Bulgaria - Lars Mittank, 28, German tourist, Varna airport, 8 July 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I currently live in the Balkans and have been talking about this case with my DH who is Croatian. Our thoughts are that the core of the story is closest to the truth.

They chose Golden sands for the party scene, almost absolutely - there are far more popular, safe a "posh" places Germans usually go (we must rescue many of them every year getting lost on hikes). I think they had been partying, got into an altercation with the futbol fans, and later that night they caught up with him and he was hit hard on the head - we do know at least he absolutely had a ruptured eardrum, but any other excuse like he maybe hallucinated from the antibiotics is just BS to make sure they don't look bad or negligent or an unsafe place to vacation (it is, I would never recommend it). All it takes is a very hard slap with an open palm to the side of the head to rupture an eardrum. I don't think they were "paid"- how would Lars even know that? It is likely the same guys or their friends, and I wouldn't be surprised if a girl is part of that problem. This kind of thing is actually not uncommon especially between rival clubs (we have riot police out every world cup because of the fights here) Nontheless,I think this altercation happened and lead to his injury which lead to his subsequent physical deterioration. When you are traveling (and partying) there is already stress like sleeplessness, not eating well, etc and now he is injured and abandoned by his friends. You do absolutely hear rumors about being killed or kidnapped for all sorts of reasons in this region, and that may have made him paranoid. His scaling the fence at the airport is what keeps me coming back to this theory - as Elainara said, it seems he was trying to get out of there and onto the freeway. When I asked my DH he said without hesitation that there is no reason to doubt the hooligans hurt him seriously and waited to "teach him a lesson"while he was separated from his friends. This may have made him fearful, and the only reason we could find for running out of an airport and scaling a fence. Consider if Lars was afraid they wouldn't let him leave the country and he thought he was involved in some conspiracy. He left his phone - could someone have taken it and this flipped him out? It seems we don't have a straight story of what happened in the doctors. I don't know if it is as involved as the onset of mental illness, or a side effect of his injury, but I do think he could be out there somewhere and that the Bulgarian police are not going to be the ones to solve it - if this poor mother wants Lars found, she must get the German authority to go and do their own search.

A few thoughts, first, if he was beat up and the men were in the airport, wouldn't he be safer to stay put rather than to run away? I would think being in an airport full of people would be more safe than running outside by yourself with no one around to help.

Second, if those men were at the airport and did chase Lars out of the airport or follow him after he took off, they would have been caught on camera.

Third, if he did run away from the men who attacked him, where is Lars now? You don't go into hiding for years because of an altercation with fans from a rival team. Did they catch up to him and harm him?

With the limited video made available to us, Lars doesn't seem too concerned with what is going on behind him. He doesn't act the way I imagine you would if you were being chased. I think back to when I was a child playing tag and I couldn't run more than a few steps without looking behind me to see if my chaser was gaining ground.

But I appreciate your insight and do agree that your thoughts are possible.

With any scenerio, what happened next? That is the million dollar question.
I currently live in the Balkans and have been talking about this case with my DH who is Croatian. Our thoughts are that the core of the story is closest to the truth.

They chose Golden sands for the party scene, almost absolutely - there are far more popular, safe a "posh" places Germans usually go (we must rescue many of them every year getting lost on hikes). I think they had been partying, got into an altercation with the futbol fans, and later that night they caught up with him and he was hit hard on the head - we do know at least he absolutely had a ruptured eardrum, but any other excuse like he maybe hallucinated from the antibiotics is just BS to make sure they don't look bad or negligent or an unsafe place to vacation (it is, I would never recommend it). All it takes is a very hard slap with an open palm to the side of the head to rupture an eardrum. I don't think they were "paid"- how would Lars even know that? It is likely the same guys or their friends, and I wouldn't be surprised if a girl is part of that problem. This kind of thing is actually not uncommon especially between rival clubs (we have riot police out every world cup because of the fights here) Nontheless,I think this altercation happened and lead to his injury which lead to his subsequent physical deterioration. When you are traveling (and partying) there is already stress like sleeplessness, not eating well, etc and now he is injured and abandoned by his friends. You do absolutely hear rumors about being killed or kidnapped for all sorts of reasons in this region, and that may have made him paranoid. His scaling the fence at the airport is what keeps me coming back to this theory - as Elainara said, it seems he was trying to get out of there and onto the freeway. When I asked my DH he said without hesitation that there is no reason to doubt the hooligans hurt him seriously and waited to "teach him a lesson"while he was separated from his friends. This may have made him fearful, and the only reason we could find for running out of an airport and scaling a fence. Consider if Lars was afraid they wouldn't let him leave the country and he thought he was involved in some conspiracy. He left his phone - could someone have taken it and this flipped him out? It seems we don't have a straight story of what happened in the doctors. I don't know if it is as involved as the onset of mental illness, or a side effect of his injury, but I do think he could be out there somewhere and that the Bulgarian police are not going to be the ones to solve it - if this poor mother wants Lars found, she must get the German authority to go and do their own search.

bbm His mother has had a German PI investigating in Bulgaria for years. They have interviewed many people in the key locations and came up empty.

I'm not saying your theory is unlikely though, it may very well have happened as you describe.

No news about Lars on the fb page for many months now. I hope something is going on behind the scenes.

Vail, do you know what the Bulgarians do when an unidentified body/skeletal remains is found? Do they have an online database for that sort of thing?
I do not think Lars was chased out of the airport. At that point I think he was paranoid, fatigued and possibly delusional due to drugs or his injury and ran out because he felt trapped either from something someone did or the doctor may have told him he couldn't leave for some time, for example. He searches ahead of him for escape, rather than behind him as you said. Where he is now? That is a mystery for sure...any unrelated thing could have happened or he is confused and has no way to contact home and wont go to a consulate for whatever reason (perhaps he does not even know where he is from). I don't believe the other men killed him anymore than I can believe he is a vagrant. You would think the first thing Lars would have tried to do is make it to the consulate, right? That is the rational thought. But what if he was terrified of coming into contact with his real or imagined assailants and avoided town or tried to go there but didn't make it? I think the idea of him trying to get home by himself and becoming lost or deceased is the most logical.

Bulgaria has no namus or similar database that allows them to work with neighboring countries on things like UIDs. There is better coordination within the EU member states, but even then there is still no central clearing house beyond what interpol is working on which you can learn more about here https://www.interpol.int/INTERPOL-e...se-of-missing-persons-and-unidentified-bodies


With all the PI has done, I still believe the FIS must help, however they can, especially considering the immigration waves and regional tensions. While organ trafficking is mostly a myth around here, there is still human trafficking, ISIL kidnapping and identity theft to worry about (though his passport was recovered in his luggage, correct?)
I currently live in the Balkans and have been talking about this case with my DH who is Croatian. Our thoughts are that the core of the story is closest to the truth.

They chose Golden sands for the party scene, almost absolutely - there are far more popular, safe a "posh" places Germans usually go (we must rescue many of them every year getting lost on hikes). I think they had been partying, got into an altercation with the futbol fans, and later that night they caught up with him and he was hit hard on the head - we do know at least he absolutely had a ruptured eardrum, but any other excuse like he maybe hallucinated from the antibiotics is just BS to make sure they don't look bad or negligent or an unsafe place to vacation (it is, I would never recommend it). All it takes is a very hard slap with an open palm to the side of the head to rupture an eardrum. I don't think they were "paid"- how would Lars even know that? It is likely the same guys or their friends, and I wouldn't be surprised if a girl is part of that problem. This kind of thing is actually not uncommon especially between rival clubs (we have riot police out every world cup because of the fights here) Nontheless,I think this altercation happened and lead to his injury which lead to his subsequent physical deterioration. When you are traveling (and partying) there is already stress like sleeplessness, not eating well, etc and now he is injured and abandoned by his friends. You do absolutely hear rumors about being killed or kidnapped for all sorts of reasons in this region, and that may have made him paranoid. His scaling the fence at the airport is what keeps me coming back to this theory - as Elainara said, it seems he was trying to get out of there and onto the freeway. When I asked my DH he said without hesitation that there is no reason to doubt the hooligans hurt him seriously and waited to "teach him a lesson"while he was separated from his friends. This may have made him fearful, and the only reason we could find for running out of an airport and scaling a fence. Consider if Lars was afraid they wouldn't let him leave the country and he thought he was involved in some conspiracy. He left his phone - could someone have taken it and this flipped him out? It seems we don't have a straight story of what happened in the doctors. I don't know if it is as involved as the onset of mental illness, or a side effect of his injury, but I do think he could be out there somewhere and that the Bulgarian police are not going to be the ones to solve it - if this poor mother wants Lars found, she must get the German authority to go and do their own search.

Thank you so much for your input. This somewhat verifies many of our previous thoughts on what possibly may have happened. ... Thank you so much, Vail ! :wave:
I haven't read entire thread, however where reportedly his pupils were dilated and he appeared to be under the influence of something (recreational drugs/bad antibiotics) has it been considered he may have suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of his fight? I'm so sorry if this has been discussed. I'm only finding and catching up on thread now. Appreciate any input on this aspect.

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I haven't read entire thread, however where reportedly his pupils were dilated and he appeared to be under the influence of something (recreational drugs/bad antibiotics) has it been considered he may have suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of his fight? I'm so sorry if this has been discussed. I'm only finding and catching up on thread now. Appreciate any input on this aspect.

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Hi ninij, yes this has been discussed quite a lot but we sure would appreciate your opinion on this aspect.
Hi ninij, yes this has been discussed quite a lot but we sure would appreciate your opinion on this aspect.
I'm off tomorrow am and I am going to read all of the articles I skimmed on this thread.

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Seriously, is this really worth calling "being paranoid" when some aggressive guys are chasing you and want to hurt you even more than they already did and you are desperately trying to run away and find some kind of safety?
For the record.

The other day I send the mother of Lars this picture https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...44349153076.1073741827.100007125765980&type=3

somebody posted from the Ukraine. She said she was aware of this man and that is was not Lars.
Thinking the pic posted is this man.
Posted this on that thread..


This case ties in somewhat with a young man from Germany, who went missing in Bulgaria and whose DNA was actually compared to an ( unidentified) Anton in Brazil!
Disappointing news for missing Lars Mittank's mother, but good news for Anton's family.
Hope Lars will be found too.
Bulgaria - Lars Mittank, 28, German tourist, Varna airport, 8 July 2014
I always thought that because Lars seemed to be so scared wanted to get out of BG so quickly and get home that there surely was no way he didn't stay in Varna by choice but I hadn't ever looked into it much farther than a few news articles and now having seen the surveillance footage and considering how much time has passed I'm questioning my own theory.

But, in the meantime, I'm heading back to page one to read all of this thread, see what else I can find out and to see what you all think.

I'll be back :)
Well Varna is a seaside resort and has a port. And then there is Lake Varna about 4km south of Varna airport. The airport is surrounded mainly by fields. I wonder how thoroughly that area has been searched. He might well have succumbed to whatever he ingested somewhere out there, just hasn't been found.

The airport he vanished from was the one in Varna, is that right? Because in one video they are saying he vanished from the Bulgarian capital which would be Sofia.

I'm still way behind but it must have been Varna. Sofia is not close to Varna at all. It wouldn't make sense for him to travel from Varna to Sofia, unless that's the only flight he could get at the time. But as Varna is one of the largest airports in BG I would have thought there would have been flights regular enough that would be more tempting to Lars than to travel all the way to Sofia and then board a plane from there.
I don't know which language that is, I would guess it's Bulgarian?

On the fb page they have flyers for all languages spoken in that area but I'm not able to make out which is what. I think there is a Polish one too. See here (all flyers):

Maybe someone else knows which one is Polish?

These ones. Sorry, I can't figure out how to include them in my previous post.

Bulgarian. Cryllic :)
Nice to have new eyes on this Ana! Keep going :)
Nice to have new eyes on this Ana! Keep going :)

Thanks, Elainera! I'm thankful for your posts way back earlier this year that translated the German for us :)

I have to drive for a little while right now and don't want to read over anything posted here. It all seems so valuable. So I'll be back to to this thread again in an hour or so when I can go over it properly :)
I always thought that because Lars seemed to be so scared wanted to get out of BG so quickly and get home that there surely was no way he didn't stay in Varna by choice but I hadn't ever looked into it much farther than a few news articles and now having seen the surveillance footage and considering how much time has passed I'm questioning my own theory.

But, in the meantime, I'm heading back to page one to read all of this thread, see what else I can find out and to see what you all think.

I'll be back :)

Welcome Ana. Good to have you on board.

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