CA - 14 killed in San Bernardino mass shooting, 2 Dec 2015 #3

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So the FBI left a list of what they took from their apartment. Now they also left a list of items from a car. This is so crazy. Why wasn't that car impounded?
GoPro packaging found in The Lexus. No mention of cameras however - per Fox News
The movie theater bit is sooooo amateurish, it comes across as a feint, a smokescreen. I mean, hello, ever heard of moviefone? And gosh, they aren't funded well enough so that someone can go to see something fairly innocuous, like, let's say the new Alvin and the Chipmunks Movie, or The Good Dinosaur, I mean something without too many babes and guns and those decadent American values. And check out the entrances and exits and . . . heck, you could even do it as a "family" group! I mean, kinda "undercover"? Nothing like a Middle Eastern man asking pointed questions to get suspicions up!

"The bureau, however, has uncovered evidence that Mr. Farook had contact with five individuals on whom the F.B.I. had previously opened investigations for possible terrorist activities, law enforcement officials said. All five inquiries was closed, and the contacts were made a few years ago, not recently, the authorities said.

One individual contacted was associated with the Shabab, the Islamist militant group in Somalia. Another was associated with the Nusra Front, the Qaeda wing in Syria. None of the other three were tied to the Islamic State or core Al Qaeda.

Mr. Comey said the F.B.I. is re-examining those contacts, but added, “I would urge you not to make too much of that.”"
“I would urge you not to make too much of that.”

Yeah, okay, Mr. Comey. Perhaps you should stop minimizing this terrorist connection and treat it more seriously.

Sorry, I was supposed to quote FindHG's post. :doh:
On another thought. Given the information about the theater casing by middle eastern males along with the fact that the suspects did not ditch the vehicle, wipe the vehicle, and remove the contents in effort to dissociate themselves from the crime spells out a larger planned event. Fortunately witnesses gave good information and the suspects were caught and exterminated before causing more carnage. I think the likelihood that this was bigger than we know is strong. Also I think given the information we now know, the likelihood that there were more suspects is in play as well.
FBI guy saying it ... so I moved it over

This is just so wierd CNN ISIS is denying any direct invovment? They trying to keep themselves out so we dont look that direction and thwart?

I totally think this is a cell,, just the movie canvas is totally creepy. Obviouly they had additional plans. This was organized funded with amazing years long planning for the "day"

If we look at Paris they unltimtly ended up being cell.

If we look at Belgium cells

I think , correctly, the word scares us


may 2015:
Virginia, Illinois, Maryland and California were also named as locations of ISIS cells and the group promises an “interesting” next six months.
Dianne Feinstein: Terrorist sleeper cells are in the U.S

Homeland Security Chief Johnson: Terrorist Sleeper Cells in US Now

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com​®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

"The bureau, however, has uncovered evidence that Mr. Farook had contact with five individuals on whom the F.B.I. had previously opened investigations for possible terrorist activities, law enforcement officials said. All five inquiries was closed, and the contacts were made a few years ago, not recently, the authorities said.

One individual contacted was associated with the Shabab, the Islamist militant group in Somalia. Another was associated with the Nusra Front, the Qaeda wing in Syria. None of the other three were tied to the Islamic State or core Al Qaeda.

Mr. Comey said the F.B.I. is re-examining those contacts, but added, “I would urge you not to make too much of that.”"

Oh, yeah, just your usual exchange of pleasantries, pix of hot babes in red brassieres and burkinis, directions for Xmas tree light crafts . . . nothing, you know, major. Don't make too much of it
On another thought. Given the information about the theater casing by middle eastern males along with the fact that the suspects did not ditch the vehicle, wipe the vehicle, and remove the contents in effort to dissociate themselves from the crime spells out a larger planned event. Fortunately witnesses gave good information and the suspects were caught and exterminated before causing more carnage. I think the likelihood that this was bigger than we know is strong. Also I think given the information we now know, the likelihood that there were more suspects is in play as well.

they found them??

"The bureau, however, has uncovered evidence that Mr. Farook had contact with five individuals on whom the F.B.I. had previously opened investigations for possible terrorist activities, law enforcement officials said. All five inquiries was closed, and the contacts were made a few years ago, not recently, the authorities said.

One individual contacted was associated with the Shabab, the Islamist militant group in Somalia. Another was associated with the Nusra Front, the Qaeda wing in Syria. None of the other three were tied to the Islamic State or core Al Qaeda.

Mr. Comey said the F.B.I. is re-examining those contacts, but added, “I would urge you not to make too much of that.”"

whew! The Boston guys were removed several years concerns !!

The Paris ringleader was attached to what 4 attempts
I don't think it is beyond the pale of possibility that the suspects second target was the movie theatre during a busy showing. Would this not make sense given their vehicle being stocked with so much ammo and the possibility that that they would hit an evening showing due to larger crowds? Any one know where this theater is in proximity to the suspect's home? Do you agree?

....i think they changed plans....somewhere else, somewhere bigger was the target.....going by all the bombs and ammunition etc.....
More MSM:

December 4, 2015
FBI investigating Calif. shooting as act of terrorism; Female attacker pledged to IS

Bureau cites ‘a number of pieces of evidence,’ but no details in announcement

Woman blamed in the deadly shootings pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Facebook, authorities say

Islamic State-affiliated news agency Aamaq said the two shooters were ‘supporters’ of the group

Associated Press

SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. The FBI announced Friday that it is investigating the mass shooting in Southern California as an act of terrorism, while a U.S. law enforcement official revealed that the woman who helped her husband carry out the attack had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group and its leader on Facebook under an alias.

The movie theater bit is sooooo amateurish, it comes across as a feint, a smokescreen. I mean, hello, ever heard of moviefone? And gosh, they aren't funded well enough so that someone can go to see something fairly innocuous, like, let's say the new Alvin and the Chipmunks Movie, or The Good Dinosaur, I mean something without too many babes and guns and those decadent American values. And check out the entrances and exits and . . . heck, you could even do it as a "family" group! I mean, kinda "undercover"? Nothing like a Middle Eastern man asking pointed questions to get suspicions up!

But, the timeframe - ponder if the theatre was the orginal target?

Holmes cased his more than once.

taking pictures is biazare

grilling a security guard as oppossed to the boxoffice clerk is odd

movie theate is perfect , (bombs) congeation of people, terror cant even go to movie these days without pondering if it is going to be your last say alive

the fact that is was so peculiar to the securiy guard is telling in and of itself

the fact that a different car was used in the second pass through is odd

what are the odds of two seperate vehicles engaging in odd behaovior on the same night -- 2 days before everything went nuts

Final check of scene new movies open on Friday might be worth checking it out 48 hours earlier

exlosives in a theatre setting would be much more effective than guns IMO

there are dont remember 14 houses in theatre - 12 left a couple of duds

run in toss a bomb in each thetre your on your way

even the number of pipe bombs is ..............
So why did they build a bunch of pipe bombs and then never use them?

No one builds those things just for fun, it is far to dangerous. Did they plan to set them off before the shooting rampage but then change their mind? Were they afraid the center would be on lock down if bombs went off in the vicinity?

Or maybe their terrorist buddies are planning a separate pipe bomb related event and didn't want to give the surprise away? While I agree asking a movie security guard about show times seems quite ameuterish who knows, maybe it was cover for hanging around the theater at that time.

Maybe they were testing remote control signals to see if they were strong enough to be picked up inside the theater.
I don't think it is beyond the pale of possibility that the suspects second target was the movie theatre during a busy showing. Would this not make sense given their vehicle being stocked with so much ammo and the possibility that that they would hit an evening showing due to larger crowds? Any one know where this theater is in proximity to the suspect's home? Do you agree?

totaly gave me chills -- Mcveigh surveyed , paris surveyed, holmes surveyed

and the need to check out a theatre makes total sense so many exits
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