CA/Canada - Elisa Lam - 21 years old - Los Angeles/Vancouver - 31-Jan-2013 - #4

DNA Solves
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Not going to bother quoting all the things I've read in the past few days. Just some thoughts about where everything is going in terms of brain storming.

(1) Taking out contacts while at an unknown place. Highly unlikely. Someone had mentioned that she would have done so due to smoke. Would a rational person do this in an unknown area? Highly unlikely. Individuals are hyper sensitive to sensation depletion, which of priority is eye sight. Sure this could happen, but then she won't be rational/sane/etc.

(2) Individuals with weapons. I think I in particular have discussed this quite well, and have brought on two very qualified individuals' opinions on this matter. Due to SME, these opinions should be respected, and built upon, not widely speculated on. Weapons, in particularly related to control/compliance does not correlate to the theories I have read on this thread as of late. I recommend reading the two posts from the LE and SOC friends/colleagues that I have put up earlier.

(3) Organization of killer(s). Just a thought. If I was staying in this hotel, or working in it, why would I kill someone and dump the body on the premise I live in or work at? Basic logic concludes that everyone in that building is going to be suspect and looked over. Especially if that person checks out or doesn't show up to work. This theory also suggests the murder was committed on premise, because why would someone carry a body through the lobby and up (where there are cameras). Even the assistance of a bag is going to wear and tear you down (and obviously a bag would be used).

Anyways, just a few thoughts/opinions. I can't state this as LE fact, but rather from experience and from working with some great friends who are in the field. I'll go back to my seat in the back now.'re pretty much saying that my concept isn't right, "because you can't imagine it"? Okay. Got anything real?
I have a really hard time believing that she would commit suicide in a water tank. I know it has happened before but I think its a strange way for a young girl to kill herself.

It is either of the following:

1. A sexual encounter that went wrong, i.e overdose or died accidental
2. Premeditated murder by a sicko who lives in the hotel.
3. A crime of the moment - someone who took advantage of her state of mind or friendliness.

If 1,2 or 3 happened then someone put her in the tank. That person is a worker at the hotel and I think its a security guard or maintenance worker, that knows about the tank, hotel, cameras and access. Also someone who does not live there and did not have to drink or shower in the water.

That is my 2cents.
My guess would be that LL are her Chinese initials. Most Chinese people I know, even if not born in China have both a Chinese and an "English" name. The other possibility is that the first L is a play on people calling her "El" short for "Elisa"

just a thought (or two)

LL as her Chinese initials won't work. There is no way that her Chinese name will come anything close to LL (Unless the Chinese name that's been publishing isn't her real Chinese name).
Why would she need to take her contacts out because of smoke? You can't smoke in businesses in Cali. Heck, they've tried to ban smoking in apartment complexes.
Why would she need to take her contacts out because of smoke? You can't smoke in businesses in Cali. Heck, they've tried to ban smoking in apartment complexes.

No, you're absolutely right. She just crawled into a tank. She's simply crazy, or on drugs. <modsnip>.

It couldn't be that "speakeasy" is a term to describe an underground music club where smoking and drinking is unregulated. No, that couldn't be it.
No, you're absolutely right. She just crawled into a tank. She's simply crazy, or on drugs. <modsnip>.

It couldn't be that "speakeasy" is a term to describe an underground music club where smoking and drinking is unregulated. No, that couldn't be it.

Speakeasy is also a term used for retro-ish bars for hipsters who drink martinis, some of which are COMPLETELY legal.

No, you're absolutely right. She just crawled into a tank. She's simply crazy, or on drugs. Oh, wait, GHOSTS! It must be ghosts.

It couldn't be that "speakeasy" is a term to describe an underground music club where smoking and drinking is unregulated. No, that couldn't be it.

Check your attitude FutzBucket.

We're here to help out Elisa. Not condescend her.
Speakeasy is also a term used for retro-ish bars for hipsters who drink martinis, some of which are COMPLETELY legal.


I'm frustrated. I think I have a solid concept to what happened to her, and I'm getting nothing but, "no, I don't see it", back.

Speakeasy is also a term used for retro-ish bars for hipsters who drink martinis, some of which are COMPLETELY legal.

I'm not even going to begin to try and figure out why you're accusing me of saying ghosts did it.

OT, they can't just call it a bar, can they, lol
I'm frustrated. I think I have a solid concept to what happened to her, and I'm getting nothing but, "no, I don't see it", back.

I'm starting to think none of you people really want to see this solved, and I'm starting to question my time here.

Because to put it bluntly, you haven't provided a solid logical concept that people could agree with you on.

You'll need something concrete that does make sense and doesn't have many holes that people can poke through to make your theory unlikely of happening.

That's what we are here for, we may not be right and we may not be wrong either -- but if you're going to claim something as fact and what you believe really happened, then re-evaluate your theory, re-analyze it and strengthen it more so more people can actually agree with it.
Check your attitude FutzBucket.

We're here to help out Elisa. Not condescend her.

I'm tired of checking my attitude, I've been checking it since I came here.

Because EL was not wearing her glasses, she couldn't remember which floor was hers, so she went to the 14th floor, because she remembered it was a middle button, and perhaps confusing the floors "4" with "14". She tried to enter what she thought was her room, and this alerted the occupant of that room. She comes back to the elevator.
[ame=""]Elisa Lam Video - YouTube[/ame]
Start the video.
0:07, she's trying to read the numbers, but can't, so she just hits all the buttons in the middle row, and then hits the "HOLD DOOR" button, thinking it reads, "CLOSE DOOR".
00:20, the occupant has left the apartment, is holding the elevator button in the hall, and is outside the vision of the camera. He says calmly, "hey, get out of the elevator."
00:24, she checks the hallway, and sees the man standing by the button. She positions herself to view the the man, and is waiting for the elevator doors to shut. The occupant holds the button to the elevator, and calmly asks who she is.
00:37, She approaches the man and attempts to apologize.
00:48, the occupant tells her to get out of the elevator. She shyly and slowly begins to, but sees danger.
00:53, the occupant pulls out a gun, and this causes her to jump. The occupant says, "spread your legs", and she complies. The occupant is now telling her to come closer to him. She doesn't understand there's a camera in the elevator, while the occupant is fully aware of this.
1:03, the occupant grabs her at gunpoint, makes her place her hands on her head, demands to know who she is and what she's doing there, and tells her to get out of here or he'll kill her, and he says, "you've got 20-seconds to get out of here". and he releases her.
1:30, she enters the elevator and is terrified. In a panic, she hits all the buttons in the middle row, but she keeps hitting the "HOLD DOOR" button. The man is counting down, and she doesn't understand why she can't leave.
1:50, exactly 20-seconds later, the occupant hits the button again and orders her to come back. She's in tears and is trying to say she's confused. The occupant doesn't believe her.
1:57, the occupant grabs her neck and places his gun on the back of her head, she's pulling away, giving the strange look about her arms, because she's trying to trigger the sensor to keep the door open.
2:05, the occupant notices what she's doing, grabs her neck, and gives her a yank and tells her to shut up, and she completely submits.
2:12, she begins begging for her life and/or pleading with the occupant to believe her.
2:20, the occupant orders her to be quiet.
2:25, the occupant leads her away from the camera by her neck, and a gun to her head.
2:45 (aporox) the occupant lets go of the elevator button.
2:58, the elevator shuts, and begins going to the floors pressed.
The police believe that she was placed in the tank around the 14th - 16th of Feb. They base this upon her level of decay, and people started complaining of a weird taste and blackish water about the 16th.

Earliest mention of rumor that police believe she was placed into the water tank between Feb 14 - Feb 16.
I'm tired of checking my attitude, I've been checking it since I came here.

Well that's unfortunate that you're not going to check your attitude then. People here aren't going to take you seriously then if you won't.
I'm tired of checking my attitude, I've been checking it since I came here.

Because EL was not wearing her glasses, she couldn't remember which floor was hers, so she went to the 14th floor, because she remembered it was a middle button, and perhaps confusing the floors "4" with "14". She tried to enter what she thought was her room, and this alerted the occupant of that room. She comes back to the elevator.

Respectfully snipped, what does not being able to see have to do with being able to remember what floor your room is on? Without my glasses, I can still remember things.

(oh, and in the immortal words of Butthead "Settle down, Beavis.")
Earliest mention of rumor that police believe she was placed into the water tank between Feb 14 - Feb 16.

Can we put up a link source again where police believed her body was placed on the 14th-16th inside that water tank?

We really can't use rumors at this point as its just going to mislead everybody else if you get what I mean. We need straight facts and actual sources now.
I'm frustrated. I think I have a solid concept to what happened to her, and I'm getting nothing but, "no, I don't see it", back.

I'm starting to think none of you people really want to see this solved, and I'm starting to question my time here.

Dude, get a grip. You can post your theories, but if some don't see it that way, well, that's how it works for everyone. The more adamant and indignant you are in presenting your theories, the harder it is to understand your content. You set up an affective filter in others.

This is a casual offering of my assessment of your plight. I hope you can reconcile it all.
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