CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - # 7

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Believe, I still can't get over the reaction by JuM to that post by Herald.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - #7

The way I read Herald's post is as if she was supporting JuM. It's not like she implicated anyone, but JuM reacted as if personally accused. Very telling.

And the 'white trailer trash' remark. Wow. I guess it is also telling that it was not immediately moderated into oblivion.

I agree, that whole exchange was totally bizarre!
Perhaps her position changed after she became aware CSI processed her dads house as the possible crime scene back in March of this year.

Especially knowing her DH was the last person known to be IN the home with Bob the day he disappeared.

Didn't she post way back prior to the home being processed in March her dads home had already been ruled out as the crime scene? Good thing she isn't testifying under oath as she'd already be impeached. But I digress because IIRC neither she or her DH are cooperating with LE and both or one lawyered up.



She sure did. Here is the full post which JuM posted on August 15, 2009:

"We still have not heard any news yet. One thing we know is the my dad's home has been ruled out as a crime scene. Our next concern is who picked him up? We are placing our faith with Law Enforcement to continue with their investigation. And my oldest sister has been working on all the sites out there for missing persons. Please pray for my oldest sister as she was supposed to have major back surgery and is miserable with pain and dealing with all of this is not helping."
Jules on ROTW said:
I will press charges against you and your chronies for slander if you try to post the untrue without proper legal document back up.

Indeed! With all the "untrues" posted all over the internet, I am wondering if there shouldn't be charges brought down the line. Something like hindering an investigation? IMO
I guess OC Sheriff's office did not get the memo on the house being ruled out as a crime scene. ;)

She sure did. Here is the full post which JuM posted on August 15, 2009:

"We still have not heard any news yet. One thing we know is the my dad's home has been ruled out as a crime scene. Our next concern is who picked him up? We are placing our faith with Law Enforcement to continue with their investigation. And my oldest sister has been working on all the sites out there for missing persons. Please pray for my oldest sister as she was supposed to have major back surgery and is miserable with pain and dealing with all of this is not helping."

Another one of daughter JuM's untruths.... if Bobs home had been ruled out as the crime scene in 2009 there was no need for CSI to process the home in March of 2011.

Keep going with those truths daughter J- they will eventually come back to bite you in the azz when someone is charged.

Hmm let's see. There has NEVER been any evidence that Bob had requested SIL, daughter J's husband, to do ANY work on his home in preparation for his new brides arrival. By daughter JuM's own words she entered her fathers home between the day Bob went missing and the day his new bride arrived. We have NO idea how she could have corrupted the possible crime scene and what possible evidence she may have removed from the home including notes and evidence Bob had work already completed when SIL came to do his 'handy man' work. Let's not forget neither JuM or JeM can clear up the target of a time line.

Hmm let's see. There has NEVER been any evidence that Bob had requested SIL, daughter J's husband, to do ANY work on his home in preparation for his new brides arrival.

(respectfully snipped)

Let's not forget that this likely unrequested visit for handyman work/repairs came one day after the 'heated' family meeting in which Bob explained his intention to include Fontelle in his estate. (Was that the first time Bob had seen daughter J since he requested that his daughters not contact him for a 6 month (?) period? That would make the repair visit all the more unbelievable -- I can't imagine him wanting more family contact after that meeting.)
(respectfully snipped)

Let's not forget that this likely unrequested visit for handyman work/repairs came one day after the 'heated' family meeting in which Bob explained his intention to include Fontelle in his estate. (Was that the first time Bob had seen daughter J since he requested that his daughters not contact him for a 6 month (?) period? That would make the repair visit all the more unbelievable -- I can't imagine him wanting more family contact after that meeting.)

Oh my goodness-I feel like such an idiot not to have seen this after all of this time. Thanks Montjoy-a heated family meeting arises, and the next morning SIL placidly arrives to putter around the house.

Right. Work he didnt finish apparently, and never has to date. Again with the story that SIL did not come back because Bob was not home. FIL went poof, wife left alone to do the heavy lifting of interviews and changing the sheets, but SIL never returns.

Lightbulb moment for me.
(respectfully snipped)

Let's not forget that this likely unrequested visit for handyman work/repairs came one day after the 'heated' family meeting in which Bob explained his intention to include Fontelle in his estate. (Was that the first time Bob had seen daughter J since he requested that his daughters not contact him for a 6 month (?) period? That would make the repair visit all the more unbelievable -- I can't imagine him wanting more family contact after that meeting.)

BBM. Excellent question. Surely Bob spoke with some friends and neighbors who could verify if he had any plans to have SIL do any repair work in his home. After all he spoke with some about the wedding and his 6 month break from his children. Hopefully those people have been interviewed by LE,. This might be a good time to possibly reinterview and interview those missed previously such as the friend who moved away. Especially while waiting for those forensics to come back.
I'm bumping for Bob on the occasion of his wedding anniversary with his first wife, Georgia. Knowing how devoted a husband he was, and when things got tough, how dedicated a caregiver to her that he was when her health deteriorated and pain increased, I think this anniversary is worth celebrating. It reminds us of how sad it is that his last years were taken from him. And not just him. (...)
Bob, you will have justice.

I'm sorry for being unable to guess which of your daughters will be at your side; I'm afraid it will not likely be three, but I am sure many of us would cheer if it were two. Should it be one, I think that every good person here would kneel in her honor.

For those reading here for the first time (or the first few times), let me apologize for how abstruse this may seem. I guess we have been exploiting this space to contact the person who might be able to clear things ups (and again, sorry for how vague or cryptic this might seem). to put it?

I keep wanting to say that even though she is your sister, she may not have your interests in mind -- but I don't know how to put it into words.
Bob, you will have justice.

I keep wanting to say that even though she is your sister, she may not have your interests in mind -- but I don't know how to put it into words.

<respectfully snipped>

Montjoy, you just said it perfectly.
Happy 2nd wedding anniversary Bob and Fontelle.

Oh how I wish Bob were here to celebrate.....

Because this should be remembered as a special day in which Bob was looking forward to renewed interest in life after having greived his first wife, I will leave it at that. It's too painful to add much more at this time.

A special thank you to Fontelle for hanging in there and pursuing justice for Bob.
We are all praying justice is served and answers are found to Bobs disappearance soon.
Today would have been Bob and Fontelle's 2nd wedding anniversary. I can't help but wonder how Fontelle must feel to still wonder where Bob is and when he'll be found. I want her to know that I for one admire the strength it must take to be strong and continue to push for answers. We here will continue to do the same until answers are found. Maybe soon........................
Just going to throw this out there for, well, you know who, but while you're right that it is harder to complete prosecution on a no-body homicide, you have to remember that they are solved every day. The more I read on RotW, and have read from a variety of other sources, I keep wondering if there was some sort of psychological coercion at play here. I will leave this in abstract terms as I'm just wondering, in light of a lack of evidence to wonder elsewhere.

Reach out. Just reach out.
Bumping this thread to get Bob back on page 1.

I SO wish he would be found and whoever harmed him dealt justice.
"I need to request positive thoughts and prayers. My father has been missing approx. 28 hours ago. We suspect foul play, but want to remain as positive; his new wife will be arriving with her belongings tomorrow. My father's name is Robert Harrod in Placentia; his new wife Fontelle Heeter-Harrod is just besides herself, please pray for his safe return."

Daughter JuM posted the above the day after her father disappeared. I posted this before but I think it is very important. JuM is very specific about the time in her post. She posted the above at 1:50pm. This would put the time of Mr. Harrod's disappearance at 10am. JuM's husband was at her father's house at the time.

There is a big difference between 10am and 2-3pm.
Let's not forget that according to JuM's hubby there was a mysterious black Tahoe driving around Mr. Harrod's neighborhood the day he disappeared. Yet we know JeM did not accompany his wife back DTH the next day to her father's house.

I wonder if anyone else noticed the mysterious Tahoe cruising slowly up the road and pulling over on the wrong side on July 27, 2009 or was it only JeM.
JuM is very specific about the time in her post. She posted the above at 1:50pm. This would put the time of Mr. Harrod's disappearance at 10am. JuM's husband was at her father's house at the time.

There is a big difference between 10am and 2-3pm.

Yes, it's very telling. That would be well before JeM went out to the hardware store, etc. Even with some hours to spare. It also makes the alleged sighting of the Tahoe even more problematic for JeM.

28 hours is an odd figure. It is certainly *not* a typo. And let's not forget, as she is married to the person who last saw Bob, it would be hard to imagine anyone other that JeM who would have a better idea of the time. So what is going on both with the time, and the reporting of it? Two different questions, I know.
I wanted to add for those new to Bob's case (or this thread), that there is also an excellent timeline/documentation thread, which can be found here:

CA CA - Bob Harrod, Time Line and Media Links only - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I'm unsure if that thread contains some of the (well, let's say 'very informative') court documents attached to this thread, so perhaps someone could post those here or in the timeline/documentation thread?
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