CA - Domestic Dispute between Chris Brown & Rihanna - cancels Grammy performance

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This is exactly what I thought....

He's playing her to save his @ss. moo

I am going to put this on the other thread as well, but this gives new substance to the above theory:;_ylt=AvmmT4lw7NpFaAH4n5mvCuxxFb8C

"A plea deal can be a "smart move," particularly in a domestic violence case, "because it's the type of crime where the defendant is more villianized than say a bar fight, and so the less the media knows about the strength of the prosecution's case, the easier to convince them to reduce or dismiss or recharge with a lesser offense," criminal defense attorney Daniel Perlman, who is not working on the Brown case, tells E! News.
While he couldn't say for certain whether a deal seemed likely, Perlman says that it doesn't hurt to try.
"Here, the publicity about [Rihanna's] injuries was sufficient to make me doubt that the L.A. D.A. can reasonably let this go as a misdemeanor without some jail without this looking like a celebrity exception," he says.
"On the other hand, a negotiated settlement with a delayed sentencing can sometimes be had, where he pleas to a felony which will be reduced to a misdemeanor in, for example, a year if he does all the classes and community service, etc."

Geragos is working on the above...
Oh, no, no, no. :(
Rhianna is such a beautiful girl.
WTH is she thinking?! :rant:
I certainly hope he's getting some help for his issues...even still...WTH is she thinking?!
The rumor is all over the net-Star magazine is reporting it is because she is pregnant. Of course, if they are married, it is much harder to compel her to testify in court.

Here is the story being reported by the AP on the likely construction of a plea deal, as we all suspected:;_ylt=AvmmT4lw7NpFaAH4n5mvCuxxFb8C

TMZ is reporting on the detectives notes at the scene, detailing the injuries as they occurred...OMG is all I can say.
If true, this is insane. And I'm sorry but I don't feel sorry for her anymore. If she chooses to stay with him, she's just as much of an idiot as he is. JMO.
If true, this is insane. And I'm sorry but I don't feel sorry for her anymore. If she chooses to stay with him, she's just as much of an idiot as he is. JMO.

Actually he's not much of an idiot. It sounds like by marrying her he's solved a lot of his problems. Maybe he just has great legal counsel.

I just hope if it's true that she married him, that he gets counseling and if it ever happens again she wakes up and leaves him for good.
Actually he's not much of an idiot. It sounds like by marrying her he's solved a lot of his problems. Maybe he just has great legal counsel.

I just hope if it's true that she married him, that he gets counseling and if it ever happens again she wakes up and leaves him for good.

IMO, if you beat a woman, you're an idiot. It matters none if he has enough money to afford to pay people who actually have brains to make his decisions for him.
I don't see this reported anywhere? is this legit?

Our local news is just discussing his court appearance and arraignment today.

Nothing on TMZ either.
They couldn't have had a marriage license....:waitasec:
I don't see this reported anywhere? is this legit?

Our local news is just discussing his court appearance and arraignment today.

Nothing on TMZ either.

That's what I'm wondering. I would think it would be on TMZ or Perez or something.

But you know, the media is never wrong, so I just have to believe it.
W T H???? OH OKAY - wives cannot testify against their husbands :furious:

Well folks, in today's knowledge about abuse & abusers, I suppose she will get what she deserves then! Clearly no self esteem! Good luck Rhianna, you're gonna need it.

I guess her life is not worth a damn thing, how many people gonna scream foul when she's buried in a couple of years?! It'll only get worse hon, abusers NEVER change.
This is disgusting if she's married - you know why they did it???

Wives can't testify against their hubby's. Well Rhianna - you get exactly what you deserve and your own daddy is as stupid as the horses hiney! Supporting you like he does when you went back. Hows' daddy gonna feel at your funeral?

What a time bomb. Wonder who will get the rights to film her funeral in a couple of years?! :furious: that women are so stupid in today's society with all the knowledge out there. I don't pity some of them anymore, especially like this.
She should sit down and have a long talk with Tina Turner!! What a stupid choice she has made. And I don't think this was the first time he roughed her up!

I agree!

If it happens once, it can and usually does happen again!
Even if she is pregnant (like the other rumor states) why does she feel she has to go back to him? It's not like she can't support herself and the baby without him financially. Plus, he's probably not going to have much of a career now (then again, look at R. Kelly, he's still recording).
I'm not hearing this anywhere...IF this is true, I feel bad for Rihanna...both of them are young and I'm afraid she will learn the 'hard way' as many have had to do!
I don't see this reported anywhere? is this legit?

Our local news is just discussing his court appearance and arraignment today.

Nothing on TMZ either.

I'm not hearing / seeing this anywhere else either. I would think that if it were true it would be splashed all over the headlines considering his hearing date...
I feel bad for her, I really do... but I am so mad that she is willing to start the relationship back up. As reported, she told LE that the relationship had a history of him hitting her. If they did get married, then she has lost her mind and it will be only a matter of time before he either kills her, or screws her up really bad.

My daughter just said that the rumor in the tabloids is that she is pregnant. If the rumor is true, she owes it to a baby to steer as far away from that abusive as possible.
FELONY charges... GOOD!,2933,505204,00.html

"Brown then replied, "You just did the stupidest thing ever. I'm going to kill you," and continued to punch her.

She then "bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and head near her lap in attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied by Brown," according the the affidavit."

Rihanna - the I'M GOING TO KILL YOU - will someday be the last words that you will ever hear on earth if you stay!

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