GUILTY CA - Denise Lampe, 19, stabbed to death, Daly City, 1976 *ARREST in 2018*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
07/21/2020 Status Hearing
Original Type: Status Hearing
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 09:00 AM
Result: Held
Parties Present:

07/21/2020 Def. waives right to be present during the following:
Comment: the next hearing to set

08/19/2020 To Set
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 09:00 AM

link: Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo

I'm going to guess and say the hearing on 8/19 is "To Set" trial date.... :)
Wednesday, August 19th:
*Hearing to Set Trial Date (@ 9am PT) – CA – Denise Lampe (19) (April 1, 1976, Daly City) – *Leon Melvin Seymour (30 @ time of crime/72/now 73) charged (11/16/18) & arraigned (12/18/18) with 1st degree murder with use of deadly weapon, 1 count of attempt or use of deadly weapon, 1 count of torture & 1 count to 2 prior offenses (enhancement). Plead not guilty. $10M bond. No bond (12/14/18).
Is being housed at Coalinga State Hospital as a sexually violent predator for other kidnappings & sexually assaults going back decades. DNA match.
Trial began on 3/2/20. Put on hold 3/16/20 due to coronavirus. Restart on 7/8/20 was continued. Court dark on Fridays.

Court info from 3/2/20 thru 6/19/20 reference post #36 here:
CA - Denise Lampe, 19, stabbed to death, Daly City, 1976 *ARREST in 2018*

6/22/20 Update: Trial to restart on 7/8/20. 7/8/20 Update: Hearing held, but no jury. Defendant & his attorney Paul F. Demeester & by video Cliff Jorgensen. Defense Motion: Objection to Selecting Additional Alternates. Next status hearing on 7/21/20.
7/21/20 Update: Hearing was held. Defendant waives his right to be present at next hearing. Next hearing to set trial date on 8/19/20.
08/19/2020 To Set
Original Type: To Set
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 09:00 AM
Result: Held
Parties Present:

08/19/2020 Non-case party present:

08/19/2020 Defendant not brought into the courtroom.

09/15/2020 Status Conference
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 09:00 AM

10/13/2020 Further Proceedings
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time 09:00 AM

link: Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo
Tuesday, Sept. 15th:
*Status Conference Hearing (@ 9am PT) – CA – Denise Lampe (19) (April 1, 1976, Daly City) – *Leon Melvin Seymour (30 @ time of crime/72/now 73) charged (11/16/18) & arraigned (12/18/18) with 1st degree murder with use of deadly weapon, 1 count of attempt or use of deadly weapon, 1 count of torture & 1 count to 2 prior offenses (enhancement). Plead not guilty. $10M bond. No bond (12/14/18).
Is being housed at Coalinga State Hospital as a sexually violent predator for other kidnappings & sexually assaults going back decades. DNA match.
Trial began on 3/2/20. Put on hold 3/16/20 due to coronavirus. Restart on 7/8/20, but continued to 10/13/20. Court dark on Fridays.

Court info from 3/2/20 thru 6/19/20 reference post #36 here:
CA - Denise Lampe, 19, stabbed to death, Daly City, 1976 *ARREST in 2018*

6/22/20 Update: Trial to restart on 7/8/20. 7/8/20 Update: Hearing held, but no jury. Defendant & his attorney Paul F. Demeester & by video Cliff Jorgensen. Defense Motion: Objection to Selecting Additional Alternates. Next status hearing on 7/21/20.
7/21/20 Update: Hearing was held. Defendant waives his right to be present at next hearing. Next hearing to set trial date on 8/19/20. 8/19/20 Update: Hearing held. Present Paul Demeester & non case party Doug Eckles, defendant waived appearance. Next status conference hearing on 9/15 & further proceedings hearing on 10/13/20.

8/26/20 Update: Order for the provision of video & audio link during continuing jury trial commencing on 10/13/20 (Day 9) & Order for Seymour to wear civilian clothing.
09/15/2020 Status Conference
Original Type: Status Conference
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 09:00 AM
Result: Held
Parties Present:

09/15/2020 Non-case party present:

09/15/2020 Previous dates remain as set

09/15/2020 Conference held.

09/15/2020 Waiver of personal appearance

09/15/2020 Reason defendant not present:

10/07/2020 Review
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 09:00 AM

10/13/2020 Continued Jury Trial
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 09:00 AM
Comment: DAY 9

link: Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo
Wednesday, October 7th:
*Review Hearing (@ 9am PT) – CA – Denise Lampe (19) (April 1, 1976, Daly City) – *Leon Melvin Seymour (30 @ time of crime/72/now 73) charged (11/16/18) & arraigned (12/18/18) with 1st degree murder with use of deadly weapon, 1 count of attempt or use of deadly weapon, 1 count of torture & 1 count to 2 prior offenses (enhancement). Plead not guilty. $10M bond. No bond (12/14/18).
Is being housed at Coalinga State Hospital as a sexually violent predator for other kidnappings & sexually assaults going back decades. DNA match.
Trial began on 3/2/20. Put on hold 3/16/20 due to coronavirus. Restart on 7/8/20, continued to 10/13/20 (Day 9). Court dark on Fridays.

Court info from 3/2/20 thru 8/19/20 reference post #44 here:
CA - Denise Lampe, 19, stabbed to death, Daly City, 1976 *ARREST in 2018*

8/26/20 Update: Order for the provision of video & audio link during continuing jury trial commencing on 10/13/20 (Day 9) & Order for Seymour to wear civilian clothing. Status conference hearing on 9/15/20. 9/15/20 Update: Hearing held. Previous dates remain as set; waiver of personal appearance as he is in Coalinga State hospital. Next review hearing on 10/7/20.
I guess they are going to go ahead and continue to the trial...

10/07/2020 Review
Original Type: Review
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 10:00 AM
Result: Held
Parties Present:

10/13/2020 Continued Jury Trial
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 09:00 AM

link: Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo
Tuesday, October 13th:
*Trial set to re-begin (Day 9) (@ 9am PT) – CA – Denise Lampe (19) (April 1, 1976, Daly City) – *Leon Melvin Seymour (30 @ time of crime/72/now 73) charged (11/16/18) & arraigned (12/18/18) with 1st degree murder with use of deadly weapon, 1 count of attempt or use of deadly weapon, 1 count of torture & 1 count to 2 prior offenses (enhancement). Plead not guilty. $10M bond. No bond (12/14/18).
Is being housed at Coalinga State Hospital as a sexually violent predator for other kidnappings & sexually assaults going back decades. DNA match.
Trial began on 3/2/20. Put on hold 3/16/20 due to coronavirus. Restart on 7/8/20, continued to 10/13/20 (Day 9). Court dark on Fridays.

Court info from 3/2/20 thru 9/15/20 reference post #46 here:
CA - Denise Lampe, 19, stabbed to death, Daly City, 1976 *ARREST in 2018*

10/7/20 Update: Present Judge Lisa Novak, defendant & attorney Paul Demeester. Trial is set to restart on 10/13/20 (Day 9) with read back & Opening statements.
10/13/2020 Continued Jury Trial
Original Type: Continued Jury Trial
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 09:00 AM
Result: Held
Parties Present:

10/14/2020 Continued Jury Trial
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 09:00 AM
Comment: DAY 10-READ BACK

link: Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo
Wednesday, October 14th:
*Trial continues (Day 10) (@ 9am PT) – CA – Denise Lampe (19) (April 1, 1976, Daly City) – *Leon Melvin Seymour (30 @ time of crime/72/now 73) charged (11/16/18) & arraigned (12/18/18) with 1st degree murder with use of deadly weapon, 1 count of attempt or use of deadly weapon, 1 count of torture & 1 count to 2 prior offenses (enhancement). Plead not guilty. $10M bond. No bond (12/14/18).
Is being housed at Coalinga State Hospital as a sexually violent predator for other kidnappings & sexually assaults going back decades. DNA match.
Trial began on 3/2/20. Put on hold 3/16/20 due to coronavirus. Restart on 7/8/20, continued to 10/13/20 (Day 9). Court dark on Fridays.
Court info from 3/2/20 thru 9/15/20 reference post #46 here:
CA - Denise Lampe, 19, stabbed to death, Daly City, 1976 *ARREST in 2018*

10/7/20 Update: Present Judge Lisa Novak, defendant & attorney Paul Demeester. Trial is set to restart on 10/13/20 (Day 9) with read back & Opening statements.
10/13/20 Trial Day 9: Defendant & his attorney present. Open statements. Trial continues on 10/14/20.
10/14/2020 Continued Jury Trial
Original Type: Continued Jury Trial
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 09:00 AM
Result: Held
Comment: DAY 10-READBACK
Parties Present:

10/14/2020 Non-case party present:
Comment: Doug Eckles

10/14/2020 Party appeared by audio and or/ video

10/14/2020 Defendant waives their right to be personally present
Comment: pursuant to Emergency Rule 3

10/14/2020 Party appeared by audio and or/ video
Comment: Cliff Jorgensen

10/15/2020 Continued Jury Trial
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 09:00 AM

link: Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo
Thursday, October 15th:
*Trial continues (Day 11) (@ 9am PT) – CA – Denise Lampe (19) (April 1, 1976, Daly City) – *Leon Melvin Seymour (30 @ time of crime/72/now 73) charged (11/16/18) & arraigned (12/18/18) with 1st degree murder with use of deadly weapon, 1 count of attempt or use of deadly weapon, 1 count of torture & 1 count to 2 prior offenses (enhancement). Plead not guilty. $10M bond. No bond (12/14/18).
Is being housed at Coalinga State Hospital as a sexually violent predator for other kidnappings & sexually assaults going back decades. DNA match.
Trial began on 3/2/20. Put on hold 3/16/20 due to coronavirus. Restart on 7/8/20, continued to 10/13/20 (Day 9). Court dark on Fridays.

Court info from 3/2/20 thru 9/15/20 reference post #46 here:
CA - Denise Lampe, 19, stabbed to death, Daly City, 1976 *ARREST in 2018*

10/7/20 Update: Present Judge Lisa Novak, defendant & attorney Paul Demeester. Trial is set to restart on 10/13/20 (Day 9) with read back & Opening statements.
10/13/20 Trial Day 9: Open statements. Trial continues on 10/14/20.
10/14/20 Trail Day 10: Read back done. Present: Judge Lisa Novak, Defendant & Attorney Paul Demeester. Parties appeared by audio and/or video: Doug Eckles & Cliff Jorgensen. Defendant waives his right to be personally present pursuant to Emergency Rule 3. Trial continues on 10/15/20 with People's evidence.
10/15/2020 Continued Jury Trial
Original Type: Continued Jury Trial
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 9:00 AM
Result: Held
Parties Present:

10/15/2020 Non-case party present:

10/16/2020 Status of:
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 11:00 AM
Comment: TRIAL

link: Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo
Friday, October 16th:
*Trial continues (Day 12) (@ 9am PT) – CA – Denise Lampe (19) (April 1, 1976, Daly City) – *Leon Melvin Seymour (30 @ time of crime/72/now 73) charged (11/16/18) & arraigned (12/18/18) with 1st degree murder with use of deadly weapon, 1 count of attempt or use of deadly weapon, 1 count of torture & 1 count to 2 prior offenses (enhancement). Plead not guilty. $10M bond. No bond (12/14/18).
Is being housed at Coalinga State Hospital as a sexually violent predator for other kidnappings & sexually assaults going back decades. DNA match.
Trial began on 3/2/20. Put on hold 3/16/20 due to coronavirus. Restart on 7/8/20, continued to 10/13/20 (Day 9).
Court info from 3/2/20 thru 9/15/20 reference post #46 here:
CA - Denise Lampe, 19, stabbed to death, Daly City, 1976 *ARREST in 2018*

10/7/20 Update: Present Judge Lisa Novak, defendant & attorney Paul Demeester. Trial is set to restart on 10/13/20 (Day 9) with read back & Opening statements.
10/13/20 Trial Day 9 Tuesday: Open statements. Trial continues on 10/14/20.
10/14/20 Trail Day 10 Wednesday: Read back done. Present Defendant & Attorney Paul Demeester. Parties appeared by audio and/or video: Doug Eckles & Cliff Jorgensen. Defendant waives his right to be personally present pursuant to Emergency Rule 3. Trial continues on 10/15/20 with People's evidence.
10/15/20 Trial Day 11 Thursday: 10/15/20 People's evidence. Parties present: Judge Lisa A. Novak, Defendant & attorney Paul F. Demeester. Non-case party present: Doug Eckles. Next status on trial on 10/16/20.
10/16/2020 Status of:
Original Type: Status of Trial
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 11:00 AM
Result: Held
Comment: TRIAL
Parties Present:

10/16/2020 Motion
Comment: Defense Motion for Discharge of Juror No. 1

10/16/2020 Motion denied.
Comment: Moving party: DEFENSE Motion title: TO DISMISS JUROR #1

10/16/2020 Arguments presented. Evidence submitted to court for ruling.

10/16/2020 Waiver of personal appearance

10/16/2020 Motion denied.
Comment: Moving party DEFENSE Motion title: TO DISMISS JUROR #1

10/16/2020 Motion denied.
Comment: Moving party: DEFENSE Motion title: 1050. COURT WAIVES 2 DAY NOTICE

10/19/2020 Status Conference
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 09:00 AM
Comment: OF TRIAL

link: Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo
Monday, October 19th:
*Trial continues with Status Conference Hearing (Day 13) (@ 9am PT) – CA – Denise Lampe (19) (April 1, 1976, Daly City) – *Leon Melvin Seymour (30 @ time of crime/72/now 73) charged (11/16/18) & arraigned (12/18/18) with 1st degree murder with use of deadly weapon, 1 count of attempt or use of deadly weapon, 1 count of torture & 1 count to 2 prior offenses (enhancement). Plead not guilty. $10M bond. No bond (12/14/18).
Is being housed at Coalinga State Hospital as a sexually violent predator for other kidnappings & sexually assaults going back decades. DNA match.
Trial began on 3/2/20. Put on hold 3/16/20 due to coronavirus. Restart on 7/8/20, continued to 10/13/20 (Day 9). Court dark on Fridays.

Court info from 3/2/20 thru 10/7/20 reference post #54 here:
CA - Denise Lampe, 19, stabbed to death, Daly City, 1976 *ARREST in 2018*

10/13/20 Trial Day 9 Tuesday: Open statements. Trial continues on 10/14/20.
10/14/20 Trail Day 10 Wednesday: Read back done. Present Defendant & Attorney Paul Demeester. Parties appeared by audio and/or video: Doug Eckles & Cliff Jorgensen. Defendant waives his right to be personally present pursuant to Emergency Rule 3. Trial continues on 10/15/20 with People's evidence.
10/15/20 Trial Day 11 Thursday: 10/15/20 People's evidence. Parties present: Judge Lisa A. Novak, Defendant & attorney Paul F. Demeester. Non-case party present: Doug Eckles. Next status on trial on 10/16/20.
10/16/20 Trial Day 12 Friday: Present: Judge Lisa Novak, defendant & attorney Paul Demeester. Defense motion for discharge of Juror #1-motion denied. Arguments presented. Evidence submitted to court for ruling. Waiver of personal appearance of defendant. Motion denied to dismiss juror #1. Defense Motion title: 1050; Court waives 2-day notice. Next status conference hearing re trial on 10/19/20.
10/19/2020 Status Conference
Original Type: Status Conference
Judicial Officer: Davis, III, Leland
Hearing Time: 09:00 AM
Result: Not Held
Parties Present:

10/20/2020 Status Conference
Judicial Officer: Davis, III, Leland
Hearing Time: 9:00 AM
Comment: of trial

link: Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo
Tuesday, October 20th:
*Trial continues with Status Conference Hearing (Day 13) (@ 9am PT) – CA – Denise Lampe (19) (April 1, 1976, Daly City) – *Leon Melvin Seymour (30 @ time of crime/72/now 73) charged (11/16/18) & arraigned (12/18/18) with 1st degree murder with use of deadly weapon, 1 count of attempt or use of deadly weapon, 1 count of torture & 1 count to 2 prior offenses (enhancement). Plead not guilty. $10M bond. No bond (12/14/18).
Is being housed at Coalinga State Hospital as a sexually violent predator for other kidnappings & sexually assaults going back decades. DNA match.
Trial began on 3/2/20. Put on hold 3/16/20 due to coronavirus. Restart on 7/8/20, continued to 10/13/20 (Day 9). Court dark on Fridays.

Court info from 3/2/20 thru 10/7/20 & Trial info (Day 9-11: 10/13 to 10/15/20) reference post #56 here:
CA - Denise Lampe, 19, stabbed to death, Daly City, 1976 *ARREST in 2018*

10/16/20 Trial Day 12 Friday: Present: Judge Lisa Novak, defendant & attorney Paul Demeester. Defense motion for discharge of Juror #1-motion denied. Arguments presented. Evidence submitted to court for ruling. Waiver of personal appearance of defendant. Motion denied to dismiss juror #1. Defense Motion title: 1050; Court waives 2-day notice. Next status conference hearing re trial on 10/19/20.
10/19/20 Trial Day 13 Monday: Status conference hearing was not held. Status conference rescheduled to 10/20/20.
Don't really know "what" is going on with this trial... looks like they stopped it.

10/20/2020 Status Conference
Original Type: Status Conference
Judicial Officer: Novak, Lisa A.
Hearing Time: 01:30 PM
Result: Not Held

10/20/2020 Status Conference
Original Type: Status Conference
Judicial Officer: Davis, III, Leland
Hearing Time: 9:00 AM
Result: Held
Comment: of trial

10/20/2020 Neither attorney nor defendant present when matter heard on
Comment: the record.

10/20/2020 Defendant ordered to return.

10/20/2020 Case ordered off calendar

10/20/2020 Neither attorney nor defendant present when matter heard on
Comment: the record.

link: Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo

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