CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #3

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FB just posted no search for tomorrow. Family is meeting with LE. Finally...maybe some answers!
Not familiar with Linnea...can you give me the reader's digest version of her story? Thank you!

I see WhiteOrchids beat me to it (thank you!). But in a very brief nutshell, she was 19. Her parents noticed a dramatic change in her behavior, and her Mom went to see her. Linnea was in her dorm room looking at sites about suicide and had an open bottle of ibuprofen (never in a million years did I think you could kill yourself with that stuff, but apparently you can... she didn't, but it sounds like she tried or thought about it). She went to a mental hospital and then was in outpatient treatment. At lunch break in outpatient she walked to the nearby American river and hung herself. I think she was probably deceased before her parents even realized she was missing.

Her Mom found her months later... she described it as a "pretty place," but I still have a very hard time getting over the horror her Mom must've felt seeing her partially decomposed daughter hanging in a tree. Linnea lived not that far from me, went to the same college I did, and the place she was last seen is really close to where I live, so I just connected with her immediately. She was rumored to have been seen all over the place, including near where husband and I go boating, so I was really looking for her. The family shared a video/tribute type thing of her and she seemed like such a sweet, friendly, sunny person, one of those people who is nearly always upbeat. It was the first time I finally understood how relatively common it is for mental illness to set in or show itself at around that age. (ETA for those interested here's the video: Grab Kleenex.)

I so, so hope for a better outcome in Bryce's case. I know we all do. The similarities keep nagging at me, but I keep hoping.
I wish there were no such thing as mental illness! Ugh! GRRR!
I wish there were no such thing as mental illness! Ugh! GRRR!

Ohhh how I agree with you. It's horrible the things it does to people. I'm thankful the stigma seems to be getting somewhat less, but that still doesn't help with the original problem. I realize we don't have confirmation Bryce has any serious mental illness, but his age, his erratic behavior, the timing (school, girlfriend), all have me wondering.
(I just want to interject/clarify something- regardless of who 'trained' them, Team Amber is not affiliated with KlaasKIDS...they are their own entity)
Ohhh how I agree with you. It's horrible the things it does to people. I'm thankful the stigma seems to be getting somewhat less, but that still doesn't help with the original problem. I realize we don't have confirmation Bryce has any serious mental illness, but his age, his erratic behavior, the timing (school, girlfriend), all have me wondering.

I know, and I hope and pray that Bryce is not afflicted with this awful disease. I was referring to all of the other cases posted on here and Linnea's story :( such a waste of a beautiful life :(
(I just want to interject/clarify something- regardless of who 'trained' them, Team Amber is not affiliated with KlaasKIDS...they are their own entity)

I've tried everything to get them to re-contact TES since LE search over but to no avail. I posted some others that have a great track record recovering the missing. Very experienced SAR helicopter teams with dogs, boats and heat sensor technology for night searches too which was used in a search for a couple of missing hikers this summer in Trabuco Canyon in Orange County. They did massive searches and found one hiker in a few days then the other hiker the following day IIRC. Some of the teams I posted are located in Cali and free of charge. So I'm done suggesting and posting links. I don't think they realize as web-sleuthers we follow all these threads and know who are experienced in this field. So it's pointless. Team Amber president the mom of Amber Dubois found one body Michelle LE and as far as I read that is the only one and it was by accident. Her dog was not even a SARS dog at the time. Its very nice they are helping but I think they are lacking in the experience part and its time to call in the pros, time is vital in this case. Just my two cents.
I've tried everything to get them to re-contact TES since LE search over but to no avail. I posted some others that have a great track record recovering the missing. Very experienced SAR helicopter teams with dogs, boats and heat sensor technology for night searches too which was used in a search for a couple of missing hikers this summer in Trabuco Canyon in Orange County. They did massive searches and found one hiker in a few days then the other hiker the following day IIRC. Some of the teams I posted are located in Cali and free of charge. So I'm done suggesting and posting links. I don't think they realize as web-sleuthers we follow all these threads and know who are experienced in this field. So it's pointless. Team Amber president the mom of Amber Dubois found one body Michelle LE and as far as I read that is the only one and it was by accident. Her dog was not even a SARS dog at the time. Its very nice they are helping but I think they are lacking in the experience part and its time to call in the pros, time is vital in this case. Just my two cents.

Hear! Hear! I know that in cases like this, sometimes there is "red tape" and jurisdiction and this reason and that reason for why certain measures are not taken. No disrespect but, seriously, away with it! Cut the bull*#$%. I don't see why there should be rules and regulations on who can search in missing persons cases like this!

If this was my loved one, I would take anyone and everyone willing to search. I would be searching day and night and using every resource available to me. I wouldn't care if I had to crawl on my hands and knees for days on end; the search wouldn't be over till I tore the world apart.

I know, that's probably easier said and done for me sitting here in a different state just reading about the case...but I really feel like that's probably how Bryce's relatives are feeling too. So I'm not judging their methods, I'm judging whoever or whatever might be holding them back from using EVERYTHING to find him.

"its time to call in the pros, time is vital in this case." THIS. Exactly!
I know, and I hope and pray that Bryce is not afflicted with this awful disease. I was referring to all of the other cases posted on here and Linnea's story :( such a waste of a beautiful life :(

Agreed completely. Thanks for responding. I just wanted to make sure it was clear that I really don't know about Bryce's mental state... I have thoughts, but I don't know. I didn't mean to imply that you might either. I <self-edited> HATE mental illness and what it does to these kids. Hate it. Linnea's story broke my heart. She's not alone in her struggles. I so hope Bryce hasn't run into the same struggles. I don't know a better way to say it.
“It’s a search designed to find somebody who wants to be found,” Pena said. “In other words, you’re not searching places and then leaving people there in case the person comes back. You’re taking into account that the person wants to be found, and we weren’t able to locate him.”

*raised eyebrow*


Very unusual quote. I'm not one of those who is thinking Bryce is hiding out somewhere (believe me, I'd love to be proved wrong about that!) but it sounds like they're not ruling that out.
Hear! Hear! I know that in cases like this, sometimes there is "red tape" and jurisdiction and this reason and that reason for why certain measures are not taken. No disrespect but, seriously, away with it! Cut the bull*#$%. I don't see why there should be rules and regulations on who can search in missing persons cases like this!

If this was my loved one, I would take anyone and everyone willing to search. I would be searching day and night and using every resource available to me. I wouldn't care if I had to crawl on my hands and knees for days on end; the search wouldn't be over till I tore the world apart.

I know, that's probably easier said and done for me sitting here in a different state just reading about the case...but I really feel like that's probably how Bryce's relatives are feeling too. So I'm not judging their methods, I'm judging whoever or whatever might be holding them back from using EVERYTHING to find him.

"its time to call in the pros, time is vital in this case." THIS. Exactly!

There is another factor not talked about very much. Some SAR teams do not work and play well together. Politics creep into any organization. Sometimes there are train wrecks when two or more big egos collide. Not saying that is what is happening here, but I have seen it over 30+ years. Sometimes as a SAR Manager or Team Leader, you have to know when to be a helper rather than a leader and let the experienced and technically skilled take the lead. My passion is Tracking, so I had no issue letting someone else take the lead and be the face in front of the TV cameras.
Not familiar with Linnea...can you give me the reader's digest version of her story? Thank you!

O/T: Sure ... JMO!

LL, end of her first year away at college, started to show signs of mental illness and was pulled from school in the midst of finals week. She was admitted to an inpatient facility. Within a couple of weeks, she progressed to outpatient status. On the first day of outpatient gatherings, LL was dropped off by her parent/s, she attended the morning session and went missing during the lunch time break.

LE rather quickly determined she had gone missing voluntarily. Case was transferred to her hometown LE which was about an hour and a half from ground zero.

Family/friends mounted an impressive search and internet campaign but kept experienced search groups at arms length. Family/friend led search/campaign actively continued for about 2 months.

Then, Klaas was asked to help. On the ?first? day of the Klaas organized search near ground zero, LL was found. Devastatingly, it was her mother, who was amongst the search party, who discovered her remains.

Apparently, LL had left the outpatient care at lunch time, found a beautiful place along the riverbank (her family owned a river rafting camp and LL must have loved the river), and hanged herself.

RIP sweet LL!
In the past, I generally advised parents to wait at command and assigned them a Liaison Officer to get them anything they needed and to "mother hen" them. They would be kept occupied with looking for shoes with wear patterns for the Trackers and Sign Cutters, scent articles for the dogs, checking and rechecking the house, searching the bedroom for "clues" etc....

I know it is difficult for the parents not to be out looking, but in my humble opinion, parents finding their own child's remains never has a good outcome and can have lasting traumatic effects.

Just an FYI....
@ kmw461: What do you think happened in this case? If you don't mind
sharing, what is your speculative theory on how/why BL went missing? TIA
Many aspects of this case are beginning to sound like the Linnea Lomax case. :( JMO
I know. :( Linnea brought me here originally and I can't shake that feeling either.

Linnea Lomax's mom has commented on the FB group for Bryce early on. I believe Bryce's gf is connected to Linnea's family in some way. Her mom & other family have commented on Bryce's gf's public posts relating to Bryce missing. :cry:
Linnea Lomax's mom has commented on the FB group for Bryce. I believe Bryce's gf is connected to Linnea's family in some way. Her mom & other family have commented on Bryce's gf's public posts relating to Bryce missing. :cry:

BBM Wait...what? That appears to be a somewhat odd or sad coincidence...depending on how you look at it.
the search is called off? that is a really strange quote, I can't quite wrap my ehad around it.
What if Bryce was found, but doesn't want to be found, what then? are police obliagted to tell the family?
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