girl was the picture of innocence. Her whole world has just imploded and I don't think she has any real idea how much, it's impossible that she can know what forever means and how much her life is going to change.
If the DNA was only seminal fluid from him, there would be no mixture of the partner (how do I put this on here?) if the item producing it was free of bodily fluid from the partner due to not being mixed to begin with. In other words, it is quite possible to only have his DNA on the tissue until Brooke's DNA was added to it.

The comment about who was holding the camera during the threesome is really easy as I explained before. The camera was probably on a tripod or in a fixed position such as behind a wall etc. Stills can be produced easily from a video. There did not have to be a third person to take photos. I also recall that LE said that Gagnon still had the photos of the teens and they were not included in the safe disposal. (I need to find that article.)

I am also wondering about the TOD now due to an open casket. While I realize that much can be done these days in reconstruction, it is difficult to imagine after a week in warm weather.

Hi SS. It's my understanding that people didn't get a good look at Brooke, her casket was up on the stage and people passed down below, not like you would have in a funeral home.

I too doubt there was a third person filming or taking pics in the room, I'm glad you explained that again. It was so much easier to set up a camera, and film that without one of them knowing where it would end up, I imagine that is Juv 2.

Good points about the DNA on the handkerchief too. But when AR described the incident in the affidavit that I think produced the sample, it makes ya wonder how her DNA didn't also get mixed. Someone else mentioned it was on AR's stomach, but just to be factual, I believe MJ tells AR to collect it from her back. The blood on the handerkerchief has also not been indentified by what WE know. I think we can assume it's Brooke's though.
Making me ill to type this out, but I do not think we know how the semen got on the cloth, it may have not come in contact with AR at all. I thought the reference earlier to the semen being on her back wasnt when it was collected, I thought she said she would get it later? I could of misunderstood the time frame it was collected.
Also went back to the affidavits and copy and paste isnt working for me but it says the white handkerchief had blood and semen and there were torn girls underwear. The dna from the handkerchief and the underwear were consistent with Brookes DNA and that the semen extracted from the handkerchief was not Jacques.

Also per the affidavit on the 23rd he does tell her to wipe it from her stomach.
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