CA Accuses State Attorney of Seeking Political Gain NEW CA VIDEOS ADDED #2

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In this interview, she says that there are 15,000 of them. :waitasec:

Wow. That 15,000 ways her daughter is not responsible. She really should have named the babysitter "Jane Doe". Just think of all the outs it would have given her daughter!
I work in counseling and life coaching. We have this lovely saying that if one person pi**es you off it may be them, if everyone is pi**ing you off it is you!

So CA everyone (including your daughters spokesperson) believes she is lying. How can EVERYONE be wrong?

One question...does CA still believe there was a ZG? She cannot believe that now that there is absolutely no proof there ever was such a woman.

- in her LE interview video, Cindy says that she believes Z used to be a real person but is now either Jesse G or Amy H (yes, it left me scratching my head too)

- in a news interview video about a week ago, Cindy says that LE never tried to find Z, and as 'proof', says LE has a book of 15,000 Zs. She doesn't explain how that's proof they did *not* try to find Z. I'm not sure why they would have a book of 15,000 Zs unless they *did* try to find her, but hey, I'm not on on Cindy's wavelength, even when I wear my tinfoil hat.
- in her LE interview video, Cindy says that she believes Z used to be a real person but is now either Jesse G or Amy H (yes, it left me scratching my head too)
- in a news interview video about a week ago, Cindy says that LE never tried to find Z, and as 'proof', says LE has a book of 15,000 Zs. She doesn't explain how that's proof they did *not* try to find Z. I'm not sure why they would have a book of 15,000 Zs unless they *did* try to find her, but hey, I'm not on on Cindy's wavelength, even when I wear my tinfoil hat.

Bold by me- as far as JG or AH being ZG, now I know where KC gets her lies, I mean logic, from.

ROFLMAO about the tinfoil hat! Thanks I needed a good laugh today!
I noticed twice LE driving by in the backgound.....I do hope they have been following all of the A's for leads! They all had plenty of time with KC to help her hide anything that is if KC would even tell them anything truthful!

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Posts: 660

Someone suggested I re-post this in here too:

lol Cindy just laid the ground work for the entire population of Orange County to sue!!!

Been waiting to see this interview all day!

Everyting in bold blue is her comments as I tried to quote/paraphrase from the interview (I may have thrown in one or two comments but you should be able to tell the difference:

"Everything is ready in her room for when she comes home."

She even changes her bed sheets each week.

"It is a one sided search"

She is talking about someone who just got his child back as well that got no help from LE.

She always held LE in high regard, she still does. ???
But she thinks they need an internal investigation in the department.

Denying the blow out fight, says it was a great weekend and they never had a fight.

Says there are at least 15,000 ZFG's and she thinks it's crazy they cannot find the one Casey says is 24

Now she also accuses people of prostituting Caylee instead of looking for her.

Says there are alot of people out there making fame and fortune off of Caylee.

Everything has been leaked, it's all circumstantial, it's politically motivated.

She was upset on July 15th, but it did not take her very long to realize it wasn't Casey's hands, Casey is not a monster. Nobody wanted to listen to her, there is a reason that she took them to places, somethings are not what they look to be and they need to investigate. She feels Casey will be aqquited.

Saying Lamar is bassically calling poeple liars for not going after the tips and researching them all.

Casey isolated from her friends. Defending her time spent with the attorney, 2 hours is travel time??? but yet she says half up and half back????

People should not know that the A's were suppenaed.

Geroge and Cindy are not concerened that they are going to try and use his own words against their daughter. Nothing they can say can be used as a smoking gun as their daughter.

I brought them here before. They can look if they want everytime if they find nothing just supports our case. (refering to TES)

Let the people look, she claims she has no ill will to TES.

Talking about another family still seeking their daughter, This woman told her that the family should not search. She wants everyone to keep looking for a live Caylee.

MY private investigators have more evidence that she is out there alive 100%.

We have had our time with Casey out here if our time is up we are ok with that but we will get through, faith in god mentioned.

Tonight is our normal evening. She says the GJ cannot go in there with a free concious that they have not seen any news reports on this case and can't provide a ruleing with a clear consious. But she feels for them and do not want to be in their shoes.

Seeing Casey in the news in the "theft" videos just takes away from finding Caylee so they just do not think about that much.

She does not ask Casey certain things that will put her in a position.... mumble mumble jumble....

Some days she can;t get out of bed.

She said she sought medical advice early on to get help allready.

Told she can investigate any tips she wants but she knows for a fact she can't get manifest for airlines she knows for a fact Caylee was on.

She is going to poor over the tips with voulenteers to bring Caylee home.

They all gave DNA , no idea what they are going to use it for, but HOPEFULLY TO PROVE ALL OF THEIR DNA WAS IN THE TRUNK OF THE CAR< ANYTHING TO MESS THEM UP!

She says LE said they are 100% sure Caylee is not alive but she says they are not 100% sure.

Speaks to Caylee at the end. That the home has not changed that they are doing everything to bring her home. Her investigation team watches Caylee's videos every day so they can record her image and manerisms and cannot miss seeing her out there somewhere. Misses her hugs and if she were here right now she would say "CC it's going to be OK"

"I know I said too damn much I'm gonna be in trouble, I don;t give a damn" her ending remarks, while giggling.
Dr. Bob Kelso: "Nothing in this world worth having comes easy"
I'd like to know who put CA in charge of what any media outlet reports? And how in the world could you possibly tell Caylee's story without talking about Casey? Please.

That woman operates in an alternate universe.

Cindy lives in her own universe. She get's very angry when she feels she or someone in her family has been wronged, yet excuses Casey's stealing & lying. When she needed Amy to help her find Casey, Amy was next to saint hood in Cindy's eyes. Once Amy pressed charges Cindy couldnt wait to LE how she felt Amy was involved in drugs & all kind of bad things.
In Cindy's universe only she is perfect & she lives in this perfect world. In Cindy's universe she would rather believe Zannie from another planet took Caylee to some yet un known planet than admit Casey is not perfect & really screwed up this time.

Cindy only wanted in the People magazine that which suits her agenda. Finding the truth isn't part of that agenda. How sad.
wow. CA just wants everyone to do what she says no matter the cost or circumstances. I don't recall ever seeing CA crying or begging for the safe return of her granddaughter - she is always full of hate anger, pride and that chip on her shoulder is getting huge.

She really is a huge control freak. And yes, it had to drive her freaking nuts when she was not in the GJ room. I hope they call her early in the trial so she can be in there for the rest. I can just picture her jumping to her feet yelling "objection." :)
respectfully snipped

- in her LE interview video, Cindy says that she believes Z used to be a real person but is now either Jesse G or Amy H (yes, it left me scratching my head too)

So ... as CA admits there is no ZG after all, what the heck does it matter if there are 15,000 ZG's in the US? Nobody needs to hunt down JG and AH because they didn't disappear. Just which kidnapper is LE supposed to be looking for? :waitasec:
Bold by me- as far as JG or AH being ZG, now I know where KC gets her lies, I mean logic, from.

ROFLMAO about the tinfoil hat! Thanks I needed a good laugh today!

KC had 22 years of her Mommy's mis-duplicating.

Seriously, when you think about it, what effect does that have when you hear it and live it from infancy? The child reaches a point where they become aware that 'this is reality, I just saw it happen myself', but 'Mommy is saying this other thing happened'.

Was KC punished at that point when she asked Mommy why she was saying something else happened? Did Cindy give her excuses? Tell her lying was okay?

Then into KC's teen years it wouldn't matter any more what Cindy had said. The lesson she would have learned over and over would have been that you can make up a different reality and it didn't even have to be believable. Just stick to it.

And we get to 22 years old, she kills her baby, and what does she do? She makes up story after story that aren't believable and she's sticking to them. No excuses. I think KC was also born with a sociopathic personality and it was coincidence (or genetics) that she was born to a Mom like Cindy. KC is still 100% responsible for her actions no matter what.

Usually we have to wonder how these murderers get to where they are. This is a rare opportunity to see it live on what's turned into reality TV. I hope to God the FBI profilers and forensic psychiatrists are DVRing the he[[ out of this stuff. It's so valuable for them to learn and to teach from.
Cindy lives in her own universe. She get's very angry when she feels she or someone in her family has been wronged, yet excuses Casey's stealing & lying. When she needed Amy to help her find Casey, Amy was next to saint hood in Cindy's eyes. Once Amy pressed charges Cindy couldnt wait to LE how she felt Amy was involved in drugs & all kind of bad things.
In Cindy's universe only she is perfect & she lives in this perfect world. In Cindy's universe she would rather believe Zannie from another planet took Caylee to some yet un known planet than admit Casey is not perfect & really screwed up this time.

Cindy only wanted in the People magazine that which suits her agenda. Finding the truth isn't part of that agenda. How sad.

I don't think it is sad. I believe it is a well calculated plan. What she is too foolish to realize is she is setting that needle in her daughter's arm each time she speaks like this. She is setting her daughter up for the DP.

No ONE including LE believes the zanny story. That story is NOT going to work and she is guaranteeing KC the DP if she sticks to it. Her words are going to be used against her in the trial. She has told SO MANY lies nothing she says is going to be valuable to the defense. It is almost like she wants to get KC the DP.

The GJ indicted her after 4 witnesses and 30 minutes. That says it all. In a questionable case, it will take days and tons of witnesses to get an indictment in a capital murder case.

She is setting this up so she can benefit from it selling interviews. She has no intention of going back to work and she sees huge amounts of money over the horizon for them and she intends to get it.

When this is all over, I believe she will be seen by all for the person she really is. There is still some sympathy for them as the grandparents, but that is sliding each day they do such things.
respectfully snipped

So ... as CA admits there is no ZG after all, what the heck does it matter if there are 15,000 ZG's in the US? Nobody needs to hunt down JG and AH because they didn't disappear. Just which kidnapper is LE supposed to be looking for? :waitasec:

I hope you're not mis-perforating Cindy by that.
I don't think it is sad. I believe it is a well calculated plan. What she is too foolish to realize is she is setting that needle in her daughter's arm each time she speaks like this. She is setting her daughter up for the DP.

No ONE including LE believes the zanny story. That story is NOT going to work and she is guaranteeing KC the DP if she sticks to it. Her words are going to be used against her in the trial. She has told SO MANY lies nothing she says is going to be valuable to the defense. It is almost like she wants to get KC the DP.

The GJ indicted her after 4 witnesses and 30 minutes. That says it all. In a questionable case, it will take days and tons of witnesses to get an indictment in a capital murder case.

She is setting this up so she can benefit from it selling interviews. She has no intention of going back to work and she sees huge amounts of money over the horizon for them and she intends to get it.

When this is all over, I believe she will be seen by all for the person she really is. There is still some sympathy for them as the grandparents, but that is sliding each day they do such things.

:clap: I agree. I have asked more than once does she not understand how much worse she is making Casey look every time she opens her mouth. She IS pushing that needle in faster.
Palmetto bugs are giant looking roach bugs. They get really big and they can fly too. I guess maybe someone makes koolaid out of them? That I never heard of............:eek::eek::eek:

Turbo, with a home in Florida, you SHOULD know what this means! Everyone in Florida has these giant Palmetto bugs, which are just big old gross American cockroaches. But EVERYONE in Florida calls them Palmetto bugs, as though they are a better class of cockroach! But the truth is, they are just American cockroaches. LOL!

That's what's meant by Palmetto bug Kool-aid - everyone who has them pretends they are not what they actually are: cockroaches!

There are all sorts of folk remedies in Florida for them, as well. One that was really common was to put green citrus fruit in the 4 corners of each room - the grocery actually sold unripened citrus for this purpose. Interestingly enough, we tried it and the Palmetto bugs didn't want to enter the room we had green citrus in! They came to the door, and then went away!
She really is a huge control freak. And yes, it had to drive her freaking nuts when she was not in the GJ room. I hope they call her early in the trial so she can be in there for the rest. I can just picture her jumping to her feet yelling "objection." :)

Omg I'm always thinking about her jumping up and waving her hands and yelling "objection". And then yelling at the prosecutor and the judge telling them what they can and can't do. I sooooooooo can't wait. lmao.

And I agree, she's all about control. She takes it to a whole new level.
KC had 22 years of her Mommy's mis-duplicating.

Seriously, when you think about it, what effect does that have when you hear it and live it from infancy? The child reaches a point where they become aware that 'this is reality, I just saw it happen myself', but 'Mommy is saying this other thing happened'.

Was KC punished at that point when she asked Mommy why she was saying something else happened? Did Cindy give her excuses? Tell her lying was okay?

Then into KC's teen years it wouldn't matter any more what Cindy had said. The lesson she would have learned over and over would have been that you can make up a different reality and it didn't even have to be believable. Just stick to it.

And we get to 22 years old, she kills her baby, and what does she do? She makes up story after story that aren't believable and she's sticking to them. No excuses. I think KC was also born with a sociopathic personality and it was coincidence (or genetics) that she was born to a Mom like Cindy. KC is still 100% responsible for her actions no matter what.

Usually we have to wonder how these murderers get to where they are. This is a rare opportunity to see it live on what's turned into reality TV. I hope to God the FBI profilers and forensic psychiatrists are DVRing the he[[ out of this stuff. It's so valuable for them to learn and to teach from.

My mom had issues. Of course, nothing like this, but she would be telling a perfectly true story and then call 4 or 5 people and by the time she got to the 6th person she would have whole different story that she actually believed. Now this is about innocent things (usually about how a friend wronged her or something) but it took several years for me to deprogram myself and discern from her what the real story was. Her stories were never "lies" per se but they were all embellished and slanted.

As my daughter says after spending time w/her grandma... "Wow, Mom, it is amazing you are so normal!"

I feel like telling her it's all relative! I am far from normal but not quite at psycho.
I don't think it is sad. I believe it is a well calculated plan. What she is too foolish to realize is she is setting that needle in her daughter's arm each time she speaks like this. She is setting her daughter up for the DP.

No ONE including LE believes the zanny story. That story is NOT going to work and she is guaranteeing KC the DP if she sticks to it. Her words are going to be used against her in the trial. She has told SO MANY lies nothing she says is going to be valuable to the defense. It is almost like she wants to get KC the DP.

The GJ indicted her after 4 witnesses and 30 minutes. That says it all. In a questionable case, it will take days and tons of witnesses to get an indictment in a capital murder case.

She is setting this up so she can benefit from it selling interviews. She has no intention of going back to work and she sees huge amounts of money over the horizon for them and she intends to get it.

When this is all over, I believe she will be seen by all for the person she really is. There is still some sympathy for them as the grandparents, but that is sliding each day they do such things.

YES!! You can't say that enough times. Except I do wonder if subconsciously or something she does realize she's killing the thorn in her side and murderer of her grandchild who she loved very much in her own way. Cindy has a lot of anger in general, and she just has to be angry as hell with Casey at some level, no matter how she's acting on the outside.

I also agree she sees a gravy train to retirement, paying off the bills that have plagued her for years, and maybe even getting back at Casey for stealing all that money from her and her parents (Cindy's parents). We all do interesting things subconsciously.

I just love this new live reality TV. And to think, we might even get an execution at the end.
My mom had issues. Of course, nothing like this, but she would be telling a perfectly true story and then call 4 or 5 people and by the time she got to the 6th person she would have whole different story that she actually believed. Now this is about innocent things (usually about how a friend wronged her or something) but it took several years for me to deprogram myself and discern from her what the real story was. Her stories were never "lies" per se but they were all embellished and slanted.

As my daughter says after spending time w/her grandma... "Wow, Mom, it is amazing you are so normal!"

I feel like telling her it's all relative! I am far from normal but not quite at psycho.

Wow, karenz, my mom had the same kind of issues as yours! So yes, I know exactly what you're talking about. I really struggled in my teen years and young adulthood.

Not surprisingly, my need for a reality I could count on for balance and stability, instead of the wobbly one I was brought up with, led me to my career which involves all cold hard indisputable facts. lol. I can immerse myself in them all day long. Like I just posted a few minutes ago, it's amazing what we do subconsciously lol. When I picked my career I had no idea why it interested me so much.
Bwahhhhhh!! Oh that's sweet. She felt duped by People magazine, but not CASEY??? Bwhahhhhhaaaaaa!! That gave me the laugh of the day!

I guess you missed the memo- this is about CINDY not about casey or Caylee.....

THIS IS CINDY: A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:has a grandiose sense of self-importance, is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love, believes that he or she is "special" and unique, requires excessive admiration, has a sense of entitlement is interpersonally exploitative, lacks empathy, is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her, shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes. Also-Cindy has many signs of a sociopath also case in point: DSM-IV criteria for ASPD; they are remorseless predators who use charm, intimidation, if necessary, impulsive and cold-blooded violence to attain their ends. Sounds like Cindy to me….

respectfully snipped

So ... as CA admits there is no ZG after all, what the heck does it matter if there are 15,000 ZG's in the US? Nobody needs to hunt down JG and AH because they didn't disappear. Just which kidnapper is LE supposed to be looking for? :waitasec:
I checked on a free website and there are only 90 ZG in Florida and only 3 are in Orlando. We know of one. You can bet that LE checked out all others. How many are the right age - with 2 children and a silver Ford Focus? OH and I believe Cindy said she was 24 - with two kids? I only know one person that young with two kids.

Another thing. Zenaida's step-father is named Gonzalez. The only way Zenaida would have that last name is if she were adopted by her step-father and then he would be her FATHER not her step-father.

CaliKid Nice job on your summary to the above video! She really rambles on in this interview!! Best CA interview to date besides the one with LE! She's mad at Holly from Fox so I doubt Holly will get another exclusive with CA!

This is a must see video if anyone missed it!

Thanks Friptzap for your summary.

I hope you don't mind, but I used it and tried to break this down into categories. Some of the statements fell into more than one and were listed under each topic.

Statements about Cindy’s coping:
Tonight is our normal evening.
Some days she can;t get out of bed.
She said she sought medical advice early on to get help already.

Statements about Cindy and Casey’s relationship:
Denying the blow out fight, says it was a great weekend and they never had a fight.
She does not ask Casey certain things that will put her in a position…
We have had our time with Casey out here if our time is up we are ok with that but we will get through, faith in god mentioned.

Statements supporting “Casey is a victim too” theory:
Casey isolated from her friends. Defending her time spent with the attorney, 2 hours is travel time??? but yet she says half up and half back????
Seeing Casey in the news in the theft videos just takes away from finding Caylee so they just do not think about that much.

Statements about claiming that Caylee is alive:
Everything is ready in her room for when she comes home. She (Cindy) even changes her bed sheets each week.
MY private investigators have more evidence that she is out there alive 100%.
Let the people look, she claims she has no ill will to TES.
She says LE said they are 100% sure Caylee is not alive but she says they are not 100% sure.
They all gave DNA , no idea what they are going to use it for, but HOPEFULLY TO PROVE ALL OF THEIR DNA WAS IN THE TRUNK OF THE CAR< ANYTHING TO MESS THEM UP!
Speaks to Caylee at the end. That the home has not changed, that they are doing everything to bring her home. Her investigation team watches Caylee's videos every day so they can record her image and mannerisms and cannot miss seeing her out there somewhere. Misses her hugs and if she were here right now she would say, CC it's going to be OK

Statements about the search for Caylee:
She is talking about someone who just got his child back as well that got no help from LE.
Talking about another family still seeking their daughter, this woman told her that the family should not search. She wants everyone to keep looking for a live Caylee.
She is going to pour over the tips with volunteers to bring Caylee home.
Let the people look, she claims she has no ill will to TES.
Told she can investigate any tips she wants but she knows for a fact she can't get manifest for airlines she knows for a fact Caylee was on.

Statements about Casey’s innocence and Zany is fact:
Says there are at least 15,000 ZFG's and she thinks it's crazy they cannot find the one Casey says is 24.
George and Cindy are not concerned that they are going to try and use his own words against their daughter. Nothing they can say can be used as a smoking gun as their daughter.
She was upset on July 15th, but it did not take her very long to realize it wasn't Casey's hands, Casey is not a monster. Nobody wanted to listen to her, there is a reason that she took them to places, some things are not what they look to be and they need to investigate. She feels Casey will be acquitted.

Statements about the Anthony clan belief that LE is framing Casey:
It is a one sided search.
She is talking about someone who just got his child back as well that got no help from LE.
She always held LE in high regard, she still does. But she thinks they need an internal investigation in the department.
Everything has been leaked, it's all circumstantial, it's politically motivated.
Saying Lamar is basically calling people liars for not going after the tips and researching them all.
People should not know that the A's were subpoenaed.
Now she also accuses people of prostituting Caylee instead of looking for her.
She says the GJ cannot go in there with a free conscious that they have not seen any news reports on this case and can't provide a ruling with a clear conscious. But she feels for them and do not want to be in their shoes.

Statements about the whether the Anthonys are hiding or withholding evidence:
I brought them here before. They can look if they want every time if they find nothing just supports our case. (referring to TES)
Let the people look, she claims she has no ill will to TES.

Statements about the population in general- not sure what she means by this:
Now she also accuses people of prostituting Caylee instead of looking for her.
Says there are alot of people out there making fame and fortune off of Caylee.
She says the GJ cannot go in there with a free conscious that they have not seen any news reports on this case and can't provide a ruling with a clear conscious. But she feels for them and do not want to be in their shoes.

Excellent summery. One thing Cindy said that perked up my ears was that she has trouble watching home videos of Caylee. That to me says she knows Caylee is not alive. Many people that lose someone finds it hard to see their loved ones talking etc on videos knowing they aren't able to any more.
wow. CA just wants everyone to do what she says no matter the cost or circumstances. I don't recall ever seeing CA crying or begging for the safe return of her granddaughter - she is always full of hate anger, pride and that chip on her shoulder is getting huge.

That chip is almost the same size as the arch in her eyebrows.

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