CA - Domestic Dispute between Chris Brown & Rihanna - cancels Grammy performance

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After reading that I can't for the life of me understand why should would go back with him, much less even love him.

After reading this article - I sincerely hope she gets her act together and leaves this guy - married or not. What an ordeal for her - unbelievable that she'd go back to someone who assaulted her this way.

I read the same article. I cannot believe what he did to her. I cannot believe it. And she went back to him. I know it's hard for some women. I just hope she knows what she's doing and that this doesn't happen again.....
Bring on the plea deals, I expect...:sick::furious::furious:
My husband would be the one charged with a felony if anyone did this to our daughters! And then he'd lock her sorry butt in her room (adult or not) until she agreed never ever to go back to the guy who just tried to kick the life out of her.

I'm disgusted equally with Brown and Rihanna's dad. He's enabled her to be abused in the future. Shame on both of those men. Disgusting.
TMZ has graphic details of the beatings that we haven't heard yet. Several stories, actually. And the photo we saw was the mildest one, apparently. They didn't get the worst ones.
This is not surprising, really. These people may be in the "industry", but they are still human when it comes to choices in life. As well as being naive. Abuse exists because no one wants to believe the worse of the person they love. I have absolutely no doubt there were tears, promises, more tears, and then words of love devotion on this guys part. Oh, and the best part, he probably said he would get help. Maybe he will. For awhile. She bought it hook, line, and sinker. Talk to anyone who has believed the "talk". They honestly trusted the person that abused them would change.

I did not have physical abuse, but I went through emotional/verbal abuse. And, let''s not leave out intimidation as the person he *knew* I am. It took me many years to finally "wake up". Hopefully, she will sooner. Before she is hurt again. On *any* level.....
Unfortunately, she is not the first (nor, sadly the last) woman that has returned to their abuser. In NO WAY, however, does she "deserve" to be beat in the future. She is in need of some psychological guidance so that she can better understand the dynamics of abuse and how to break the cycle. Just because she has money does not make her any different than any other abuse VICTIM. She is a victim now, and she will be a victim if and when he abuses her in the future.

To say she will get what she "deserves" is quite insensitive, in my opinion. Nobody, ever, deserves to be physically abused. :snooty:
Lisa Bloom is saying on HLN that without Rihanna's testimony, this case is going nowhere. That is according to a new law passed last year in the State of California.

I personally think Rihanna and Chris have been advised to say (him) self-defense (her) no testimony. We'll see if she does end up testifying. I think there's a good chance she won't. Problem is, that will not look good to fans and the public. So she's in a Catch-22 at the moment.

They are saving their careers here so they will be united against anything dire happening to either of them in that regard.
Wow. Even though I don't follow celebs and had to ask, "Who's that?" when this story first hit, I think this is bad news.

They'll be the next Whitney and Bobby.

I'm worried that Rhianna will be the next Nicole Brown Simpson. Anyone else think this way?
He is a pathetic punk and it is obvious he begged for her forgiveness only in hopes of saving his butt from jail and his rapidly diminishing career. As if I didn't detest Diddy before, but him hosting this "reunion" seals it for me. I hope she has the courage to realize she is being played and it will only get worse.
This punk needs to spend a little time in prison with Bubba. He needs to get what he deserves. Counseling????? That is a laugh! The only counseling he needs is with Bubba. I will bet you that because he is a "Star" he will not receive any punishment what so ever. Remember OJ and many, many other celebraties? Too many to list. The loss of a bit of money will probably be the only punishment he will experience. A slap on the hand and "will you please give me your autograph????? This is idolized by his fans and it doesn't matter what he does.
I'm not hearing / seeing this anywhere else either. I would think that if it were true it would be splashed all over the headlines considering his hearing date...

That's what I'm thinking, Magic.

All four years of college, I dated a man who beat me up. There were definitely times when I looked as bad as Rhianna. No one could talk any sense into me. Not the school Deans or counselors, not my friends, not my family - no one. I was IN LOVE and immature enough to believe that no one else in the world could understand the depth and strength of my LOVE. I will also add that substance abuse was a major component of that relationship, as I expect it is in most relationships that are physically violent.

Ironically, I wasn't raised around physical abuse. My father swatted my behind once when I was a toddler and it crushed him - he never put a hand on me in anger again. Psychologically, I am sure I would have been tagged with battered women's syndrome.

So I deeply understand returning to a man who hurts you physically. Today, deliriously happy in a marriage to a man who worships the ground I walk on and who would literally die before he ever let anyone hurt me, I believe that long, painful, college relationship was an important piece of me learning some simple lessons about love and partnership.

I am at peace with that part of my past and I am not given to regret, but, knowing what I know now, if I had it to do all over again, I would have spent my college years in the company of men who treated me well.

All of this is to say that Rhianna is young too. Maybe she is deluded in some of the ways I was. I don't know - I have a very hard time making blanket statements about a relationship I only know a very little about. Like me, I suspect she will have to come to her own place of understanding with all of this. If she's as headstrong as I was (am), no one will be able to sway her in a different direction until she is ready to be swayed.

Still, the situation with this couple brings domestic violence to the forefront of our consciences and that is never a bad thing. I will keep her and Chris in my prayers in hopes that things do not get worse before they get better.
This punk needs to spend a little time in prison with Bubba. He needs to get what he deserves. Counseling????? That is a laugh! The only counseling he needs is with Bubba. I will bet you that because he is a "Star" he will not receive any punishment what so ever. Remember OJ and many, many other celebraties? Too many to list. The loss of a bit of money will probably be the only punishment he will experience. A slap on the hand and "will you please give me your autograph????? This is idolized by his fans and it doesn't matter what he does.

It isn't JUST celebrities though, who get off with a slap on the wrist. Until our judges start taking assault (I HATE that they label this as "domestic", as if that's LESS of an attack) more seriously, this will continue.

Having said that, if the rumors are true, that she was known to become physically violent too, then I think they BOTH should be held accountable. I've known women (girls really) who hit boys/men and think nothing of it. I think it's dispicable behavior from ANYONE....since when is hitting someone viewed as acceptable?
Unfortunately this is just a typical abuse scenario, everybody trying to sweep it under the rug, making her think maybe I did do or say something that made me deserve this. Him pleading and promising I'll never do it again, please, please forgive me, come back, I love you so much, please. She best go spend some time in a few meetings with abuse victims, probably one would be enough, and see how familiar their stories sound to hers. She will think they are not like her until she hears all the different walks of life they come from, she is exactly where they once were, she definitely could get support and help open her eyes on this terrible crime that wives, mothers, daughters from all walks of life have endured and how she could use this opportunity to be an advocate for other young women going through the same thing right now with their boyfriends, husbands, fathers, etc. She really could turn this into a positive experience and lesson for her and many other young women.
I hope one of the stipulations of marrying him is that he gets counseling (although she should have waited to marry him until he was finished with counseling).

I've been holding this back because I don't want anyone to think I thought she got what she deserved. I remember when Brittny Spears first made a public appearance, performing on MTV. She wasn't ready and it was obvious. She seemd to be in some sort of drug stupor and she hadn't got her body back after giving birth. The camera panned to Rhianna and she was laughing. I was so angry and never liked her since then. I wonder if she thinks about the embarrassment she feels now, and feels a little sorry, or guilty, that she seemed to receive so much pleasure from Brittny's embarrassment?

My mother always said "what goes around comes around". While I don't believe that I do try to follow "there but for the grace of God, go I."

Wow...I guess I'm scr*wed than because I'll be the first to admit I used to laugh at fat druggies when I was younger.
FELONY charges... GOOD!,2933,505204,00.html

"Brown then replied, "You just did the stupidest thing ever. I'm going to kill you," and continued to punch her.

She then "bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and head near her lap in attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied by Brown," according the the affidavit."

Rihanna - the I'M GOING TO KILL YOU - will someday be the last words that you will ever hear on earth if you stay!

Oh my GOD!! That police report is HORRIFIC!! :eek:
Poor girl!! Man, she endured a lot of violence.

This can't possibly be the first time he hit her. No way. To go all out like this the first time?

She is headed down a very dangerous path. I hope she wises up and gets far away from Chris Brown...

Brown. Hmmm ... he's not related to Bobby Brown is he??? :slap:
Too much drama from these loser men with beautiful, talented women.

I pray God protects her and that she finds the courage and strength to leave Chris.
I don't know that Rhianna's testimony is crucial-Nancy Grace made an interesting point yesterday that she had victims who recanted and she put them on the stand anyway so the jury could see them refusing to testify. I think the photos and the police reports would be sufficient.

Mike Brooks also stated that blood spatter in the car will be another nail.

Brown will plead it down to a misdemeanor with community service-the knot in my stomach says, however, that she will wind up in a coffin.

I cringe when I see her ads for Cover Girl, right now. I wonder what the fall out of all of this will be to her career? And what it should be????

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