CA - Bonnie Lee Bakley, 44, wife of Robert Blake, shot to death, Studio City, 4 May 2001 *not guilty

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Iknow only basics about the case, but would like to see how the trial progresses to show the meat of what led up to that night.

Every time I see Blake on TV he drives me nuts as he is always playing with his face. It is the first assesment of him, except for the face he is so wirey and always seemed to play in the gangster type movies like he did. So I'll have to open my thoughts so I'm not prejudiced against him. Or maybe all of these points are to be looked at as setting the stage with a glance at the main player! LOL

And Sprocky,I'll be most interested to hear your play by play reporting!~ Ya Ya

The Robert Blake civil trial was originally scheduled to begin on July 5th 2005. The date is actually tentative. There seems to be some behind - the - scenes activities going on in the Los Angeles Superior Court. Will keep everyone posted. :D
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]LA SUPERIOR COURT WEBSITE
Case Summary

Case Number: EC034380

Filing Date: 04/29/2002
Case Type: Other PI/PD/WD (General Jurisdiction)
Status: Pending
Future Hearings
05/06/2005 at 09:00 am in department A at 300 East Olive, Burbank, CA 91503

05/13/2005 at 09:00 am in department A at 300 East Olive, Burbank, CA 91503

06/29/2005 at 08:30 am in department A at 300 East Olive, Burbank, CA 91503
Final Status Conference

07/01/2005 at 09:00 am in department A at 300 East Olive, Burbank, CA 91503
Motion for Summary Judgment

07/05/2005 at 09:00 am in department A at 300 East Olive, Burbank, CA 91503
Jury Trial
Documents Filed (Filing dates listed in descending order)

04/29/2005 Miscellaneous-Other (Media request and order thereon- DENIED )
Filed by Clerk

04/29/2005 ExParte Application (of Defendant Earl S. Caldwell for an order allowing Defendants' motion for summary judgment to be heard within 30 days before trial; decl of Gary S. Austin... )
Filed by Attorney for Defendant

04/28/2005 Motion (FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER )
Filed by Attorney for Defendant

04/28/2005 Declaration (OF PETER EZZELL )
Filed by Attorney for Defendant

04/28/2005 Proof of Service
Filed by Attorney for Defendant

04/28/2005 Declaration (OF RANDY GRAY )
Filed by Attorney for Defendant
Thanks for the information. There seems to be a lot of action going on in the court room but nothing being released to the media. :banghead:
Hoopa said:
Thanks for the information. There seems to be a lot of action going on in the court room but nothing being released to the media. :banghead:
I'll update it again in a minute. Seems to be mostly normal motion jousting at this point. Don't think we'll really know much until after Caldwell and Blake depositions are taken and the ex parte hearing is held. Then if there's a bunch of motion activity I think we'll know that the suit is going forward.
These filings have been added. Looks like Ezzell or Austin can't make a hearing. (You can get these by going to the LA Superior Court site, clicking on case summary to the left, and filling in the case number.)

Case Summary
Case Number: EC034380

Filed by Attorney for Defendant

05/03/2005 Notice (of unavailability of counsel )
Filed by Attorney for Defendant

05/02/2005 Brief (re: Blake and Caldwell's 5th amendment rights at deposition and request for court ordered referee/sanctions )
Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff 05/02/2005 Opposition (to protective order re: Sondra Kerr Blake deposition )
Filed by Attorney for Plaintiff
Gag order:

Lawyer knows deposition will not go well for Blake.

He's a not too bright, cocky, gangster throwback.
He's overly confident.

He didn't drive up to the restaurant for help because he didn't want to double park?!?!?

Dubin will continue to ask questions that will incriminate him more.
Dubin says he had at least 20 mil. in assets & he tried to transfer a
lot of it to his daughter.

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]John Ziegler Show Highlights - KFI
Blake Deposition - Day One (5/09)

Robert Blake was questioned under oath for the first time today, and Eric Dubin was the lawyer who had him in the crosshairs. Zig talked to Mr. Dubin about what is was like to face off against the acquitted murderer
Part 1
Part 2


We've been through the issue with "driving back to the restaurant" so many times. As an 'out-of-towner' who visited the scene it was abundently clear why anyone would walk such a short block back to the restaurant instead of moving a car. LA traffic is the pits. I wouldn't double park my car out on the main road (not sure you would even be allowed to). Moving the car to park on any of the side streets would get you maybe 20 yards closer to the restaurant and leave the side street or the back alley impassable by other vehicles. That's why the jury discounted the possibility after they visited the scene I am sure.

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]As far as the tapes, all I heard was Dubin saying a bunch of times that he wasn't looking for any dramatic gotcha moments during the deposition...and that he didn't get any. Other than that, it's just a lot of innuendo and joking around. Dubin ended the show by saying, "If I can't convince you with my snippet, I guess I'll just entertain you".

Dubin sure loves the publicity he's getting at his clients' and Mr. Blake's expense.

Isn't it amazing that we've been unable to find any cases that Mr. Dubin has represented before?

ncgramma said:
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]Celebrity Justice "Jailhouse" tape recordings with video[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]
Oh, was disgusted when I saw this part Blake and his publicist are also heard brainstorming how to get favorable publicity on "Larry King Live" by using Blake's daughter, Rosie, to gain sympathy. "If I do well with Rosie, it'll be a radio spot on every radio in America for a year," Blake states. "Rosie… Keep [her] in…"

I've heard some of his comments from disposition, like "don't get cute with me", etc. Didn't come off as a very sympathetic character to me, but then never has since I'm convinced he was guilty of the crime. Anyway, surprised disposition being held in Irvine, didn't realize their attorney was in Orange County. So when is trial, July? Thought Blake said he wanted to get away and go cowboying for awhile after he was acquited. My guess is he will settle for about 1 million, even though he says he is broke, and they won't get a dime now since they refused his offer of $250K.
Dubin having press conference this morning, 8:30 PDT, think TV said--remarks said he has smoking gun evidence now from Blake's testimony that he killed Bonny, something about Blake saying that after returning from restaurant to car he got in driver's seat of car and shook her--but that there was so much blood in car from shooting it would be impossible for him to do that and not have blood all over him.
peggy said:
Dubin having press conference this morning, 8:30 PDT, think TV said--remarks said he has smoking gun evidence now from Blake's testimony that he killed Bonny, something about Blake saying that after returning from restaurant to car he got in driver's seat of car and shook her--but that there was so much blood in car from shooting it would be impossible for him to do that and not have blood all over him.

Yup he's claiming to have tried to revive her!! WHICH he never mentioned in any statement before!!!

I thought he was guilty since day 1 so I admit Im biased but c'mon thats more than a LITTLE hinky!
messiecake said:
Yup he's claiming to have tried to revive her!! WHICH he never mentioned in any statement before!!!

I thought he was guilty since day 1 so I admit Im biased but c'mon thats more than a LITTLE hinky!
I'm sure OJ tried to revive Nicole after her head was almost severed too!!!

This creep. I thank the GOOD LORD everyday that I so strongly believe in a PERMANENT ETERNITY JUSTICE SYSTEM.....

that's where these guys will truly pay in the end. If our lives are truly a "blink of an eye" in the eyes of heavens.... then Robert Blake has a terrible eternity ahead of him.

That my dear, is my true solace. He can hide... But GOD will find him!
messiecake said:
Yup he's claiming to have tried to revive her!! WHICH he never mentioned in any statement before!!!

I thought he was guilty since day 1 so I admit Im biased but c'mon thats more than a LITTLE hinky!

Blake has never said that he tried to revive her. He said that he shook her to see if she was sleeping and to see if she would wake up.
Gag order:

Lawyer knows deposition will not go well for Blake.

He's a not too bright, cocky, gangster throwback.
He's overly confident.

He didn't drive up to the restaurant for help because he didn't want to double park?!?!?

Dubin will continue to ask questions that will incriminate him more.
Dubin says he had at least 20 mil. in assets & he tried to transfer a
lot of it to his daughter.


The transfer of money to his daughter Delinah happened long before Blake ever met Bonny. It is not an issue in the civil trial.
peggy said:
Dubin having press conference this morning, 8:30 PDT, think TV said--remarks said he has smoking gun evidence now from Blake's testimony that he killed Bonny, something about Blake saying that after returning from restaurant to car he got in driver's seat of car and shook her--but that there was so much blood in car from shooting it would be impossible for him to do that and not have blood all over him.
Do you drive? Have you ever opened your car door and leaned into the car to look for something? When you explain that to someone do you say you got into that side or do you say that you just opened the car door and looked in? Think about it. A lot of people would open the car door and lean in. However; they would explain it by saying they got into the car.
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Actor Robert Blake said he always will be "sorry and deeply saddened" by the slaying of his wife and lashed out at the news media in a CNN interview Monday night.

Blake was acquitted in March of killing Bonny Lee Bakley, his wife, with whom he had an infant daughter at the time of the 2001 slaying.

"I will always be sorry and deeply saddened for what happened to Bonny," Blake said. "And I will always be deeply grateful to Bonny for Rosie. And I hope I will do well for the rest of my life, for the gift that God and Bonny have given me."


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