Burke Ramsey Files 750 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against CBS #2

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DNA Solves
The head blow came first and would have killed her; had she not been strangled.
Legally, I don’t believe Kolar can state what evidence he discovered.
Dr. Phil stated BR had an anxiety disorder, but this diagnosis can go so much deeper as you stated.

Rain on my Parade,

The head blow came first and would have killed her; had she not been strangled.
Yes it looks like it.

Legally, I don’t believe Kolar can state what evidence he discovered.
100%, Kolar is bound by the T&Cs in his employment contract with BPD, which will most definitely have a non-disclosure clause, same applies to Steve Thomas.

This is the reason Kolar's book is one long inference on BDI: i.e. he cannot reveal why he is promoting a BDI scenario, but drops enough hints to suggest he is theorizing from solid forensic evidence which is not in the public domain.

Dr. Phil stated BR had an anxiety disorder, but this diagnosis can go so much deeper as you stated.
Yes, there is evidence that Burke had developmental issues, whether this is linked to JonBenet's death is another question.

Kolar attempted to make such a case, but his backup, e.g. books, etc, seem to be insubstantial as it would not be Burke who would be reading them.

The thing is, if you accept JonBenet was acutely sexually assaulted, i.e. the given motive, then the case is either JDI or BDI?

Presumably Kolar knows something we do not, patently he does, so his BDI theory might just be correct?

One assumption I make, is that following the GJ Indictment, due to the Counts referencing the Person as a third party to the parent's Counts, i.e. parental neglect of JonBenet leading to sexual abuse.

The GJ could only have arrived at this determination if they had seen Burke Ramsey's medical records, similar for JonBenet?

We also know both JonBenet and Burke Ramsey were in therapy prior to JonBenet's death, so one possible conclusion is that Playing Doctor escalated into something else, requiring medical intervention?
Since the GJ handed down the indictment then it is truth that JB was being abused.
I agree with your statement that playing doctor perhaps escalated into medical intervention. I know I have read that PR was separating the children somewhere due to this. JB going to the doctor 30 times in 3 years was excessive. PR called Dr. Beuf 3 times within an hours time on the 17th of Dec. a Tuesday. Perhaps JAR?
Whether or not BDI, I feel both children were possibly being molested. It seems natural for children to be sexually curious but playing doctor @ 6 is a stretch. PA had stated that the first time she met The Ramsey’s was at a dinner at Pasta Jays. PA stated that JB was friendly and even winked at MA. Where in the world would a 6 year old little girl learn such behavior? Where as, BR didn’t speak to or even acknowledge her presence.
Furthering my theory on the molestation: Enuresis and encopresis was present in both children. Although it is not uncommon for young children to have occasional "accidents," there may be a problem if this behavior occurs repeatedly for longer than three months, particularly in children older than 5 years. I think we can both agree both children had toileting issues way beyond the normal range.
I will make a separate post about JAR that concerns me.
Rain On My Parade, would be very interesting to know your take on JAR :)
There are several things that I question about JAR.
  • Joe Barnhill that lived across the street from the Ramseys stated he saw JAR Christmas Day at the house in Boulder. Yet, there is this on acandyrose:
    I just wanted to set the record straight about Patsy, John and the Barnhills. From the day of JonBenet's murder neither John nor Patsy contacted the Barnhills. Even though Jacques was supposedly JonBenet's dog. Joe Barnhill and I have spoken on numerous occasions and he very sadly said he has never been contacted by the family and doesn't know why. The only one that contacted him was one of their investigators telling him to "be quiet- and never talk about what he saw the morning of the murder"...He said "they told me I was mistaken"....I found that to be very odd. Never once was he contacted when his wife was deathly ill and ultimately died very near the time that Nedra died.

    And, finally when little Jacques died he asked me to tell the Ramseys and I emailed them, but nobody called him then either.....He doesn't understand why, even more so since his step-daughter Diane Aldridge helped out the Ramseys by putting together the Diane Sawyer special.. She is the producer for the show.....It just goes to show that they seemingly forgot some of those that helped them out in the very early days following JonBenet's death. It's strange that Patsy would have constantly gone over to their house to make sure they ate and checked on them, yet NEVER spoken to them since the MURDER..
  • Melinda’s finger prints were found on the wine cellar door. JAR’s suitcase and stained comforter were found in the basement (along with some apparent “cutesy” photos of JB in the laundry room.
  • PMPT Page 301sb
    By now the police had received the test results from John Andrew and Melinda's hair, blood, and handwriting. At the time, the only possible match to evidence found at the crime scene was the pubic hair found on the white blanket in the basement, which held some slight similarities to Melinda's. But her alibi was even tighter than her brother's, and it was not likely that she had used the same blanket when she stayed with the family. The next day the police informed the DA's office that they would make a public statement regarding Ramsey's older children within the week."
  • Patsy gave out scarfs to all the guests at their Christmas party on the 23rd. There is a photo that looks uncannily like JAR in attendance. There is also a scarf on the wet bar that included the note pad, scarf and (sitting on the floor below it) the attaché.
  • Why did JR lawyer up his older children that were out of state Christmas 1996? 1997-03-07: BPR: RAMSEY CASE NEWS RELEASE #32 Boulder Detectives traveled to Roswell, Georgia for the express purpose of collecting conclusive evidence that would allow us to eliminate John Andrew and Melinda from suspicion in this case. Upon arrival, we were informed that John B. Ramsey had retained attorney James Jenkins in Atlanta to represent Lucinda Johnson, Melinda and John Andrew. Mr. Jenkins declined to allow his clients to speak with us. As a result, alternative sources of information had to be developed which delayed our ability to publicly issue this information.
JAR’s college mates made statements that he was really hung up on JB. To me, it seems plausible that JAR could have been the one that was molesting JB. He had friends that were pilots, his father had two planes and a pilot, he/they had time to get out of Boulder and to Atlanta in time to cover his tracks and take the missing items with him/them.
I also have heard theories that JAR was around at the time, then 'disappeared' only to be back at school. I also am one to believe that he probably was the one to start abusing BR, and possibly JBR. I think there were a lot of secrets in that family and it was passed down from one child to another. I don't think JAR is an innocent as it 'seemed'.
Rain On My Parade, thanks a lot...It all makes sense...And I see why JR would do everything possible to cover for his son... but Patsy? Unless she knew what is going on and kept on "not noticing"...What kind of mother would do it??
Rain On My Parade, thanks a lot...It all makes sense...And I see why JR would do everything possible to cover for his son... but Patsy? Unless she knew what is going on and kept on "not noticing"...What kind of mother would do it??
Since we don’t know exactly what happened that night perhaps we could speculate that JR told PR it was BR and not JAR. She did possibly say during the 911 call, “What did you do.” We do know that PR was terrified of losing BR after the murder.
Very minor point but JBR winking at MA isn't a huge issue.for me.
JBR was a trained pageant girl. Sassiness and interacting with the judges (in some routines) would be normal. A wink wouldn't be out of place.

So maybe when meeting new adults, JBR resorted to what she had been taught.
I have heard this before but have never seen an actual source for it. Do you know where this comes from? Thanks.
Swirlz, this case is 23 years old. I have been studying it from the get go. I recall reading this and even picturing JAR in my mind, but this might help some.
For what it's worth: My daughter was a senior in college in 1996. She was not in Boulder, but her boyfriend was a student at Boulder. She visited him that February, just 2 months after the murder. The case was still white hot there in Boulder. I wasn't into it then, but when my daughter got home she said that her boyfriend told her that many kids at the university (including him)- when the case hit the news the first person they thought of as far as who had done it was JAR. They thought he was "weird" and obsessed with his 6-year old half-sister. Not one of them hesitated or had second thoughts about who had done this.

While many might believe that JAR may have friends, enemies or people who knew of him and his money (and I am SURE he bragged about that) and that one of them may have done this- it still doesn't explain the lack of intruder DNA anywhere else in the house or crime scene (apart from her clothing, which REAL experts have said that may not actually rule out the Rs at all if the sample is a mixed sample). It also doesn't explain the RN being in Patsy's handwriting or knowing the bonus amount. And it doesn't explain the family covering for a person like this, friend of JAR or not.
I am thinking, even if BDI, he was a 9-year old boy, and clearly with some neurodevelopmental issues at that time. How much can a 9-year old understand? Some kids don’t even remember themselves at 9.
IRL, not only BR, JBR had deep issues, and instead of dealing with them, she was dragged to pageants.

JBR death might have been an accident, but the fault for everything else, for the cover up, for the travesty of justice, lies squarely with the parents who made a perfect display of their beautiful house, their beautiful daughter and their “perfect” life. And then they staged the events in the house to blame an intruder.

Did they protect their son? I doubt it. A 9-year old boy and an accidental death...he would not be facing anything. But the family protected themselves, their flawed parenthood.
Burke faced it then and now. He chooses to look the other way. I wonder why but then; not really. I can see BR resenting all the attention, gifts bestowed upon JonnieB. Dysfunctional family to say the least. After all PR and JR we’re indicted as child abuser’s that resulted in death!
I am thinking, even if BDI, he was a 9-year old boy, and clearly with some neurodevelopmental issues at that time. How much can a 9-year old understand? Some kids don’t even remember themselves at 9.
IRL, not only BR, JBR had deep issues, and instead of dealing with them, she was dragged to pageants.

JBR death might have been an accident, but the fault for everything else, for the cover up, for the travesty of justice, lies squarely with the parents who made a perfect display of their beautiful house, their beautiful daughter and their “perfect” life. And then they staged the events in the house to blame an intruder.

Did they protect their son? I doubt it. A 9-year old boy and an accidental death...he would not be facing anything. But the family protected themselves, their flawed parenthood.

A lot people think Accident in Burke's presence with one or both parents staging a sexual assault and kidnapping to distance Burke from JonBenet's death?

Some kids don’t even remember themselves at 9.
IRL, not only BR, JBR had deep issues, and instead of dealing with them, she was dragged to pageants.
JonBenet was seeing a therapist in the weeks leading up to her death, Patsy blurted this out in an interview, just as she told investigators that Burke and JonBenet shared a bedroom on Christmas Eve, with the rider, that this was a normal occurrence!

This is one of those cases where we know stuff was going on, but we cannot link it directly with JonBenet's death.

Yet the Grand Jury did, leveling counts of child abuse against both parents, so saying they were a dysfunctional family seems accurate?

Do you have source for this? Thanks.

There are a few. From memory it gets a mention in Steve Thomas' book. In Listen Carefully, "When Detective Gossage learned JonBenet had seen a therapist and attempted to speak to her counselor, he was told to...

Its also in a BPD interview which I'll post once I find it.

***JonBenet Ramsey IV*** (children, case, murder, criminal) - True Crime -Crime in the news, unsolved cases - Page 301 - City-Data Forum

"Unsourced hearsay, as was much of the information in Thomas’s book, and probably why he lost the lawsuit brought against him for libel and defamation.

"Burke Ramsey had returned to classes, without police escort, a few weeks after a 'small foreign faction' killed his sister. When Detective Gossage called a therapist who we were told had seen JonBenet, he was told to 'talk to the Parents Attorneys'."

Link to the above information from Thomas's book, p. 132: https://books.google.com/books?id=da...erapist&f=true

Who "we were told"....no identity is attributed to this information."
There are a few. From memory it gets a mention in Steve Thomas' book. In Listen Carefully, "When Detective Gossage learned JonBenet had seen a therapist and attempted to speak to her counselor, he was told to...

Its also in a BPD interview which I'll post once I find it.


JonBenet ITRMI A Gathering Storm, Chapter 12, excerpt
There are a few. From memory it gets a mention in Steve Thomas' book. In Listen Carefully, "When Detective Gossage learned JonBenet had seen a therapist and attempted to speak to her counselor, he was told to...

Its also in a BPD interview which I'll post once I find it.


JonBenet ITRMI A Gathering Storm, Chapter 12, excerpt

Burke Ramsey had returned to classes, without police escort, a few weeks after a "small foreign faction" killed his sister. When Detective Gossage called a therapist who we were told had seen JonBenet, he was told to "talk to the Parents Attorneys".

Where is Randall De Witt Simons today, released from jail over coronavirus fears, did JonBenet's former photographer receive a Get Out Of Jail Card due to his age?

Will he ever talk about JonBenet in public again?


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