CA CA - East Area Rapist aka The Original Night Stalker 1976-86

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Screenshot from 2017-12-12 19-33-28.jpg These pouches were taken from a victim by EAR/ONS.


  • Screenshot from 2017-12-12 19-31-32.jpg
    Screenshot from 2017-12-12 19-31-32.jpg
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Those look like storage bags for fine china plates.

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You are right JBMom, those are china bags. The Crime Watch Daily Report also shows the same china set he stole from one of the victims, hoping someone recognizes it. I put a screen shot below, hopefully the file's not too large for you all.

The cold case detective seems to think the guy kept the china and will use it over the holidays, watching his family eat on it. He thinks the guy is successful and still lives in the Sacramento area, I'm not so sure.

If GSK is also the Visalia Ransacker, he was a prolific and skilled burglar and maybe supporting a drug habit that way, plus the countless hours stalking, casing, and harassing victims would seem to preclude any actual career. Also why was high school-type homework dropped at a crime scene along with creepy essays and fantasy maps? He may have an upper middle class background as the cold case detective speculates, but some of his early M.O. sounds like a drifter living out of his car. And if he's from Visalia (if his youthful offenses began here), that's not a wealthy upper class area.

Suspect could be a White Male incarcerated 1981-1985/6 in California for a major crime like rape, burglary, fencing, or drugs. That's likely a huge pool, but can be narrowed down by someone with a Visalia address between 1974-1975 and an East Sacramento address 1976-1979. Maybe also look at juvenile sex offenders in the Visalia area, late 1960s to early 70s.

The roving nature of the crimes in southern California could be a traveling salesman like the detective suggests but it could be a drifter or someone traveling longer distances to throw off suspicion,.



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Perp could be working/running a shop of sorts where various curio is sold. Maybe he steals some of the items like the dishes to bring/ send back to the business?
Maybe traveling is part of the job to look for a variety of items, maybe some items like coins and dishes are even requests made by unknowing clients?

The guy may even stockpile his " per diem " considering he eats at victim's homes and of course does not pay for the items he takes.
imo, speculation.
View attachment 127704 These pouches were taken from a victim by EAR/ONS.

A few days ago, my mother and I were talking about the case, and about the numerous items EAR/ONS stole from his victims. She was puzzled about the Noritake china, and why a young man would want that, or let alone, even know what it was back in the day. She related how it was so revered in the 70's as it was a popular china that you would give as a wedding gift, mother's day gift, or a birthday present for a female. She said at the time, it was so popular and known to be extremely expensive for just one set. She wondered if he stole more than one set, and if so, how he carried them away. I told her that a lot of the items he stole were trophies to keep, but the Noritake china set was something more than that–possibly a personal/emotional connection to it. He not only knew of the brand and value of the china, but had used it before in his personal life. Because of this, I stated to her that EAR/ONS probably never gave it away as a gift or sold it. But overall, I told her, next to his DNA, the Noritake china set is the biggest clue in this case as I then told my mom EAR/ONS could have come from an upscale or wealthy family that used this brand of china more frequently than just for special occasions and holidays.

Then the Crime Watch Daily videos released yesterday and the Noritake info in Part 2 was spot on with what I had told my mother. I showed her the videos and she was amazed. And it was interesting to learn the revelations about the quilted china containers–answering the question of how he was able to carry them away. Overall, I think my thought process is so spot on because I had a DNA test done a few years ago and found out I have the controversial 3-Repeat Warrior Gene on the X-chromosome (the genetic makeup and thought process of a serial killer) that causes extreme violence and anger in men. I got it from my mom who is maternally Sicilian, but I have never had anger issues, nor have I ever committed a crime. And I never got into fights in school. Lol.
Yes, I second/third/fourth/fifth the comments about these being fine china bags and the value/collectibility of these sets.

My father has a collection stored in pouches almost (if not exactly) like these. They were my stepmom's (she passed away several years ago, bless her), and I believe my stepmom received them from her mother. Family heirloom.

The video won't play for me (dangit!!!), but I've read that EAR/ONS allegedly stole fine china before. Were these pouches empty when they were found by police? Were they left in/near the home of one of his victims? Sorry if this has all been explained before and I missed it.

ETA: re-sharing the Facebook and video link from upthread

These pouches were taken from a victim by EAR/ONS.
The cop wondered how EAR/ONS transported the china from the victim's home. He talked to the victim and found out about the bags that the china was kept in. That is from a recent reinterview of a victim.

My theory on this is around the time he was stealing things to set up a home, he was also talking about a girlfriend. I think he used them with his new wife, then.
He was usually clean shaven but often didn't smell good like maybe his other hygiene was bad. Not sure what that would mean.
Thank you for refresher on the china/pouches background, colette! :)

The cop wondered how EAR/ONS transported the china from the victim's home. He talked to the victim and found out about the bags that the china was kept in. That is from a recent reinterview of a victim.

My theory on this is around the time he was stealing things to set up a home, he was also talking about a girlfriend. I think he used them with his new wife, then.
I hate putting it this way, but here in CA a lot of criminals and illegal immigrants worked in construction at that time. Law enforcement has also theorized that there might be a connection to construction. I think he was in some sort of manual labor job. In good shape as a result. His drawing of the neighborhood reminded me o something someone might reference when looking at a blueprint for a construction project. I think he likely exhibited deviant behavior long before The raped/murders and likely was left with job prospects that most prior convicts would have available. I don’t think think he was high class by any means or held an esteemed position socially. And he likely kept construction jobs bc possibly it allowed him to be a bit of a peeping Tom. Any jobs where he can look in on ppls lives and gain info - but im
thinking best he could do is high physical labor construction. Maybe some side odd residential/commercial jobs if he were able to keep up a normal facade long enough.
Just putting it out there for people who may not be aware that this guys appears to have been on some type of amphetamine when committing these crimes. Heres why:

Bad breath: this is a major issue with amphetamine use and very common for someone using Amphetamines to have incredibly putrid revolting breath.

Talking with clench jaw: typical for people who have large amounts of amphetamines in their system. He probably deliberately wanted to talk this way anyway to disguise his voice but it would have made it fairly easy considering his jaw would have wanted to stay clenched anyway due to the drug.

Small penis size and limp penis: this is a major issue for amphetamine use, a mans penis literally shrivels up and becomes tiny, maintaining an erection becomes almost impossible, and climaxing becomes an enormous effort(most people give up)

I did some research and Amphetamine use was huge in the time period that the EAR/ONS was around, here is an example:

If he was being prescribed amphetamines eg. Dexidrine or Dexamphetamine then I would be looking at Psychiatrists, otherwise he probably had contactswith drug dealers. Also alot of military tend to use them too.

He also did alot of his rape and murder sprees late at nighht, Amphetamines dont allow you to sleep amd increase your energy levels enormously.

In my oppinion he suffered from regular drug use, whether prescribed or recreational.

yup lots of meth also in the construction field. Long days and nights filled with physical exertion.
The foul odor thing is overblown. Only 3 or 4 victims mentioned the bad smell. It was probably from him running too hard and sweating.or crawling on dirt or something.
The foul odor thing is overblown. Only 3 or 4 victims mentioned the bad smell. It was probably from him running too hard and sweating.or crawling on dirt or something.

I agree on the odor thing. In fact, there was quite a bit of conversation on the old A&E board about the fact that, despite being quite close to the EAR, many victims did not note any smell at all, except the lotion he used. I remember doing some searches trying to link conditions that were correlated to non-secretor status and lack of b/o or sweat. I didn't find anything much at the time.
My theory on this is around the time he was stealing things to set up a home, he was also talking about a girlfriend. I think he used them with his new wife, then.

No offense, but it's not likely you could buy a house with the proceeds of random middle class burglaries, including china plates. Which would have to be fenced where you get maybe ten percent of the value. This guy didn't steal enough to do anything but support a drug habit maybe, a drifter lifestyle. He ignored a lot of loot in favor of raping and killing.

Did he have a girlfriend? He wandered around the houses, talking to himself. "I have to kill them both." He called up victims and harassed them. While it's not impossible some woman foolish enough hooked up with him, even got married, that is unlikely to be related to his compulsion to commit horrible crimes.

I have to go back to he was shot and killed or incarcerated for life or at least 30 years back in 1986. Or else he moved on to Arizona or Texas, Florida, the South. He seemed to prefer warmer climates, but not too hot. Santa Barbara (Goleta) has some of the mildest weather in the state. If he fled, he went to Mexico or more likely the southern US.
He didn't have to buy a house to set up a home. He could have had an apartment or given a home as a wedding present. There was a period where he was taking things that made it appear he was setting up his own place by what he took. Time will tell when he is outed.
Posted this on the Barry and Honey Sherman thread, maybe something can be gleaned about Ear, from this guy's persona?
This cat burglar , "Spider" stole high priced objects like coins and jewellery from homes, but also took odd items which were ultimately found stored at his mother's home.
[h=1]The Break-In Artist: The hunt for the cat burglar who terrorized Toronto’s wealthiest neighbourhoods[/h]“I just really hate this person.”By Malcolm Johnston | March 25, 2015
Meanwhile, a stranger, dressed in black and wearing a dark baseball hat, stood in her bedroom. He had scaled the backyard fence, then climbed up the cornerstones to the second storey, somehow swung onto the balcony and used a crowbar to pry open the window. He went to Sherry’s closet first, then her husband’s, dumping drawers full of jewellery and valuables into a backpack. He went through the master bathroom, their son’s room and the spare bedroom, and rifled through the linen closet. He then walked calmly down the stairs, his bag bulging with over $100,000 in rings, watches, diamond and pearl necklaces, collectible coins, and more.

The jewellery was replaceable, but in the drawers the robber had emptied were macaroni necklaces from her kids, their first teeth and first curls, christening crosses, baby photos—invaluable to her and completely worthless to a thief.

Over the years, Gagnon has sold coffins, worked construction, run a limo business, made custom decorative iron railings and protective window bars for homeowners concerned about security (the irony runs thick), and aspired to open a juice bar. He is also an amateur inventor, mostly of sexual devices.

At his farmhouse outside Bradford, they found what looked like a scene out of Ocean’s Eleven: articulating cameras, a climbing rope, a parabolic listening device, lock-picking manuals, an assortment of bump keys and lock-picking equipment, balaclavas, grinders, hatchets and crowbars, much of it stuffed into backpacks as ready-to-go B&E kits. They also found a vast collection of expensive watches, antique coins, jewellery, silverware and war medals
When police showed up to search the place, his mother opened the door and said, “I’ve been expecting you boys.” On the property, police recovered coins, war medals and silverware stored inside plastic bins.
Shortly after the arrest, York Region police visited Tony and Sherry at their home in Thornhill with photographs of the recovered loot. Most of it could’ve belonged to anyone—Tiffany bracelets and generic pearl necklaces—but three items made Sherry jump: “My topaz ring, my white filigreed cross, and my green ribbon necklace that’s so ugly and one-of-a-kind. I know for a fact that they’re mine. No one would’ve wanted them.”
Ever heard of this guy? He just got arrested December 12th for the 1980 murder of 14 year old Suzanne Bombardier in Antioch, CA. Definitely a scary predator, who knows what all he has been up to since 1980, and before that. I will refer to him as MB.

He is the right age to be EAR/ONS, but I don't know anything about his past. Just throwing it out there to you all. Thoughts?

If I look at the following two links side by side in two windows, I feel MB resembles this sketch of EAR/ONS. Especially keeping in mind that MB would have been roughly in his early 20s at the time the sketch would have drafted. What do you think about the eye shape, eyebrow shape, chin, cheek bones, nose and mouth?
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