Identified! CA - Castro Valley, UID Female, 14-18, May'03 - Yesenia Nungaray

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
The clothing doesn't match, but that doesn't mean anything given the time frame. She defintely looks similar.
PonderingThings said:
I found this particularly interesting:
"So police have been keeping an eye on her grave to see who might be drawn to visit her. And one day it paid off: they found an intriguing clue.

A necklace and a note were found on Jane Doe's headstone. "The note was actually strung through the necklace, so it was attached to it. 'God loves you, it’s OK, baby girl, Jim is paying for what he did to you,'" says Dudek.

this makes me wonder if her mother knew something happened to her and who she is but is afraid to go to the police and maybe was never reported missing.
Jodierenee I do understand where you are coming from, I too tried to find an email and I couldn't. I also tried to find a crimestoppers set up there, where an email could be sent, and I couldn't.

I am also trying to monitor new articles for any updates from the TV show... but these things take time.

I'm glad you emailed the police department that is taking care of Brittany's case! At least the possible connection has been reported.

All these reported missing people, in theory, have already been checked against the Jane Doe through automated computer verifications. It is most likely that Brittany has been checked out - but on the off chance that a glitch happened I don't have any problem looking like a nut... I will tell the investigators what I think, present the reason why, then let them decide if its worth pursueing.

I think I'm going to wait for at least a month, to see if anything developed from the TV show. Then, if I haven't heard anything, I will mail a letter to Sargent Dudek inviting him to this thread to see what we have come up with. I find giving a web address just too difficult over the telephone.
Babydust I'm very curious about what you found... I'm not ignoring you... will be back a bit later to check it out.
I went to Doe network and copied down the names of mising persons that they are discussing as possible matches. Some have been submitted, and other's shot down. Only one, Yuliana Excudero has been ruled out by DNA.

Jeanette Steffani Castro
Erin Kay Pospisil
Guadalupe Lezama
Brittany Celestino Jiminez Antunes
Joaquina Aguilar
Crinina del Rosario Ventura Zaragoza
Amy Ruth Johnson
Crystal Rodriquez
Brinanna Lopez
Judith Guadalupe Almeida
Elyssa Marie Vasquez

Go sign up at Doe for more info. I found these on the potential match forum.
Gardenmom thank you for that information!

For me, personally, I am a HUGE fan of the Doe Network. I appreciate them sharing the information they've compiled. Also, I've sent them a couple of emails and they have been VERY gracious.

I have reservations about becoming a member though. If it means I have to look silly and submit a suggestion that has been submitted 1000 times before, I'm ok with that, as the information is not readily available. I think its a waste of law enforcements time, but that is the only option available to the "public" at the moment.

Jane Doe on left, Amber Lace Akerley on right

I too originally had Amber on my preliminary list.
I took her off my list for 3 reasons:

1. Amber is listed as 2" taller (this is a minor discrepancy to me)

2. Amber had a pierced tongue and a scar on her head. Jane Doe had no scars that they could find and no pierced tongue was mentioned. Unfortunately we don't know how far along the decomposition was - perhaps these two identifiers were not possible to see?

3. There is mention of Amber's pierced tongue in her description, but no mention of pierced ears. Amber's photo does not show earrings. Jane Doe had pierced ears.

3. Amber Disappeared on April 10th, Jane Doe's death was estimated at Mid April-which means, if this was Amber she'd have to travel from Minnesota and meet her demise when she arrived in California. Its possible, but it just seems to be a very tight timeline.

babydust2004 please note that the above is just what I thought - I could be very wrong!

Additional comments:
Also, if her killer was travelling with her, why dump her body in a populated area where there is someone to see you do it? Why not go into an isolated area - which is not too hard to find. Of course, it is possible that Jane Doe was just passing through and met someone from that area.

If the note is real I think "Jim" lives in the area (even a few towns over) - even though Jane Doe might not have. Perhaps the person who left the note does not know Jane's identity, but does know who killed her? The garbage bag, in a restaurant dumpster, in a closed restaurant's parking lot says "I know this place" to me... but that's me.
PonderingThings said:
Gardenmom thank you for that information!

For me, personally, I am a HUGE fan of the Doe Network. I appreciate them sharing the information they've compiled. Also, I've sent them a couple of emails and they have been VERY gracious.

I have reservations about becoming a member though. If it means I have to look silly and submit a suggestion that has been submitted 1000 times before, I'm ok with that, as the information is not readily available. I think its a waste of law enforcements time, but that is the only option available to the "public" at the moment.
I don't think you would feel "silly". I think you would feel like you were trying to do the right thing, and possible help someone find the answers they so desperately need. The way it works is you submit a form to the Doe Network panel. They vote on whether or not to submit it to law enforcment. There are people there who can tell you reasons not to submit it, like dates being off, etc. They may also know if it's already been looked into or ruled out. They are the ones who submit it on your behalf.
I was also reluctant to join because it says something like "volunteer", and I was afraid of what I would be getting into. However, it is not like that unless you want it to be. Meanwhile, you can do searches like the one I did to help you with your search. No pressure.
gardenmom said:
Did you notice on this one that part of her name is "Jim"enez? Could be a clue.
Wow Gardenmom that is so cool. I never noticed it!

It does make me wonder if the note is actually as written, in clear handwriting, or if it had to be deciphered?

'God loves you, it’s OK, baby girl, Jim is paying for what he did to you,'" says Dudek.
Maybe it actually read something like - "God loves you, it's OK, baby girl. Jim, he's paying for what he did to you" - just speculating beyond the available information.....

Its amazing what punctuation and changing one word will do!
gardenmom said:
It was pretty quick, maybe 2-3 days.
Thanks GardenMom,

I don't think my application went through the first time. I got a page that talked about a free ipod... :waitasec:

I redone the app. just a few minutes ago and it went through this time. The next page that came up said your app. has been received. :)

I am glad you suggested joining. I have been thinking about it for a long time. I'm on the site almost everyday for atleast a few hours. Becoming a member will allow me to better manage my time on the site... if I know who has been ruled out as a match.
It would be great to see you there.I go on there alot looking for possible matches to my sister and other unidentified people.They are good people.


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