CA/Canada - Elisa Lam - 21 years old - Los Angeles/Vancouver - 31-Jan-2013 - #2

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Has anyone considered that the body might have been put in the water tank as an attempt to buy the killer some time to escape and maybe flee the country?

Attacker: I have a dead body in my room that I can't leave in my room for obvious reasons. Where can I hide it that would buy me the most time to escape? On the roof maybe? *examines roof later on* No one would ever look in this water tank.

Dude flees the country never to be seen again. He'll be the one person that checked out that the police can never find.
Good point as I had eluded to something along these lines in the first thread to look at someone who checked out earlier than they were supposed to or in 2 days following her disappearance. Police I hope by now know the names of all male guests around the time Elisa was staying there. I am hoping someone knows something or heard something and will come forward. A reward would be a good thing to put out for info on this case I would think! Come on LAPD there is a murderer on the loose catch him
Good point as I had eluded to something along these lines in the first thread to look at someone who checked out earlier than they were supposed to or in 2 days following her disappearance. Police I hope by now know the names of all male guests around the time Elisa was staying there. I am hoping someone knows something or heard something and will come forward. A reward would be a good thing to put out for info on this case I would think! Come on LAPD there is a murderer on the loose catch him

Curious, why the assumption that the perpetrator(s) is specifically male?
Police I hope by now know the names of all male guests around the time Elisa was staying there. I am hoping someone knows something or heard something and will come forward. A reward would be a good thing to put out for info on this case I would think! Come on LAPD there is a murderer on the loose catch him

In this day and age, i wouldn't discount female either.
"There was a man in a wheel chair, hanging about the lobby at check in (and slso throughout my stay) who lived there at the hotel, harrassing the staff and other guests."

a few also mention Vietnam vets staying there also "Bathrooms AND showers are communal located near elevators."

"Each floor has to share 2 showers and 2 toilets so that's about 30 rooms sharing"

" Its a horrible horrible place. I honeslty felt like I was going to be murdered or attacked."

"There wasnt even a bathroom in our room! we had to share 1 dirty toilet and 1 vile shower/bath with a hallway of 10-15 other rooms. we even bought flip flops to use in the shower because we didnt want any part of our bodies touching the grimy surfaces in that room."

"I went back to my room to pack and found that a hotel person had entered the room and went through my things. I reported to the clerk and security - still no refund!"

"The first day I arrived, there were LAPD outside the hotel and lots of media due to the fact that a madman was running around on the 5th floor (which I was staying on) and had stabbed someone. "

granted some of these are not the most recent of reviews and i was only looking at negative ones.

perhaps she was going from floor to floor looking to use a communal toilet/shower? perhaps the "stay" floors are located on seperate floors which is why she pressed particular numbers?

From what I've read, you're right, "Stay" is on a few floors. Have we confirmed she stayed at the Cecil and not at Stay? The properties are connected, and I believe after midnight the only way to get in is via the Cecil lobby. But i'm almost certain she was staying at the Cecil and not at Stay.

If she was looking for a toilet/shower, that would explain the clothing and lack of glasses in the elevator.

Thinking about the video again... maybe she was in one of the communal bathrooms and heard noises and that's what she was looking for. The gesturing may be her talking to herself, assuring herself that she'll be fine. When she puts her hands on her head and goes back into the elevator, it almost seems like she's trying to get a grip on herself, to just calm down. Maybe at the end, she decides to go back to wherever she heard those noises bc she's convinced herself there's nothing to be scared of.

I can definitely relate having high anxiety and being easily spooked, especially when i haven't slept.
So, that Elisa Lam profile was started on Thursday, and it's so weird that it links to one friend. But given that that friend is in South Korea (and appears to have been when that profile photo was taken), I don't know what to make of it all. Maybe he's an old friend who created it out of grief, as a way of "keeping touch with her" or something, or is looking for some sort of attention.

If he's one and same that i've checked out, he is from Cali, excellent professional background, working for major Asian corporation overseas, has a background that would probably help in investigating social media. The whole world follows cases like these. His background is such that he may have even set up the account separately to see if he can lure possible perps.

Dunno for sure, but dude looks fine IMO.
Thinking about the video again... maybe she was in one of the communal bathrooms and heard noises and that's what she was looking for. The gesturing may be her talking to herself, assuring herself that she'll be fine. When she puts her hands on her head and goes back into the elevator, it almost seems like she's trying to get a grip on herself, to just calm down. Maybe at the end, she decides to go back to wherever she heard those noises bc she's convinced herself there's nothing to be scared of.

Hey, did I dream this up? I though I read earlier about someone discovering a peep hole in one of the washrooms at one time. I could be wrong, and it might be another case i'm thinking of.



Edit: Okay some quick thoughts upon reading that. If I was to disregard the paranormal bit, her and I both assess that her initial press was dramatic. At the 1:49 mark, I do not see any stance that shows anything other than resignation. Essentially her and I agree she is alone, but far different reasons.
Hey... what if she blew a blood vessel in her brain? That would explain needing to run tests on it. Not sure how that would get the lid closed on the water tank, but...
I don't know how to post an image but I wanted to ask a question as to what are the 4 letters on the back of 1 of the men/fireman by the water tank image as they are lowering the body bag from the tanks. Does the 4 letters read USSR on the guy's shirt he's holding the lower part of body bag? I maybe just imagining that's what they read. lol Anyone.....

Edit: Okay some quick thoughts upon reading that. If I was to disregard the paranormal bit, her and I both assess that her initial press was dramatic. At the 1:49 mark, I do not see any stance that shows anything other than resignation. Essentially her and I agree she is alone, but far different reasons.

Sorry, but I believe a lot of what they are saying is drummed up from reading the same social media accounts we've seen. Also, they lost me when they talked about the marble floor. The lobby of the Cecil may have marble floors, but the black corners are totally different spacing (like about 2 to 3 feet apart) than those of what we believe are tiles on other floors:

She's very familiar with what's in the basement? Okay I give, what's in it?

cynical billy here :seeya:
I don't know how to post an image but I wanted to ask a question as to what are the 4 letters on the back of 1 of the men/fireman by the water tank image as they are lowering the body bag from the tanks. Does the 4 letters read USSR on the guy's shirt he's holding the lower part of body bag? I maybe just imagining that's what they read. lol Anyone.....

My best guess is that it is US&R for Urban Search and Rescue.

[ame=""]Urban Search and Rescue California Task Force 2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
I don't know how to post an image but I wanted to ask a question as to what are the 4 letters on the back of 1 of the men/fireman by the water tank image as they are lowering the body bag from the tanks. Does the 4 letters read USSR on the guy's shirt he's holding the lower part of body bag? I maybe just imagining that's what they read. lol Anyone.....

I saw that too Peace ... think it might be US Search & Rescue?

ETA: Go with necco's suggestion ... makes more sense.
"There was a man in a wheel chair, hanging about the lobby at check in (and slso throughout my stay) who lived there at the hotel, harrassing the staff and other guests."

a few also mention Vietnam vets staying there also "Bathrooms AND showers are communal located near elevators."

"Each floor has to share 2 showers and 2 toilets so that's about 30 rooms sharing"

" Its a horrible horrible place. I honeslty felt like I was going to be murdered or attacked."

"There wasnt even a bathroom in our room! we had to share 1 dirty toilet and 1 vile shower/bath with a hallway of 10-15 other rooms. we even bought flip flops to use in the shower because we didnt want any part of our bodies touching the grimy surfaces in that room."

"I went back to my room to pack and found that a hotel person had entered the room and went through my things. I reported to the clerk and security - still no refund!"

"The first day I arrived, there were LAPD outside the hotel and lots of media due to the fact that a madman was running around on the 5th floor (which I was staying on) and had stabbed someone. "

granted some of these are not the most recent of reviews and i was only looking at negative ones.

perhaps she was going from floor to floor looking to use a communal toilet/shower? perhaps the "stay" floors are located on seperate floors which is why she pressed particular numbers?

It's difficult to find a good review of the place. I'm particular and Yelp the heck out of any possible hotel before I book. I read reviews, google and search for visitor pics. I'm curious as to why Elisa (or anyone) would decide on this place.
I'm not entirely sure whether or not this has been posted already, but if you're looking for a preview of what might be found in the toxicology report, this post from the tumblr page, listing the medications she was taking as of April 2012, is probably as close as anyone will get for 6-8 weeks:

I wrestled ethically with whether or not information like this should be posted, but the general theme of her written tumblr postings are that she actually wants random strangers on the internet to read details of her private life, apparently since they might listen and understand better where she is coming from than certain figures from her daily life. She says she is nevertheless wary of the dangers on the internet.

The cocktail of medications was prescribed by a psychiatrist, and therefore it can be assumed that individuals can safely consume it while under the supervision of a doctor, which she seemed to be. That said, any additional alcohol or drugs she may have consumed willingly or unwillingly the night she disappeared could certainly interact unpredictably and severely with these medications. Even more so since she says numerous times on the tumblr how she is proud of having abstained from drugs and alcohol, unlike her peers, and an unexperienced user would not be able to cope nearly as well in that situation as someone experienced in substance use.

My posting this info is not meant to be judgmental at all (and I hope everyone here will respond in the same spirit), but rather is posted because I believe it of relevance to the case and because the tumblr posts have been declared by mods to be fair game.

P.S.: There were also some posts where she mentioned taking sleeping pills from time to time for persistent insomnia, but it wasn't clear what brand they were or whether they were OTC or prescription.
Curious, why the assumption that the perpetrator(s) is specifically male?
I was thinking a male perp as IF she was carried up ladders and stairsa female perp would have to be 1 heck of a strong female JMO But maybe some evil force was making her go there? The psychic post alludes to then yes it could be a female entity. Boy this is so weird and off track thinking. Going to take a break and not comment anymore Just hope it gets solved soon for Elisa's family sake
I'm not entirely sure whether or not this has been posted already, but if you're looking for a preview of what might be found in the toxicology report, this post from the tumblr page, listing the medications she was taking as of April 2012, is probably as close as anyone will get for 6-8 weeks:

"There is no physical manifestation of my “illness.” If I were to stop taking it, the worst thing would be a headache.

Would I become psychotic and want to off myself? I doubt that very much. For other people, yes there’s a huge risk that will happen but I know I wouldn’t do anything rash like actually jump off a bridge. I’m too much of a coward. Instead I’ll just lie in my bed and let the days pass by. That’s my physical manifestation, sleeping for days in bed. "

very interesting indeed
I saw that too Peace ... think it might be US Search & Rescue?

ETA: Go with necco's suggestion ... makes more sense.

Or maybe they got a good deal on surplus jackets when the Soviet Union broke up. :floorlaugh:
Thank you Fred and Edna for directing me to this thread. I just started reading #2 can anyone direct me to #1? I did watch the video once and my first impression was sleepwalking/ambien use. Even before I read some of the other interpretations. Admittedly I have alot of reading to do but I just wanted to record my first impression, it's subject to change. ;)

Was there a ladder of sorts to scale the water tank? Any pictures of said water tank available?
OK I'm going to try and summarize the possible explanations for her behavior in the elevator by category:

-manic cycle
-seizure disorder
-hallucinations/delusions not rooted in the above causes
-head injury

-Street drugs
-Bad reaction to some other medication

-Goofing around
-Hiding from someone
-Perplexed by elevator being strangely
-Having a supernatural/preternatural/paranormal experience

Anything I missed?

Heart failure, although she was way too young for that. I have seen it with the elderly. When the heart is failing, they do not get enough oxygen to the brain and act really bizarre and sometimes very combative towards others.
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