CA CA - Bridgett ‘Bridget’ Lee Pendell-Williamson, 23, San Francisco, 1 Apr or 7 Jul 1997

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DNA Solves
Thank you! I found it to be San Fran with some and KS with others. the one concerning KS just states it was a phone call. No mention of her Boyfriend (or his name). I'm going to search again and see if I can find anything on "hobby" boards. They aren't google cache' so I have to log in and search archives.

The boyfriend had a street name - something weird. I'm sure I have that somewhere, I will look for that as well, but I recall that Bridget's sister made contact with him but he said he hadn't seen her recently, although I think he had seen her since she went missing. After I finish making/eating dinner I'll look on my computer (on my little laptop at the moment)
His name will be a HUGE help. Thank you so much

Street name: "Cosmic Charlie" or "Cosmic Charlie Aldo"

Not sure if there's any connection to his real name there or not... her sister never knew his real name unless that IS his real name.
I found that his name is a dead song and also a dead cover band... this is going to take me awhile. But Kizzie, Zeneysha (she plays a violin) Anais, BT Susan and roller girl (like out of the film), Ruby, Jessica/Jill would be who she hung around.. Most of these girls are OUT there now. I'm positive she's not Kizzie, Bt Susuan, roller girl or Z.
I just read this on a website dedicated to Bridget. " Three people told Horne and Hartman that a woman looking like Pendell was streetwalking in the Mission and had tribal-style face tattoos" That's Jessica!!! 100%!
I found that his name is a dead song and also a dead cover band... this is going to take me awhile. But Kizzie, Zeneysha (she plays a violin) Anais, BT Susan and roller girl (like out of the film), Ruby, Jessica/Jill would be who she hung around.. Most of these girls are OUT there now. I'm positive she's not Kizzie, Bt Susuan, roller girl or Z.

Cosmic Charlie was also a Grateful Dead drifter... he said he had last seen Bridget in 1998-1999. The article that mentions Bridget's sister talking to him is from 2004, so he was still in SF at that time.

In Haight-Ashbury, she ran into the only person she met on this trip who had actually known her sister, a Grateful Dead drifter named "Cosmic Charlie" Aldo. She recognized him from the Ellis Street hotel, back in 1996 -- he was rooming with Pendell then.

Haven't seen her since 1999, '98," said Aldo, leaning against a lamppost in front of the Haight Street Tobacco shop, which had a Jerry Garcia doll propped in its window. "We saw a lot of great shows over the years, but the last time I saw her was at 16th and Mission Street, where the prostitutes work. " He said he'd check with other Deadheads, but as Horne walked away, he shook his head sadly.

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Hi Astrokitty, Odyssey,
I don't have anything to contribute, but I just wanted to say you have me on the edge of my seat. It would be a miracle if you guys find her.
I have a question, though: Isn't it odd that, if she has in fact been in the Bay Area this whole time, that she hasn't been arrested since April of '97? I would think even an experienced addict/prostitute would occaisonally get busted, right?

Also, cheers to you, Astro, for the work you do.
I actually had somewhat backed off of following this case once I learned that Bridget's sister had passed away. I'm not sure if her parents are still alive, but I think I read that they are deceased. That leaves her teenage daughter.

I wonder, if Bridget were found under the conditions that Astro describes, if her daughter would be able to handle that. I never got into drugs myself, but I've been around it and there were often many unsavory characters hanging around and you couldn't leave your purse unattended, etc.

I also had a coworker once who was in her early 20's and had to play the parental role over her drug-addicted mother and it was heartbreaking to hear some of her stories. I can't even imagine what that would be like.

I know from news articles and previous posts in this thread that her daughter wants to find her, but I just don't know if she has the support system to handle it if she did. I'm sure she naturally would want to take Mom home and try to help her...

I'm rambling... just a little conflicted on it...
Hi Astrokitty, Odyssey,
I don't have anything to contribute, but I just wanted to say you have me on the edge of my seat. It would be a miracle if you guys find her.
I have a question, though: Isn't it odd that, if she has in fact been in the Bay Area this whole time, that she hasn't been arrested since April of '97? I would think even an experienced addict/prostitute would occaisonally get busted, right?

Also, cheers to you, Astro, for the work you do.

Absolutely! Her not having an arrest record or a drug bust is odd. I'm hoping I hear something from the clinics and the people that used to run St. James.
I actually had somewhat backed off of following this case once I learned that Bridget's sister had passed away. I'm not sure if her parents are still alive, but I think I read that they are deceased. That leaves her teenage daughter.

I wonder, if Bridget were found under the conditions that Astro describes, if her daughter would be able to handle that. I never got into drugs myself, but I've been around it and there were often many unsavory characters hanging around and you couldn't leave your purse unattended, etc.

I also had a coworker once who was in her early 20's and had to play the parental role over her drug-addicted mother and it was heartbreaking to hear some of her stories. I can't even imagine what that would be like.

I know from news articles and previous posts in this thread that her daughter wants to find her, but I just don't know if she has the support system to handle it if she did. I'm sure she naturally would want to take Mom home and try to help her...

I'm rambling... just a little conflicted on it...

I agree with you whole heartily. Her daughter would be 16? That's a tough age and this is a rough subject. I really do not know at this point if she's alive or not. Everything is pointing to Jessica and that's just weird that someone mentioned her in an article. At least I'm on the right track. Jessica is not well, at all. I'm not even sure she would know who she used to be IMO.

There's just no way she vanished though. No way. I looked through jumpers on the bridge that weren't identified yet, nothing. I'm now combing through dead-head forums to see if I can find the ex. There are several "butterfly 411" on many websites dedicated to street walkers, as far as 05'. That means someone with that name working the same stroll was active until 05'.

I found her mother (she's deceased) and her social security #. I'm looking to see if I can find Bridget's and when it was last used. i've tried variations of her name and there is one person, age 36 in CA. I just can't see if she had tattoos or not. :(
There was someone here who knew Bridget and her family, but it looks like she hasn't posted here since 2008.

You might want to try the Santa Cruz Sheriff's Department, they are investigating her case (not sure why, since she was last seen in San Francisco).

That sounds very promising...

Hi, that would be me. I get email updates about this thread...and todays caught my eye! I am still in touch with Sasha. She still hasnt got any information on her mother. I hesitate to tell her at this point, she is doing well with the tragedies she has had to deal with, and i do not want step at a time. If this person is her, as you said, i do not want to spook her, or crush sasha if it isnt her...or if it is and bridget decides she wants to stay lost...... what a tricky situation! I dont think she will feel threatened by me if it is approached in the right manner.
sasha is now almost 21...and smart, sassy and beautiful.
Hi, that would be me. I get email updates about this thread...and todays caught my eye! I am still in touch with Sasha. She still hasnt got any information on her mother. I hesitate to tell her at this point, she is doing well with the tragedies she has had to deal with, and i do not want step at a time. If this person is her, as you said, i do not want to spook her, or crush sasha if it isnt her...or if it is and bridget decides she wants to stay lost...... what a tricky situation! I dont think she will feel threatened by me if it is approached in the right manner.
sasha is now almost 21...and smart, sassy and beautiful.

I'm so glad you came back!

I think the question, right now, is if AstroKitty is able to make contact with this girl and she turns out likely to be Bridget, what should she ask her to do? I doubt she'd be willing to contact police, and her sister is no longer there...
I wish I were in San Fran, I'd hit the streets and ask Jessica myself. It's 50/50. Do you think she could have joined the rainbow family or hare krishna's? They are totally off the grid, albeit safe and such. I started thinking about that later, how she probably went to rainbow gatherings and that may have been what brought her to KS.

If you are near the areas Ive posted, please inbox me before you head out. I can give you details and how to approach people.

For anyone stumbling on this thread that's going to look on the streets to find missing loved ones; there is a few things you should do or know before going about this.

#1. Do not go at night and do not go alone.
#2 Start at methadone clinics, ER's for county, social services, needle exchanges, corner stores on prominent "strolls".
#3 Explain you are a loved on and looking, if they hear anything to call you.
#4 Understand that pimps send out "bottom b*tches to bring back run away working girls. There will be a LOT of miss trust. Don't press too much and don't have LE helping you at first ... no one will help you if you do.
#5 Bring sandwiches, loosies (single cigarettes) menthols, reds, and lights. Candy or anything sugar.
#7 Most girls work the wee hours (dawn), when men are going to work. There's never a reason for you to be out past 9pm or 9-4am...ever.

If you cannot get into the methadone clinic, go out early in the AM when people are in line for their morning "juice". Mondays and Friday's are the best. Move through the line handing out a flyer, make sure you have a personal # (you can get a free # through Gmail aka google voice) you can download the app free for your phones. I suggest this over LE when it's concerning street people -- but have someone you share incoming messages with and never matter WHAT go out alone to meet up. People have pimps, habits and issues. You don't want to get robbed.

Planned Parenthood, people that worked at St. James are big strong points as they are sex worker positive.

Go in pairs and don't look like a "cop" or ask intrusive questions. Make sure you know their alias's and bring up their tattoos and any background information they might share with people.

I have connections with an outreach program that I work for. We are world wide. Let me know if you need my help.
I've started looking into the rainbow family, twelve tribes and Hare Krishna's. I have friends in all 3. They are rather nomadic but at this time of year they start camping and traveling from west to east. I get calls from May onward (when it's warm) as people end up in places where I have a flat. If she's known to be involved with nomadic "tribes" then this is a huge possibility. She literally would never have to use her ID or anything else if she were.
I did read awhile back about an ongoing "census" of the homeless that is being done by a non-profit group, I don't recall the details but I remember being really annoyed because if her case was being investigated by San Francisco, I thought these census people might be on the lookout for her - but since it's filed through Santa Cruz, they probably had no idea she was a missing person.

I'll see if I can find that again, maybe there is a way to contact them and let them know about her.
I did read awhile back about an ongoing "census" of the homeless that is being done by a non-profit group, I don't recall the details but I remember being really annoyed because if her case was being investigated by San Francisco, I thought these census people might be on the lookout for her - but since it's filed through Santa Cruz, they probably had no idea she was a missing person.

I'll see if I can find that again, maybe there is a way to contact them and let them know about her.
You're right. She's missing from Santa Cruz not San Fran, so people wouldn't think to look for her. Plus the ravages of the streets, drugs and mental illness (drug use will cause psychosis after awhile) changes people and it shows on their face first. The big thing is though, Bridget wasn't into meth, which really wrecks someone's face. Heroin has a distinct look on someone.

if I could see her mannerisms or body shape it would make things easier. The big plus is her tattoos. The cat tattoo is the big one. Given her line of work, people would have seen it and it would have probably earned her another moniker of some kind between Johns. I have a HUGE hope that we'll know more about what happened. if I could find the legal name of her ex that would be a big huge break in this case.
I agree with you whole heartily. Her daughter would be 16? That's a tough age and this is a rough subject. I really do not know at this point if she's alive or not. Everything is pointing to Jessica and that's just weird that someone mentioned her in an article. At least I'm on the right track. Jessica is not well, at all. I'm not even sure she would know who she used to be IMO.

There's just no way she vanished though. No way. I looked through jumpers on the bridge that weren't identified yet, nothing. I'm now combing through dead-head forums to see if I can find the ex. There are several "butterfly 411" on many websites dedicated to street walkers, as far as 05'. That means someone with that name working the same stroll was active until 05'.

I found her mother (she's deceased) and her social security #. I'm looking to see if I can find Bridget's and when it was last used. i've tried variations of her name and there is one person, age 36 in CA. I just can't see if she had tattoos or not. :(

Hi Astro,
re: the bolded part, there are ways, I think, to find out that info online. I don't know how to do it, but I've read some threads in the "unclaimed persons"
sub-forum (deceased people, mostly transients, whose remains were never claimed) and those folks seem to be able do it. Maybe PM the mod of that forum and ask them to give it a shot?
Hi Astro,
re: the bolded part, there are ways, I think, to find out that info online. I don't know how to do it, but I've read some threads in the "unclaimed persons"
sub-forum (deceased people, mostly transients, whose remains were never claimed) and those folks seem to be able do it. Maybe PM the mod of that forum and ask them to give it a shot?

I'll start doing it now (we are flooding here again..). Hopefully I'll have it by tonight. :)
Flooding? Stay safe!
I have another question: Is it possible she went north to Portland or Seattle? Maybe to flee a bench warrant from her 04/97 arrest? She could be using a fake ID out-of-state. The reason I bring this up, a recently-solved case just occurred to me. There was an UID young woman found deceased, in UT I believe, who the coroner's office called "saltair Sally". She was recently ID'd through DNA as a runaway. But someone using the runaway girl's ID was arrested for prostitution years after the remains were discovered, in another state, leading the investigators to rule her out, and her family to believe she was still alive.
I don't think states usually extradite for petty misdemeanors like drug possesion or prostitution, so maybe she has an arrest record out of state.
Sorry if that sounded off the wall.

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