CA CA - East Area Rapist aka The Original Night Stalker 1976-86

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This is fascinating. Maybe you can add serious illness to the reasons he may have gone dormant. I am eager to read more on this. Thanks!
This is fascinating. Maybe you can add serious illness to the reasons he may have gone dormant. I am eager to read more on this. Thanks!

Yay! Someone posted! :)

In case you missed the link up there this website is great:

He could have become terminally ill. He could have been hit by a car and is now a quadrapelgic. Something stopped him. I really don't think he would have stopped on his own but stranger things have happened. Denis Radar did but he wasn't quite as prolific. (don't tell him I said that - it would definitely hurt his feelings).

This man is a highly organized killer. The crime scenes, with the exception of one, were very organized, controlled, neat. That is in stark contrast to the crimes themselves which were brutal, violent and messy. He carefully researched his victims, seemed familar with their habits and targeted houses that were usually at the end of a block or dead end, close to a ditch which made for a quick get away on his bicycle.

He is so interesting because you can look at his history of crimes starting in the 60's and see the evolution of a killer. He went from ransacking people's houses for no reason, graduated to rape and ultimately became the most prolific serial rapist in CA history with over 50 rapes and then he graduated from rape to murder. It was not until the mid-90's LE figured out by use of DNA that The East Area Rapist and The Original Night Stalker were the same person.
I hope he died a miserable death long ago, but I believe only that would stop him. That recording of his calling and chanting "gonna kill you" to one of his victims is frightening.
I hope he died a miserable death long ago, but I believe only that would stop him. That recording of his calling and chanting "gonna kill you" to one of his victims is frightening.

It is seriously creepy on many levels. Could you imagine having been assaulted by this man and now he is calling you; knowing that he knows where you live - he knows your phone number and worse he is thinking about you???? It just gives me the heebie-jeebies. Apparently he did it to several victims but that was the only one that was left on an answering machine.
I agree, he was bold. By leaving the messages, he not only was taunting the victims, but also LE because he seemed pretty secure that they would not/could not find him.
It is seriously creepy on many levels. Could you imagine having been assaulted by this man and now he is calling you; knowing that he knows where you live - he knows your phone number and worse he is thinking about you???? It just gives me the heebie-jeebies. Apparently he did it to several victims but that was the only one that was left on an answering machine.
I have never heard any mention of LE trying to trace the calls. I would imagine he made them pay phones.

Seriously sick man that had/had an enormous need for power and control. When he was the EAR he would place a cup and saucer on the husband's back and tell him if he heard it rattle while he raped his wife he would kill them. When he moved on to becoming the ONS his mode of killing was brutal and viscious. It was obviously something he enjoyed doing. Beating your victims to death is a very messy and personal act. He had to have brought a change of clothes with him or something because he would have had blood all over him.
There is a thread about this guy but it never got much attention. I am going to venture to say it was because of the title of the thread; no one knew what ear-ons met. The first thing i thought of were plastic Vulcan ears. If a mod could merge the two threads that would be great.

Anyway, I have always been fascinated by this case. This guy is one of the most prolific serial rapists and killers in US history. He is especially interesting because you can see the evolution of a killer. He started out as "The Ransacker" where he would just break into people's homes and go through their stuff, then he escalated to rape and ultimately he escalated into a full fledged serial killer primarily targeting couples. It is obvious he stalked his victims before he attacked and he often kept up with them over the years by calling his rape victims and threatening them. He typically picked homes in a middle-class neighborhoods close to fields or ravines. It is thought he probably rode a bike to and from his crimes. When acting as the ONS he would bind the man and woman, sometimes forcing the man to bind his own wife and watch while she was raped. He killed his victims in a variety of ways. Some were bludgeoned to death while others were shot.

One of the creepier things this guy did was target a man who stood up during a town hall meeting expressing his doubt that one man could subdue another man and his wife. A few weeks later that very man was targeted, his wife raped, himself murdered. The EAR/ONS was at that town-hall meeting.

The one phone call he made to one of his rape victims was recorded on an answering machine. It is seriously creepy. It is in the link below.

It was not established until 2001 that the East Area Rapists and The Original Night Stalker were the same person. The crimes were linked through DNA. An astute detective assigned to the EAR always had a feeling his guy had moved to a different area and had graduated into a serial killer and he was right.

This is a great website with everything you ever wanted to know about EAR/ONS:

[ame][/ame] (original thread that went dead)
Ear/ons thread wants to know:

Why does no one read me? Why does no one feed me? Why does no one love me?

I even changed my name for you.
I too have found this case fascinating Gaia. I wonder if the reason he stopped is because he moved. One of the suspect descriptions states that he may have gone to U of CA Sacramento on a GI Bill. Maybe he had to do active military after that and either relocated or was killed in the Gulf war or something. Does the military take DNA from soldiers to make sure they don't have a criminal background? I would like to know more about possible suspects, as mentioned above.

I'd check the suicide rolls for guys matching this description around the year the rapes stopped.
I'd check the suicide rolls for guys matching this description around the year the rapes stopped.

The year the rapes stopped the murders started but I know whatcha mean. Thanks for posting!
We are VERY literal over here in the EAR/ONS thread. As you can see from all the action.
I find suicide a very unlikely outcome for a homicidal sociopath/psychopath, whereas suicide is a very high probability for a psychotic, of which EAR-ONS is not one. That does leave open the question of why his crimes stopped.

gaia, I like the pic in your sig. By the way, your link to the original thread leads to this one. I have been trying to locate the original one myself.
I find suicide a very unlikely outcome for a homicidal sociopath/psychopath, whereas suicide is a very high probability for a psychotic, of which EAR-ONS is not one. That does leave open the question of why his crimes stopped.

gaia, I like the pic in your sig. By the way, your link to the original thread leads to this one. I have been trying to locate the original one myself.

Haha - thanks! I am glad someone likes my pic!

I agree with you. I don't think this guy killed himself. I think he is too in love with himself to kill himself. He moved once. It is possible he moved again. I mentioned the Grim Sleeper attacks which started in the mid-80's in L.A. but it seems pretty likely that suspect is an African-American man.
In cases like this I am often reminded of BTK. Radar stopped killing suddenly and just led a seemingly 'normal' life. It is possible this guy did the same.

In response to Julessleuther's question I am pretty confident they did not take DNA samples from soldiers especially considering it would have been the late 80's early 90's and DNA was not really on the radar yet. It is encouraging LE has his DNA. This guy has been either incredibly careful or incredibly lucky.
We are VERY literal over here in the EAR/ONS thread. As you can see from all the action.

You are so funny gaia!

So sorry I don't post more...I'm stalking you and this thread though if that makes you feel any better. :blowkiss:

...I thought we did have another thread on this guy...I'm pretty sure I posted on that one A LOT, seriously, like one or two times at least, so there! :D
Haha - thanks! I am glad someone likes my pic!
Yes, and I love cats and highly respect Gandhi too, so we have a lot of likes in common.
I agree with you. I don't think this guy killed himself. I think he is too in love with himself to kill himself.
Yes, my layman's understanding of sociopaths is that they are conscienceless and highly narcissistic. They are not the slightest bit self-aware, but rather project their hatreds and faults onto others. People who kill themselves do so because they hate themselves, are depressed, can't go on, etc. A sociopath is far too self-involved to kill himself, although it's not unheard-of.
He moved once. It is possible he moved again. I mentioned the Grim Sleeper attacks which started in the mid-80's in L.A. but it seems pretty likely that suspect is an African-American man. In cases like this I am often reminded of BTK. Radar stopped killing suddenly and just led a seemingly 'normal' life. It is possible this guy did the same.
Grim Sleeper can't possibly be EAR-ONS in my view because the M.O. and victimology are different, and the offender is almost certainly black..
Maybe you're right in your thoughts on Rader. EAR-ONS could be one of those rare serial killers who has managed to control his compulsions all these years.
You are so funny gaia!

So sorry I don't post more...I'm stalking you and this thread though if that makes you feel any better. :blowkiss:

...I thought we did have another thread on this guy...I'm pretty sure I posted on that one A LOT, seriously, like one or two times at least, so there! :D

Having a stalker always makes me feel better and I can think of much worse stalkers to have. :)

I have searched for another thread and I can't find one. I believe you, I just can't find it. I made a second thread because I thought maybe changing the name from ear-ons to what it is now might garner a little more attention and then merged the two for me.
Hmmm, well goes to show you what a good sleuther I am! Here is another thread titled The Original Night Stalker. I would like to point out that HesterMofet (OP) was also surprised at the lack of press and attention. The last post was in 2007.

There is some interesting information in this thread. Dr. Doogie mentions a strong rumour that went around was the killer was in law enforcement.
Yes, and I love cats and highly respect Gandhi too, so we have a lot of likes in common.

Yes, my layman's understanding of sociopaths is that they are conscienceless and highly narcissistic. They are not the slightest bit self-aware, but rather project their hatreds and faults onto others. People who kill themselves do so because they hate themselves, are depressed, can't go on, etc. A sociopath is far too self-involved to kill himself, although it's not unheard-of.

Grim Sleeper can't possibly be EAR-ONS in my view because the M.O. and victimology are different, and the offender is almost certainly black..
Maybe you're right in your thoughts on Rader. EAR-ONS could be one of those rare serial killers who has managed to control his compulsions all these years.


Those are my thoughts exactly. I think he is extrememly narcissitic, socially awkward, has major entitlement issues, arrogant, blames all of his problems on others and I would venture to say he has some serious mama issues. A lot of anger directed towards women. I think his anger towards men stemmed from the fact these men were able to get these women, marry them whereas he had always felt rejected and rebuffed by women. Who knows, I could be totally off.


I love cats too. I have 4 of them or rather they have me....wrapped around their little puddy paws. The pic in my avatar is Everest my eldest at 10yrs old.
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