CA - Aiden Leos, 6, fatally shot in road rage confrontation, Orange, 21 May 2021 *Arrests*

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Re several previous posts, it's within the realm of possibility that there will be more charges but currently her only felony charge is Accessory After the Fact Penal Code 32. It isn't debatable if it includes before or during (it does not).

Law section

I agree. Charge them with what they know they can get. They can still go back and try for more later. My guess is that they are still looking to add charges to the driver, but I’d be surprised if any further charges are brought.
I agree. Charge them with what they know they can get. They can still go back and try for more later. My guess is that they are still looking to add charges to the driver, but I’d be surprised if any further charges are brought.
It may not feel like it's too early to decide on charges at this point, BUT, I do feel like LE needs to have some more details about the story these two might decide to tell. If she stands by a story that she did not know he had a gun, yet ballistics show that he used a long gun/rifle of some sort - or some sort if weapon that could not have possibly been hidden from her view/ awareness, (or perhaps even the driver's favorite weapon which he likely wouldn't have possessed without her knowledge), then there's a very likely chance that her story could be "dismantled" in court & the prosecution could likely make some sort of charges stick on her. Alternatively, there are probably several scenarios that would support the river as having some level of 'innocence' on the whole event. I feel like there are an *endless* array of possibilities as to what claims these two may make and as to what evidence LE has definitively secured. As much as I hate it, I think we may just need to let this play out and try to keep an open mind.
Prior to the arrests, the DA made it pretty clear that they needed to turn themselves in ASAP as the window of opportunity to receive leniency was closing. Maybe one of them did end up turning ‘them’ in. Hmmm, I wonder which one may have flipped.

Deals are offered to an accomplice when the prosecution feels their testimony is important to successfully prosecute the main perpetrator.
She doesn't look afraid in mugshot. MOO
It may not feel like it's too early to decide on charges at this point, BUT, I do feel like LE needs to have some more details about the story these two might decide to tell. If she stands by a story that she did not know he had a gun, yet ballistics show that he used a long gun/rifle of some sort - or some sort if weapon that could not have possibly been hidden from her view/ awareness, (or perhaps even the driver's favorite weapon which he likely wouldn't have possessed without her knowledge), then there's a very likely chance that her story could be "dismantled" in court & the prosecution could likely make some sort of charges stick on her. Alternatively, there are probably several scenarios that would support the river as having some level of 'innocence' on the whole event. I feel like there are an *endless* array of possibilities as to what claims these two may make and as to what evidence LE has definitively secured. As much as I hate it, I think we may just need to let this play out and try to keep an open mind.
I did not see anything saying she said that she didn't know about the gun. Can you please give me a link, so I can read. Thanks.
Iirc, the $500,000 (?) reward was raised thru private individuals or entities (like, g*-fund-m* or equivalent), so the $ is controlled by campaign sponsor/organizer. IOW LE does not control this reward money.

I agree, they do not control the money. But....

LE may well, however, uhmmm....... "guide" the money- or at least significant portions of it. Police sanctioned rewards are supervised by a board with ties to the police who use established protocols for payment approved by the police.

I would not be surprised if the donors of significant portions of the reward donated only on condition that the reward be distributed by the police approved board.

Likewise, I would not be surprised if "Go Fund Me" type entities also work through established boards. I just cant see them wanting to get involved with "Who really tipped first and whose tip was more valuable" type disputes when they can just say....... "Talk to the board"
JUN 11, updated JUN 14, 2021
OC Zoo Will Honor Aiden Leos With Dedication Plaque – NBC Los Angeles
A plaque at the Orange County Zoo's Large Mammal Exhibit will honor Aiden Leos, the 6-year-old shot and killed in a road rage shooting in Orange County on May 21.

According to a release from OC supervisor Donald Wagner, little Aiden loved visiting parks with his mother Joanna Cloonan and his father Joey Leos. The plaque will be dedicated in Aiden's name.


Wagner, OC Zoo staff, Cloonan and her family will take part in a dedication announcement next week.


JUN 14, 2021
Aiden Leos, Boy Killed In Road Rage Shooting, To Receive Memorial Plaque At Orange County Zoo – CBS Los Angeles (

O.C. Supervisor Don Wagner held a briefing Monday morning at the zoo, with Aiden’s family in attendance. His family brought pictures of Leos at the zoo. It was his favorite place to visit, his family said.

“Aiden lives on here at the zoo, in part because as people come here, bring their children here, remember the story, they will understand the importance of justice being done,” Wagner told reporters.

Wagner said the plaque should be ready by early 2022.

What is that?

I am glad you asked.

Injustice Collecting
Injustice Collectors and Leakage
Psybersquare: Injustice Collectors
Are They an 'Injustice Collector?'

Examples (Just a sample):
Lori Drew-Megan Meier Suicide Case
Jodi Arias-Killed Travis Alexander
Yoselyn Ortega-Lucia and Leo Krim Murderer
Betty Broderick-Killed Dan Broderick and Linda Kolkena
Gertrude Baniszewski-Sylvia Likens Torture Case
Elliot Rodger-Isla Vista
Eric Harris-Columbine
Aaron Alexis-DC Naval Yard
Charles Whitman-UT Clocktower
Nikolas Cruz-Parkland
James Huberty-San Ysidro
Devin Kelley-Southernland Springs
Adam Lanza-Sandy Hook
Seung-Hui Cho-Virginia Tech
Andrew Kehoe-Bath School Bombing
Omar Mateen-Orlando
Stephen Paddock-Las Vegas
Anders Breivik-2011 Norway Terrorist
Osama bin Laden/September 11 Terrorists
What I have read in news reports is that Eriz and Lee have been arrested and charged with the crimes related to the shooting.

I cannot find anything, anywhere about them being arraigned or indicted. Nor any info regarding legal council representing them.
Does anyone have info on this?
JUN 16, 2021
Couple arrested in Aiden Leos shooting got into different freeway altercation, prosecutors say (
Just days after 6-year-old Aiden Leos was shot and killed on the 55 Freeway in Orange County, the couple charged in the deadly road-rage incident got involved in another traffic altercation, prosecutors said in court papers filed this week.

Marcus Anthony Eriz, 24, and Wynne Lee, 23, are scheduled to be arraigned on Friday when Orange County Superior Court Judge Larry Yellin will consider a request from prosecutors to set bails at higher-than-usual levels.


In an interview with investigators on June 6, Eriz said he "was angry after being `flipped off' by Ms. Cloonan, so he grabbed his loaded Glock 17 9mm and racked a round," according to the motion.

"He then rolled the passenger window down and took a shot at her vehicle. After shooting the victim, the defendants continued on to the 91 eastbound and on to work in the city of Highland."

They worked a full day and the couple returned home. During the week of May 24-28, the two got into another "altercation on the freeway," prosecutors said.


A co-worker of Eriz told him on May 28 that it looked like their car was the suspect vehicle police were seeking, prosecutors said.

Eriz "claims that at that time, he looked on the internet and saw the story about Aiden Leos' death," prosecutors alleged. "He said he `immediately' knew he was responsible for the boy's death. He then told Wynne Lee about his revelation."

Prosecutors allege that after May 28 Eriz hid the Volkswagen at a family member's garage and did not drive it again, instead driving his red truck to and from work. Eriz shaved his "substantial beard" on June 3 and "started to wear his long hair back in a tie," prosecutors said.


" ... He admittedly and regularly carried his loaded Glock with him on his person and in Ms. Lee's vehicle while they drove to work."


Lee is also a danger to the public because she knew Eriz had his loaded gun in her vehicle and never pulled over to check on Cloonan following the shooting, prosecutors argued. She also failed to call 911 "or do anything to follow up about what her passenger had done," prosecutors said.

She driving during the next altercation on the freeway as well, prosecutors said.

JUN 16, 2021
Details Emerge From Prosecutors on Killing of 6-Year-Old Aiden Leos on Freeway in OC – NBC Los Angeles

During the week of May 24-28, the two got into another "altercation on the freeway," prosecutors said.

"As Wynne Lee was driving on the 91 eastbound on the way to work with defendant Eriz as her front passenger, a driver in a blue Tesla did something to make defendant Eriz angry, acting aggressively," prosecutors alleged.

"Defendant Eriz again took out his gun and brandished it to the driver of the Tesla. That driver told the defendants that he had called the police and then he drove away."


The couple also applied for a new job after May 28, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors argue that Eriz is an "extreme danger to the community" who has "shown that he cannot control his temper and he goes to extremes in the snap of a finger when he is angered."

Eriz has "multiple firearms in his possession," including an "AR, a revolver and the Glock 17 that was used in this murder," prosecutors argued.


Both defendants were originally being held on $1 million bail, but Yellin tentatively increased Eriz's bail to $2 million, and dropped Lee's bail to $500,000.

Those bail amounts, which were requested by prosecutors, will remain in place until Friday's arraignment, when attorneys will present their arguments to keep the bails at $2 million and $500,000.

Bail could potentially be reduced further for Lee, who was originally booked on suspicion of murder but was only charged with being an accessory, Yellin said.
Sounds like things were only going to get worse with this guy. I'm glad he's off the streets.

But she knew he had aimed a loaded gun at the original vehicle and intentionally fired it. Then she fled the scene with him without regard for the outcome.

Then she was also driving when another gun-brandishing episode on the freeway occurred.

She is aiding and abetting this killer.

She needs to go to prison to think about her life and the lost life of Aiden Leos.

She is trash
JUN 16, 2021
Details Emerge From Prosecutors on Killing of 6-Year-Old Aiden Leos on Freeway in OC – NBC Los Angeles

During the week of May 24-28, the two got into another "altercation on the freeway," prosecutors said.

"As Wynne Lee was driving on the 91 eastbound on the way to work with defendant Eriz as her front passenger, a driver in a blue Tesla did something to make defendant Eriz angry, acting aggressively," prosecutors alleged.

"Defendant Eriz again took out his gun and brandished it to the driver of the Tesla. That driver told the defendants that he had called the police and then he drove away."


The couple also applied for a new job after May 28, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors argue that Eriz is an "extreme danger to the community" who has "shown that he cannot control his temper and he goes to extremes in the snap of a finger when he is angered."

Eriz has "multiple firearms in his possession," including an "AR, a revolver and the Glock 17 that was used in this murder," prosecutors argued.


Both defendants were originally being held on $1 million bail, but Yellin tentatively increased Eriz's bail to $2 million, and dropped Lee's bail to $500,000.

Those bail amounts, which were requested by prosecutors, will remain in place until Friday's arraignment, when attorneys will present their arguments to keep the bails at $2 million and $500,000.

Bail could potentially be reduced further for Lee, who was originally booked on suspicion of murder but was only charged with being an accessory, Yellin said.
Thanks for the info! When I google search the case all I get are week old stories and nothing as in depth as this.
But she knew he had aimed a loaded gun at the original vehicle and intentionally fired it. Then she fled the scene with him without regard for the outcome.

Then she was also driving when another gun-brandishing episode on the freeway occurred.

She is aiding and abetting this killer.

She needs to go to prison to think about her life and the lost life of Aiden Leos.

She is trash
I agree. Then another incident in which she is driving, knows he has the gun, knows he killed a child. Prosecutors may request her bail be raised tomorrow in court, MOO.

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