A better source than any such New York Times article,
is the original 2012 disquisition on the 10.6 mile ping;
Therein, the statement;
"When I spoke to the Verizon technician he told me
that the length of the ping was extremely short,
although the quality was good. I specifically asked
regarding the accuracy and he told me it was 90%
accurate. It seems to me that the 10.6 miles reading
from the hand held unit"-[note, i.e. Ewasko's mobile
phone]-"to the cell tower is pretty accurate."
In our present day, in a reddit post findable online,
Adam Marsland notes how his search, JT90, for Bill
Ewasko ended at a spot close to where the body is
believed to have been found.
Adam Marsland and Teresa Cowles's search, JT90,
is related here;
From maps in that JT90 search webpage and Tom
Mahoods 2018 plotting of the 10.6 mile ping radius
arc, seen here;
specifically the picture therein, "Ewasko-Bayesian-grab.jpg",
we can plot the JT90 end spot that Adam Marsland
mentions as coming close to the currently found
body, and I do take the liberty of overlaying that
spot approximately on Tom Mahood's 10.6 mile ping
radius map (the blue line), as a purple square;
The previously mentioned Adam Marsland reddit
post notes that Tom Mahood believes the body
location is "a little further south" (i.e. a little further
south of where I have overlaid the purple square).
Although the Verizon technicians assertion that the
10.6 mile distance was "90% accurate" was surely not
meant to be taken as a literal probability limit of
a lower 9.54 miles limit to an upper 11.66 miles
limit, it is interesting to see that somewhere a
little further south of that purple square is approximately
9.5 miles or so from the Verizon Serin Drive Cell
tower location.
The purple square I have marked on that 10.6
mile ping radius map, is approximately located
here on Google Maps;
Google Maps
(If Tom Mahood is correct in believing the body is
a little further south of where Adam Marslands
ended his JT90 search, then it follows the body
is currently believed to have been found a little
further south of the location I noted above in
Google maps.)
Evidently, that 10.6 mile estimation would in
fact have been a very useful rough guide to his
final body location for search purposes (and was
certainly no clerical error).
Unfortunately, for unknown reasons at present,
Bill Ewasko travelled miles away from Quail
Mountain or Johnny Lang Canyon, in a very
unexpectedly north or northwest direction. (His
itinerary destinations for that part of JTNP were
written as Quail Mountain and Johnny Lang