CA/Canada - Elisa Lam - 21 years old - Los Angeles/Vancouver - 31-Jan-2013 - #1

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My bad - I left out a few important words - should have said:

Based on other videos out there for public viewing IT SEEMS A POSSIBILITY that the footage of Elisa on the elevator did not happen on floors 14, 7, 6, 5 or the lobby...

Not drawing conclusions...just exploring the possibilities or non-possibilities too for that matter - is all...or not...???
LAPD officer Christopher No said Friday police still don't know what Lam was doing in the elevator, adding it's too early to speculate whether drugs or alcohol were involved. "We can't say what was happening. Maybe she might have just been playing around with someone, it could have been anything. We are keeping an open mind on all aspects," No said.

BBM - The more I watch this video, the more I feel like this might have been the case. MOO.

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BBM - The more I watch this video, the more I feel like this might have been the case. MOO.

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Also from your link:

"We're hoping the video will help conjure up more ideas, that members of the community might have seen something."


...she's been captured on a surveillance video seemingly hiding, pressing numerous elevator buttons, waving her hands, peeking around corners and wandering aimlessly prior to her disappearance at a downtown hotel.

"Everything's a factor," No continued. "We're not leaving any stone unturned."

What do you make of "wandering aimlessly"...???...Is it so/assumed since she entered elevator and left the elevator without leaving the floor and/or going anywhere...???...

How do they KNOW wandering aimlessly unless there IS more video...otherwise it seems SHE WAS trying to go UNLESS this was NOT the floor she was staying on....
BBM - The more I watch this video, the more I feel like this might have been the case. MOO.

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this is what i thought at first when i first saw the video. It's possible that she had met some new friends in that area. Would these new friends convince her to run off away from home and explore........?
Hide away from family and all of us trying to find her, because she's convinced that this is adventurous like cat catching mouse?
What do you make of "wandering aimlessly"...???...Is it so/assumed since she entered elevator and left the elevator without leaving the floor and/or going anywhere...???...

How do they KNOW wandering aimlessly unless there IS more video...otherwise it seems SHE WAS trying to go UNLESS this was NOT the floor she was staying on....

So true, tarabull. It's difficult to say if something is fact, from LE, or the writer taking liberties. Is it assumed she was wandering aimlessly because of her behaviour and the fact that she ended up not taking the elevator? Or is there more footage? Good questions.
I think any of the theories derived from the video are possible. That's part of the eeriness, I think. We can only see her behaving the way she is, then she's gone and the elevator doors close, only to reopen on other floors. Very strange.
this is what i thought at first when i first saw the video. It's possible that she had met some new friends in that area. Would these new friends convince her to run off away from home and explore........?
Hide away from family and all of us trying to find her, because she's convinced that this is adventurous like cat catching mouse?

I remember how carefree and trusting I was at 21, especially in meeting new people my own age. It was so easy to make friends back then. Maybe she was too trusting, made some new "friends" who ended up not being friends after all. Maybe this game (elevator tag, hide & seek...), if that's what was going on, turned into something more sinister. I would think, though, that they would have footage of these "friends" if they indeed had more security cameras around the hotel.

Also - if she was just "horsing around" and then something happened, it could explain why she didn't have her phone with her. She might not have taken it if she was just hanging out in the hotel.
IF it was Elisa at the corner of Wilshire and Western, is there anything that would have attracted her to that location? I am not familiar with LA, so perhaps some of you who are can chime in here.

I realize that there is a metro stop there. How easy/direct is it to get there from the Cecil?

I have also seen reference to this area being Koreatown. Are there any particular attractions that would cause a tourist to go to this area?

And finally, when I went to google streetview and looked around I came across this Cinema Makeup Store. (Elisa's sister is a makeup artist. Was Elisa going to pick up a gift for her sister?) Are these types of specialty stores common in LA?
Koreatown worries me because I saw on the internet that some of the businesses there are a front for prostitution. On the other hand, I do not think they would let her roam freely during the day if they were using her for that. Also, if it was her yelling into the air on Wilshire and Western, I do not think she would be good for business. A good thing I read about the area is that the subway station is bum free and the neighborhood is half decent. Isn't Hollywood pretty near there? She seems to like to appear on shows. Maybe her dream was to be an actress. That is a real good idea to post her pictures at the homeless shelters and soup kitchens. Maybe one of the volunteers would remember her. She has to eat sometime if she has no money.
Could there have been any Canucks fans in town staying at The Cecil for the Vancouver vs. LA Kings hockey game on January 28th...???...

Maybe Elisa crossed paths with fellow Vancouverite's with whom she felt comfortable chatting with & perhaps befriending...???...

Nothing like the comforts of home in a strange land...sts.
Could there have been any Canucks fans in town staying at The Cecil for the Vancouver vs. LA Kings hockey game on January 28th...???...

Maybe Elisa crossed paths with fellow Vancouverite's with whom she felt comfortable chatting with & perhaps befriending...???...

Nothing like the comforts of home in a strange land...sts.

I definitely think that's a possibility. Vancouver has a lot of hockey fans, and it also isn't uncommon for people from Vancouver to travel down the coast. My 26 year old brother lives in Vancouver and he attempted to travel to California by bike. Back in the 80's my uncle did the same trip by car - traveled from Vancouver to LA. IMO, it's quite possible she ran into others from Vancouver.
tarabull, I'm from Vancouver, and I have friends who travel to California away games now and then. It's possible, especially in the shortened NHL season this year, where people might want to maximize the number of games they see.

Someone (edit: shmip) earlier in the thread mentioned OCD. I am technically "recovered" OCD, but I still do a few strange rituals now and then when I think no one is watching or when I'm flustered or bored, and they often include talking to myself, dancing in place, and doing weird hand motions. Watching this video and seeing people analyse it has made me wonder if I went missing and my last video was of me alone, what strange behaviour might seem significant that really wasn't. Then again, sometimes I do those things to comfort myself when I'm under stress...

This case is extremely frustrating and haunting because it feels like we have some pieces of the puzzle -- more than we get in other cases -- but those pieces could mean so many different things in so many different contexts. :[
Lets hope they will release more information so it won't just keep us hanging here...waiting...waiting...waiting.......

K U N I B O B !!!


Thanks for your input...

So it's not such a far off thing to imagine someone taking a mini-vaca to catch their fav team out of town...a chance to fly ones flag, back ones crew, or sport ones colours sts ;)

Oh yeah, and I totally 'get' the OCD thing lol :panic:

I feel like none of her friends are helping with getting info out, I wonder why that is? Anyway, thanks for posting that yelp pic of the elevator buttons. I can now clearly see that she pressed the "Door Hold" button and that's why the elevator wouldn't close.
Wow...Poor Elisa Lam.
I originally watched the video last night and immediately thought she was on drugs. But her actions made my gut drop so I backed away. Today I told my self I would learn more by reading the whole thread (I had already read some when she originally went missing, before the video).
I'm at a complete loss as far as one particular "theory". Usually I can kind of "call them" and I'll stick with it unless there's HUGE evidence pointing elsewhere. But this girl could be terrified, goofing off, drugged (probably accidentally, imo), or she could be having a mental break....without any more info-there's really no way to tell yet. I hope we hear more soon, and I hope this ends well-or as well as possible.
Koreatown worries me because I saw on the internet that some of the businesses there are a front for prostitution. On the other hand, I do not think they would let her roam freely during the day if they were using her for that. Also, if it was her yelling into the air on Wilshire and Western, I do not think she would be good for business. A good thing I read about the area is that the subway station is bum free and the neighborhood is half decent. Isn't Hollywood pretty near there? She seems to like to appear on shows. Maybe her dream was to be an actress. That is a real good idea to post her pictures at the homeless shelters and soup kitchens. Maybe one of the volunteers would remember her. She has to eat sometime if she has no money.

Wilshire and Western is NOT as dangerous as The Cecil hotel (Koreatown isn't that bad, either - yes, I think them separate cause Wilshire and Western is a hubbub, I go there ALL the time via bus, to subway downtown), believe it or not. There are many shelters out near where the Cecil is, so it's ironic if she had a break, she was closest to the resources. The further west you go the more hospitable people become in terms of food/work, and handouts.

I kept thinking she was an aspiring model, or fashion designer earlier in these threads based on a probably bunk sleuth I did.

Since I've lurked this thread, and after watching the video, to me, it seems, she was playing with someone in the hotel when in the elevator. To me, it seem she was trying to surprise someone, fake them out.

I do not think she had a break, I think she was playing.
Depression doesn't look like this, well, I mean I say that as being someone that has manic depression. I can SEE myself in her trying to be happy and playing with someone, but not really knowing what that "feels" like, if that makes any sense.

Probably taking this a little too personal.
IF it was Elisa at the corner of Wilshire and Western, is there anything that would have attracted her to that location? I am not familiar with LA, so perhaps some of you who are can chime in here.

I realize that there is a metro stop there. How easy/direct is it to get there from the Cecil?

I have also seen reference to this area being Koreatown. Are there any particular attractions that would cause a tourist to go to this area?

And finally, when I went to google streetview and looked around I came across this Cinema Makeup Store. (Elisa's sister is a makeup artist. Was Elisa going to pick up a gift for her sister?) Are these types of specialty stores common in LA?

It's a transportation hub: subway, buses, cabs.

It's easy to hop on the subway without paying, most do. They plan to correct that this summer.
this is what i thought at first when i first saw the video. It's possible that she had met some new friends in that area. Would these new friends convince her to run off away from home and explore........?
Hide away from family and all of us trying to find her, because she's convinced that this is adventurous like cat catching mouse?



YOU are a genius!

I see it right there [ h o l d b u t t o n ] but didn't realize it actually holds the door.... :saythat:


Seriously, I thought you had to keep your finger on the button to keep the door open but I see now you push it once and the door stays open for 1 minute.

eye yey yey!

thanks sknox and tarabull! that definitely makes sense.

as to the possibility of new friends...I would think if they were really friends we would have heard from them. although I suppose they could have been visiting from some place far away and have returned home to some place where there isn't media coverage about elisa being missing.
I've watched the video and it seems more like a mental issue than drug intoxication. She is at the age when females begin to show symptoms of schizophrenia.
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