BSL - Evidentiary Hearing, Friday, Aug 17, 2012, 10:00 A.M.

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one of the things that strikes me especially in this case. is that so many times with everyone speculating and theorizing we hit things pretty close as to what happened. its sort of scary to realize we've read so many of these cases that we can almost script them.

Agree with your post. This WS case has been awesome in finding bits & pieces as well as discussing "what ifs.." that untimately turned out to be fact (or very close) according to BSL's story (as signed by him).

I suspect additional WS discussions will be revealed as fact as well. I think WS has a fantastic group of contributors and this case was significantly enhanced by participation and contributions from Locals and Insiders. Thank you all for being in WS.
Something seems off to me, almost like this could be a pieced together version of events, gathered from various ideas/sources.

And, that part about, suddenly she jumped up after she had been stabbed and left for dead. I mean it could be true, Mickey was very strong.

However, we have to think in terms of a perp. protecting himself with aid from advisors, so to speak.

So, bottom line, can this statement be disputed with further evidence gathered?

Well, the person who pieced together the narrative timeline was no author. :twocents:

The timeline delineated could well be a blending both of BSL's confession and evidentiary findings. However, in order for the plea to have even been made plausible in the first place, facts have to have been matched with known evidence. For instance, his confession would have had to corroborate a bullet hole in the burnt metal of his truck, or explained why forensics found a smear of Mickey's blood on the coffee table or a single long, blond, curly hair in his home as he stumbled in to change and clean himself in preparation for the drive to New Orleans. I'm still trying to digest how in the world he managed to wrangle that bike into the water with his hand and upper body poked up like tenderized turkey, much less make the 2-hour drive to NOLA.

Bottom line is, BSL agreed to the terms of the plea deal. Unless they find some other sucker who did this, I think the plea deal is going to stick if he managed to conveniently forget, or even fudge about, a few issues.
Bless her heart!
The worst part is that mace will not win against a gun, or a knife, for that matter. BSL knew that, which is why he had both with him. This solidifies by belief in concealed carry! She wouldn't have even had to take it out of her bag. Oh my heart is broken for Mickey and her family. I am also forever grateful for her courage to fight back. Who knows how many lives she's saved by fighting back, which ultimately lead to BSL being caught. Who knows how many families may have answers now. May ALL of his victims rest in peace.

me too paddeallday! i got my concealed carry this summer after mickey's incident!
I am not trying to be mean. Just a little too early for the "I told you so's".

My stomach is just sick over what happened to Mickey and the thoughts of what she must have gone through in those last few minutes. And the hatred I can have for a man I have never met. I feel physically ill over it. It has never been about where it happened but just that it did happen.

cajunstrong you said that you would be saying "i told you so" when it was proved your way about the DWT. no one every said "i told you so" now, you just took it that way. she had a substantial post
maybe a past cell mate of his? *shrug*
That makes sense to me, especially upon reading that he told what he did to LP to another prisoner.

Wasn't it said in one news report or document for the evidentiary hearing that the source was credible with a criminal background, or wording like that? It was in a link from a post here.

Couldn't find it again.
As awful as learning these details is, I am struck by a few things-
- At least she wasn't taken to his home, tortured for hours or days, and then killed. It seems like this all happened relatively quickly.

- Did the mace/attempted 911 call/stab/attack (and I'm also going to assume rape or attempted rape since he's a sex offender) happen near Dean & St Landry? That's literally feet from UL's campus (and very dark/secluded at night). Or did this happen somewhere else (like he drove her somewhere else before the cane field)?

- I'm shocked and proud of the courageous, hardcore battle little tiny Mickey Shunick put up against this guy. Go Mickey! I hope his wounds still hurt!

I just wonder if he is telling the whole truth!!!
I want to know HOW he got her in the truck. Even with a gun pointed at her, I think she would have run in the other direction or something. He probably got her in the truck the same way he got the missing girl in Texas in it. I mean how do you get someone against their will into your truck and then have time to throw her bike in the back? Then walk around to the driver's side and get in. She would have had time to get out. I'm thinking stun gun? Ideas?
She was able to mace him, grab his knife, and stab him several times, giving him what were described as "life-threatening cuts."

However, when Lavergne brought Shunick to a seclude cane field in Acadia Parish, she jumped up and regained control of knife. Shunick stabbed him in the chest.


^ A few things not mentioned previously. She had apparently stabbed him before he stabbed her, and then stabbed him again in the cane field.

What a brave, courageous woman. RIP Mickey

If the cuts were life threatening how could he have waited as long as he did to seek medical attention? Did they mean that Mickey stabbed him in an area that could have been life threatening?
Big, loooong sigh here. Just checking in from work and reading the news for the first time. That poor, dear, precious, precious girl. Dear God...the words just aren't coming. Lord, keep that sweet girl safe in your arms for eternity.
[ame=""]KLFY Brandon Lavergne update - YouTube[/ame]

LWOP - update from KLFY on youtube.

jujube - not sure. Couldn't have been very life threatening if he was able to bring her to the cane field, and then bring her back to his home to tend to his wounds.
I want to know HOW he got here in the truck. Even with a gun pointed at her, I think she would have run in the other direction or something. He probably got her in the truck the same way he got the missing girl in Texas in it. I mean how do you get someone against their will into your truck and then have time to throw her bike in the back? Then walk around to the driver's side and get in. She would have had time to get out. I'm thinking stun gun? Ideas?

The way I read it, they're not sure. IMO, he played nice and apologetic, as a lot of folks speculated earlier. Her bike wouldn't ride - she was stranded. Yes, she could have called someone. But maybe he charmed her into the truck - to give her a ride - and then it played out from there.

Maybe not. He could have pointed the gun at her from the get-go.

That seems a higher possibility than her getting in a stranger's truck, even if he was being nice.
Wow he had been making several calls to escort services before he hit Mickey!!!!! Now that tells you intent!
Big, loooong sigh here. Just checking in from work and reading the news for the first time. That poor, dear, precious, precious girl. Dear God...the words just aren't coming. Lord, keep that sweet girl safe in your arms for eternity.

The fight was more prolonged than I expected.... and she fought a lot harder... to grab his knife twice and then mace him. What was his problem that he couldn't keep ahold of his knife?

Maybe the answer is that he was holding her at knifepoint instead of gunpoint. Holding her at knifepoint kept the knife within her reach.

But how did she get it the second time? A holster on his belt? Not understanding how he let her grab it again, after she grabbed it once.

I agree with you - feeling so sorry for what she endured - and so glad she made him pay.
That wording: "she jumped up" doesn't ring true to me. From accounts I've read where a victim has been stabbed and is feigning death in order to escape, those victims don't jump up and attack, they lay motionless, until the perp. leaves the area.

The wording almost makes it sound like the perp. is saying she attacked him, in order to say somehow she is involved--"life-threatening injuries".

I'm so frustrated and sad right now it's unbelievable. I'm glad to have made my way to the WS community in all of this. Lavergne knew what he was after on that terrible night. Having made calls to escort services beforehand. I guess the sick *advertiser censored* could not get an escort so when he seen Mickey pass she was an easy he thought. I hope every victim of BSL can be linked to him. I wonder what would have happened if Mickey didn't fight back in the field...would he have left her there or did more violent acts upon her? I have been getting on WS a good amount lately checking on cases and plan to continue this and do what I can in my area to prevent this from happening again.
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