Thank you for your post and I'm so sorry the Shunicks had to hear these terrible things. May she rest in peace!! I hope he never gets out!!He hit her with the truck, knocked her off, she was in the passenger side of the truck, she sprayed him with mace, he stabbed her a few times, she went lifeless, he went to dump her in a cane field where upon MS awoke, and started to stab BSL for dear life, he then shot her once in the head. He bumped MS on the bike on DEAN and Something street.
What do you mean by threw Mickey? Threw off bike? Threw her into truck?
The plea document:
Sorry for answering my own post, but all of the details are in the plea agreement, including how he moved Mickey's body around.The plea document:
He gave up no details on LP?
Brandon Lavergne wrote the Shunick family a letter. The family says at this time they do not plan on reading it.
Also I am reading "Life Sentence" but I'm not reading LWOP?
Yes, as I recall Meredith had a black belt and the perp. even said that she beat him to the ground. But then he had several weapons with him. He used a police baton to hit her over the head.
Isn't that correct?
Oh, I think plenty of justice for Mickey is gonna come at him when he's in general population at Angola. I wouldn't be too worried.
Personally, I'd much rather see my killer spend the rest of his sorry life being somebody's prison wife (and meeting plenty of prisoners from Acadiana who know what he did to one of their own) at Angola than in a private cell for twenty years while he goes through the mandatory appeals of the death penalty ruling at the tax payers' expense. LWOP sounds way worse to me.