CA/Canada - Elisa Lam - 21 years old - Los Angeles/Vancouver - 31-Jan-2013 - #4

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I can't view the pic on my phone for some reason, but if it's the one I'm thining of: it is Elisa, from a pic she took while in Ontario.

Sorry that wasn't the photo you meant. :3

I've seen these photos people take in a bathroom mirror of themself and I never understand why they do that. Like here I am in my bathroom with a phone up to my face.
This one is the most peculiar yet. She is indoors and has her rainslicker on,
hood up, phone over face. If you didn't "know" who it was supposed to be,
you would not recognise the face.
Maybe it's so she doesn't upstage her blue phone since that and the bathroom, and her outerwear are what are actually being photographed.
It's what I would call an oops and wouldn't post. But she uploaded it anyway.

Is this the grim reaper pic I'd predicted?

I know people will take offense at that, but I am just giving my honest opinion.

Outstanding Job Hopscotch pulling this together

I agree 1000% about Elisa's murder mimicking the Dark Water movie

With so many movie fans in LA, I'm a strong believer some sick person , probably a hotel employee with the hotel's Master keys, wanted to "CopyCat" Elisa's murder

Maybe but maybe not. Dark Water was about haunting in an elevator and in the building leading to the discovery of a body. The characters in the movie weren't murdered.

Similarities between Dark Water and this case could be purely coincidental. There are tens of thousands of movies around the world. If one digs hard enough, the chance of finding a movie that fits a certain event in real life is there.
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When the video was released Elisa's body had not been found yet. It was still a missing person's case at that point. LE released the video because it was the last time she was seen and they wanted people to know what she was wearing and how she was acting in case anyone had could help locate her.

Yes, and maybe the edits made at the 2:54 mark were to remove innocent parties who appeared in the video. The only puzzling issue left about the video release is why the video stretches to 4 min when it could have been snipped at 2:30. My only answer is perhaps police wanted viewers to see the elevator going down two floors to prevent speculation that it was not working.
It could be relevant if the pic isn't of Elisa but someone is wearing her clothes that's IF the police haven't found them and to see where this pic is taken is it in The Cecil Hotel? I think it could be a BIG clue :) Also the type of phone that is being used etc etc Why would someone be playing a sick joke by posting that pic in a video??

I'm sorry but what picture are you guys talking about? Is there a link? I'm totally confused. :waitasec:
There was a case back in 2010 at the Cecil Hotel involving the stabbing of an LA firefighter/paramedic. It was later learned he was lying about the circumstances and falsified the police report. The only reason I bring this up is because it was the hotel surveillance footage that made investigators question the validity of his story. They knew he had been separated from his partner for several minutes. This could mean there are other functioning surveillance cameras elsewhere in the hotel unknown to us OR the footage was obtained only on the elevator cameras, OR there were functioning cameras in 2010 but not in 2013.

Also, early on it was mentioned that EL may be looking into the mirror (located just outside the elevator doors) just before she appears to "hide" in the corner. Somewhere on the thread there is video footage of someone who took the same elevator ride (pressing same buttons as EL) and in that video it appeared that any reflection in the mirror would have been of the 2nd elevator. Was it determined that that elevator was not working that evening? If it was operational, it would be interesting to see the 1/31/13 footage of that surveillance camera.

Early news coverage of firefighter/paramedic (2010)

"Surveillance video has complicated matters because it shows the firefighters were separated for about eight minutes, the sources said."

"MacDougall was upstairs in the hotel while his partner was in the paramedic van, the coffee shop and in the Cecil Hotel's lobby. The sources said detectives believe someone attacked the firefighter and fled the scene — but the circumstances remain unclear."
Yes, and maybe the edits made at the 2:54 mark were to remove innocent parties who appeared in the video.

How can you tell it's been edited? I just watched it again and it doesn't look edited to me...
I just saw bessie's comments that we can't copy and paste from other forums...So I hope it's ok that I mention this...But someone said on another forum that "last place" she was seen was the "Gaslamp" speakeasy in LA...I don't know where they're getting that information because I thought the last sighting was at that bookstore? (Or at the hotel, I'm fuzzy on those details.) But apparently that is the speakeasy where she was?

My apologies if this is still against the rules of the forum.
I just saw bessie's comments that we can't copy and paste from other forums...So I hope it's ok that I mention this...But someone said on another forum that "last place" she was seen was the "Gaslamp" speakeasy in LA...I don't know where they're getting that information because I thought the last sighting was at that bookstore? (Or at the hotel, I'm fuzzy on those details.) But apparently that is the speakeasy where she was?

My apologies if this is still against the rules of the forum.

I agree with you that they're wrong--any legitimate news source has given the bookstore as the last place. As to the speakeasy, Gaslamp speakeasy is in San Diego (probably in the Gaslamp District), where someone on here very convincingly argued EL was at the time she posted about going. There's another Speakeasy in Pasadena--before I became convinced that EL was in San Diego at this time, I thought it was the Pasadena one (you can get there from downtown on public transport).

The only part that confuses me is that EL never called it Gaslamp (to the best of my memory), only Speakeasy. The Pasadena one is actually named just "Speakeasy". I don't place too much importance on it though--maybe she just forgot, or maybe people call Gaslamp just "Speakeasy" as shorthand.
The dark content is also very common on Tumblr--many (maybe even most) people there are offbeat arty people--indie and hipster kids, goths, punks, etc. I'd put EL in the indie kid category (and she said she was a punk in high school). We see beauty in darkness and in odd things, you know? If you look at the Tumblrs that EL reblogged her dark-ish posts from, you'll see that they post it often as well. My Tumblr is darker than EL's, and if I were murdered people could easily think my death were related, but in reality I just think it's beautiful.

I completely agree. (Newbie by the way, but have been following for days now and just needed to throw in my two cents.)

I've had a Tumblr for almost three and a half years now with thousands of followers and I feel that many who are not used to the blogging platform are taking EL's posts (mostly reblogs) the wrong way. Like Jenny said, these days, it's a certain aesthetic to be captivated by and to reblog dark, morbid themes, especially those interested in art, existentialism, grunge, and the like. There are several different motifs (for lack of a better word) that circulate around Tumblr, one of which is the interest in morbidity, abstract art, self-deprecation, sad philosophies, dark literature, somber music, etc. and EL's Tumblr is not so different from my own; in fact, EL's is much, much more toned down than thousands of others, including Jenny's and my own.

It's hard to put into words as explanation, so I apologize if this doesn't make sense. Outsiders may find it alarming the things people with interests like EL's, Jenny's, and mine that we've have expressed through our blogs, but in reality, it is not quite as intense as people are making it to be; certain people find certain things visually and emotionally appealing; on Tumblr, huge groups of people have those similar interests (that's how the liking and reblogging system works...). I find EL's Tumblr interests and reblogs comparable to many active online young female users with depressing thoughts and moods and melancholic interests, and as one myself, I feel any of this is hardly indicative of whether EL wanted to commit suicide, even to the point of irrelevance.

I can understand why someone who doesn't use Tumblr would think that, but it's actually really, really normal to queue tons of posts there.

True, I've used the queuing system countless times. While it is possible that EL stored so many old posts from before that they queued all the way up until now, what is not possible is having recent posts included in this queue. For instance, the Hermit post that was "reblogged from magrittesque." The user magrittesque did not post (or "reblog") that image until 3:00 PM on February 25th, 2013, 4 days ago. What I'm wondering is how could EL have possibly had that reblogged post in her queue weeks ago if it was only posted a couple of days ago?

I've seen these photos people take in a bathroom mirror of themself and I never understand why they do that. Like here I am in my bathroom with a phone up to my face.
This one is the most peculiar yet. She is indoors and has her rainslicker on,
hood up, phone over face.
It's what I would call an oops and wouldn't post. But she uploaded it anyway.
Is this the grim reaper pic I'd predicted?

I certainly feel that this is incredibly misunderstood. It is not so uncommon or peculiar that she took such a photo. I don't find it bizarre in any way. I've seen several photos such as this all over friends' Tumblrs, Instagrams, etc.; heck, I've even taken a few myself. While you may "call [it] an oops" and "wouldn't post [it]," believe it or not, many young people take such photos deliberately to upload and it is not out of the norm. Because she's wearing a jacket indoors and her face is hidden, it's eerie? I took and uploaded a similar photo donning a raincoat just like EL's just before I left the house last week, phone covering face because I'm self-conscious of it, so that's peculiar and grim reaper-ish?

Sorry if I sound defensive, but I feel like a lot is being misinterpreted, misunderstood, and distorted in regards to the behaviors, fashions, and interests of my generation and it is painting EL in a way she shouldn't have to be -- psychotic, suicidal, druggie. Everything is veering off to the point where EL has been stripped of her being and just labeled all sorts of things by those who are unaware of certain aspects of the modern youth. Sorry for ranting and for the wall of text. I also feel that the possibility of the parallelism to the Dark Water film being deliberate farfetched as well. JMO.
I'm sorry but what picture are you guys talking about? Is there a link? I'm totally confused. :waitasec:
They have been discussing that photograph on this site:

Maybe there is a link in those earlier pages. Don´t know if it is Elisa or not but that red pattern underneath her jacket have some similarity to that hooded zipper Billabong that she is wearing in another picture.
[ame=""]Elisa Lam Video - YouTube[/ame]

The suspect gives Elisa exactly 20-seconds to leave the 14th floor, but she keeps pressing the "HOLD DOOR" button thinking it reads, "CLOSE DOOR". The suspect, not being able to see which buttons she's pressing, believes this confirms Elisa as being a threat.

If this is correct, what do you believe the chances are the suspect wears a wristwatch?
Concept: the killer is an old man who happens to live where Rameriez used to live, and is sick of young people screwing with him. He gets a girl that's pratically blind without her glasses, doesn't believe she's simply lost, and leads her into the watertank.

Good theory Futz- It could be one of the older, mentally ill men on the 14th floor...If thi sis the killer, he probably does'nt care anymore and knows he could get LWOP pleading insanity with a proven mental illlness history

The killer knows the hotel staff leaves him alone, so no worries about abrupt intrusions by the hotel staff and this would allow him to hold her hostage

If LAPD believes ELisa time of death might've been Feb 14-16, then she was kept alive somewhere

All Elisa's phone calls to her parents abruptly stopped on Jan 31, her mom said that

I'm leaning to a drug overdose or she was suffocated with a bag, since there were reported no wounds or strangulation marks.. It might've taken 2 people to carry and drop her in the tank, one might've also been a look out for witnesses

The tank was chosen because it's one of the least likely places to find a body, way out of the norm and lots of time would fly by before anyone checked the tanks

Good theory Futz- It could be one of the older, mentally ill men on the 14th floor...If thi sis the killer, he probably does'nt care anymore and knows he could get LWOP pleading insanity with a proven mental illlness history

The killer knows the hotel staff leaves him alone, so no worries about abrupt intrusions by the hotel staff and this would allow him to hold her hostage

If LAPD believes ELisa time of death might've been Feb 14-16, then she was kept alive somewhere

All Elisa's phone calls to her parents abruptly stopped on Jan 31, her mom said that

I'm leaning to a drug overdose or she was suffocated with a bag, since there were reported no wounds or strangulation marks.. It might've taken 2 people to carry and drop her in the tank, one might've also been a look out for witnesses

The tank was chosen because it's one of the least likely places to find a body, way out of the norm and lots of time would fly by before anyone checked the tanks

I really don't think the motive for the tank was to hide a body, I believe it was to contain a threat. If murder was intended, why didn't he just push her off the roof? Why did he give her an opportunity to leave?

I believe the suspect viewed Elisa as a threat, and he took her to the roof, and instructed her to enter the water-tank, and he sealed her in.
True, I've used the queuing system countless times. While it is possible that EL stored so many old posts from before that they queued all the way up until now, what is not possible is having recent posts included in this queue. For instance, the Hermit post that was "reblogged from magrittesque." The user magrittesque did not post (or "reblog") that image until 3:00 PM on February 25th, 2013, 4 days ago. What I'm wondering is how could EL have possibly had that reblogged post in her queue weeks ago if it was only posted a couple of days ago?
<snipped by me to save space>

Welcome! Nice to see so many other Tumblr folks around these parts. :)

As for the Hermit card, if you go into the archive of the person she reblogged it from, it's actually from December 31st (not sure if I can link to it here?), so it's not quite so mysterious as it could be... I checked the other later outliers, and they pre-date Elisa's disappearance as well. It is odd that she assigned particular dates to them instead of just throwing them in her queue, but not so unlikely that it's cause for alarm, IMHO...

And thirding that her Tumblr stuff shouldn't be taken out of context or too literally. (Well, I said it in an earlier thread, but I want to reiterate again because it seems people are still reading into it.) I can't imagine what conclusions people would draw from my Tumblr!
I have an unresolved issue, maybe it has been discussed before.
When she - Elisa - has walked away and after the door has closed and the elevator has gone up/down one floor. The door opens and at 3:15 the light on the top button goes away, that button which were suppose to be 14th floor.
Anyone who has an explanation to this? I made a picture:
If the suspect wears a wristwatch, then he probably wears it on his left wrist, which is the hand I believe he uses to grab Elisa's hair. If this is true, there may be DNA evidence located in the watch.
True, I've used the queuing system countless times. While it is possible that EL stored so many old posts from before that they queued all the way up until now, what is not possible is having recent posts included in this queue. For instance, the Hermit post that was "reblogged from magrittesque." The user magrittesque did not post (or "reblog") that image until 3:00 PM on February 25th, 2013, 4 days ago. What I'm wondering is how could EL have possibly had that reblogged post in her queue weeks ago if it was only posted a couple of days ago?

Welcome to WS strangemercy :) and thanks for your comments, observations, and very informative post.

I am one of the "doubting Thomases" wrt what are purported to be the queued posts, so i find your information ^^ particularly intriguing.
As for the Hermit card, if you go into the archive of the person she reblogged it from, it's actually from December 31st (not sure if I can link to it here?)

So why the discrepancy between strangemercy noting the date of Feb 25 and you saying Dec 31?
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