Found Deceased CA - Blaze Bernstein, 19, Lake Forest, 2 Jan 2018 #5 *Arrest*

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I just looked and there still has been no identification on that burned body in the car trunk in Angeles National Forest, that at one time we thought could possibly be Blaze, before his body was found. Just an FYI.

(Sorry, I can't sleep, starting chemo in a few hours and my mind is racing.)

Good luck! My almost 80 year old mom is getting a biopsy today for what looks certain (via MRI and blood tests) to be stage 4 ovarian cancer. She's planning to do the whole chemo/radio treatment to prolong life after the surgery. If she can do it you can too! I know it's no fun....

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I'd be curious to find out who contacted who originally that fatal night. We know BB gave SW his address over an application (not going to specifically say SnapChat because that's an assumption,) but I'm wondering which one of them reach out to the other first that got this whole thing rolling. I also wonder if they had been in contact during this holiday break any time before that night or if all their communication had been that night. Just my inquisitive mind.

It's a critical piece of info since it has bearing on pre-meditation and might help explain BB's expectation of what would transpire at the meeting. I believe the Snapchat message intercepted by his parents after he had gone missing was indeed a message to SW giving his street address. What was NOT in that message, apparently, was any reference to meeting a third person. That is probably an SW fabrication.

I trust LE will look at all communication they can get their hands on. The issue with Snapchat is that once a recipient opens a message, it dies, so I suspect any extended Snapchat convo between the two - if it occurred - is not readily visible. Possibly it is locked in some sort of virtual store and will have to be subpoena'd by LE.
I am starting to lean towards the possibility that SW beat BB to death.. Jmo

The COD and condition of the body have not yet been addressed publicly by LE. If his death was violent - such as a beating - it would indicate a major rage on SW's part, especially if the blows were directed to the face. Maybe I have been reading too much true crime, but the nature of the injuries can indicate how 'personal' the death was.
Q:Anything New been Reported or Sleuthed? Or is it all still the same suppositions/theories circling around endlessly? No offense to anyone intended, it's just hard to keep up w/so many postings, right now, and they've been the same for a few days, so just checking, but don't wish to try & read pages & pages of posts that are just the same things as what we only "factually" knew at the time of the arrest.

Plus, there's the fact my Tapatalk seems to hate me right now (going on a week) & isn't working right w/updates that don't appear, etc..(way too much stuff to bore everyone w/it all)..just frustrating..

Thanks & Appreciate any update/reply/confirmation..Cheers All![emoji16]

I agree, we reached a certain level of info, and there has been very little since then. LE has been very quiet deliberately, as according to one of the legal pros who also post here, any evidence gathered at this point will be used as part of arraignment and setting bond, so they are keeping quiet about what they found. For example, if the body showed evidence of an extremely violent death, prosecution could argue the SW is dangerous and should remain in prison pending trial. Again, just an example, but also an illustration as to why LE has been skimpy on new information. The next court formalities are scheduled for Wednesday morning 1/17, as I recall.
My understanding is that SW explained to LE that the injuries on his hands were from the "fight club." When I look at his face, I see lesions that could be scratches/wounds, but could just as well be acne, either hormone- or drug-related. For me, a stronger indication that there may be drug use is the change I see in his facial and neck composition, from school photos from just 2-3 years ago. His face is far more lean and angular now, which could be an indication of low BMI. The film footage of him walking from the police car to the jail showed a very lean frame with very loose ill-fitting clothes (and not in fashionable way.) Folks have remarked on how big he is, but in the world I inhabit, a man 6'2" weighing 185 lb. is on the lean side (not that he couldn't also be strong and fit.) He may have just "stretched out" as he matures into adulthood, or there may be a health-related cause (illness or drug use.) To me, his weight and the condition of his skin is primarily of interest as potential clues regarding drug use. If he is using, some currently popular street drugs induce hallucinatory episodes that can include out-of-control emotions, as well as interludes of a kind of "super-human strength." Other indicators are weight loss, facial sores, and eventually severe dental degradation, all leading to a recognizable "skeleton" or "zombie" appearance. Our local sheriff's department is having quite a challenging time with increased use of these specific drugs here, and I know it has reached epidemic proportions across the country. Use of these drugs is known to increase the rate of violent crime; not just in drug-deal-gone-bad scenarios, but specifically from hallucinatory episodes. I am just watching for all the clues I can see, not making any statements whatsoever about SW or what happened in this case. Looking, thinking, theorizing...

I calculated his BMI and it's on the high side of healthy weight at 23.75.

I'm not seeing any wasting since high school. And going from a soft face to a more angular one is normal, IMO, after high school. It was the guys, not the girls, who began to become unrecognizable to me after high school when I would run into them. Guys still look like boys in high school, and begin to get a less soft look sometime between graduation and that 5 year reunion, I've noticed.

I'm not seeing any evidence of drug use so far. I see a healthy looking young man with possibly some chin acne.

However, I don't buy the fight club thing. Wounds on his hands are likely from a struggle with Blaze, as well as moving and buying the body.

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Hi all-I am new here! I have read almost every word up until yesterday morning, but have been out of the loop today, so forgive me if this was previously addressed. What exactly do we know for sure regarding the communication of the victim the fateful night and by parents the next day (and I’ll explain why I ask)? I thought I remember seeing the following, but let me know if some are only rumor:

- BB and SW had communicated via Snapchat.
-BB sent SW his address (I thought I had read this was ‘texted’, but do we know if text or Snapchat)?
-odd communication from BB’s phone to unnamed friend that night, right before the phone was disabled (I was thinking text, but do we know?)
-parents learn of SW next day via Snapchat

I understand BB using loaner phone (we know parents went to Apple store, so seems likely to pick up BB’s phone from being repaired, perhaps?). Regardless, unlike most other social media apps (like Instagram or Facebook, for instance), you cannot login to a Snapchat account simultaneously on 2 devices. So if BB was using Snapchat on loaner phone, then Snapchat from any other device would automatically log out. So the only way parents could have accessed Snapchat the next day is if they had login and password. Which seems odd that a 19 year old would give parents social media passwords. (Or I guess maybe BB only had Snapchat going on iPad at home and didn’t access from loaner phone?).

Sorry...none of this is probably terribly helpful but I am just trying to get a better handle on how these communications occurred.

I wouldn’t be surprised if details re: communication are key. I wonder if there was a hookup, and if BB DID actually send the unusal text. If text was something that could be construed as derogatory towards SW and SW got his hands on the phone, then that could have set him off... just speculation...
I'm assuming saved passwords on an iPad or other device.

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Yes, stimulant drugs and/or psychosis (anything causing enough dopamine) can cause people to pick at themselves, pulling out their skin or hair usually. Not my opinion, medical fact, see wikipedia for Excoriation disorder. "Studies have shown a linkage between dopamine and the urge to pick."
On the flip side, I know very few people who have the self control not to attempt to get rid of a large acne cyst themselves when it becomes large and painful. In fact, those things can scar worse if you don't go to a dermatologist to drain it or do it yourself at some point. Even if a dermatologist messed with it to relieve the pressure, it could look like that. I know because I've had it happen 3 times this year after two different dermatologists attempted to reduce mine. I've come to the conclusion that they do no better job than the average bear.

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Keep in mind that schools now offer to "clear" your skin up in the pictures.
To clear up any misinformation from some recent posts:

Cause of death has not been announced, therefore references to strangulation, stabbing, etc are not allowed as they are nothing more than rumor. We will know in due time.

DNA has not been defined by LE to be blood. It could be any number of things, therefore references to blood are not allowed as they are rumor.

We have no knowledge of what the marks are on SW's face, therefore any discussion can only be speculation or your opinion.

We do not know when/why SW left or finished school. That is rumor and must not be discussed.

Do NOT post or discuss any of the above rumors.

Websleuths deals with facts. While speculation, theory, and opinion is allowed, you must make it clear in your post that it is your speculation/theory/opinion, and it must be based on some known fact. FACTS must be supported, or be able to be supported, by links to MSM or LE or official documents.

Any questions regarding the above can be directed to me or any Mod/Admin via the Alert system or through private message so as not to derail the thread.


How about the rental car? do we know why he was driving that and not his own car--presumed he had one. Sorry if this has been answered before, I just have not seen anything definitive.

My theory based on entirely on my opinion, but also on my experiences and those of my friends who have been queer in highschool/college age.

I think BB/SW have possibly hooked up in the past(HS), when BB was still in the closet. He went away to school, became open with himself and his peer group(not sure of his family?) and was home on break. Met up with SW and SW wanted to hook up, BB rejected him because he deserved more than the backseat of a car and being made fun of the rest of the time(pretty common tactic for "macho" or conservative guys in the closet in highschool) and SW became enraged/ashamed.

One thing I can't get over is the grace with which Blazes family are dealing with this. I could never be as articulate as his mother, or as at peace as she seems to be, and I am in awe of them. <3

Another Morgan Harrington Family......MOO
On the flip side, I know very few people who have the self control not to attempt to get rid of a large acne cyst themselves when it becomes large and painful. In fact, those things can scar worse if you don't go to a dermatologist to drain it or do it yourself at some point. Even if a dermatologist messed with it to relieve the pressure, it could look like that. I know because I've had it happen 3 times this year after two different dermatologists attempted to reduce mine. I've come to the conclusion that they do no better job than the average bear.

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Stop eating wheat, rye and barley in all forms. You have a gluten allergy.
How about the rental car? do we know why he was driving that and not his own car--presumed he had one. Sorry if this has been answered before, I just have not seen anything definitive.


We do not know why, and we do not know if the car he was driving on the night of the murder (a couple of days before he was found with the rental, and showed LE its contents) was his, or that rental, or something else. I am sure LE has investigated, and the presence of cameras would help sort this out. We're just waiting for the info.
Whoops! My Apologies, was a private draft, but dropped my stupid phone and it posted in error, please disregard!&#129306;[emoji5]
How about the rental car? do we know why he was driving that and not his own car--presumed he had one. Sorry if this has been answered before, I just have not seen anything definitive.


I have wondered about the rental car. I understand sometimes your own car is in for a repair for a few days therefore you may need a rental. BUT.... since this is a murder investigation the rental car looks suspicious to me :thinking:
I read through all the posts here and the following are my questions / observations:

**All my opinion, no real hard facts here**

1. There was a post with a screenshot of the police calls that came in that night, two at the hobby lobby location for disturbances around 2am. Whoever called those in would know what those disturbances were. Could be important info.

2. Everyone is going by SW story of them going to the park or meeting at the park when in fact we only knew that's where they found him, so it's really just that... SW's story. I don't think we can base any details of the story on the fact they they were supposedly going to this park. I don't think this was really intended but I do think this is where BB ended up, placed there rather after deceased.

3. BB seemed close to his family. Why not tell them where you are going and why leave all your stuff behind? This could could point to a side of BB not everyone is recognizing. I get a sense he is bold, confident and not afraid. He had shining confidence, possibly tad arrogant typical 19/20 year old who has a fresh exciting life. I do not see him as meek or potentially unable to engage in some serious stuff with the SW guy. I think we are underestimating BB. I think him not telling his family where he was going points to some behavior he didn't really to have a willy nilly convo about with the family. Did he even tell the family he was leaving or just snuck out?

4. The loaner phone really doesn't add up unless BB's was in fact broken and he was borrowing one in the meantime until his is repaired... overall not a huge deal but a little odd.

5. Maybe the reason the dogs didn't find BB at the park at first is he was not at the park? SW had him somewhere else and maybe the day the police questioned him, maybe even the night before was when he placed him there. Hence having dirty nails that same day because he worked on it the night before. It doesn't make sense to have dirty nails 2 days later. He would've taken a shower since then.

6. I do think SW wasn't the best at coming up with story and did want to try to play it off as someone else did it to BB. He thought he could get out of it while still allowing police to find BB but claim that he had no part of the situation because he had dropped him off there and BB was harmed after that. I think he was not prepared to make up a story or caved under nerves/pressure and really didn't know how to come up with a story. He was nervous and probably horrified too. I think he just feels guilty and nervous and gave himself away without thinking.

7. Why such vagueness on the details. If there is a girlfriend of SW then who is she? Obviously a lie and a really strange one to say "girlfriend" - says to me he is really try to hide their relationship (BB &SW), why not just say I went home, or to a friend's but girlfriend seems obvious cover up considering what he was trying to detract from. Doesn't SW have any friends? Why is no one coming forward. I feel like people know more.

8. People are into things you would never imagine (sex wise), the whole thing could be fantasy based in the sex realm and maybe even the violence part of it. Odd to normal folks but when it comes to sex play obviously weird things exist out there. My opinion again is BB is being underestimated and really he's into some stuff because he's bold, confident, and unafraid. Not sure how this got so out of hand but clearly it did. And I wanted to add, I think it was a accident. Something went too far OR SW is really sadistic and into violent stuff. BB didn't know SW was like this nowadays perhaps and thought it would be a quick meet-up/hook-up norm style but turns out SW decides to live out some violent fantasies. eh, idk.

Anyway, wanted to share my thoughts after reading the posts.

**All my opinion, no real hard facts here**
I have wondered about the rental car. I understand sometimes your own car is in for a repair for a few days therefore you may need a rental. BUT.... since this is a murder investigation the rental car looks suspicious to me :thinking:

Right. I’m with you. Possibilities:
1) completely unrelated to murder, just a coincidence (unlikely)
2) rented before the murder for the purpose of murder, indicates premeditation (but LE says not premeditated, so probably not this)
3) rented after the murder, part of his disguise, planning to run (most likely IMO).
I read through all the posts here and the following are my questions / observations:

**All my opinion, no real hard facts here**

1. There was a post with a screenshot of the police calls that came in that night, two at the hobby lobby location for disturbances around 2am. Whoever called those in would know what those disturbances were. Could be important info.

2. Everyone is going by SW story of them going to the park or meeting at the park when in fact we only knew that's where they found him, so it's really just that... SW's story. I don't think we can base any details of the story on the fact they they were supposedly going to this park. I don't think this was really intended but I do think this is where BB ended up, placed there rather after deceased.

3. BB seemed close to his family. Why not tell them where you are going and why leave all your stuff behind? This could could point to a side of BB not everyone is recognizing. I get a sense he is bold, confident and not afraid. He had shining confidence, possibly tad arrogant typical 19/20 year old who has a fresh exciting life. I do not see him as meek or potentially unable to engage in some serious stuff with the SW guy. I think we are underestimating BB. I think him not telling his family where he was going points to some behavior he didn't really to have a willy nilly convo about with the family. Did he even tell the family he was leaving or just snuck out?

4. The loaner phone really doesn't add up unless BB's was in fact broken and he was borrowing one in the meantime until his is repaired... overall not a huge deal but a little odd.

5. Maybe the reason the dogs didn't find BB at the park at first is he was not at the park? SW had him somewhere else and maybe the day the police questioned him, maybe even the night before was when he placed him there. Hence having dirty nails that same day because he worked on it the night before. It doesn't make sense to have dirty nails 2 days later. He would've taken a shower since then.

6. I do think SW wasn't the best at coming up with story and did want to try to play it off as someone else did it to BB. He thought he could get out of it while still allowing police to find BB but claim that he had no part of the situation because he had dropped him off there and BB was harmed after that. I think he was not prepared to make up a story or caved under nerves/pressure and really didn't know how to come up with a story. He was nervous and probably horrified too. I think he just feels guilty and nervous and gave himself away without thinking.

7. Why such vagueness on the details. If there is a girlfriend of SW then who is she? Obviously a lie and a really strange one to say "girlfriend" - says to me he is really try to hide their relationship (BB &SW), why not just say I went home, or to a friend's but girlfriend seems obvious cover up considering what he was trying to detract from. Doesn't SW have any friends? Why is no one coming forward. I feel like people know more.

8. People are into things you would never imagine (sex wise), the whole thing could be fantasy based in the sex realm and maybe even the violence part of it. Odd to normal folks but when it comes to sex play obviously weird things exist out there. My opinion again is BB is being underestimated and really he's into some stuff because he's bold, confident, and unafraid. Not sure how this got so out of hand but clearly it did. And I wanted to add, I think it was a accident. Something went too far.

Anyway, wanted to share my thoughts after reading the posts.

**All my opinion, no real hard facts here**

On point 3, I believe he didn't tell them he was leaving because he had no intention of leaving, but just going outside to chat. This happened a lot with me and my friends when I was visiting from college.

On point 5, I don't know that they were using cadaver dogs immediately. Search and rescue dogs may have missed him because they aren't trained to find dead bodies, but live people?

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On point 3, I believe he didn't tell them he was leaving because he had no intention of leaving, but just going outside to chat. This happened a lot with me and my friends when I was visiting from college.

On point 5, I don't know that they were using cadaver dogs immediately. Search and rescue dogs may have missed him because they aren't trained to find dead bodies, but live people?

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Ah, I didn't even consider that he would just go out to chat. That's a good point but that really paints SW as a complete nut then to basically kidnap him. Wonder if BB said anything to his family as he was leaving the house. Considering how open of a family wouldn't he say something? Maybe they were sleeping already.

And yeah on the rescue dogs, good point.

I wonder if SW has any juvenile criminal history.
I just looked and there still has been no identification on that burned body in the car trunk in Angeles National Forest, that at one time we thought could possibly be Blaze, before his body was found. Just an FYI.

(Sorry, I can't sleep, starting chemo in a few hours and my mind is racing.)

Good luck! My almost 80 year old mom is getting a biopsy today for what looks certain (via MRI and blood tests) to be stage 4 ovarian cancer. She's planning to do the whole chemo/radio treatment to prolong life after the surgery. If she can do it you can too! I know it's no fun....

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Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, Seajay! So sorry you're having to face all that. Best wishes for your complete recovery.

Thinking about your mom too, Milenalee. Hope all goes well for her. This sure can't be easy at all, especially at her age.

Take good care of yourself as well. This can be almost as hard on those who love the person too...
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