Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #19

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I agree. Currently I am under the opinion that MJ had groomed AR for a future prostitution/*advertiser censored* ring. I believe this may have been the final stage of the Breckenridge program. Meanwhile, because of MJ's infatuation with early age (prior to "teenage" lets say), I believe he was in the process of "recruiting Brooke" while preparing AR for "farming out".

could be that was the last 25% of her "training" is to be "farmed out"

good theory
Does anyone know why the media isn't really covering this story at all? I know it is horrific and that it is an ongoing investigation but so is other stories they follow. It seems to me once they got their "perp" we hardly ever hear anymore unless the trial is on Court TV. Why is that?
Does anyone know why the media isn't really covering this story at all? I know it is horrific and that it is an ongoing investigation but so is other stories they follow. It seems to me once they got their "perp" we hardly ever hear anymore unless the trial is on Court TV. Why is that?

That's frustrating. Personally, I think people are becoming desensitized to it all because it is happening so much.
busylady said:
In my opinion EVERYONE failed A.R. and Brooke. It is easy to sit back and put the blame on Denise and Cassandra, but they did not do this horrible crime. Could they of stopped it from happening? Maybe, but so could Brookes father, Brookes stepmother, Brookes grandma, A.Rs bio dad, Jacques family members who had dealt with issues in the past, and the list goes on and on. The people in town who knew about Jacques history why where they not screaming from the roof tops, are they responsible also? ...
I agree with you, busylady. There is plenty of blame to go around. I think that we tend to blame the mothers because we expect them to be more vigilant than everyone else. What bothers me is Denise was extremely close to MJ's sister. Didn't any of his past history ever come out? Wouldn't the sister warn her SIL?

I've also questioned more than once why Brooke's bio dad would have permitted Brooke to be around MJ. I have to give him a break if he didn't know about him molesting the sister. If he only knew about the 18-year-old, he may have not realized that MJ was a pedophile. Even Denise may not have realized that he was a pedophile if she didn't know about the sister. To me, it was the sister's duty to tell Denise (since they were close).

I can well imagine that MJ glossed over the incident about the 18-year-old. He may have told Denise that she was a willing participant and then cried "rape" later. Who knows what he told her, but I will bet that it wasn't the truth.

Surely Denise should feel betrayed by MJ's sister with this information now being exposed. If so, why on earth would she even be around the sister? I guess that Denise has now put 2 and 2 together (all of the overt signs with AR coupled with the forced incest of his young sister).

I firmly believe that it was the sister (the blonde) crying at MJ's hearing. I just do not understand why Denise was even there unless she was enraged and wanted him to see her. She was emotionless according to the article, IIRC.
That's frustrating. Personally, I think people are becoming desensitized to it all because it is happening so much.

More of a reason to KEEP it on the tv. Then maybe people will realize that it is EVERYWHERE and that it could even be in your own backyard so to speak.
It makes me scared to think what kind of world my two year old daughter is going to grow up in?!
Are you freakin kidding me???? WTH is wrong with lawmakers that they would let some sick pervert back out on the streets???? I can't even believe it:eek:

Nope, snip from article

Took is now appealing. Despite his indeterminate sentence, he will be eligible for parole in just three and a half years, having already served nearly a year on remand.

Again, not trying to go off topic from Brooke, trying to convey these pedos are all over the place. There are 130 being looked at that were on chats with this guy alone. It's so scary. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN!

I want to quote one more line from this article...this shoulda been her first clue!!
When Pat met Took 25 years ago, she was divorced from her first husband by whom she had a son and two teenage daughters. Took, her junior by seven years, charmed Pat and paid flattering attention to her daughters, particularly Jennifer who was 13 at the time. Now Pat says wearily, but without a trace of self-pity, ‘He married me for my money. And for my children.’ It was Pat’s money that enabled Took to lead his double life, giving him a substantial Chelsea home as a base and all the attendant means and prosperous gloss to hide behind.
Pat’s family noticed that Took liked teenage girls. They treated it as a bit of a joke, which they feel sick about in hindsight, but none of them ever imagined his passion was for small children.

I really am having a hard time believing this woman, and the adults in Brooke's life, did not know what was going on. They need to be punished.
i think part of the reason they arent covering it is because nothing new regarding the investigation has come out since the feds took over, but i still dont understand why the more explosive and shocking details from the latest affidavit have not been reported.

regarding brooke, MJ certainly may have had the idea in the past to do the same thing with brooke that he had done with AR, but i dont think anything in the evidence we have seen so far suggests that that was his plan recently. even tho AR told authorities that she thought brooke was to "initiated into the sex ring" that day, i dont think that is true at all.

i think AR may or may not have known MJ's true plan, but i dont see any room ofr doubt that Mj certainly didnt have any expectation that he was recruiting another girl that day. everything we know so far says that they saw her as a "threat" and something "had to be done". they were angry with her and her sister, and wanted to see brooke suffer and be degraded.

i dont think any sort of formal "breckenridge program" existed, he made it all up on the fly to satisfy whatever sick urges he had. it wasnt 25% this and 16% that, AR was never going to reach 75% approval and "graduate", it was all just a device so he could rape his stepdaughter.
Horribly disgusting,.. I feel like vomitting:puke:

Actually...our depraved society makes me "feel like vomitting".

I blame the United States Supreme Court Justices of thirty years ago for our current depravity. Although we were a nation of liberal sinners, we were still in control of laws regarding obscenity, lewdness, and *advertiser censored*. Those erudite justices threw us a mean curve when they said that it was up to a local community to define what was acceptable, and what wasn't.

I wish I could remember the exact ruling, but... it's stupidity digusted me so much that I have blocked almost everything having to do with that kind of reasoning since then.
This was posted this morning in Up to the Minute Section The Establishment Paedophile: How a Monster hid in High Society it is everywhere...there are so many of these sick #@%$s out there! Look how much time he rec'd :eek: Long disturbing article at link.

Roger Took was sentenced this February to a minimum of four and a half years in prison as part of an indeterminate sentence for 17 other crimes relating to child abuse.

ETA..I removed most of my post...after reading it, it's just too much to have on the public board IMO. If you want to read it you can click the link. It is truly disturbing. The only reason I am posting is to show it is EVERYWHERE. These monsters are from all walks of life.

This is just heart wrenching,I sometimes can not understand how people can want or crave these things in life,I have been learning a lot from being on this site,some of it makes me ill. I have not went to the site in reference to the equipment because I have trouble with getting things like that out of my head and I have enough stuff there that I wish would go away. I do believe that we do need to be aware of people that are with in or society. Thanks
I agree with you, busylady. There is plenty of blame to go around. I think that we tend to blame the mothers because we expect them to be more vigilant than everyone else. What bothers me is Denise was extremely close to MJ's sister. Didn't any of his past history ever come out? Wouldn't the sister warn her SIL?

I've also questioned more than once why Brooke's bio dad would have permitted Brooke to be around MJ. I have to give him a break if he didn't know about him molesting the sister. If he only knew about the 18-year-old, he may have not realized that MJ was a pedophile. Even Denise may not have realized that he was a pedophile if she didn't know about the sister. To me, it was the sister's duty to tell Denise (since they were close).

I can well imagine that MJ glossed over the incident about the 18-year-old. He may have told Denise that she was a willing participant and then cried "rape" later. Who knows what he told her, but I will bet that it wasn't the truth.

Surely Denise should feel betrayed by MJ's sister with this information now being exposed. If so, why on earth would she even be around the sister? I guess that Denise has now put 2 and 2 together (all of the overt signs with AR coupled with the forced incest of his young sister).

I firmly believe that it was the sister (the blonde) crying at MJ's hearing. I just do not understand why Denise was even there unless she was enraged and wanted him to see her. She was emotionless according to the article, IIRC.

Great point about MJ sister...I have this sick feeling in my gut this story is going to be much worse then we think....BIG FAMILY SECERTS......could it be possible that MJ's sister & MJ were still sexual with each other??? Some times the abused feel very loyal to their abuser and it can go on even as adults......pure speculation but just a theroy as to why MJ's sister wouldn't have warned Denise..maybe because she was still "with" MJ so to speak and it was continuing...she may have been protecting him??????
I don't use myspace so haven't been able to do much exploring there, but I have a question for those who have.

The myspace account with the fake 'skittlemeup' posts - is there any evidence that Brooke EVER used that account herself?
MJ's verbage in the emails could be very interesting as compared to the slang in the urban dictionary:

Africa - After ****king, Rest In a Cool Area

:eek:Safari - 1.When you go online to look at no specific type of *advertiser censored* and you just let the links take you through an erotic maze of spyware infected *advertiser censored* sites.

:eek:2. Starting an erotic internet adventure by going to a free gallary *advertiser censored* site and clicking on a minimum of ten links and/or thumbnails before your allowed to stop and choose which site you want best.

Hunt - someone (male) with long hair and acting like a c**t.(hairyc**t=hunt)

there maybe something to this lingo. just like the "skittles" (this one I knew before going to the dictionary).
Great point about MJ sister...I have this sick feeling in my gut this story is going to be much worse then we think....BIG FAMILY SECERTS......could it be possible that MJ's sister & MJ were still sexual with each other??? Some times the abused feel very loyal to their abuser and it can go on even as adults......pure speculation but just a theroy as to why MJ's sister wouldn't have warned Denise..maybe because she was still "with" MJ so to speak and it was continuing...she may have been protecting him??????

Something I'm wondering also, does his sister have children and if so, did she let MJ be around them?

It's been said MJ's father is now dead, what about his mother is she still living?

MJ's verbage in the emails could be very interesting as compared to the slang in the urban dictionary:

Africa - After ****king, Rest In a Cool Area

:eek:Safari - 1.When you go online to look at no specific type of *advertiser censored* and you just let the links take you through an erotic maze of spyware infected *advertiser censored* sites.

:eek:2. Starting an erotic internet adventure by going to a free gallary *advertiser censored* site and clicking on a minimum of ten links and/or thumbnails before your allowed to stop and choose which site you want best.

Hunt - someone (male) with long hair and acting like a c**t.(hairyc**t=hunt)

there maybe something to this lingo. just like the "skittles" (this one I knew before going to the dictionary).

Other posters have researched words on that site and seems the concensus is you can put just about anything in that dictionary and you will continue to get the same results...that is not reliable...anyone can post on there, a lot of it is made up BS. IMO, FWIW.
Other posters have researched words on that site and seems the concensus is you can put just about anything in that dictionary and you will continue to get the same results...that is not reliable...anyone can post on there, a lot of it is made up BS. IMO, FWIW.

So you believe that there is no correlation with the word Safari:confused: I find that particular one very telling.....
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