By Accident Or On Purpose Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?

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By Accident or on Purpose Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?

  • An Intruder Killed JonBenet and Covered Up the Crime

    Votes: 38 7.1%
  • Patsy Ramsey Acted Alone in Killing JonBenet and Covering Up the Crime

    Votes: 23 4.3%
  • John Ramsey Acted Alone in Killing JonBenet and Covering Up the Crime

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • Burke Killed JonBenet with Patsy and John Helping to Cover Up the Crime

    Votes: 394 73.4%
  • John and Patsy Acted Together in Killing JonBenet and Covering Up the Crime

    Votes: 30 5.6%
  • Other/I Don't Know

    Votes: 48 8.9%

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I just had a thought that I feel like sharing. I've always been of the belief that JR only knew after the 911 call BUT another possibility has came to my mind.
We all know that the Ramsey's story of John carrying her to bed when they arrived home. Supposedly he sat with her for a bit and Patsy was supposed to come get her ready for bed. This story however doesn't match the evidence of the bowl of pineapple. What IF she did have that bowl of pineapple and something erupted between Jon Benet and BR. BR hits her on the head with something. This is when JR takes her to bed thinking she will be ok like the last time BR whacked her with a golf club. John sat with Jon Benet as she worsened and realizing she wasn't going to survive this, the cover-up began. Just a thought.
JR made it a big deal that he carried her to bed with a flashlight. But maybe not when they first got home. Just a thought. There's probably evidence against this theory though.
Good thoughts, although we don’t need a reasoning as to why/if JR was involved in the cover-up. JR’s actions on the 26th shows he was not only involved with the cover-up, but he was the mastermind behind it, and still is.
I used to think it was Patsy, and it was unintentional, and that John had helped cover it up because he loved Patsy so much he didn't want to lose her.

Then I read Kolar's book and it the new info I learned led me to agree that it was Burke, and John & Patsy covered it up.

I think they were devastated, but were thinking "we've already lost JonBenet, we can't lose Burke too."

Plus they had an image to protect, and we all know how important that was to Patsy.

And they had enough money and lawyers to make it work.

Editing to add: I think it was accidental, but I don't think BR had remorse about it, either.
I 100% agree with you!
In a way I can understand JR and PR want to save their remaining child but the fact remains they could have saved both if they would have gotten BR the help he needed before this night. I would bet my life on it there were signs and incidents that happened in that home way before that awful night of BR resentment for JBR. I am sure more incidences happened that were ever made public or witnessed by friends of the family. Hell, JBR dog did not live with them it lived with a neighbor!!! RED FLAG!! JR and PR let both their children down. It should never had been let to esculate to the events of that night. Do I feel it was an accident on BR part...I am really conflicted. I think the resentment was so deep. Just the fact there was no emotion shown during his childhood interviews speaks volumes. He was an only child again that is what he wanted. But only BR truly knows that answer and that is buried deep down inside him after all the years of hiding this big secret. RIP JonBenet.
There were signs. In fact a neighbour told that she had seen BR hit JBR on the head with a golf club in their garden a while before she died. Also when BR drew a family picture while being questioned by the authorities after his sister's death he drew his mum, dad and himself and left JBR completely absent from the picture that they even asked about it. Yes, JBR was dead but to not have her in the picture as an angel or with R.I.P or 'I miss you' or a sad face is just bizarre. No mention whatsoever. He was jealous of her and he didn't give a toss once she'd died. He just moved on as normal and was probably relieved to be rid of her.
There were signs. In fact a neighbour told that she had seen BR hit JBR on the head with a golf club in their garden a while before she died. Also when BR drew a family picture while being questioned by the authorities after his sister's death he drew his mum, dad and himself and left JBR completely absent from the picture that they even asked about it. Yes, JBR was dead but to not have her in the picture as an angel or with R.I.P or 'I miss you' or a sad face is just bizarre. No mention whatsoever. He was jealous of her and he didn't give a toss once she'd died. He just moved on as normal and was probably relieved to be rid of her.

I don't really think it's that bizarre, respectfully. You don't want to know what my siblings and I would do to each other, as far as hitting each other with bats, golf clubs, etc. (yes, in the face). This is quite common among siblings; particularly, young siblings. Have you ever lost a loved one at that age? I have -- and every child will process it differently and in their own way; it isn't necessarily indicative of anything, other than how he's processing the loss.
I don't really think it's that bizarre, respectfully. You don't want to know what my siblings and I would do to each other, as far as hitting each other with bats, golf clubs, etc. (yes, in the face). This is quite common among siblings; particularly, young siblings. Have you ever lost a loved one at that age? I have -- and every child will process it differently and in their own way; it isn't necessarily indicative of anything, other than how he's processing the loss.
Yes I have. I saw my 8 month old sister die in front of me when I was 7 years old. I have never acted like it didn't happen or acted like she never existed. I talked about her then and still think of her and talk about her now 24 years later!
Yes I have. I saw my 8 month old sister die in front of me when I was 7 years old. I have never acted like it didn't happen or acted like she never existed. I talked about her then and still think of her and talk about her now 24 years later!

Fair enough, but again, that's how you in particular processed your emotions. It isn't universal. I lost a member of my immediate family when I was 8 years old; I don't ever recall drawing a picture of my family after the fact, but if I did, I would have left that family member off -- not because I didn't love or care for that person.

There's a difference between "never talking about that person" and not drawing her on a picture. BR talks about her at length when he's interviewed, but he's apprehensive, understandably. I don't share my experiences with strangers -- not because I don't love the person, but because I am a private person. To equate that as being a "murderer" is a stretch to say the least.
Good thoughts, although we don’t need a reasoning as to why/if JR was involved in the cover-up. JR’s actions on the 26th shows he was not only involved with the cover-up, but he was the mastermind behind it, and still is.
Good point. For me,I always felt it was him covering up the following morning, but if he had actually carried her up after her head wound that would change things for me in my mind about when he became aware of the situation. Make sense?
Good point. For me,I always felt it was him covering up the following morning, but if he had actually carried her up after her head wound that would change things for me in my mind about when he became aware of the situation. Make sense?
What do you mean by if he had actually carried her up after her head wound?
What do you mean by if he had actually carried her up after her head wound?
I've always felt JR didn't know until the morning. With that said, for me, if he was still awake when the head wound occurred maybe they didn't think it was as severe initially as it really was. He carried her upstairs to her bed to rest and things went bad quickly with the head wound.
I've always felt there was a reason JR made it a point to say he carried her upstairs with the flashlight immediately upon arriving home. If she was sleepy or asleep (going by his story), why would he need to sit with her until PR came to get her ready for bed. Why couldn't he help her into her pjs so she didn't have to wait on her mama?
It sounds too much like a 50's tv show idea of putting kids to bed like the perfect parents. It sounds fake. and why in the dark too?
IF he was aware of the head injury he was in the cover up from the beginning. It just changes my theory that is all.

ETA: There would be no reason for JR to sit with Jon Benet until PR got up to her room. I think there is some half truths in this. He was sitting with her but not for the Ozzy and Harriett reasons. He wasn't that hands on with his kids from what I've understood. So he was sitting with her for another reason. Maybe while PR took care of punishing BR? Then things go bad. Make sense now?
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I've always felt JR didn't know until the morning. With that said, for me, if he was still awake when the head wound occurred maybe they didn't think it was as severe initially as it really was. He carried her upstairs to her bed to rest and things went bad quickly with the head wound.
I've always felt there was a reason JR made it a point to say he carried her upstairs with the flashlight immediately upon arriving home. If she was sleepy or asleep (going by his story), why would he need to sit with her until PR came to get her ready for bed. Why couldn't he help her into her pjs so she didn't have to wait on her mama?
It sounds too much like a 50's tv show idea of putting kids to bed like the perfect parents. It sounds fake. and why in the dark too?
IF he was aware of the head injury he was in the cover up from the beginning. It just changes my theory that is all.

ETA: There would be no reason for JR to sit with Jon Benet until PR got up to her room. I think there is some half truths in this. He was sitting with her but not for the Ozzy and Harriett reasons. He wasn't that hands on with his kids from what I've understood. So he was sitting with her for another reason. Maybe while PR took care of punishing BR? Then things go bad. Make sense now?


Let me clarify a few things that may help you out.

1. JR has never stated that he carried JB upstairs with a flashlight.

2. JR never carried her from the car up to her room when they returned home that evening. It’s a fact that JR stated to both Officer French, and Detective Arndt, that he read to both kids before they went to bed that night. Four months later during their first official interviews with the police did the Rams change their story, and said JR carried her up to bed that night after she fell asleep in the car.

3. JR also never said he waited for PR in her room. He says he took her shoes off and then Patsy would come in and do the rest. Nevertheless, this didn’t happen anyway, evidenced by BR statements to the police that he saw his sister walk up the stairs behind Patsy when they returned home. You’re right it’s fake.
I've always felt JR didn't know until the morning. With that said, for me, if he was still awake when the head wound occurred maybe they didn't think it was as severe initially as it really was. He carried her upstairs to her bed to rest and things went bad quickly with the head wound.
I've always felt there was a reason JR made it a point to say he carried her upstairs with the flashlight immediately upon arriving home. If she was sleepy or asleep (going by his story), why would he need to sit with her until PR came to get her ready for bed. Why couldn't he help her into her pjs so she didn't have to wait on her mama?
It sounds too much like a 50's tv show idea of putting kids to bed like the perfect parents. It sounds fake. and why in the dark too?
IF he was aware of the head injury he was in the cover up from the beginning. It just changes my theory that is all.

ETA: There would be no reason for JR to sit with Jon Benet until PR got up to her room. I think there is some half truths in this. He was sitting with her but not for the Ozzy and Harriett reasons. He wasn't that hands on with his kids from what I've understood. So he was sitting with her for another reason. Maybe while PR took care of punishing BR? Then things go bad. Make sense now?
This is so close to my theory:
Killed by accident. Covered up on purpose.
ya iirc, it's fuzzy, (my memory)
but she was in bed when the kids were playing in the alley?
If I stumble upon it I'll get back to ya.
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I got to thinking about the Jeffrey MacDonald murder case. The jury found him not guilty of murder in the 1st degree, but guilty of murder in the 2nd degree in the deaths of Colette and Kimberly. So, I'm guessing that maybe there'd be charges of 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, and voluntary manslaughter. A prosecutor would want to have the lesser charges in case the 1st degree murder one fell through.

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