CA and GA too "Fragile" for Depo?

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I hope this does not sound crass.........I have dealt with a death of a child as I have said here before.

I cannot wrap my head around how good the A's looked at court yesterday....have only seen one picture...I don't get how they even can care how they look in public..who cares if your clothes match...who cares how you look for the should be broken by now with all of don't give a frigging crap how you are dealing with the death of your grandchild and the possible death of your daughter and you go in looking like you just stepped out of a beauty shop????
Maybe I should just delete this post....I just do not understand and mods please understand where i am coming from...I am not trying to be ugly here but I wish somebody could explain it to me cause I sure as heck don't get it.
I totally agree with you. I was present at the hearing and both of them looked grand. Cindy looked absolutely beautiful in person. Her makeup and hair were enviable. I sat right behind them during the hearing. Beautiful - I couldn't believe my eyes. They did not look like they were under any stress at all. Of course if I had a pain in the a$$ daughter who was finally gone from the house, who couldn't steal and swear at me anymore, I'd be relieved as well. And, I hate to say it, but they are not caring for a very very active two year old anymore, either.
No, I do not think they are too fragile.
I think they are doing everything they can in their power to avoid saying anything that may incriminate their precious perp daughter. It would be IMPOSSIBLE for them to do a depo without casting the perp in a negative light. Unless, of course, they lied. :rolleyes:
I totally agree with you. I was present at the hearing and both of them looked grand. Cindy looked absolutely beautiful in person. Her makeup and hair were enviable. I sat right behind them during the hearing. Beautiful - I couldn't believe my eyes. They did not look like they were under any stress at all. Of course if I had a pain in the a$$ daughter who was finally gone from the house, who couldn't steal and swear at me anymore, I'd be relieved as well. And, I hate to say it, but they are not caring for a very very active two year old anymore, either.

Did it look like she'd had her hair or make up professionally done? Were they in new clothing? Did it look like expensive clothing? To me, they look like they are rolling in money since this happened, and they want everyone to know it.
Did it look like she'd had her hair or make up professionally done? Were they in new clothing? Did it look like expensive clothing? To me, they look like they are rolling in money since this happened, and they want everyone to know it.

Caylee's blood money.
Do you think there's any chance MN could come back for GA ? The fact that CA was not wearing a Caylee pin and GA was seems telling.
CA was wearing a "forever in my heart" silicone bracelet and two silver bead bracelets with bar/ring type clasps (the kind you have made at the bead store).
CA was wearing a "forever in my heart" silicone bracelet and two silver bead bracelets with bar/ring type clasps (the kind you have made at the bead store).

Thank you for the first hand information. Did you happen to notice if GA had a Casey pin on at all ?
Did it look like she'd had her hair or make up professionally done? Were they in new clothing? Did it look like expensive clothing? To me, they look like they are rolling in money since this happened, and they want everyone to know it.
YES and YES - it is obvious when a woman has an expensive hair dye and do and expensive make-up and clothing. It is obvious when a woman has spent some time and money on herself. I had to do a double take when I saw her. It wasn't the hammer wielding CA anymore.
If you'll watch the video of George and Cindy Anthony's attorney discusses Casey under the main heading article, to the right of the image of Jose in court, you can see them.

Thank you for that link. It shows a different angle to the video I posted and imo, it's far clearer that these people are doing pretty well. Smiles at appropriate times, seem to be enjoying BC's comments & jokes etc. And I must say, Cindy's jacket looks very new, fashionable and expensive. They are very obviously profitting from this, and imo, enjoying the money and the attention.
Thank you for the first hand information. Did you happen to notice if GA had a Casey pin on at all ?
I think the pins are telling too, and would like to know if GA was only wearing the Caylee pin. I thought, also interesting, was the fact that Cindy hugged JB and George did not shake hands with him or acknowledge him at all. Such differences, and these are just a few, can hardly be good for a marriage.
On that link, the most surprising thing to me is the fact that CA stood there quietly, didn't say a word, letting her attorney talk for her. What sickens me about that is the reason behind it, most likely, is that they are facing potential charges and are worried about themselves.
I think the pins are telling too, and would like to know if GA was only wearing the Caylee pin. I thought, also interesting, was the fact that Cindy hugged JB and George did not shake hands with him or acknowledge him at all. Such differences, and these are just a few, can hardly be good for a marriage.
George didn't have a shamrock on his shirt. Cindy spent the entire hearing with her arm around George, sometimes folding seam around his shirt shoulder, laying her head on his chest. It reminded me of how I sit when I'm at church with my husband. It didn't seem to be an act.
They are home all day with each other now and I imagine they are nuturing each other. yeah....I know ....hard to believe.
On that link, the most surprising thing to me is the fact that CA stood there quietly, didn't say a word, letting her attorney talk for her. What sickens me about that is the reason behind it, most likely, is that they are facing potential charges and are worried about themselves.

Wonder if CA is on something to keep her calmed down-Short of a straight jacket I can't think of anything that will keep her quiet for long-
If they are too fragile and emotionally unable to answer questions for a deposition, how are they able to appear (in public, with media all agog, I might add,) to "support" their daughter? I am still unable to process the special treatment afforded the A menage. Is it just me? How is it possible that they get away with this? Someone with legal expertise please explain how one day they are grieving and cannot be expected to submit to the horrors of JM's deposition, and two days later are in court?

I had the same thoughts, especially after seeing Cindy well-groomed and dressed to the nines at the hearing. If she's too distraught to do a depo, how is she able to crawl to the beauty salon, wear the perfect jewelry, and find the perfect suit to wear to the hearing? These people gag me.

I agree that George and Cindy should have separate attorneys. Having the same attorney, I'm afraid George is getting the short end of the deal.

Their attorney, BC, was there because he's been by their side on a regular basis since he was hired. Maybe he has nothing else to do. Maybe he wanted his chance in the limelight. Maybe he's there to make sure they keep their mouths shut and not spout off as Cindy always did before BC was on the case.
Do you think there's any chance MN could come back for GA ? The fact that CA was not wearing a Caylee pin and GA was seems telling.

Don't fool yourself......GA had his chance to get away from the madhouse. He is in like Flynn and would NEVER, NEVER leave CA. Too weak. That family is UNITED in more ways than one....emotionally, physically, mentally....

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