By Accident Or On Purpose Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?

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By Accident or on Purpose Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?

  • An Intruder Killed JonBenet and Covered Up the Crime

    Votes: 38 7.1%
  • Patsy Ramsey Acted Alone in Killing JonBenet and Covering Up the Crime

    Votes: 23 4.3%
  • John Ramsey Acted Alone in Killing JonBenet and Covering Up the Crime

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • Burke Killed JonBenet with Patsy and John Helping to Cover Up the Crime

    Votes: 394 73.4%
  • John and Patsy Acted Together in Killing JonBenet and Covering Up the Crime

    Votes: 30 5.6%
  • Other/I Don't Know

    Votes: 48 8.9%

  • Total voters
I don't get that out of her ...what I see is a fierce need t protect the remaining child and the fear and total irritation that they are questioning her (AS in a I know what is best for him , and WE will deal with him as we see fit)

Yes, I think that sort of hubris is what let to JBR's death and why the GJ indicated them on the reckless endangerment charge.
In one article I read JR stated that BR was working in high-tech industry and he set up an IRA account (or similar). JR further stated that BR "did it all by himself". Who says this and why, unless there was a reason BR wouldn't be able to do those things?
In one article I read JR stated that BR was working in high-tech industry and he set up an IRA account (or similar). JR further stated that BR "did it all by himself". Who says this and why, unless there was a reason BR wouldn't be able to do those things?

Not sure what the context was that he said that or the exact quote, but maybe he was emphasizing that Burke wasn't relying on daddy's wealth, or that Burke was now striking out on his own in the business world instead of living in daddy's shadow. That Burke was on track to be a self-made man like John was and not some sheltered, unemployed rich kid.
James Kohler's theory is that BR is responsible for everything except the ransom note and cover-up. I've had a hard time going there... a 9 year old murderer? But when I looked at it from BDI perspective, some things really fell into place. That the R's never wavered or turned on each other. Their denial of BR's voice on the 911 call, their denial of the pineapple, how they'd only take a BPD polygraph if they were not asked certain questions, how Patsy (according to them) passed a polygraph given by their own expert, the hard sell ransom note, even their righteous indignation. And now Burke's incriminating statements to Dr. P.

It's still hard for me to accept. I want to believe it was an accident, but now that I see PR and JR in a less incriminating light, it's hard to believe one of them would finish her off with that hideous garrote. JBR had to be irretrievably dead for the R's to step over the edge and begin the cover-up.

The other part that comes together is the lack of pursuit by the D.A. to file any charges. It could be they truly didn't think there was enough evidence. Or it could be they believed it was the boy, and after all that had happened, were they going to publicly name the couple's only remaining child?

I think it's true that someone out there besides BR and JR know what really happened. Someday maybe they'll talk.
I think it's true that someone out there besides BR and JR know what really happened. Someday maybe they'll talk.

I do, too!

It always perturbed me that BDA wouldn't grant the BPD's search warrant requests to obtain the Ramseys phone records long enough for the detailed records to be purged at the telephone company. This is one of the items that will always bother me - did the Ramseys call anyone after coming home or the following day? Did they call a family member for advice? How early on did they call their attorneys? Etc., etc.

Yet another instance where the Ramseys lucked out. Or maybe not...could have been money/politics talking to BDA to make such a bonehead decision.
I do, too!

It always perturbed me that BDA wouldn't grant the BPD's search warrant requests to obtain the Ramseys phone records long enough for the detailed records to be purged at the telephone company. This is one of the items that will always bother me - did the Ramseys call anyone after coming home or the following day? Did they call a family member for advice? How early on did they call their attorneys? Etc., etc.

Yet another instance where the Ramseys lucked out. Or maybe not...could have been money/politics talking to BDA to make such a bonehead decision.

I thought the Ramsey's turned over their phone records - am I wrong about that? Was there something missing in those records?
a 9 year old murderer

1. Sadly, he would not be the first, the youngest nor the last. :(

2. Anyone can do a crime of passion or unintentional murder. It's not like Burk assassinated Olaf Palme or something. It was in his home, to a little girl when knew, with a bludgeon weapon that was readily available. Not the most difficult crime in the world.
1. Sadly, he would not be the first, the youngest nor the last. :(

2. Anyone can do a crime of passion or unintentional murder. It's not like Burk assassinated Olaf Palme or something. It was in his home, to a little girl when knew, with a bludgeon weapon that was readily available. Not the most difficult crime in the world.

And there isn't a single piece of evidence to suggest this. None
And there isn't a single piece of evidence to suggest this. None

There isn't a single piece of evidence to suggest that Burke wouldn't be the youngest, last or first child killer? You don't believe there is proof that children have murdered people?

Or do you saying there is no evidence to suggest that crimes of passion occur at all ages?

Please explain?
1. Sadly, he would not be the first, the youngest nor the last. :(

2. Anyone can do a crime of passion or unintentional murder. It's not like Burk assassinated Olaf Palme or something. It was in his home, to a little girl when knew, with a bludgeon weapon that was readily available. Not the most difficult crime in the world.

If burke also did the garrote, and I can't imagine John or Patsy doing that, then it's more than loosing ones temper and hitting someone in the head.
There isn't a single piece of evidence to suggest that Burke wouldn't be the youngest, last or first child killer? You don't believe there is proof that children have murdered people?

Or do you saying there is no evidence to suggest that crimes of passion occur at all ages?

Please explain?

I said there isn't any evidence that Burke was involved. NONE. Fingerprints on a bowl with pineapple? What else?
If burke also did the garrote, and I can't imagine John or Patsy doing that, then it's more than loosing ones temper and hitting someone in the head.

If you have never seen this video, it will give you some insight. It's pretty horrifying, but also quite edifying. Now as far as we know, Burke was not severely abused in his early life, but the violence that results is what I am looking at.

If burke also did the garrote, and I can't imagine John or Patsy doing that, then it's more than loosing ones temper and hitting someone in the head.

Keep in mind that the blow to the head is what to them has killed her. Everything else from that is desecration of a corpse. I buy Patsy not doing it, but I think John was more practical. It also might explain why the Ransom note doesn't properly mention what actually happened to her body or how she will be killed. More likely that John didn't tell Patsy how he was going to "prepare" the body.

The entire garroting was more like pulling strings on a puppet rather than chocking somebody from behind. It more than likely was not as graphic as people think. It's not like they cut her into several pieces or beheaded as the note mentions.
I suggested several years ago that BR might have done this, but most others on here were positive that PR did it.
I said there isn't any evidence that Burke was involved. NONE. Fingerprints on a bowl with pineapple? What else?

If you want to take it from that point...there is no EVIDENCE against any intruder ultimately either.

So I guess you sleep safely knowing their is a child murder on the loose or John Ramsey can be indicted for conspiracy to cover up and we can see where that goes. All any of us RDI's wanted was a trial. If a jury proves none of the Ramseys did it, I'll accept that justice has been done.
Of course. Justice is justice and we have to adhere to the laws

As long as it's not for just the rich, white or aesthetically pleasing. Let's be honest here. If the Ramseys were meth addicts living in a trailer park in Kansas, they would have been in jail long ago and there would be NO IDI's defending them.

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