CA/Canada - Elisa Lam - 21 years old - Los Angeles/Vancouver - 31-Jan-2013 - #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Welcome, and get well soon! :)

Even though I prefer to give the family the benefit of the doubt, Triads and mafia and such are so interwoven with daily life in Vancouver (even among folks who seem respectable in all other senses) that I can't outright discount that possibility. I'd also like to claim with confidence that gang-related actions tend to happen close to home, and that it doesn't make sense to follow someone's daughter to California to harm her there, but there have been cases in the media (such as that shooting in Nuevo Vallarta awhile back) where Vancouver-based gang violence has happened a long way from Vancouver. So: I hope it's not the case, and I don't mean to drag a grieving family's name through the mud, but it isn't outside the realm of possibility.
I have never had any close encounters with triads despite being of Chinese descent, growing up in Asia in Chinese speaking communities, going to Western countries where there were triads lurking around in some spots. I've seen guys that look like they're from the Triads when I frequented nightspots in Asia and the West lol... they always looked scary to me and I never wanted to be involved with it. But am not sure if friends know Triad people...

Its interesting you mention the triads though... her family may have had to pay protection money being that they worked in the restaurant business... but then again, triads don't operate everywhere. They have turfs, and I'm not sure whether her family were involved. Anyway, interesting suggestion... though I think so far there have been no clues that point to their involvement and like you said, its quite unlikely they'd go to the trouble of trailing her all the way to LA... unless maybe her family are some kinda of bigshot players in the triad scene... otherwise, seems hardly worth it for them going to the trouble of killing her this way.
According the her tumblr, she was taking Lamotrigine, which "is an anticonvulsant drug used in the treatment of epilepsy and bipolar disorder. It is also used off-label as an adjunct in treating depression".

Lamotrigine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wonder if she was just self-doctoring and self-medicating because she said her symptoms were just headaches. Neither her family nor the police discovered any history of bipolar.
If her body was stashed somewhere else for a while, wouldn't decomposition and the body's bloating due to gases make it more difficult to put her down the hatch of the water tank? It seems there would be some residue on the edges of the tank hatch if she was pushed through that at around 2 weeks post-mortem. Are there any photos of the LAPD investigating the hatch prior to the FD retrieving her body? A corpse does bloat considerably in a normal temperature (say, a room or closet).

It's possible she was kept alive and killed at a later time. Did anyone see an approx. time of death posted anywhere?
It's possible she was kept alive and killed at a later time. Did anyone see an approx. time of death posted anywhere?
I don't think there has been any mention of her estimated time of death by anyone. So yes that one is still a bit of a mystery.
Is it possible for to have a thread set up with the pictures/videos from the different "investigators" and also the translations? as these are things that are not widely available in English and might be hard to find for others looking for information.

All the translation and valuable pictures/videos are been buried in between the posts and are hard to find.

Anansie and the others took a lot of time translating those valuable information and I think it should be made easier to find rather than going through pages of posts to find them.

One has been set up already

[ame=""]CA/Canada - Elisa Lam (21) - Los Angeles - 31-Jan-2013 -TIMELINE & MEDIA ONLY - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Just a thought. That person who put her in the tank. He must obviously not have an accomodation in the building because then he needed to use the fresh water himself.
Or he lives there and he got an morbid fantasy of using such water.
I posted 3 news videos in media thread on this case. One video is from Chinese reporter interviewing LAPD PR Andrew Smith at [ame=""]洛杉矶警方答疑透露蓝可儿案件进展 对涉事酒店传闻不置可否 - YouTube[/ame]

Can someone translate the following Chinese news page into English? It may be related to the above video.

The google translate says:
"Los Angeles police public relations department head Andrew Smith: blue children's very special. We may check the blood to see whether she was poisoned".

"Drug testing also seems to answer another problem, Blue children in the last video, why so strange. Drug addiction is one of the answers, the killer tracking another. Unfortunately, no monitoring corridor to answer this question."

"Andrew Smith: I do not think surveillance cameras in the hallway, but maybe the other guests in the hotel with camera equipment or other people nearby saw what. We're currently investigating what people in the hotel to see if anyone knows what took place at that time."

"Seems, the truth can only be sought from the autopsy. Assistant Venter, the person in charge of the coroner's office said, the results need to wait for 4-6 weeks. While the police are tight-lipped, according to media reports, an understanding of Cecil hotel insider said police have interviewed one of the employees working in the Cecil Hotel, because the staff hold blue children room key, a major suspect . Blue children why come to the United States? This may also be a clue."

"Her aunt said she was to Los Angeles to see someone go up to wow. The Los Angeles Police Department did not announce the news to prevent arouse his suspicions".
At the risk of sounding crazy, but here I go anyway

Did anyone else notice a reflection in the screen shots posted in thread 1, page 31, post #768 on 2-21-13 at 8:26 am?

I saw a reflection of a man wearing a green or blue long sleeved shirt, with short dark hair. I noticed it that day, and went back and looked again today to see if I still saw the same thing…I still do.

The reflection is on the inside right sort of on the edge of the door… really have to look to see it.
Sounds like she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, possibly early to mid 2012. In her meds Tumblr posting:
"Here is the cocktail of prescriptions I take for depression.

Effexor are the pink and red. After 2 years finally found the antidepressant that has made some difference.

Wellbutrin is the white thing. It’s unfortunately not covered by my student health plan so I have to pay the full price for it. I am so happy I have that health plan.

Next to it is dexedrine, perhaps known more popularly as Adderall. Apparently I have ADHD so shrinky dink has been so kind to prescribe some saying it will help with my concentration. I haven’t taken it yet but at this point….I shouldn’t resist.

The other one is lamotrigine because apparently I’m bipolar as well?

I wonder what will happen when I take these things long term. Will I ever not need them? " (

The key is that she mentions "shrinky dink", which I'm assuming is her psychiatrist, prescribing her meds and the "apparently I'm bipolar as well", which implies that her psychiatrist also prescribed meds for bipolar disorder.

I am thinking about the whole Bipolar thing...Is EL a diagnosed Bipolar or she just made a self-diagnosis and *thought* she had Bipolar disorder? Don't forget it is reported that EL studied psychology at UBC.
In the same Tumblr posting, it's interesting that EL mentions

"Would I become psychotic and want to off myself? I doubt that very much. For other people, yes there’s a huge risk that will happen but I know I wouldn’t do anything rash like actually jump off a bridge. I’m too much of a coward. Instead I’ll just lie in my bed and let the days pass by. That’s my physical manifestation, sleeping for days in bed. "

Not leaning one way or another on this at the moment, but for those interested in the meds/mental state angle.

According the her tumblr, she was taking Lamotrigine, which "is an anticonvulsant drug used in the treatment of epilepsy and bipolar disorder. It is also used off-label as an adjunct in treating depression".

Lamotrigine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I've been wanting to see any pics or videos made of the 15th floor as I don't think I've seen them. Wonder if you have any links to these 15th floor pics? I'd love to have a look.

These were saved in my phone. I'm not sure now where I got them from:


Is this EL's page:

IF it is I am curious as to who posted on her account TODAY. It's a picture of the Tarot card "The Hermit" which means (after a search because I am not into that stuff) ...

I saw that someone already explained that Tumblr has an auto-queue feature, but I haven't seen anyone explain why it exists, so I'll explain why. One reason is that it's part of Tumblr etiquette to use it--it's considered rude to post a ton of stuff in real-time, because your friends will have to scroll and scroll and scroll to see any of their other friends posts on their dashboard. If you sit and tumble for an hour or two, it's really easy to post a MASSIVE amount of stuff. Reblogging takes only a second, and original posts can be made pretty quickly, especially if you use a Tumblr extension on your browser.

Another reason is that it keeps your Tumblr consistently active. If you post in real-time, only your friends who are only at the same time (and shortly afterward) will ever see your posts. I've got a few hundred people following me and vice versa--people follow each other MUCH easier than on a site like Facebook. (I think it's because Tumblr is less personal and more anonymous than Facebook. It's more like the web used to be.). I can't possibly see everything my friends post, but I'm more likely to see a particular person's post if they auto-queue. Here's Tumblr's explanation--they might explain it better than me:

The hermit makes sense to me--it's how she thought of herself. Despite her friendliness, she writes a lot about feelings of isolation.
Still on page 5, but skipping ahead to ask a couple questions/point something out.

Given that the tank is right on the edge of the building, I wondered why we didn't see water spilling over the edge when they cut that big hole in the tank.

If the tank was already empty, why would they have flushed water that could potentially contain evidence (DNA or otherwise)?

Do you think the police collected the water before the fire department showed up? I thought it was odd, too, that some water was left in the tank.

Everyone is making great points: no masks on the firemen, no obvious putrification in the hotel water, no police shutting down the hotel or even blocking off the tank.

This case is so puzzling. Poor Elisa. :(

I apologize. I have not been able to spend time completing updating the MEDIA/TIMELINE thread. There are other cases on the board heated up, and I've been "called to duty". If someone has time, we need to start on Thread #2.... to copy in relevant MEDIA posts. (Copy/paste, it's manual at this point.)

Otherwise, I will start again over the weekend.
the original post was posted on Feb 26th. i don't know if it was before or after the broadcast.
i think the repost was made a few hours after the original one and i'm pretty sure the original post was deleted within 12 hours of posting. maybe someone can dig up something from Google. (i can do it after i'm home tonight if no one else want to dig it up)

OK I figured it out, it seems that the original post was put online at 2013-02-27 15:10 Beijing Time (or Feb 26 23:10, PST), so most likely it's after the TV broadcast of Liang's report, which makes the post less credible IMO.:)

(The way I figured out the time: the thread numbers at Baidu Tieba are assigned consecutively, I checked the one before and the one after, both have a first post published at that time.)
At the risk of sounding crazy, but here I go anyway

Did anyone else notice a reflection in the screen shots posted in thread 1, page 31, post #768 on 2-21-13 at 8:26 am?

I saw a reflection of a man wearing a green or blue long sleeved shirt, with short dark hair. I noticed it that day, and went back and looked again today to see if I still saw the same thing…I still do.

The reflection is on the inside right sort of on the edge of the door… really have to look to see it.



Do you mind marking the suspicious spot? TIA :)

The only greenish thing I can detect is in the right corner of the elevator.
Invisible Light Agency is just a VFX company, isn't it? I've worked in film VFX on and off (mainly the videogame industry), and that sounds like a pretty standard VFX company title to me. As well, it's common for start-up companies to operate out of the seedier areas of town due to cheap overhead. Respectfully: I'm not sure why it keeps coming up -- has there been anything suspicious about it?

It is awkward

The invisible light agency i S mentioned in an article from 2011.

Invisible light Agency is a company that makes VFX for movies and is specialised in specialfx and "other realities"

Anthony V. is mentioned as being part of Invisible Light agency.

Anthony V. NOW is Senior Visual Fx Artist/supervisor at Raytheon Missle Systems...

"Anthony V.
Senior Visual Effects Artist/Supervisor at Raytheon Missile Systems
Los Angeles AreaMotion Pictures and Film"

Elisa tweeted an article on the 13th of january about Canada getting help from the pentagon to develop cloaking.

The united States and South Korea have been working together on cloaking technology for some time now.

The link to south Korea is this guy Richard.S , the only friend who was befriended with the fake elisa lam facebook profile (witch was created after her death) this guy is working with defense in South Korea.

Im not suprised that we can now link Elisa to The Invisible Light Agency to Anthony Vu then to Raytheon Missle Systems, US goverment, Canada, Richard.S and South Korea in this
fishy case.

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