Hi All~ I've been following this thread since the beginning (that is, the beginning of the original thread! :0 I started reading at page 1, and got to at least page 54, which is I think where it stopped for now), but haven't posted yet. I kind of found this story and another recent missing person's case out of SoCal/L.A. (Leah Altmann) by accident, while looking up something totally unrelated about L.A. Traffic or current weather or something it was. But I like sleuthing, and this case really struck me, so I've began following it, and found websluthes after being a little annoyed by the shurtdown of many theories and suggestions on the HUFBB page (as others here have mentioned, which it seems is what led some other people to search outside of Facebook, and find this page as well).
Perhaps someone posted this on the tail end of the original thread, as I'm sure many have seen it already since it came out yesterday, but I wanted to point out that the parents appear to have now been informed, or learned of Blaze's other social media accounts they may not have previously known of, and what he possibly met someone for that night (as his mother indicates in this rather candid video). I still very much hope he's found alive and well.