Bullying Teen Gets Public Punishment

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As the parent of a thirteen year old boy who has come home crying this week because of bullies, I applaud the mother. Kids are so mean, if you tell the school it gets worse, if you stay quite nothing changes. Never ever would I want to be thirteen again. Now my son is mad at me for telling the school he came home with bruises, go figure.

Moe, I am very sorry for your son. I always took up for kids who were picked on in school, even at the risk of turning the taunts towards myself. I think you did the right thing though.
I hope I did the right thing, in my heart I know I did. Just try to tell my son that though, I am evil.
I hope I did the right thing, in my heart I know I did. Just try to tell my son that though, I am evil.

Moe, you also said your son came home with bruises...this goes BEYOND bullying...
And for your sake, as well as your son's, I do say (IMO) you did the right thing...what if a neighbor/friend/co-worker. family member, ANYONE. saw those bruises and decided you and/or your hubby/wife had abused the child...
sorry if you already posted this, but what did the school do and are things better yet?
This bully was giving my son "nipple twisties", thus the bruising. He was suspended for a day, but came back to school verbally abusive. :loser:
Moe~same thing happened here. Just last week...Unfortunately I was told that until one of them do something to her there is really nothing they can do. So of course I think that is stupid because I feel that my daughter has to actually be HURT in order for them to stop their bullying behavior? The principal said well we did call the other girls down here and put them on ''notice''..big whoop! Apparently now they are going around the school trying to find out who the SNITCH is...hahaha it was me!

As the parent of a thirteen year old boy who has come home crying this week because of bullies, I applaud the mother. Kids are so mean, if you tell the school it gets worse, if you stay quite nothing changes. Never ever would I want to be thirteen again. Now my son is mad at me for telling the school he came home with bruises, go figure.
Another mom cracking down:

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — A woman whose son was suspended from school for roughhousing with a teacher punished him by making him wear a sign and pick up litter while walking five miles down a city street.
Travis Griffin earned the 10-day suspension from Creston High School after putting a teacher in a headlock while horsing around Thursday.
His mother, Veronica Griffin, wouldn't let him stay home and wanted to teach him a lesson. So she had the 15-year-old wear a sign on his back that read, "I made a bad choice in school now I'm living with it."
"He has to know when his actions are not appropriate that there could be consequences to those actions and those consequences could be humiliating," Veronica told WOOD-TV Friday.
For his part, Travis said he picked up trash, was chased by dogs and stared at by passers-by.
"Walking with the sign I didn't care too much about," he told WZZM-TV. "Picking up the trash, yeah, I did care about that. I thought that was a little humiliating." (more at link)
From an earlier post - as I recall, they've been finding that bullies, and criminals of all sorts don't suffer from low self esteem - quite the opposite - they feel they're superior, so they've got a right to do what they want - whether it's bully, or steal or kill.
From an earlier post - as I recall, they've been finding that bullies, and criminals of all sorts don't suffer from low self esteem - quite the opposite - they feel they're superior, so they've got a right to do what they want - whether it's bully, or steal or kill.
I was the one that questioned the child's self-esteem. I did so because I thought that this child was a lone bully. According to my local paper, this child was one of a group that was bullying. Therefore, I think that her mother did the right thing with her child. Perhaps, this girl will stop running with this crowd.
Thumbs up to the mother!! Bullying is so painful to its targets, and if more parents were to take action on their children's behavior, we'd have less bullies and less future abusers hopefully..
From an earlier post - as I recall, they've been finding that bullies, and criminals of all sorts don't suffer from low self esteem - quite the opposite - they feel they're superior, so they've got a right to do what they want - whether it's bully, or steal or kill.

That's right, and they are also sneaky and usually pretty street smart. I know a couple kids who decided to finally fight back...and guess who was caught and suspended...not the bully, but the bullee.

I felt so bad for one of the kids...he is picked on a lot because he's tall, and goofy. He finally couldn't take it anymore and clobbered a little smart @ss who taunted him daily. He got caught and suspended. I even felt worse for the goofy kid because his mother made him stand up at church during his confirmation and confess to the congregation the evils of not turning the other cheek...Poor kid!

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