GUILTY CA - Dr. William Ayres for child molestation, San Mateo, 2007 #2

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Some of you may recall that Ayres wrote and co-starred in a sex ed television program for little kids for PBS in the 1960s. Many parents called his program "pornographic" and kept their kids home from school on the days it was shown. Yes, it was shown in California schools as well as on national television.

Ayres conveniently forgot to mention this sex ed series - the cornerstone of his career which garnered him national attention - when being deposed for a molestation civil suit. It was one of his former medical colleagues who spilled the beans about it to a journalist. The former colleague said the show was "disgusting," "over-the-top" and that Ayres used the show to "procure."

I just found an old article on the controversy about his program from the San Mateo Times Tribune. The article is dated June 13, 1968 and is titled Author-Doctor Defends Film on Family Life.

The story, by Carol Card, begins, Dr. William Ayres, author and narrator of educational station KQED's sex education series, reassured 50 persons in San Carlos last night that it was not too advanced because "children are involved in learning."

Then in the story he goes on to blame the parents for being too uptight, using baloney fake-professorial language. He said, "The controversy comes when parents, who already have knowledge and experience, are provoked by the details and distressed by pictorial example."

His language here - aside from being haughty and unbelievably arrogant, probably shamed some less educated parents into thinking that they were wrong and stupid and that the doctor knows best.

But in reality, Ayres was just doing what all pedophiles do - dividing and conquering. Pedophiles like Ayres tell kids, 'I'm on your side. Your parents don't understand you. Your parents are too strict."

Like pedophiles who kidnap kids and then show them *advertiser censored* to desensitize them to sex, Ayres used his graphic drawings of naked children ( mostly boys) so that he could tell the kids he eventually molested that he was doing it all for them. Can you imagine him giving his special brand of sex education to the kids in his sessions ? He would tell them, " I had my own television series. I am doing this to help you understand how to... masturbate. This is to help you learn."

The article goes on to say: His aim with the TV program, Dr. Ayres said, was to encourage students to "look around, learn about the world, understand people's differences, not get carried away by impulse and to have strength to back up their statements and morality."
In other news, we hear that the prosecutor in the Ayres case has indeed reached out to a doctor who was one of the seven interns who trained with Ayres a Yale. He is a former Director of the National Institute of Mental Health - the top shrink in this country, and who also worked in the JFK White House. He is willing to say that Ayres is lying about his training, and if there is another trial, there's a good chance he could be called to be a witness.
The current delay tactic is in:

Docs say hes competent, jury trial to determine competence anyhow.

This is completely ridiculous. If he has been judged to be competent by 2 independent doctors, why is a trial on competency being allowed? It's a delay tactic, obviously. What is the point of having the evaluations submitted to the judge, if they were going to have a competency hearing anyway? This judge needs to stop the circus and get on with it.
This is completely ridiculous. If he has been judged to be competent by 2 independent doctors, why is a trial on competency being allowed? It's a delay tactic, obviously. What is the point of having the evaluations submitted to the judge, if they were going to have a competency hearing anyway? This judge needs to stop the circus and get on with it.

The judge that allowed this is not the judge from the actual trial last year, it was Judge Susan Etezadi.

As much as I hate it, if they DON'T allow the nonsense, then ayres could come back and say that he wasn't allowed his constitutional right to trial by jury. Yes it is a delay tactic. As others have pointed out, if ayres were in a no-bail situation, this all would have been resolved long ago. The defense thinks they can delay until ayres dies of a natural death, and they probably can.

ON THE OTHER HAND, Etezadi is the judge who allowed THIS monstrosity: middle schooler&eddate=05/27/2010 01:56:00

And this one: in sexting case&eddate=01/22/2010 03:19:00

And this one: foster dad&eddate=05/03/2010 03:30:00

Isn't it great that she's been recently moved to the Juvenile division?
"San Mateo County: Come have sex with our children!"
There are no words to describe the thoughts in my head after reading those links. There is something very, very wrong with that judge. She obviously caters to sexual offenders. I am just sick.
There are no words to describe the thoughts in my head after reading those links. There is something very, very wrong with that judge. She obviously caters to sexual offenders. I am just sick.

Yea. I know.

There are more, but those were the stand-out ones. I think there was one case where she came down somewhat hard on the perp, but I think the offender was a woman in that case.

I'm having trouble believing that I'm really experiencing all of this. I used to just have nightmares when I was asleep. I ACTUALLY find myself wondering sometimes if I was hit by a car or something some time ago, and I'm in a coma right now, dreaming this nonsense all up.
A shrink who knows Ayres suspects that Ayres' lawyer told him not to be seen out in public while the mental competency issue was being argued. That would explain why Ayres was nowhere to be seen when his wife Solveig recently performed with the Masterworks Chorale in San Mateo.

It would also explain why Solveig has been shopping alone at Trag's Market in San Mateo these days as well. This is unusual, as food shopping (along with stuffing his face in restaurants) is one of the obscenely corpulent doctor's favorite past-times. In the three years he has been out on bail, Ayres has been spotted many times food shopping with his "spouse" - at Costco, Trader Joe's,and Trag's.

He most likely has been ordered to hole up in his apartment, lest anyone spot him out and about, looking perfectly mentally competent.

His life these days must seem like a slow form of suicide. No food shopping, dropped like a hot potato from the American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, strangers staring and pointing at him in the courthouse, no more power and status for him in the medical world, no more medical license.

But he can't hide out forever, and certainly not for the next four months until the jury trial for mental competency takes place in October.

Everyone needs to keep their eyes peeled for a sighting. Who knows, maybe someone will catch him at a local swimming pool, or a playground. Or at the symphony or opera.

We will catch him out and about. It's only a matter of time.
Yesterday I spoke with a woman juror in the first Ayres trial, which ended in a mistrial. This juror firmly believed he was guilty.
Some of you who have followed the Ayres blog know about her story about her confrontation with Ayres, but I wanted to share it here as well, with a few new details.

Last fall, the former juror attended a hearing concerning a second trial. She had attended to show support for the victims.

After the hearing, she said, Ayres bizarrely waved to her in a cheery manner - as if he didn't have a care in the world - in front of the courthouse. He made a point of calling out hello. Ayres was also known to do this during the trial - waving and yelling hello and saying "Isn't it a lovely morning ?" to parents of victims. They know he did it to get into their skin.

Unlike the others Ayres tried to torture with his bizarre psychological warfare, this former juror decided to call him on it. She walked over to him to have a little talk.

"You're a pedophile," she said. To her surprise, she said, she saw Ayres' face start to crumble.

"No, I'm not. I'm a child psychiatrist," he said.

"No, you're not," she said. "You're a pedophile. You hurt so many boys. How could you have done that?"

She said that all Ayres could do was to bleat weakly, "I'm a psychiatrist."

It was obvious that Ayres was not used to anyone challenging him - and especially not women. This woman juror was very slender but also very tall - nearly as tall as he was. And she didn't back down or give up. The former juror just kept telling Ayres to his face that he was a pedophile.

After a couple of minutes of the back and forth, the juror remembers, "Ayres' face just melted. It totally crumbled. All I saw was a quivering little boy. His arrogant facade had been totally stripped away. And he couldn't handle it. He called out for a security guard to come help save him." At that point, the woman juror says, she walked away.

I enjoyed hearing this story again from the woman juror -about how beneath his arrogance and needling and game-playing, Ayres is just a weak little boy with no power at all - who can't handle a confrontation with a strong woman. And like a sissy, has to call out for a security guard to help.
[...] Some of you who have followed the Ayres blog know about her story about her confrontation with Ayres, but I wanted to share it here as well, with a few new details.

She was one cool customer! I took cell phone photos. They're at the bottom of the post:

The one on the bottom right includes ayres' wife Solveig as well. She was getting agitated at this point, and just after that photo was taken, ayres began to try to wave down a deputy who happened to be walking by. The deputy was clearly amused by the situation.

It seems like a million years ago.
OnbekendeBron: When you said "He was clearly amused by the situation", you meant the deputy, not Ayres, right?
OnbekendeBron: When you said "He was clearly amused by the situation", you meant the deputy, not Ayres, right?

Yep! (Fixed in my original post.)

The whole thing was a pretty funny interaction. When the juror started to leave, ayres "waved off" the deputy (who I'm sure was planning to do pretty much nothing about the situation) with that fluttery Capote-esque hand thing that he does.

The deputy looked like he was thinking: "Oh... thank God... Now, I'm NOT going to have to wrastle that petite woman to the ground to protect the big molesty dude."
In other news, we hear that the prosecutor in the Ayres case has indeed reached out to a doctor who was one of the seven interns who trained with Ayres a Yale. He is a former Director of the National Institute of Mental Health - the top shrink in this country, and who also worked in the JFK White House. He is willing to say that Ayres is lying about his training, and if there is another trial, there's a good chance he could be called to be a witness.

KUDOS to whomever brought that contact forward. That should be about as an impeachable witness as I can possibly imagine. I smell a plea deal working....
Onbenkendebron described Ayres' hand gesture as "that fluttery Capote-esque hand thing that he does."

I would also describe that thing he does with his hands as a tad Blanche Dubois-esque.
Huh-Perhaps on the next Ayre's spot we could see a picture of Ayre's copy pasted onto....uh, nope. I wont go there. No sense receiving a TO for this man. ;)
Now, for the victims-any plea deal has to include a statement of guilt. Not an Alford plea, but a true statement of guilt. Please God.
Believe09: Concerning the prosecutor contacting one of the seven interns who trained with Ayres at Yale. Turns out we may have jumped the gun.

While the prosecutor told the mother of a victim at the last hearing that she had written a letter to Ayres' former fellow intern, the doctor himself says he has received no such contact from the prosecutor. The mother of the victim then emailed the prosecutor once more last Friday, to ask if he has been contacted. She is still waiting for a response from the prosecutor as of this writing.

The former colleague of Ayres at Yale believes -and rightly so- that it is up to the prosecution to contact him first.
Believe09: By day's end yesterday, the prosecutor still had not responded to two emails and one phone call last week from the mother of a victim concerning the doctor who trained with Ayres at Yale. The doctor - who was at one time, as the Director of the National Institute of Mental Health- the top psychiatrist in this country, keeps asking why he hasn't heard from the prosecutor. This top psychiatrist says he wants to help the victims of Ayres, and his testimony will blow a hole in Ayres' testimony about his training at Yale. He rightly believes that the prosecutor should do her prep work, and reach out to him. She has had his name and number and email for over six weeks now.

If she does not respond to the mother of the victim by next week, we may prevail upon some Websleuthers to email chief deputy DA Steve Wagstaffe in San Mateo.
Back in December, 2009 a contributor on the William Ayres blog posted investigative findings and interviews with doctors at Yale who debunked Ayres' assertion that a child psychiatrist there trained him to do physicals on kids. During the trial, the prosecutor on the Ayres case was reading the blog many times a day. The blog was most critical of Ayres and his lawyer and there were few criticisms of the prosecutor. No one knows what upset the prosecutor about the blog, but she must be thin skinned, because she told the mother of a victim that she was so upset by the blog that her husband took their computer out of the bedroom during the trial. (Why a prosecutor would confide this to a relative of a victim defies belief.) It wasn't as if the prosecutor was receiving daily death threats as say, New York City prosecutor Elizabeth Lederer did in the Central Park Jogger case, who had to walk past people yelling racial epithets at her on her way to the courthouse, and who were holding up signs saying "We know where you live."

After the trial, the prosecutor apparently stopped reading the Ayres blog, which is too bad, because they were doing great investigative work. Finally, in January, a mother of a victim alerted the prosecutor to the investigative work going on in the blog. Bizarrely, the prosecutor posted a comment on the blog. Among other things, she said that she had found the comments about her hurtful on the blog. She also asked whether Dr. Ayres' boss in Boston was still alive. Many wondered why she didn't just do a Google search herself to find out the answer. (Ayres' boss died over twenty years ago.)

Here's her odd comment from the Ayres blog in January, with also a link to the post she was responding to:

Melissa McKowan said...
Finally, someone has found something that MIGHT actually be admissible. Although all the statements about what Solnit would and wouldn't have done are completely hearsay and likely to be inadmissible, doctors from the same time period who had the same education course and specialties MIGHT be able to talk about what they did. The info about Garner (Ayres old boss), again, is not "attributed" to anyone. You indicate that he "says" he never did/was trained to/does exams, but how do you know this? Did he personally say it? Is he still alive? Can he be called as a witness? Or is this just another "assumption" you're making based on something "someone" said. I have spoken with the "famous Boston Reporter" and while he's working on some things (which he will pass along to me) he has yet to actually find any witnesses who can testify to any of this hearsay stuff either. Unfortunately, I can not use hearsay statements. Judge Baker told ME, unlike whoever keeps talking about what their records will show, said there are no records from that time period. The reporter is trying to help to see if that's true. I know it is fashionable on the blogs to discuss your findings and then blame the DA for not discovering these things ourselves. But take my word for it, any "credible" tip that has come in has been looked into. So far, until this particular unattributed blog entry, I have never seen any "independent investigation" that has led to the discovery of an actual witness. For instance, the three (not four) Judge Baker Graduates who would allegedly have debunked Ayres' statements about being trained there--did NOT confirm to the police or the DA what it was alleged in the blogs that they would say. One told me that she had told the reporter who talked to her that she didn't know anything about Ayres and was in school later than him and that although she could say SHE was never trained to give exams, she "couldn't say for sure what his training was." That is NOT helpful. Another one refused to testify and the last one is physically unable to travel and lives in Europe. The blogs through around a lot of claims but trust me, if you have an actual tip (like what I might be seeing here in this particular entry) and you think it might lead to a witness or admissible evidence, please call me and I will be happy to talk to you about why the "evidence" either is or isn't admissible. I have let everyone know that if you come up with anything, I will certainly follow up on it. Many People have chosen to write only on these blogs which, I must say, I NEVER read becuase of the false and hurtful comments that are frequently directed at me, my office and my investigator. the only reason I read this entry today is because one of the victim's mothers sent it to me indcating it finally looked like it might have some good info. She was right. Thank you Barbara. Whoever "Trapellar" is, if you want to call me and discuss your "findings", I would be happy to talk to you. Thrilled in fact. The only thing I know for sure is that I am deeply committed to convicting Dr. Ayres for what he did to the boys/men I came to know and adore during the trial. I am also a very competitive person who HATES to lose!! That said, I invite anyone with information that they think will be useful to call me directly at the DA's office (650-363-4774) and talk to me about it. I wish you all well and I hope that I am successful in our mutual goal of convicting a horrible child molester. Thank you. Melissa McKowan, SMC DA's Office
January 29, 2010 7:12 AM

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