CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #5

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I love psych nerds... You are my people! LOL.

Intellectual Disability is the accepted term for the former Mental Retardation or MR which is not used by professionals anymore. (Or shouldn't be). Intellectual Disability replaced Mental Retardation in clinical circles at least 6 years ago as the acceptable language. But it takes time to catch on, even within professional circles. Intellectual Disability does not mean Autism or Spectrum disorders. That would be referred to as "On the Spectrum" or a "Spectrum Disorder" and then one would differentiate. Totally different in clinical language.

So ID in the high range would mean the same as MR in the high range just a few years ago...
Lol rock on psych nerds! #unite
Ok, so I was assuming right the first time. I thought that was what MR had changed to. So now I retract my statement to replace with could see high functioning end of spectrum... maybe...
My 15 year old daughter has Asperger's/very very HFA and she is completely clueless sometimes but def knows right from wrong in this sort of situation and is at no risk for becoming a psychopath. Feels empathy etc.
I know tho that not all even on high functioning end are like her. IDK. I just don't get that vibe. LT feels justified in some way. I just can't buy that she somehow thought she was doing no harm.

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How long would anyone think it would take a Dr. to determine if any one of those girls had given birth?

I'd imagine they could tell pretty quickly with an exam, but I hope they have deferred that type of exam for the girls unless absolutely necessary at this point. It could traumatize them even further.
I am bipolar and while I can’t speak for my whole “tribe” ��, I can try to give you some insight on its effect in my life. I graduated high school in the top 15% of my class. Was always a good kid, never really got in trouble, but shortly after graduating I fell in with the wrong crowd and start doing meth and some things I am frankly horrified with to this day. That lasted about a year, when I was able to turn my life around and get a great job at 19. But about a year later I started having thoughts that I was a failure, I couldn’t do anything right. I obsessed over everything and it all just because so overwhelming to have my mind all over the place. I fantasized about killing myself just to make it go away. Thankfully when I got to this place, I told my doctor and got in a week long outpatient program and received a diagnosis of depression and I was put on a regular antidepressant.

A bipolar person on an antidepressant is almost worse than no medication at all. Yes, now you’re not so depressed but now your manic episodes are so extreme - you don’t have that natural depression in your body that can bring you back down, or bring you down very much since your baseline is now much higher. And a familiar pattern still continued...good for several months, then gamble over $1,000 at the casino in a week....back to good...then go to bars and meet strange wasn’t until I was diagnosed as bipolar, not depressed, and subsequently given a mood stabilizer to go along with the antidepressant did I start to feel like I had some more control over my life.

Rather than bipolar people having substance abuse problems, I think they’re addiction problems (which can be substances, as I did in the beginning) To me, LT displays some behaviors that are similar to bipolars while not on medications or not on the right ones (mood stabilizers are so important!) For example, addictions such as hoarding, having babies, Disney...and possible manic periods, which can seem to come around like clock work, in the vow renewal ceremonies being held every other year.

Bipolar alone one doesn’t turn a person into this though. I’m not sure what other disorders there are that can turn people into monsters but it’s not been my experience with a solo diagnosis of bipolar. IMO


Can I just say that I thank you for being so brave and sharing your story of bipolar disorder ? Mental illness is so stigmatized and it need not be. It is part of the human condition in my opinion. We are all so complex and diverse just like nature intended. And it definitely does not make one a monster. It just makes them human. The stigma is the problem, as it thwarts effective treatment. IMHO

Thank you for sharing . Bipolar Disorder, or any other disorder does not create monsters. It creates suffering human beings, who with treatment, stop suffering and thrive. Also mental illness does not in and of itself create what we are seeing here, but environment does. When all of those things clash and interact without any sort of treatment and left alone, we can see an absolute disaster.

Again, I thank you for sharing your story. If we stopped stigmatizing mental illness, and accepted it as a part of human existence and viewed it as the same concept of treating any other biological disorder like diabetes we would be a lot better off.

Again, thank you for sharing your story.
Hey there everyone, I'm a longtime lurker decided to finally join after this horrific story came to light. I am finally caught up after 3 days and wanted to mark my spot. I have nothing to add at this point that hasn't already been addressed. Just wanted to express my most heartfelt hopes and prayers for these amazing survivors to find healing and live the best lives they possibly can. I have no doubt they are all far stronger than I could ever imagine, so my hope is they will thrive in their new environments whatever that looks like. Like you all my heart has been truly shattered reading the horrific details they endured. I am a Registered Nurse and I know how truly terrible of states they must have been in to reduce the staff at the hospital to tears. My mind and heart can't fathom all they have been through, especially the oldest siblings. Bless you all!

:happydance: :wagon: :welcome6:
Just an FYI, it wasn't a paywall site or pay site for me. I was able to read the full article. I apologize. I had no way of knowing that it would not work the same way for others. Is there any way for me to avoid that in the future?

I posted the WS policy about paywalls because the other poster said it was behind a paywall. If it's not behind one, there is nothing to avoid but then you must still adhere to the 10% copyright rule.
Has anyone noticed that DT appears to have exceptionally thick hair for his age and that LT has extreme thinning on top? That amount of thinning on a woman's head usually indicates some sort of hormone issue.

It's very very common for personality disordered people and mental health in general to have metabolic and hormonal issues that contribute or sometimes outright cause the mental problem

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I believe you are not typical of most homeschool parents. Most homeschool parents do not have a K-12 teaching certificate. So it's impossible for their kids to get the same quality of education they would get in a public school. As this case proves many homeschool parents are not even educated themselves in the subject matter that they are supposedly teaching their children. It's impossible for anyone to teach what they have not learned themselves, yet perfectly legal under the current laws.

All this case proves is the Turpins are not fit to be homeschool teachers.

If you're interested in learning more, I recommend doing some research online about homeschool options. There are so many different ways to do homeschool, some of which actually include learning at home via online programs taught by licensed teachers.

There are also curriculums you can purchase or subscribe to that are designed by teachers.

The Turpins were not "homeschooling" so they could actually teach their children. They were "homeschooling" so they had complete and total control over their children.
Is it possible the dresses were rentals from the Elvis wedding chapel?

I had that same thought..I looked on their website to see. It appears that a tux is available, as is a wedding dress, and flowers. I did not see anything for flower girls. But maybe they may have an arrangement? It makes sense. I just cannot imagine Turpins going to the trouble of selecting correct sizes, for the dresses or for the shoes and stockings. And, I think those shoes were different in the two videos that I saw the kids in. We probably won't ever find out! Peculiar, the things we wonder about. Imo

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Someone mentioned earlier that some of the photos looked photoshopped. After looking at the photos in blue of everyone jumping in the air (one of the girls is missing half her arm) and one of the photos in the Dr Seuss shirts (a large random hand doesn’t seem to be attached to anyone), I am inclined to agree. Has anyone else noticed inconsistencies in some of the photos?

:loveyou: Thank You!! When I brought up before others didn't thin so.There are a few weird things with that photo! The one with big hand from nowhere there is also a small hand can see under her hair!
It seems that the “no v-necks” policy only pertained to the children. mom’s wedding dresses were strapless. Also, there’s a picture where she’s showing much clevage and skintight pants.
The Chamber of Commerce was asking for donations. They provided a list of items needed. Among the items were tops but specifically said NO v-necks.
Hello all ! As a child I personally was mentally and sexually abused by my step father who on Sundays hid behind a pulpit at our private Christian academy. I literally feel for these children. And while our stories are completely different I can relate on so many levels... given the above I wanted to just make a few observations/statements purely based on my opinion.

1. The charge of a Lewd act most likely involves the same girl who escaped. And for LE to charge him with it, and the level he is charged with (force etc) they would have to have hard proof. I am also fairly certain she is the same brave girl that is holding the 2 year old baby in one of the vow renewal photos.
2. In this type of scenario victims are not usually that brave to escape and call 911 etc., not because they don’t know how but because it has been beaten into you to not be. Period.
3. I have a strong feeling that baby is hers. When I became a mother (by my husband) I truly felt I could fight off an army if it was for my child. Most mothers can agree with me, you will do anything for your child.
4. DNA tests and doctors etc... you have to remember this is a process, asking if they want a hug or a blanket could be a trigger. I promise you all the LE, caregivers etc are working on gaining trust right now and that’s as far as they have gotten.
5. The v neck shirt topic. When you have been abused you also feel shame and just want to own your own body. It could be as simple as they want their bodies to be theirs. 30 years later and I still rarely wear a v-neck. And if I do, I have a cami under.
6. The leaving the food on the counter. My parents did that in regards to sweets. I was 7 and my step father would be eating a pie dropping the crumbs on the floors & I would be vacuuming up the crumbs from under him. It’s a total control thing & it’s sick. I didn’t ever really have treats until I was 14 years old.
7. Don’t try to get into the minds of the abusers. It’s not worth it. When I was around 8 I remember being woken up in the middle of the night because there was a slug in my parents bathroom. I had to go and grab the salt and pour it on it to kill it. My parents laid in bed and laughed at me the whole time. I still don’t understand why they thought it was funny. And I never want to understand.
8. I have a feeling they stayed up all night so that they would be less observed. Most people are sleeping when they are awake. Better chance of being under the radar.
9. The journals - I was allowed to keep a journal. However, I didn’t know at the time but my parents also read it. In hindsight I realize they used it to find out my fears etc. and then they indirectly used those fears against me.
10. The vow renewals - my parents renewed their vows twice... once after my step father admitted what he had done - he said it was their way of starting over ... and then again a year later when he admitted he had done it to my sister too.

Those are my opinion and thoughts ... I hope it helps.

Thank you for sharing all of this. And thank you so much for all of the seriously astute, valuable, and personal insight.

Welcome !!!!
Bipolar alone one doesn’t turn a person into this though. I’m not sure what other disorders there are that can turn people into monsters but it’s not been my experience with a solo diagnosis of bipolar. IMO

Personality Disorders.
Does anyone know why the lewd and lascivious charge is for a one year period (11/16/2012 thru 11/15/2013) while the other charges are for 1/1/2010 - 1/14/2018?

Reading that count makes me angry. moo

Statute of Limitations? Seven years
I wonder if it is because the v-necks show just how emaciated the children are. Like in the picture I posted of WWII POWs.



Keep in mind that these POWs were full-grown men when they were taken into captivity. They didn't have their growth stunted by lack of food during formative years.

Bill, those photos break my heart. I wish there was a magic pill to end all suffering and make this world a better place. :(
I think the ugly hand made dresses and white tights and shoes are all part of her deluded Disney dream. It's quite and old fashioned style all together like something out of bedjnibs and broomsticks or something like that. Alas that mattered really was what she looked like, she's the only person that really matters.

I wonder if all the children were initially loved, fed and looked after while they were babies and toddlers, it's only as they grow and start to grow up that they're not as appealing and become a nuisance that just need to be tolerated. Having babies every year or so, and then when perhaps unable to get pregnant has the constant wedding renewals, all to keep her feeling youthful.

Great post,

The fixation for Disney wasn't for the kids IMO, it was for Louise and David. It is possible that when the children were infants they were loved, because that was a part of LT dream of Disney, the cute little people, the dolls. I wonder of Louise had this obsession with Disney as a little girl? Both David's and her own narcissist behavior. LT thinking babies are cute, but more important to her the easiest to control. But how did she and David deal with what is know as the "terrible two's" To the Turpins, when did the children stop being cute and becoming a burden to them?

We can collect from the evidence that as the children aged, the needed to be controlled more and more with harsh discipline to maintain the Turpin's demands on conformity within the home. Once Louise and David stopped caring about something, there was no going back to correct a wrong. Because Louise and David in their twisted minds were never wrong. I think the only other things that she cared about that weren't her own dillusions, were what David made her care about, and the fear of retaliation by him if she didn't do as he demanded. Two narcissist controlling freaks, who over the years blending those ideas of religion, domination, abuse and this leading to torture of their own children.

Louise wanted children because of her fanatical religious beliefs that encouraged offspring. But once the babies were no longer cute, she wanted as little to do with them as possible. David being from the same faith was agreeable to that. When the love of the babies stopped, the neglect and the abuse began and intensified over time. When the cuteness becomes a burden to the Turpins, they want nothing to with kids any more. Doing barely enough to keep them alive. (I recall the pizza shop employee said that Louise would come in every other day for a chicken sandwich, no tomato, or a slice of pepperoni. Dear God, who only buys one slice of pepperoni? I could see her eating a whole chicken sandwich and offering one of the kids, only one slice of pepperoni.

Louise as a control freak I think could care less about a filthy house. Being a narcissist, cleaning was to demeaning for her. Wonder why this did not bother David? Seriously, I think that if they could have gotten away with killing their kids and throwing them in a dumpster they would have done just that. Was death coming next on their horror train if that brave and wonderful girl did not escape for help?

It is strange that the Maltese dogs were so well cared. But I read back in Texas, and maybe even in their California home that they left two dogs behind that were so starving that ate diaper dung that was all over the house. And there was an abandoned crying kitten rescued from a dumpster. I heard a rumor about dead dogs found on one of the properties, first California home, or Texas home. I have no explanation for the wide variation in animal care by the Turpins.

Is it possible the dresses were rentals from the Elvis wedding chapel?

I doubt that the Elvis Chapel would have that many plaid dresses on hand. It's easy to buy dresses like that on Etsy and other vintage clothing websites.
Has anyone noticed that DT appears to have exceptionally thick hair for his age and that LT has extreme thinning on top? That amount of thinning on a woman's head usually indicates some sort of hormone issue.

I noticed that his haircut is a throwback to his high school days. He had normal hair in the wedding and early married years. I think she was the hairdresser in the family. They look homemade.
Has anyone noticed that DT appears to have exceptionally thick hair for his age and that LT has extreme thinning on top? That amount of thinning on a woman's head usually indicates some sort of hormone issue.

I had the same thought. Her eyebrows are also very thin on the outer third and for some reason that tends to be a sign of a low functioning thyroid. Which of course controls hormones.
All this case proves is the Turpins are not fit to be homeschool teachers.

If you're interested in learning more, I recommend doing some research online about homeschool options. There are so many different ways to do homeschool, some of which actually include learning at home via online programs taught by licensed teachers.

There are also curriculums you can purchase or subscribe to that are designed by teachers.

The Turpins were not "homeschooling" so they could actually teach their children. They were "homeschooling" so they had complete and total control over their children.

I thought they didn't want to bother with the burden of buying clothes, feeding them properly or getting them up or cleaning them.
They look like characters from Scooby Doo to me. He looks like Shaggy and she looks a bit like Velma.
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