CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - # 9

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In order to obtain a credit rating, one has to carry credit. A credit score is a number which has to do with how a person manages their revolving credit. It has nothing to do with one's wealth. It's simply how they manage borrowed money and what risk they present when wanting to take out a loan.
In order to obtain a credit rating, one has to carry credit. A credit score is a number which has to do with how a person manages their revolving credit. It has nothing to do with one's wealth. It's simply how they manage borrowed money and what risk they present when wanting to take out a loan.

Thank you. I was puzzled as to why the realtor checked my non-existant credit score because I'd already made it clear I was making a cash offer.

So how does that apply to Bob or his grandson? I find it hard to believe his grandson has much of a credit score.
Thank you. I was puzzled as to why the realtor checked my non-existant credit score because I'd already made it clear I was making a cash offer.

So how does that apply to Bob or his grandson? I find it hard to believe his grandson has much of a credit score.

Two things. First, any cash buyer should expect the sellers realtor to request proof the buyer has the funds available to pay cash. What usually happens is a letter from the bank verifies such funds are available.

Second, The grandson certainly carries debt. He mortgaged his home, he uses banks.... What documents he provided his current mortgage company might gage whether or not he committed fraud. He certainly provided some kind of information which led the mortgage co to believe he was credit worthy despite walking from a very substantial mortgage he stopped paying his grandfather. If a bank rather than his grandfather financed the mortgage on his Placentia home, his walking from it would have effected his credit score tremendously.

We don't have access to those loan docs. I suppose LE can look at them if they are investigating a possible crime for which those docs might be related.
And how.

I've said it before and I still believe it: she had a very close call that day. Strictly in my own opinion, there was probably a moment or span of moments where the perpetrator seriously considered getting rid of her.

She may have said something so casual as "I'm going out with So-and-so later" and saved her own life.

ITA! I've often worried about her safety since that day. She's probably the closest thing to a witness this case has.
Two things. First, any cash buyer should expect the sellers realtor to request proof the buyer has the funds available to pay cash. What usually happens is a letter from the bank verifies such funds are available.

Second, The grandson certainly carries debt. He mortgaged his home, he uses banks.... What documents he provided his current mortgage company might gage whether or not he committed fraud. He certainly provided some kind of information which led the mortgage co to believe he was credit worthy despite walking from a very substantial mortgage he stopped paying his grandfather. If a bank rather than his grandfather financed the mortgage on his Placentia home, his walking from it would have effected his credit score tremendously.

We don't have access to those loan docs. I suppose LE can look at them if they are investigating a possible crime for which those docs might be related.

Off topic: I expected to provide proof of my ability to pay in cash and had offered the printout of my most recent savings account statement. I was okay about getting the official statement from the bank (even though I think my bank statement is pretty official <LOL>). I just didn't expect her to check my credit score and quiz me about it.

On topic: okay, so the penny finally drops. I think.

If I am thinking along the correct lines, a possible problem for AH may have been that a bank had contacted Bob to verify AH's history of payments. If AH had lied on a loan application and AH thought Bob was going to reveal the lie, that could really put AH in a mood of extreme fear and extreme anger.

And it is possible that AH had the (apparently correct) impression that dealing with his parents and/or aunts would be easier than dealing with Bob.

I'm not sure where you're going with this. I'm not being snarky, I'm honestly confused.

When I went to buy my house, I ran into the same problem. I've never believed in credit cards, I don't take out loans and when I went to buy my house, I had the money saved up. By only buying what I have the money to pay for, I figure I've avoided a lot of trouble and saved the money I'd have to pay to the bank for a loan.

When I made an offer on the house, I ended up having to go to the bank to get official confirmation that yes, I had more than enough cash on tap to back up my offer.

I have no credit score and I am unlikely ever to have one. Gives me the willies to think of co-owning a house with a bank. I know a bank wouldn't cry over me if they had to foreclose and that's okay because I wouldn't cry over the bank if they go out of business. That's not a sound foundation for co-owning a house, in my humble opinion.

So I'm not sure what not having a credit score means except that such a person probably doesn't believe in loans.

The Bob Harrod case hits close to home and one that I would really like answers to as my father and I had a very close and unique relationship. I loved him dearly even though he could be a rather eccentric/colourful individual.

It is posts such as this, which makes it very uncomfortable to post here, yet I continue to come back . I have never been one to follow the "group think" . I look at things from my perspective and research the various players which does not always make me popular.

Cubby stated it well when she said that a credit rating is not a measure of wealth but a measure of how one manages money. There are financial institutions that will not take personal arrangements/loans into consideration especially if a formal payment arrangement had not been entered into. This is important to note.

In my father's case it was not that he had to get a mortgage, it was a case that he did not wish to incur any penalties from removing money from investments prior to maturation. It was not a large mortgage, as he was as well using the proceeds from his previous home. It was a move that enabled us to be closer so that I could help him in at the time with my mother's care. It does though show how someone could conceivably, on a personal level, end up without a credit score in a very short period of time. It was as I stated "food for thought". Nothing more, nothing less.

He was a man of pride and he took the news that he did qualify hard considering his investments. His exact words to me, "it is like I had never existed". I don't think I need to repeat his more colourful narrative.

I believe from what I have read that Cubby has explained the reasoning required for you to get confirmation from a financial institution. One can print off all the bank statements they wish but it does not verify whether or not one actually has the money to the standards which are required.

There are a variety of methods which can be used to determined whether or not one "qualifies" for a mortgage. In my case I can pull from my business or personal dealings. It does not mean I am committing fraud. It means I have consulted with my accountant to ensure that I receive the tax breaks best suited for my situation. It is also one of the reasons that I use a personal banker.

For anyone that has looked up the various players in this case, it is important to note that AH has had an incorporated company since 2001, and the last time I looked it was very much active. It is conceivable that credit information could of been acquired from his business entities.

I also must state something with respect to "conservators". We often hear of the "bad apples". There was only one time I was asked in advance if I would act in this capacity. The other times I found out after the fact. I would also like to state that not once did I take payment for the times I have served in this capacity save for once. The one time it did occur, the judge happened to note that I had not taken any payment and ordered that I be reimbursed for time and costs. Not all conservators are leeches like many of the family members I dealt with
IIRC, AH stopped paying the mortgage he owed his grandfather immediately upon Bob's 'disappearance'. AFAIK, he was current in his mortgage until Bob's disappearance, when he stopped paying.

Bob planned to include his new wife on his accounts. IMO, it is possible that someone had to prevent anyone from seeing what might have been done to Bob's accounts without his knowledge which might be uncovered or revealed to Bob and his attorney at the time he went to add his wife.
IIRC, AH stopped paying the mortgage he owed his grandfather immediately upon Bob's 'disappearance'. AFAIK, he was current in his mortgage until Bob's disappearance, when he stopped paying.

Bob planned to include his new wife on his accounts. IMO, it is possible that someone had to prevent anyone from seeing what might have been done to Bob's accounts without his knowledge which might be uncovered or revealed to Bob and his attorney at the time he went to add his wife.

These are documents I would dearly love to see. Along with a variety of other ones. These documents are a wealth of information and would help greatly with respect to unravelling the tangle mess.
It does though show how someone could conceivably, on a personal level, end up without a credit score in a very short period of time. It was as I stated "food for thought". Nothing more, nothing less.

For anyone that has looked up the various players in this case, it is important to note that AH has had an incorporated company since 2001, and the last time I looked it was very much active. It is conceivable that credit information could of been acquired from his business entities.

Respectfully snipped. I understood your previous post as an explanation, example of why one might not have a credit rating. I'd guess it would come as a surprise to most to learn some have no credit rating and that is why I expanded on your post.

I would think Bob did not have a credit score because he paid everything in full each month and did not carry any debt. I also think he'd be an easy target being elderly and having assets in a variety of places. His grandson likely had knowledge of such and was able to scam, imo.

Perhaps the grandson's business is not where he obtained an outstanding credit rating, but was perhaps set up as a means to scam or launder money from his grandfather?

I flat out don't trust the guy after reading his deposition. How does one just not know what happened to hundreds of thousands of dollars? I hope LE is paying very very close attention to his finances over the past several years, including the years prior to his grandfather's 'disappearance'. Something is just not right about losing/misplacing/forgetting all that money.

AH and his dad both seem to have rather selective memories when it comes to Bob's money and when he was last seen. I'm sure that has not gone unnoticed by LE.
These are documents I would dearly love to see. Along with a variety of other ones. These documents are a wealth of information and would help greatly with respect to unravelling the tangle mess.

I don't think Bob's financials or AH's financials are something we would ever have access too, unless they were evidence in a trial at some point. It is info, LE would have access too.
Authorities are asking anyone with information about Harrod's disappearance to contact
detective Dave Radomski at 714-993-8176,
or contact the homicide hotline at 714-993-8166.
It has been a few weeks since I read AH's depot but I remember noting how vehement AH was that his start up for his business did not come from Bob. I find that unlikely considering how much money was not accounted for. The one person who comes out the best is AH. Considering how greedy the sisters are; my guess this wasn't out of the goodness of their hearts but rather the fact they had no choice. Perhaps the forgiven loans are hush money. All this is jmvho.
This thread was almost at the end of page 2, so bumping it back to first page.

Justice for M/M Harrod.
Really wish I had something helpful to add to this thread, but can't stand to see it halfway down page 2. Bumping back to page 1 again.
While trying to look for information on when the fall season starts for Discovery ID' Disappeared, I found the following FB page for Disappeared.

I'm not a big FB'r so perhaps someone else can add/discuss Bob's info on this page. Disclosure, I would suggest using a FB profile not using your real name, unless you want Bob's daughters to sleuth you and post your private information on the net. That's how they appear to have used the FB page set up for Bob. I did not want that to come as a surprise to anyone, in the event they wish to post about Bob's case on this Disappeared FB page.

The new season has to be soon. I imagine we're now only a few weeks away until Bob's case airs! :woohoo:
I would suggest using a FB profile not using your real name, unless you want Bob's daughters to sleuth you and post your private information on the net. That's how they appear to have used the FB page set up for Bob. I did not want that to come as a surprise to anyone, in the event they wish to post about Bob's case on this Disappeared FB page.


Very good advice, Cubby. Thank you.
Bumping for Mr. Harrod

Praying for answers.
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