By Accident Or On Purpose Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?

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By Accident or on Purpose Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?

  • An Intruder Killed JonBenet and Covered Up the Crime

    Votes: 38 7.1%
  • Patsy Ramsey Acted Alone in Killing JonBenet and Covering Up the Crime

    Votes: 23 4.3%
  • John Ramsey Acted Alone in Killing JonBenet and Covering Up the Crime

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • Burke Killed JonBenet with Patsy and John Helping to Cover Up the Crime

    Votes: 394 73.4%
  • John and Patsy Acted Together in Killing JonBenet and Covering Up the Crime

    Votes: 30 5.6%
  • Other/I Don't Know

    Votes: 48 8.9%

  • Total voters

All three R's were involved in what happened. I only tag BR for sibling abuse (I haven't given it a length of time) and the final hit on the head. I don't think he killed her, even if the hit would have, it didn't. The ******* parents did the rest. I also think they were responsible for it happening to begin with. I go as far as to say he was the most abused, by way of emotional neglect, possibly other things. I also give credence to PDI, I just don't think she hit her on the head or molested her prior to her last night. BR tells us, his mother went psycho, running around his room "where's my baby, where's my baby!" PR said she didn't go into his room. Even if she had, why would she franticly be looking for her baby? Didn't she know where she was?

I don't think BR was a crazy psychopath with real murderous intent. Instead, I think he was an emotionally neglect/abused, insecure, hormonal, angry boy. It is P/JDI, the weapon, BR. Its my opinion, as well as first amendment right. I argue numbers being the most relevant proof. We all have numbers to tout about. If they were definitive proof of who committed this heinous crime, we would none of us still be here. One piece of the puzzle a clear picture does not make. What else do you have beside numbers and attack?

All three R's were involved in what happened. I only tag BR for sibling abuse (I haven't given it a length of time) and the final hit on the head. I don't think he killed her, even if the hit would have, it didn't. The ******* parents did the rest. I also think they were responsible for it happening to begin with. I go as far as to say he was the most abused, by way of emotional neglect, possibly other things. I also give credence to PDI, I just don't think she hit her on the head or molested her prior to her last night. BR tells us, his mother went psycho, running around his room "where's my baby, where's my baby!" PR said she didn't go into his room. Even if she had, why would she franticly be looking for her baby? Didn't she know where she was?

I don't think BR was a crazy psychopath with real murderous intent. Instead, I think he was an emotionally neglect/abused, insecure, hormonal, angry boy. It is P/JDI, the weapon, BR. Its my opinion, as well as first amendment right. I argue numbers being the most relevant proof. We all have numbers to tout about. If they were definitive proof of who committed this heinous crime, we would none of us still be here. One piece of the puzzle a clear picture does not make. What else do you have beside numbers and attack?

Are you describing yourself with the bolded? Because you've demonstrated both as much as anyone.

I find it peculiar how BR is telling the truth in this particular instance/scenario with regard to PR, but lies about everything else in BDI.
^ In my view, there are people who can handle differing opinions and roam outside the confines of their bubble, and those that can't -- but either way, participation in this thread had been declining for a while now; it peaked around the CBS documentary, and is waning now because the case itself has once again disappeared from the spot light. Sure, squabbling may have driven some off, but as usual, that isn't the sole cause; and many who left were no angels themselves.
The ironic thing is that, the people who have been driven away the most, are PDI'ers.
Are you describing yourself with the bolded? Because you've demonstrated both as much as anyone.

I find it peculiar how BR is telling the truth in this particular instance/scenario with regard to PR, but lies about everything else in BDI.

This is my point exactly >>> Where in the above posts, did I state BR lies? You’ve again put words in my mouth. That’s not a differing opinion if it’s not my opinion. It’s called muddying the waters. Cute though.
The ironic thing is that, the people who have been driven away the most, are PDI'ers.

I find this not only sad but ironic. Most of these same people fought IDI for years, claiming they wouldn't leave until they had justice for JBR. The moment BDI was unleashed they bailed. Years of seeing only one point of view is threatened when an equally plausible theory comes into play.
This is my point exactly >>> Where in the above posts, did I state BR lies? You’ve again put words in my mouth. That’s not a differing opinion if it’s not my opinion. It’s called muddying the waters. Cute though.

So you're saying you believe everything BR told police/Dr. Phil, etc.? Including his account of hearing his mother in the morning and him staying in his bed the entire time? Go ahead and clarify -- because you yourself said clearly that you believe his account of that morning when he heard PR yelling that morning. Do you believe he stayed in bed?
I find this not only sad but ironic. Most of these same people fought IDI for years, claiming they wouldn't leave until they had justice for JBR. The moment BDI was unleashed they bailed. Years of seeing only one point of view is threatened when an equally plausible theory comes into play.

Nope, it's years of being fruitless in introducing logic and facts upon deaf ears, only to be labeled as R apologists and "victim minimizers." You can't blame them. There is a difference between leaving based on morals and leaving based on the simple fact that you can't handle a different point of view.
So you're saying you believe everything BR told police/Dr. Phil, etc.? Including his account of hearing his mother in the morning and him staying in his bed the entire time? Go ahead and clarify -- because you yourself said clearly that you believe his account of that morning when he heard PR yelling that morning. Do you believe he stayed in bed?

Look, I've never said one way or another that BR lies or doesn't. Though I'm quite certain he's like every other person and has, does or will lie in this lifetime. He knows more about what went on in that house, especially on that night, that he isn't talking about. Omission is a lie and he has been trained not to talk, right up too the DR P interview. BR is not as well versed as his parents in what has been said by them or not said. This is why I think some of the truth came out in that interview. Puts the flashlight in his dads hands, himself back down stairs where that flashlight ended up and last but not least, he puts his mom in his room at o dark thirty. All things the adult R's have distanced he and themselves from. I think she was in his room way before morning and not after the ransom note. Do I think he runs about telling lies for the sake of lying? No I don't, I do think he is a Ramsey and as it pertains to this case, he is not above it, even if its to protect his parents. Are you of the mind that he doesn't lie or is incapable of lying? I'm curious as to how you see it and I mean that.
Nope, it's years of being fruitless in introducing logic and facts upon deaf ears, only to be labeled as R apologists and "victim minimizers." You can't blame them. There is a difference between leaving based on morals and leaving based on the simple fact that you can't handle a different point of view.

All the facts point to an R. What they don't point to is the R that did it, or it would be case solved. As bad as BDI posters seem, IDI was far worse and still P/JDI fought the long bloody battle. Now that the narrative has changed and its not so easy to fight, where are they?. Do you think that it has anything to do with P/JDI's turning BDI? A good portion did because they had always been and were just to afraid to say anything.
Look, I've never said one way or another that BR lies or doesn't. Though I'm quite certain he's like every other person and has, does or will lie in this lifetime. He knows more about what went on in that house, especially on that night, that he isn't talking about. Omission is a lie and he has been trained not to talk, right up too the DR P interview. BR is not as well versed as his parents in what has been said by them or not said. This is why I think some of the truth came out in that interview. Puts the flashlight in his dads hands, himself back down stairs where that flashlight ended up and last but not least, he puts his mom in his room at o dark thirty. All things the adult R's have distanced he and themselves from. I think she was in his room way before morning and not after the ransom note. Do I think he runs about telling lies for the sake of lying? No I don't, I do think he is a Ramsey and as it pertains to this case, he is not above it, even if its to protect his parents. Are you of the mind that he doesn't lie or is incapable of lying? I'm curious as to how you see it and I mean that.

That's fine, but then, I don't know why you took such issue with my previous statement. My point was, you were taking BR's account of that morning (hearing his mother scream) as truth; but there are things we all know for a fact he was lying about. For instance, he didn't "stay in bed," we heard him on the police call. So again, I find it peculiar/ironic that you believe him in that aspect.
That's fine, but then, I don't know why you took such issue with my previous statement. My point was, you were taking BR's account of that morning (hearing his mother scream) as truth; but there are things we all know for a fact he was lying about. For instance, he didn't "stay in bed," we heard him on the police call. So again, I find it peculiar/ironic that you believe him in that aspect.

I only believe him because its a vastly different narrative then we have been given. I think he slipped or didn't know what his parents had previously said. Is it a truth ? I cant know that for sure no one here can be sure of anything other than an R did it. I just think about the two times he mentions it on Dr. P and in his taped interviews as a child. He heard his mom going psycho. Is he lying to protect his mom? Or is a truth that slipped out? Yet another puzzling piece of info
All the facts point to an R. What they don't point to is the R that did it, or it would be case solved. As bad as BDI posters seem, IDI was far worse and still P/JDI fought the long bloody battle. Now that the narrative has changed and its not so easy to fight, where are they?. Do you think that it has anything to do with P/JDI's turning BDI? A good portion did because they had always been and were just to afraid to say anything.

Agree with the bolded.

I don't think all the P/JDI's "disappeared" per se. I just think that they simply lost interest or that they wanted to better spend their time. I've seen it in the other case I've studied too, which is the West Memphis 3 case (a case I've studied far longer than this one). A few years back on a message board, it was practically all supporters who believed the WM3 were innocent; the last few year however, they've all but disappeared and are outnumbered by people who believe they are guilty ("nons") and/or "fencies" (like myself; people who don't outright dismiss the possibility they're guilty, but don't definitively believe that they are like nons do). I think that's how a lot of these cold cases go: the posters move in and out in cycles. When the CBS documentary aired, you had the majority being BDI for a few months, but look now: there is hardly a majority of any group today, and all those people that got interested (momentarily, due to the documentary) have already lost interest.

I think it's a stretch to say "all PDI'ers ran away," especially considering how fleeting many of the BDI'ers were on this forum. Quite honestly, I can only think of like 1-2 PDI posters who outright left the forum since I've been here. BDI'ers came here all at once and about 90% of them are gone now -- but either way, who really give a crap? Does it matter either way?
I only believe him because its a vastly different narrative then we have been given. I think he slipped or didn't know what his parents had previously said. Is it a truth ? I cant know that for sure no one here can be sure of anything other than an R did it. I just think about the two times he mentions it on Dr. P and in his taped interviews as a child. He heard his mom going psycho. Is he lying to protect his mom? Or is a truth that slipped out? Yet another puzzling piece of info

This version only enters the narrative in 1998, 18 months after the murder. I believe he was coached.

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I think I much prefer our recent discourse then our past ones...LOL! Your right, it doesn't matter, unless your being attacked for your theory, then I think defensive counter attack occurs, on both sides.
This version only enters the narrative in 1998, 18 months after the murder. I believe he was coached.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

You're probably right or is it like his explanation of the way she died? A slip of truth that came out?
Look, I've never said one way or another that BR lies or doesn't. Though I'm quite certain he's like every other person and has, does or will lie in this lifetime. He knows more about what went on in that house, especially on that night, that he isn't talking about. Omission is a lie and he has been trained not to talk, right up too the DR P interview. BR is not as well versed as his parents in what has been said by them or not said. This is why I think some of the truth came out in that interview. Puts the flashlight in his dads hands, himself back down stairs where that flashlight ended up and last but not least, he puts his mom in his room at o dark thirty. All things the adult R's have distanced he and themselves from. I think she was in his room way before morning and not after the ransom note. Do I think he runs about telling lies for the sake of lying? No I don't, I do think he is a Ramsey and as it pertains to this case, he is not above it, even if its to protect his parents. Are you of the mind that he doesn't lie or is incapable of lying? I'm curious as to how you see it and I mean that.

It was John himself who put the flashlight in his own hands (as retold by Dr Phil).

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