Burke Burke Burke

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
ManInTheBox said:
Wow that cracks the case wide open doesn't it. Call the Boulder Police with that observation:D ! j/k
ManInTheBox, I LOVE that! haha Look at Elizabeth Smart......How many people went to bed in that house that night? How many woke up? How many people in Danielle Van Dams house went to bed that night? How many woke up? How many people went to bed in Stephanie Crowes house? How many woke up?
jasmine said:
ManInTheBox, I LOVE that! haha Look at Elizabeth Smart......How many people went to bed in that house that night? How many woke up? How many people in Danielle Van Dams house went to bed that night? How many woke up? How many people went to bed in Stephanie Crowes house? How many woke up?

You are forgetting that the Smarts cooperated fully with the police. They did not lawyer up. The true perp was finally found.

You are forgetting that the van Damns cooperated fully with the police. They did not lawyer up. The true perp was finally found and brought to justice.

You are forgetting that the Crow family cooperated and an investigation into the police tactics has helped find the perp. A spot of blood. BLODD YOU COULD SEE was tested which led to an arrest and her brother let go.

Nowhere can you compare innocent people to the Ramseys. They have controlled the system with their money.

There are so many things wrong with this case that have to do with the Ramseys I don't have time to go into them all.
Tricia said:
You are forgetting that the Smarts cooperated fully with the police. They did not lawyer up. The true perp was finally found.

You are forgetting that the van Damns cooperated fully with the police. They did not lawyer up. The true perp was finally found and brought to justice.

You are forgetting that the Crow family cooperated and an investigation into the police tactics has helped find the perp. A spot of blood. BLODD YOU COULD SEE was tested which led to an arrest and her brother let go.

Nowhere can you compare innocent people to the Ramseys. They have controlled the system with their money.

There are so many things wrong with this case that have to do with the Ramseys I don't have time to go into them all.
Yes but Michael Crowe really got screwed over by the people at that police station. That's what may have happened to the Ramseys. Or at least that's what they feared. Now I did not base my beliefs on that but there is plenty of other evidence that points...whether directly or indirectly to Patsy. Who I think did it...or at least thought did it but now i'm all confused :p

(edited to take out slur)
Any attorney will tell you to get a lawyer no matter if you are guilty or innocent. So the Ramseys lawyered up....what is the big deal? If they had the evidence to convict them they would have arrested them. Ummmm after all these years they still have not charged the Ramseys. Wonder why?
jasmine said:
Any attorney will tell you to get a lawyer no matter if you are guilty or innocent. So the Ramseys lawyered up....what is the big deal? If they had the evidence to convict them they would have arrested them. Ummmm after all these years they still have not charged the Ramseys. Wonder why?
LAck of evidence obviosuly. That was plainly sarcasm but the Ramsey's did taint a lot of the evidence that could have been used to find the killer. Whether they did it purposely or accidentally. Or if the killer is in fact them or someone else will probably never be determined (much to the dismay of everyone on this board) because of the very smart and wonderful people at the Boulder Police Station and the DA's office. I wonder if they have an even further guilt besides having their daughter die in their own house due to the fact that they tainted more evidence (considering they didn't kill JonBenet)Yes u do have a point about the lawyer BTW.
You don't know for certain that anyone went to sleep in that house that night.

The majority of BDI theories assume the head blow came first which doesn't jive with the forensics. There wasn't enough blood inside her brain for an 8 inch skull fracture unless her neck was basically in a tourniquet. She was alive when she was strangled.

I do not understand why anyone would give JR or PR a pass on homicide in favor of BDI.
Of course the evidence was tainted. The Ramseys called their friends and pastor over after calling 911. They were terrified, they needed support at that horrible time! If it was repoted a kidnapping on the 911 call WHY didnt the stupid BPD declare that house as a crime scene? First I think they didnt have a clue as to what to do with any crime, much less a kidnapping. Keep in mind they like to rotate the cops...go from narcotics to homicide.....Dont blame it on the Ramseys! It was all BPD!!!!!
jasmine said:
Of course the evidence was tainted. The Ramseys called their friends and pastor over after calling 911. They were terrified, they needed support at that horrible time! If it was repoted a kidnapping on the 911 call WHY didnt the stupid BPD declare that house as a crime scene? First I think they didnt have a clue as to what to do with any crime, much less a kidnapping. Keep in mind they like to rotate the cops...go from narcotics to homicide.....Dont blame it on the Ramseys! It was all BPD!!!!!
That's just it. They had no clue what to do. They don't really deal with murders there...and definately not kidnappings. So they were runnig around like a bunch of people with their head cut off. Plus it was Christmas and people were off so they didn't even have their usual amount of reatrds on call. I AM NOT BLAMING ANYTHING ON THE RAMSEY'S IT'S JUST A THOUGH I HAD! Even though I do believe they had something to do with it.
twinkiesmom said:
You don't know for certain that anyone went to sleep in that house that night.

The majority of BDI theories assume the head blow came first which doesn't jive with the forensics. There wasn't enough blood inside her brain for an 8 inch skull fracture unless her neck was basically in a tourniquet. She was alive when she was strangled.

I do not understand why anyone would give JR or PR a pass on homicide in favor of BDI.
Funny I always heard the head blown came after the strangulation...but...oh well *shrugs*
I'm a BDIer who believes the head blow and strangulation happened at essentially the same time. The ligature was yanked hard, and then JonBenet was struck on the head with the Maglite. The ligature was then yanked again and held taut till she was dead.

JAR gets a pass from me for the same reason that he was cleared by LE. He wasn't in Boulder when JonBenet died.

Patsy gets a pass from me only because it's more logical imo that Burke killed JonBenet. I'll post my theory when I have more time. Despite what some posters say, it is not farfetched to consider Burke as the perp. Dr. Cyril Wecht stated there was nothing that was done to JonBenet that could not have been done by someone Burke's age at the time...and Dr. Michael Baden said on the CNN special Prime Suspects: Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey that Burke needs to be looked at.

Unlike BC, I am firmly convinced that Patsy penned the fake ransom note.

Tricia said:
No matter what people will think BDI. I do not think that for one minute. I have even posted Alex Hunter's affidavit stating Burke did not do it.


Sorry, but Alex Hunter's affidavit didn't state that Burke did not do it. The affidavit states that Burke was a witness and not a suspect, nothing more.

The affidavit, actually written by Lin Wood and merely signed by Alex Hunter, was fraudulent because it intentionally misled the public into believing exactly what you stated in your post -- that Burke didn't do it. However, that affidavit does NOT clear Burke, but the tricky wording in it tends to make the public believe just the opposite. Please note that Hunter did not use the word "cleared" in the affidavit.

Hunter has never said that Burke was cleared. Neither has any other Boulder authority ever say Burke has been cleared. They all use tricky phrases to make it appear Burke has been cleared -- just as Hunter did.

BlueCrab said:

Sorry, but Alex Hunter's affidavit didn't state that Burke did not do it. The affidavit states that Burke was a witness and not a suspect, nothing more.

The affidavit, actually written by Lin Wood and merely signed by Alex Hunter, was fraudulent because it intentionally misled the public into believing exactly what you stated in your post -- that Burke didn't do it. However, that affidavit does NOT clear Burke, but the tricky wording in it tends to make the public believe just the opposite. Please note that Hunter did not use the word "cleared" in the affidavit.

Hunter has never said that Burke was cleared. Neither has any other Boulder authority ever say Burke has been cleared. They all use tricky phrases to make it appear Burke has been cleared -- just as Hunter did.

I agree, though I believe hunter is scared to death of facing the Ramsey attorneys and wants to avoid it at all costs. My opinions on Hunter can't be stated n this board becasue I will probably be banned for the use of too many curses in a post (so I will leave you to interpret what I think of him based on what I've just said.)
K777angel said:
\Also, it is important to note what psychologists stated regarding their interviews with Burke shortly after the murder.
They said his "lack of affect was pronounced" and that he seemed "indifferent" about it.
This fits right in with the Ramseys own words on how Burke reacted (or failed to) when they finally re-united with him the night of her death.
Patsy puts her arm around him and tells him she is dead and in heaven.
Does Burke cry, cling and ask a million questions?? "Why her and not me?" "Are they coming to get me too?" "How did she die" "Who did it?" "I'm SCARED!!"
He - "nodded his head and ran off to PLAY!"
Now I have children of my own. A son the exact same age as Burke.
There is NO WAY that a child who is 3 weeks shy of 10 yrs old is not going to be interested in what happened or scared!!
I have never once heard the Ramseys say that Burke became so frightened after the murder. Never.
But all the OTHER children in Boulder were terrified and many insisted on sleeping in mom and dad's room.

So many things when pieced together in this puzzle fit more to a Burke-did-it-and-parents-covered-up than anything else.
This is a point that I keep bringing up in my mind and then disregarding it again for no apparent reason. The fact that the rest of the kids in town were completely scared about what happened yet the one kid who had the biggest right to be scared shrugged it off. Also the fact that he didn't show any emotional distress or longing or concern for his sister is also something to be looked at and shouldn't be cast aside. He must have known something the other kids in town didn't know...something that would make him feel secure.
BrotherMoon said:
This is an example of BC's non logic. The first paragraph says probable, not, for Burke and possible for Patsy. Which you turn into can't be eliminated for both. The second sentence mentions Patsy but not Burke. You have gone on to use your remote viewing techinique to divine the intentions of the GJ.

BC, you continually make an end run around logical progression and resort to convenient insertions of irrelevant data, and unsupported assumptions. Your comments show a lack of insight and knowledge of human nature.

There is no case for BDI. There is no case for IDI.

The only relevant question in this case is "who did what between John and Patsy?"

BDIers and IDIers quickly leave the straight line of logic to employ fancy and fantasy in their self serving construction of the events of this case.

A poster was recently banned for doing what you do on only a slightly more benign level.

I really don't understand why anyone thinks BlueCrab's logic is any more faulty than anyone else's on this forum. Both my husband and I think BlueCrab's theory is the only one that makes sense! His theory that if JAR's alibi could be disproved, he would go to the top of the list is also very interesting. Keep up the posts, BlueCrab.
jat said:
I really don't understand why anyone thinks BlueCrab's logic is any more faulty than anyone else's on this forum. Both my husband and I think BlueCrab's theory is the only one that makes sense! His theory that if JAR's alibi could be disproved, he would go to the top of the list is also very interesting. Keep up the posts, BlueCrab.
I also am very interested in his Burke Ramsey theory. I may have other ideas about what happened that night but his theorys as u say do make sense. I may say that two juveniles in the house may be farfetched for the time it was but it is still a very likely theory that Burke very well may have killed her. Though this theory is put into doubt like all of our by the incredible amount of circumstancial evidence that could point in many directions. Though I don't this the theorys are any more illogical than some others people have.
JAR was CLEARED! He made an ATM transaction in Atlanta. He has friends he was with that night ! How do you think he took an airplane to to Denver, drove to Boulder, killed his little sister and then got back to Atlanta. Bottom line is that there is NO evidence that John or Patsy Ramsey killed her. there is NO evidence that Melinda Ramsey killed her. There is no evidence that John Andrew Ramsey killed her! And I will add that Burke Ramsey has been cleared and he certainly did not kill his sister! There is Zero, Nada. Zip evidence of a Ramsey killing JBR and Zero, Nada, Zip evidence of any coverup. Take the TRUE FACTS and not the rumors that this forum is so fond of and tell me WHERE is the evidence of murder or coverup?
jasmine said:
JAR was CLEARED! He made an ATM transaction in Atlanta. He has friends he was with that night ! How do you think he took an airplane to to Denver, drove to Boulder, killed his little sister and then got back to Atlanta. Bottom line is that there is NO evidence that John or Patsy Ramsey killed her. there is NO evidence that Melinda Ramsey killed her. There is no evidence that John Andrew Ramsey killed her! And I will add that Burke Ramsey has been cleared and he certainly did not kill his sister! There is Zero, Nada. Zip evidence of a Ramsey killing JBR and Zero, Nada, Zip evidence of any coverup. Take the TRUE FACTS and not the rumors that this forum is so fond of and tell me WHERE is the evidence of murder or coverup?
Well kindly explain to me where u c clear evidence of an intruder that isn't circumstancial. I love it how u just assume things. You would fit right in with the BPD.
ManInTheBox said:
Well kindly explain to me where u c clear evidence of an intruder that isn't circumstancial. I love it how u just assume things. You would fit right in with the BPD.
Well lets start with the DNA!!!! That DNA has been identified as a male non ramsey. It was MIXED WITH JBR's BLOOD in her panties.......Now you can go thru the hoola hoops that Tricia has gone thru to try her best to discount it... but the FACT and the TRUTH is that it cannot be igonred.......THAT DNA EXCLUDES THE RAMSEYS! The handwriting.....well that is interesting isnt it? I just LOVE Steve Thomas and his spin on it. Patsy is the only one IN THAT HOUSE THAT NIGHT that cannot be excluded......Well in the house is John, Patsy, Burke and JB.......we know JB didnt write it! But look at his statement......IN THAT HOUSE! So who outside ( what 73 handwriting samples?) of the house scored closer to the "could have" written it? Hmmmmmm Oh forget those tiny details! They certainly dont point to Ramsey killing! Im sure Ill be banned for life on here for having my say but that is the nature of this forum.........You can say Burke did it and Fleet White too. You can say intruder but you can NEVER SAY RAMSEYS ARE INNOCENT!
jasmine said:
And I will add that Burke Ramsey has been cleared and he certainly did not kill his sister!


Burke Ramsey has not been cleared. Please provide a source that says Burke was cleared. Thanks.

BlueCrab said:

Burke Ramsey has not been cleared. Please provide a source that says Burke was cleared. Thanks.


Blue Crab, I already did post it. It was RMN May 21, 1999. But that is ok because I am sure you will disregard the whole article........even though the statements were from the DA's office...

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