Found Deceased CA - Blaze Bernstein, 19, Lake Forest, 2 Jan 2018 #1

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They do have a large two story home. Maybe they saw his wallet, keys, glasses and thought he was somewhere in the house since he didn't say goodbye.

Yes, that's very true! I guess I'm just wondering why the female friend didn't alert anyone after receiving a strange text from BB so late at night, the contents of which led investigators to believe foul play had taken place. I know if I were in her shoes I would want to tell his parents (or police) as soon as possible.
I don't believe the text message recipient had the knowledge BB was missing until after 3 the next day. Maybe the disturbing text is not disturbing in and of itself, but disturbing within the context of the circumstances. If that's true, the text may not have held significance for the text recipient at the time it was received.

Ahhh, makes perfect sense now! Thanks for your insight.
Yes, that's very true! I guess I'm just wondering why the female friend didn't alert anyone after receiving a strange text from BB so late at night, the contents of which led investigators to believe foul play had taken place. I know if I were in her shoes I would want to tell his parents (or police) as soon as possible.

There is nothing reported that said the last text to the female friend was strange or led ANYONE to believe foul play.

If I'm mistaken, please post a link.
Can I make a suggestion? How about we stop migrating anything being read on the HFBB Facebook page into this thread. I haven't been to the FB page myself but it seems to be nothing but unfounded rumors, innuendo and "I heard from a friend of a friend's neighbor's basset hound that..." or "I'm like totally best friends with this family, me and Blaze have been friends since we were both like spermies and his mom told me...." The page and it's contents are unreliable by virtue of the lack of moderation and control of what's being posted. Lets stick to MSM like always and leave the rumoring to the people on Facebook.

On a separate topic, the question about Blaze's mom being secretive and possibly being the family's moral gatekeeper. I can't speak to California Jews but I grew up around a lot of NYC/NJ Jews. The mom's were always VERY concerned about the family's image in the larger community in general and the Jewish community in particular. Anything that could bring shame to the family was kept very close and within the family. The mom's would paint a picture of a perfect family and perfect children for the outside world to consume while the reality was often quite different. With the exception of the more progressive Jewish sects, homosexuality is viewed as very sinful in Judaism (remember, Jews only believe in the first 5 books of the bible, including Leviticus with it's lovely suggestion that gays need to be stoned to keep the community pure), so consequently a gay family member would be very embarrassing.

IF the characterization of the mother is accurate than it seems to me that her behavior is falling in-line with the strong matriarch protecting her child and her family from public shame.
Yes, that's very true! I guess I'm just wondering why the female friend didn't alert anyone after receiving a strange text from BB so late at night, the contents of which led investigators to believe foul play had taken place. I know if I were in her shoes I would want to tell his parents (or police) as soon as possible.

My recollection is that the parents thought the text message indicated foul play, but have backed off that statement. Most believe they did so to protect the investigation.
Can I make a suggestion? How about we stop migrating anything being read on the HFBB Facebook page into this thread. I haven't been to the FB page myself but it seems to be nothing but unfounded rumors, innuendo and "I heard from a friend of a friend's neighbor's basset hound that..." or "I'm like totally best friends with this family, me and Blaze have been friends since we were both like spermies and his mom told me...." The page and it's contents are unreliable by virtue of the lack of moderation and control of what's being posted. Lets stick to MSM like always and leave the rumoring to the people on Facebook.

On a separate topic, the question about Blaze's mom being secretive and possibly being the family's moral gatekeeper. I can't speak to California Jews but I grew up around a lot of NYC/NJ Jews. The mom's were always VERY concerned about the family's image in the larger community in general and the Jewish community in particular. Anything that could bring shame to the family was kept very close and within the family. The mom's would paint a picture of a perfect family and perfect children for the outside world to consume while the reality was often quite different. With the exception of the more progressive Jewish sects, homosexuality is viewed as very sinful in Judaism (remember, Jews only believe in the first 5 books of the bible, including Leviticus with it's lovely suggestion that gays need to be stoned to keep the community pure), so consequently a gay family member would be very embarrassing.

IF the characterization of the mother is accurate than it seems to me that her behavior is falling in-line with the strong matriarch protecting her child and her family from public shame.
Thank you, D. I appreciate the info; helps me to flesh out the broader context which helps me shape the more focused ones.
Weird, they changed the article. When I posted it a couple hours ago it deff said they were ending the search. They added the park part 1.5 hrs later. Thank you for the welcome. Got hoodwinked on my first post. Praying for BB.

Bringing this post forward. An early missing persons flyer discussed the text message being puzzling and suggestive of foul play. From reading back, I think this was also noted in an early OC Register article, then later edited out during an update. HTH.
Can I make a suggestion? How about we stop migrating anything being read on the HFBB Facebook page into this thread. I haven't been to the FB page myself but it seems to be nothing but unfounded rumors, innuendo and "I heard from a friend of a friend's neighbor's basset hound that..." or "I'm like totally best friends with this family, me and Blaze have been friends since we were both like spermies and his mom told me...." The page and it's contents are unreliable by virtue of the lack of moderation and control of what's being posted. Lets stick to MSM like always and leave the rumoring to the people on Facebook.

On a separate topic, the question about Blaze's mom being secretive and possibly being the family's moral gatekeeper. I can't speak to California Jews but I grew up around a lot of NYC/NJ Jews. The mom's were always VERY concerned about the family's image in the larger community in general and the Jewish community in particular. Anything that could bring shame to the family was kept very close and within the family. The mom's would paint a picture of a perfect family and perfect children for the outside world to consume while the reality was often quite different. With the exception of the more progressive Jewish sects, homosexuality is viewed as very sinful in Judaism (remember, Jews only believe in the first 5 books of the bible, including Leviticus with it's lovely suggestion that gays need to be stoned to keep the community pure), so consequently a gay family member would be very embarrassing.

IF the characterization of the mother is accurate than it seems to me that her behavior is falling in-line with the strong matriarch protecting her child and her family from public shame.

Hm. I assume you're mentioning this in relation to the family's possible attempts to control information, in particular the possibility that Blaze was figuring out he was gay and may have been intending to meet another guy at the park.

I am a Jew from New York State, and I would have to say that Jews from New York City and New Jersey hold a huge variety of religious views. It's primarily the most conservative Jewish denominations -- especially Orthodox Jews -- that are homophobic. Many Jews are progressive about social issues and about politics in general. Looking at pictures of the Bernsteins, they don't appear to be very conservative religiously. Gideon Bernstein does not routinely wear a yarmulke (skullcap) and Jeanne Bernstein does not always wear skirts nor does she cover her hair, as they would if they were Orthodox (or even possibly if they were Conservative).

<modsnip> So I doubt the family is covering things up because of religiously homophobic views. That said, they might indeed have more conservative relatives. Or they might hold progressive views with respect to others' children but might somehow want their own son to marry a woman and have children. (As opposed to marrying a guy and having children. :) )

I also agree that many Jewish families are both achievement-oriented and protective of their children. In interviews, Jeanne Bernstein seems rather self-controlled. That could be a coping mechanism in this awful situation, or it could be her general style. As others have suggested, the Bernsteins could also have been told by LE not to say very much substantive. I don't know. I hope this case is solved soon.
Just catching up here. I'm getting lost in lack of linked sources! Facts that I thought we'd established by cross-referencing articles are now brought into question again? Is it just because the thread moved so fast, or am I missing something???

I agree, it feels as though it’s all going full circle again but with new ideas. Took me days to read through everything until page 38, now I feel a bit confused. I think there needs to be new development from the case now.
This thread is going to get shut down if people don't read the TOS.
At the risk of getting myself TO'd, please stop posting side-by-side photos, sharing photos and drawing comparisons on this public thread until a mod says it's OK.

Anyone could be reading this, including his siblings and family.
I really am thinking person in car was an older person. At least over 25
Maybe married guy who didn’t want to leave his family or come out.

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I really am thinking person in car was an older person. At least over 25

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I have a theory that would go along with that too, but the friend has been said to be an high school buddy. Now, that could mean someone who he knew in high school but who was older than him then (and now) but normally if I say someone is my high school friend, they're someone I actually went to high school with. I've been turning this one over and over in my head. So many contradictions and flip floppy news and crap being brought here from FB, that it's hard to decipher this case. And frustrating as well.
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Maybe someone should start a different one.

What sex trade? There really is zero sex trade involving white, middle or upper class young men snatched off the street. Zero. The sex trade involves voluntary prostitution, prostitutes forced to work for pimps, undocumented persons forced to work as prostitutes and hand their money over to pimps, or at risk/runaway minors, the bulk of whom are from economically disadvantaged, dysfunctional homes, the majority of whom are ethnic minorities, and many of whom already have addiction or other mental health issues, who are lured into "the life".

There is no shadowy sex trade involving "white slavery" that snatches "nice" middle class, blonde, 34 year old soccer moms off the street or well-to-do, white college boys, and sells them for sex. There's a lot of movies about such scenarios but little real evidence to make that a remote possibility.

If he was a 15 year old black girl from a poor, single parent household, a history of abuse and neglect and deprivation, known to use drugs, who ran away and disappeared? Yeah, sex trade would be at the forefront of my suspicions.

Not here.

Good to know! This thought wasn't at the top of my list anyway, but wondered if the hookup apps we've been discussing might open the door for something of this nature. I never believed that soccer mom theory either!
I just briefly want to say that I don&#8217;t think Blaze ran away. At least I don&#8217;t as of yet. However, <modsnip> it still made me think ... about my own family. I&#8217;m half Jewish and half Christian. We are &#8220;cultural Jews&#8221; and yet the family has quite &#8220;waspy&#8221; values. They care how we come across. They are very liberal. Very much so. Yet, a few things happened with my brother over several years that led to a loved one crying in bed over the fact that their child might be gay. This broke my heart because I saw the pain of this individual but I also felt angry and confused by their behavior. What is so wrong with our family member being like this when we love so many whose orientations aren&#8217;t just hetro. I felt very confused. They did not want to entertain it, they thought it meant a tougher life. <modsnip> I don&#8217;t doubt my sibling also posted on various avenue (I don&#8217;t know his orientation. Frankly he is whatever orientation he wants to identify with even if that means me hearing nothing). People are complicated. But the response of that person in my family left me really heart broken. They didn&#8217;t want my sibling to have it harder in life, but secretly I think they may have also felt some sort of... I don&#8217;t know. All I&#8217;m saying is sexuality is so complex and society is so quick to judge. Maybe for some they have never thought about other genders or other ways of exploring sexuality, but for many, doing so is just a normal part of human nature. This is more about the fact that liberal family may I. Theory support all the things they do, but when it comes close to home attitudes shift, shame for complex cultural reasons washed over them. Just my two centa

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