Brooke's Funeral

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Lonetraveler--My heart goes out to you on your loss.

I watched the whole thing on the links provided and also thought it seemed a bit awkward. Other than C and her speech, and Savannah reciting her prayer, there didn't seem to be anything said about Brooke. Other funerals, even under tragic circumstances, had memories recalled and were very focused on the deceased. I thought the prayers were lovely but not really centered as much about Brooke more of a general focus on the community.
It was a very clinical funeral, indeed. It was almost as if no one knew Brooke. The preacher was way too Ned Flanders for my taste.
At my dad's yes, we sat up front, but then everyone else left first...back row first, went up took another look at the casket, then came over and paid their respects to us, and then they left. We were the last to leave and alone with my dad for as along as wanted again. I liked it that way. Makes more sense to me.

Okay.....enough about that...this day is for Brooke.
Yes...The day is for Brooke. So hard to comprehend, so sad.
who took the time to put together or post links and pictures regarding Brooke Bennett's funeral, both here and on the photos thread. Seeing all of those beautiful girls, from Brooke's cousin all the way to her friends I was struck by their fresh, young beauty and it really brought home to me that the community had been concealing or unknowingly harboring a "cancer" for a long, long time...I think the repercussions from this tragedy have only just begun.

That being said, I have given up trying to keep up with the threads but have a quick question-did AR attend the funeral? If not, I wonder if she is in custody or in protective custody...
I too believe it was Denise up there with Courtney. If you pause the video where Courtney is hugging Brookes mom (atleast that's who I think she's hugging) and you pull up the photo from MJ's court date that she appeared at, you will see that it is her.
who took the time to put together or post links and pictures regarding Brooke Bennett's funeral, both here and on the photos thread. Seeing all of those beautiful girls, from Brooke's cousin all the way to her friends I was struck by their fresh, young beauty and it really brought home to me that the community had been concealing or unknowingly harboring a "cancer" for a long, long time...I think the repercussions from this tragedy have only just begun.

I agree. Some of those little girls look stunned (including Savanna) -- how do you explain this to a child? What we know now is horrible, I fear there is worse to come.
who took the time to put together or post links and pictures regarding Brooke Bennett's funeral, both here and on the photos thread. Seeing all of those beautiful girls, from Brooke's cousin all the way to her friends I was struck by their fresh, young beauty and it really brought home to me that the community had been concealing or unknowingly harboring a "cancer" for a long, long time...I think the repercussions from this tragedy have only just begun.

That being said, I have given up trying to keep up with the threads but have a quick question-did AR attend the funeral? If not, I wonder if she is in custody or in protective custody...

Another poster found this (my apologies I can't recall who) http://http://

"About 50 family members occupied four rows in front of the casket. To the right of the casket sat Gov. Jim Douglas and several members of the Vermont State Police and FBI, who were out of uniform and in mourning clothes. To the left, well away from the rest of the family, sat Jacques' wife, Denise, and her daughters."
Thanks, gigi-I read the article and could indeed see that it was reported Denise and daughters sat well away from the rest of the family.

I guess I will take a cue from LE with this situation, and point out that they had Vermont State troopers guarding them-whether because there was an expectation of trouble or confrontation, I don't know. I would have thought they simply would not have attended the funeral then, but it took GREAT COURAGE for Denise to attend. I like the idea of having AR attend simply because she needs to see the situation come full circle....and to see the consequences of the choices we make in life; victim or otherwise it is a good lesson.

Would I have had AR's sister speak? Probably not, and I probably would not have had her attend at all, but that is just me. Kids have a hard enough time processing the concept of death, much less the undercurrent of horror and other strong emotions I am sure were exhibited.
Another poster found this (my apologies I can't recall who) http://http://

"About 50 family members occupied four rows in front of the casket. To the right of the casket sat Gov. Jim Douglas and several members of the Vermont State Police and FBI, who were out of uniform and in mourning clothes. To the left, well away from the rest of the family, sat Jacques' wife, Denise, and her daughters."

Wow! Does that mean for sure AR was there?? How many daughters does Denise &/or MJ have???
There is a picture on one of the news sites where little C. is hugging another girl after she read her tribute to Brooke, the girl she is hugging appears to be AR. Her hair color and the length of her hair is very similar to that shown on a picture which was posted at one time of Savanah and AR. I am not sure that picture is still here and available, as it SHOULD have been removed by now for AR's protection.
The picture that I saw of little C hugging someone after she read her tribute was Cassandra who was sitting on the first row.

There is a picture on one of the news sites where little C. is hugging another girl after she read her tribute to Brooke, the girl she is hugging appears to be AR. Her hair color and the length of her hair is very similar to that shown on a picture which was posted at one time of Savanah and AR. I am not sure that picture is still here and available, as it SHOULD have been removed by now for AR's protection.
The picture that I saw of little C hugging someone after she read her tribute was Cassandra who was sitting on the first row.

Do you mean the picture that is in the audio slide show that she is hugging someone that has on a brown tank top and C is holding a picture frame? (I am guessing its a picture of Brooke) The girl is sitting beside a man in a polo white, black and grey striped shirt. I don't think that was Cassandra. It might very well be AR. I did see the pic of Cassandra and C hugging afterwards. But I think this is an entirely different pic.
There is a picture on one of the news sites where little C. is hugging another girl after she read her tribute to Brooke, the girl she is hugging appears to be AR. Her hair color and the length of her hair is very similar to that shown on a picture which was posted at one time of Savanah and AR. I am not sure that picture is still here and available, as it SHOULD have been removed by now for AR's protection.
The girl hugging C. looks like Savannah. I would hope that AR didn't attend this wake. However, I just can't figure out the dynamics of this family. Denise was there. Cassandra and Jim were holding hands. I guess that they are all much more forgiving of one another than I would be.

BTW, that photo of AR is on Myspace for the entire world to see. Removing here doesn't "protect" AR. Also, not mentioning names here doesn't mean that they are not mentioned everywhere else.
The girl hugging C. looks like Savannah. I would hope that AR didn't attend this wake. However, I just can't figure out the dynamics of this family. Denise was there. Cassandra and Jim were holding hands. I guess that they are all much more forgiving of one another than I would be.

BTW, that photo of AR is on Myspace for the entire world to see. Removing here doesn't "protect" AR. Also, not mentioning names here doesn't mean that they are not mentioned everywhere else. It is naive to think that many other sites have all of the information that isn't allowed here.

no the pic I am talking about isn't Savanna,..she has dark hair. This girl has blondish hair. Could I post the pic? It just has the back of her head,.. you can't even see her face or anything?
Link to photo here, and the hair color & length looks nothing like AR's photos.

In the pic in Savanna's myspace page she does have that color hair only longer. In AR's myspace page pic it isn't that color. I know it isn't Savanna and Cassandra wasn't wearing that shirt. I just was making speculations. But that is indeed the pic I was talking about.

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