GUILTY CA - Classic (Orson West, 3) & Cincere (Orrin West, 4), still missing, Calif. City, *Mistrial on counts 4 & 5)* 21 Dec 2020 #8

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I have been following this case since the start, but I can't focus on too many horrific child cases at once. I will catch up when I am emotionally ready, but in the meantime, I am hoping those two beautiful boys get the justice they so deserve.
I have been following this case since the start, but I can't focus on too many horrific child cases at once. I will catch up when I am emotionally ready, but in the meantime, I am hoping those two beautiful boys get the justice they so deserve.
KGET's timeline through the trial.
Many thanks!
There is also a Media thread for this case. I highly recommend you watch their first media interview taken the day after they reported them missing.
I want to know where the boys are?
Exactly. The trial is about to come to a close and we are still left wondering if we will ever know where they are. It sounds like Orrin’s death was due to abuse or neglect, and possibly a dumpster was involved in disposing of his body but we have no details what-so-ever about Orson’s fate. I don’t have a doubt in my mind that the jury will find the Wests guilty, but the interesting part will be what exactly they are found guilty of.
DAY TWENTY TWO - May 16, 2023

The bailiff is letting the public inside the courtroom now. The jurors will follow in a moment. #WestsTrial

The jury has entered the courtroom and is taking a seat. #WestsTrial

Judge Charles R. Brehmer told the jury closing arguments may finish today, or tomorrow. #WestsTrial

Brehmer reminded everyone this is a court of law, not "Jerry Springer," and asked everyone to continue to be on good behavior. #WestsTrial

Prosecutor Eric Smith has begun his closing argument. #WestsTrial

This case is somewhat different in that no bodies have been found, Smith said. He said these types of cases are prosecuted across the country, "it's not unheard of in any way." #WestsTrial

He quoted case law as saying the fact a murderer successfully disposes of a body doesn't mean they're entitled to an acquittal. #WestsTrial

The evidence has to show Trezell and Jacqueline West caused the deaths, and if you believe that to be true you can find them guilty of murder, Smith told the jury. #WestsTrial

"They are wholly and completely dependent on their adoptive parents. But ultimately those adoptive parents were abusive to them," Smith said. He said the boys are dead. #WestsTrial

This case is somewhat different in that no bodies have been found, Smith said. He said these types of cases are prosecuted across the country, "it's not unheard of in any way." #WestsTrial

Trezell and Jacqueline West projected a certain image to their parents and relatives, but that's not who they were. They were physically abusive to Orrin and Orson, Smith said. #WestsTrial

The Wests adopted for money -- they got $1,000 a month for each of their 4 adopted children, Smith said. They abused Orrin and Orson, not their 2 biological children. #WestsTrial

Their main source of income came from the adopted children. Smith said "they basically warehoused these children." They kept Orrin and Orson separate from the others. Why? Because it was for the money, Smith said. #WestsTrial

When the adoptive children cried Jacqueline West put an arm around their neck and basically cut off their airway to get them to stop, Smith said. Spankings from Trezell were so severe the children bled, he said. #WestsTrial

The Wests' eldest child told a social worker the metal on his father's belt would case the bleeding. #WestsTrial

"The physical abuse is what happened to Orrin, to Orson, because they were crying, because they were not their own children," Smith said. #WestsTrial

Smith showed two photos which he said are the last known photos of the boys alive. He asked the jury to look at Orson's face, look at the sadness evident in his look. #WestsTrial

There were more than 65 witnesses and 120 marked exhibits presented in this case, Smith said. He said there is direct evidence -- testimony of the Wests' eldest child -- and circumstantial evidence, which he reminded the jury is not lesser than direct evidence. #WestsTrial

He said circumstantial evidence can be used to corroborate witness statements. #WestsTrial

Counts 1 through 3 relate to Orrin. They are 2nd degree murder, involuntary manslaughter and child abuse. Counts 4 through 6 relate to Orson. They are conspiracy to commit murder, 2nd degree murder and child abuse. #WestsTrial

The 7th charge, false reporting an emergency, applies to both boys. #WestsTrial

Smith told the jury a person can be guilty as the direct perpetrator or as someone who aids and abets in the crime. #WestsTrial

If you know of someone's unlawful purpose and you help them you can be equally culpable, the prosecutor said. #WestsTrial

Second-degree murder is an unlawful killing and can be either an act, or a failure to act with the knowledge of danger and disregard to human life. You don't need to have an intent to kill for second-degree murder. #WestsTrial

Smith said a parent has a legal duty to care for their child. If they have a legal duty and fail to act, and the child dies, they can be found guilty of murder. #WestsTrial

In this case, Smith said, Orrin was lying there dying and the Wests never called an ambulance or otherwise got him medical aid. #WestsTrial

With Orson, the Wests conspired to kill Orson after Orrin's death, Smith said. They came to an agreement to commit murder, he said. #WestsTrial

They agreed that one of them would "intentionally and unlawfully kill," Smith said. There was conspiracy to commit the first-degree murder of Orson West, he said. There was premeditation and deliberation, he said. #WestsTrial

It's unknown who inflicted the mortal wound to Orson, but it's one of the two co-conspirators -- Trezell or Jacqueline, Smith said. #WestsTrial

A charge of involuntary manslaughter is alleged for Orrin only. The jury can consider that or murder for Orrin's death. #WestsTrial

The Wests lived in an apartment on Lotus Lane in Bakersfield for many years. They purchased a home in California City on Aspen Way in September 2020. #WestsTrial

The question, Smith said, is who moved into that home. Were Orrin and Orson there or were they already dead? #WestsTrial

Cal City police were called on Dec. 21, 2020. Smith said the agency had no experience with a case of that magnitude so they asked for help. The FBI responded, but there were issues as to who was in charge. #WestsTrial

The Bakersfield Police Department later got involved. Smith said it has to be noted the foundation of what Cal City police were investigation came from two liars, Trezell and Jacqueline West. #WestsTrial

Court is taking a brief recess. A juror has a nose bleed and has left to take care of it. #WestsTrial
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DAY TWENTY TWO - May 16, 2023

(Continued - Prosecutor Eric Smith)

Back in session. The 911 call reporting the boys missing cam in at 5:41 p.m. on Dec. 21, 2020. #WestsTrial

The investigation began with that call. Cal City Officer Brian Hansen arrived, looked at a vacant lot and other officers searched the home. They drove around the area and found nothing. #WestsTrial

"They found nothing. Absolutely nothing, during all of that searching," Smith said of the helicopter, civilians and law enforcement that canvassed the area. #WestsTrial

Police began noticing things the Wests said weren't adding up. They noted Trezell said he closed the gate so the dogs wouldn't get out, but somehow the kids got out. The description of the kids' clothing changed. The Wests' demeanor seemed off. #WestsTrial

There were no footprints in the dirt where the Wests said the boys were playing. The Wests gave inconsistent statements to police, Smith said. #WestsTrial

Their time frame, given by Jacqueline West, was wrong. "Alarm bells were going off" with police as they continued to question the couple, Smith said. #WestsTrial

Smith is going over the different surveillance camera footage from California City that the jury will have access to. #WestsTrial

None of those videos show children walking. There was testimony regarding 4 separate residences with surveillance footage, Smith said. #WestsTrial

One video shows Trezell West going in and out of the gate in his backyard. At some point he's seen walking from the gate area to the house. If the children had been there, that's when they would have walked away from the home. #WestsTrial

"There's no children visible. None whatsoever. There's no adult visible approaching the home," Smith said. #WestsTrial

Smith said, "In that video there is no sign whatsoever of Orrin and Orson from Dec. 21." #WestsTrial

No blood evidence was found, but Smith said this wasn't a shooting or stabbing. "That's now how you kill children," he said. They would have been choked, or drowned, subjected to something that cuts off their airway. #WestsTrial

Disposing of the bodies would have been as simple as placing them in a garbage bag and throwing them away, Smith said. The boys were small, it wouldn't have been difficult. #WestsTrial

A diaper found in a trash bag after BPD got involved tested positive for DNA evidence for two of the West children but not Orrin or Orson. #WestsTrial

Smith is going over mattresses and pillows where the boys' DNA was not found. #WestsTrial

Orrin's and Orson's DNA was not found in the rooms where they were supposed to be staying in Cal City. #WestsTrial

The backyard gate was difficult to open, as seen in a video of a Bakersfield detective opening and closing it. The boys wouldn't have been able to open it, Smith said. #WestsTrial

Trezell and Jacqueline gave conflicting statements as to who closed the gate. Trezell in an interview said "100%" he didn't close it. Jacqueline says she didn't close it when questioned. "Again, none of their stories are lining up at all," Smith said. #WestsTrial

Jacqueline says she was wrapping gifts in the living room, but Trezell says she wasn't there, Smith said. #WestsTrial

Smith is playing portions of interviews. Jacqueline tells police she went down the street looking for the boys. "No, she did not," Smith said. "That's an absolute lie." He said the video shows she wasn't there. #WestsTrial

Phone records show Jacqueline and Trezell spent about 5 minutes talking on the phone with their eldest son, not searching, Smith said. #WestsTrial

Smith said the Wests even created fictional characters. Jacqueline West at first says the biological family had no contact with the boys, but months later says an "Aunt Titi" had the kids for a week earlier in 2020. She provides no contact info or Titi. #WestsTrial

A cadaver dog was brought to the home because of what Jacqueline told investigators about 2 dirt mounds. Asked if that's where the boys were buried, she said, "Maybe." #WestsTrial

Remains weren't found but the dog did alert to the area Jacqueline pointed out. Smith said death had been in that backyard at some point. #WestsTrial

Perla Martinez, Jacqueline's sister, never met Orrin or Orson. During video calls the camera moved around and she couldn't see who was there. She testified she didn't know what the boys looked like, Smith said. #WestsTrial

Maria Martinez, Jacqueline's mother, said she didn't watch the boys or have much contact with them. She was so disconnected, Smith said, she didn't even know their names. #WestsTrial

Maria Martinez testified she found it weird that her daughter wouldn't show her grandchildren during video calls. #WestsTrial

On the side of Trezell's family, his parents and brother never saw the boys after covid started. #WestsTrial

The mistake Trezell and Jacqueline West made is they thought law enforcement had to ask permission before interviewing their children, Smith said. They don't need permission. #WestsTrial

"But ultimately speaking with those children is what changed the course of the investigation," Smith said. The 4 children gave consistent answers as to who lived in Cal City, who was in the van when they were dropped off Jan. 19, 2020 at Trezell's mom's house. #WestsTrial

Smith is playing clips from the interviews with the children. #WestsTrial

"At the apartment," one of the children says when asked when's the last time he saw Orrin and Orson. #WestsTrial

This boy says Orrin and Orson are with Jacqueline's mother. Smith says that's consistent with what his brothers have said their parents told them. #WestsTrial

"Again, this is consistent, child after child," Smith said. #WestsTrial

"Because they cry a lot," another child said when asked why Orrin and Orson don't live with them in Cal City. #WestsTrial

Everything the other children said was consistent, Smith said. #WestsTrial

Court is in recess for 15 minutes. #WestsTrial
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Hennessy using the" police are racist " stance during his closing. Now I am glad he did not speak much during the trial because his way of speaking is not professional imo. Using the F word and using the words " got took" several times in reference to the boys.

He said some ridiculous things I hope come up in the tweets. Here is KGET 17 with some tweets on his closing.
Not sure I can stand to hear Stallings closing statements. Might just read it.
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Disgusting. If "racism" was an issue, no one would have bothered to follow up and actually care about these kids. LEO would have taken the statements from the Wests, and called it done. Couldn't find the kids. Oh well.
DAY TWENTY TWO - May 16, 2023

Court is back in session with prosecutor Eric Smith continuing his closing argument. #WestsTrial

The Wests' eldest child told a social worker he saw Orrin die at the apartment in Bakersfield and his parents told him if he told anyone he and his brothers would be taken away. #WestsTrial

Because the eldest child is so credible, the defense paid an expert witness between $35K to $42K to try to discredit him, Smith said. #WestsTrial

"He knew the right thing," Smith said of the eldest child. "The reason he didn't say anything earlier is because of his parents." #WestsTrial

Smith played a recording in which Jacqueline and Trezell West told the eldest son during a phone call that he didn't have to talk to anybody. They wanted him to stay quiet because they knew the truth would come out, Smith said. #WestsTrial

Going over the events of Dec. 19, 2020, Smith said Wanda West, Trezell's mother, never saw Orrin or Orson despite spending time in the van where the boys were supposedly sleeping in the back. #WestsTrial

The Wests made multiple stops that day. Surveillance footage never shows Orrin or Orson, Smith said. #WestsTrial

Smith is going over Dec. 5, 2020, where the Wests separately went to different locations after their 4 other children had been dropped off at a relative's. Orrin and Orson aren't seen in any of the videos. "Where are Orrin and Orson? They're dead," Smith said. #WestsTrial

Smith is going over the September 2020 timeline, the month in which he says both Orrin and Orson died. Orson is killed the night of Sept. 17, 2020, the attorney said. #WestsTrial

Wanda West, Trezell's mother, arrives the next day and watched the 4 children. She doesn't see Orrin or Orson. Jacqueline Wests tells her the boys are with them in a U-Haul they're using to move from Bakersfield to Cal City. #WestsTrial

Wanda West didn't see Orrin or Orson despite staying at the Cal City house from Sept. 18 through Sept. 20, 2020, Smith said. #WestsTrial

Smith said this case is about corroboration. All the circumstantial evidence points to one thing: the boys were never in California City, Smith said. #WestsTrial

When their kids do things wrong, the Wests react with violence, Smith said. They spank with a belt until the children bleed, they choke them, he said. #WestsTrial

Their whole lives are based on money for the four kids they adopted, Smith said. #WestsTrial

After Orrin died, the only way they could get away with it would be to kill Orson, Smith said. They then had 3 months to discard the bodies, get new phones, he said. #WestsTrial

"Trezell and Jacqueline have no moral fiber. They killed two kids," Smith said.

"Trezell and Jacqueline West murdered Orrin and Orson," he said. #WestsTrial

Smith ended his closing argument by asking the jurors to find the Wests guilty on all charges. Court will resume at 1:30 p.m. with defense closing arguments. #WestsTrial

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