CA CA - East Area Rapist aka The Original Night Stalker 1976-86

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He went away summers. So lived with his parents while in community college or university? Went on vacation with the folks? He said he got thrown out of the service. Possibly true? Good with guns.....and he may have had that odd genetic abnormality with high pitched voice and undersized privates. How many service men thrown out around the time he began could fit that bill?
Monday March 5th at 9 on ID a 2 part series is airing about this case…
Great news! I noticed it runs parts 1&2, 9-10pm and 10-11pm, Monday, March 5th, and the same for parts 3&4, 9-10pm and 10-11pm, Tues, March 6th on ID. Thanks ElisaAnn & Jerrod!
This is really creepy, wondering if other women or men for that matter, had something similar happen at work, but failed to report it because they had not been victimized ?
speculation, imo.

Katie Maggiore had reported stalking incidents occurring at her work in the months leading up to her murder. She told a co-worker that a blue VW occupied by a white male would park across the street from her workplace — the Regal gas station on Folsom Blvd. — and watch her. Following repeated events, she finally decided to confront the man after he’d just spent two hours watching her, but the man drove off as she was crossing the street in his direction. Once she returned to the business, the subject reappeared a couple of hours later. Katie quit her job shortly after this stalking event. In addition, Katie and the same co-worker were receiving calls from an unknown male subject who said, “Your turn is coming.”
There has to be a woman who knows he is a stalker of women and has not made the connection yet. I feel it's only a matter of time. I also think there might be early rapes of someone he actually knew. There was serial rapist (similar to EAR/ONS) when caught, was found he had raped his girlfriend's niece. He wore a ski mask and disguised his voice.

Yeah, this is strange because it's mostly exactly in line with ear/ons general behavior, but I don't remember ever hearing about it happening at places of employment--as far as I knew, ear/ons stalking and phone calls were always focused around future victims' residences.

Prior to this I wasn't aware (or had forgotten) that Katie was being stalked. I'm wondering: There is the theory that Brian and Katie were murdered because they happened upon ear/ons while he was prowling and one or both of them recognized him... I generally read that as they "recognized" him in the sense that they knew him personally and by name.

But it could be that they were murdered because when they happened upon ear/ons Katie recognized him, not by name or personal connection, but as her stalker.

That doesn't make any MORE sense than the personal connection theory, but I feel like it makes a roughly equal amount of sense, and would also explain why ear/ons couldn't be narrowed down by reviewing Brian and Katie's circles for possible suspects.

Sorry if it has been covered but I am curious as to peoples opinions if the EAR was also the Visalia Ransacker. Based on eyewitness descriptions my instinct is that we are dealing with two different offenders. Michelle's book is very good. It is not the first I have read on this case. The fact that EAR and VR have eluded justice this long is infuriating. Hoping the renewed media coverage jogs someones memory. These men obviously interacted with people day to day. Nothing ever stood out to other people? Were they that good at masking their true identities?

Yeah, this is strange because it's mostly exactly in line with ear/ons general behavior, but I don't remember ever hearing about it happening at places of employment--as far as I knew, ear/ons stalking and phone calls were always focused around future victims' residences.

Prior to this I wasn't aware (or had forgotten) that Katie was being stalked. I'm wondering: There is the theory that Brian and Katie were murdered because they happened upon ear/ons while he was prowling and one or both of them recognized him... I generally read that as they "recognized" him in the sense that they knew him personally and by name.

But it could be that they were murdered because when they happened upon ear/ons Katie recognized him, not by name or personal connection, but as her stalker.

That doesn't make any MORE sense than the personal connection theory, but I feel like it makes a roughly equal amount of sense, and would also explain why ear/ons couldn't be narrowed down by reviewing Brian and Katie's circles for possible suspects.

Thinking that maybe Katie did recognize him as she apparently previously crossed the street in front of her workplace to confront him before he took off.
Wondering if he was planning to attack her on the evening that she was shot, but instead was caught off guard when she and her husband were walking the dog?
Did they usually walk the dog at that time or was the perp's timing thrown off because the M couple's schedule changed, perhaps because Katie had quit her job?
speculation, imo.
Thinking that maybe Katie did recognize him as she apparently previously crossed the street in front of her workplace to confront him before he took off.
Wondering if he was planning to attack her on the evening that she was shot, but instead was caught off guard when she and her husband were walking the dog?
Did they usually walk the dog at that time or was the perp's timing thrown off because the M couple's schedule changed, perhaps because Katie had quit her job?
speculation, imo.

If she watched him for long lengths of time and getting so upset about it then I am not sure why she didnt call LE to have them approach his car and talk to him before he drove off.

LE could have snuck up on him before he drove away. It sounded like he drove off as she was approaching him on foot but if she would have just called LE and had them approach him they may have caught the guy.

Of course she didnt know he was a killer at that point but she was worried about it a lot and I would have thought she would have called LE,

I havent read all there is to read about this case so maybe she did call LE while she was watching him watch her but I didnt see where she did that. That is the part that confuses me. Because if I was that worried about him I think I would have chosen to call LE on him instead of me going over to a strangers car.

This guy was really bold and scary. I could see why some think he may have been LE. One of the articles I read thought he was a painter working in construction painting commercially. That sounds like a good theory too.

I think LE was just so embarrased they didnt catch him which makes them hesitant to bring up the old investigation much. They really should have nailed this guy as he seemed everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

What a scary case.
This is a great website link below on the case that was provided near the beginning of the thread. I will have to find time to go through much more of the tabs in this link below.

I listened to his voice and OMG he was really scary and sick. The poor people who were threatened must have been terrified.

Thanks everyone for the interest in this case. It really is an amazingly complex and scary case. Right up my alley :)

I recently watched a TV special on the Cecil Hotel and they talked about how Richard Ramirez may have stayed there during some of his killings. Richard was also called the Night Stalker and that always confuses me with this case. I guess that is why they add "Original" to the front as this thread is about the original Night Stalker and Ramirez case was the Night Stalker that followed years later.

I remember following in the news live when the hunt was on for Ramirez and they tracked him down and some people in the public tackled him. He was another one that was not going to stop killing till LE stopped him.
Sorry if it has been covered but I am curious as to peoples opinions if the EAR was also the Visalia Ransacker. Based on eyewitness descriptions my instinct is that we are dealing with two different offenders. Michelle's book is very good. It is not the first I have read on this case. The fact that EAR and VR have eluded justice this long is infuriating. Hoping the renewed media coverage jogs someones memory. These men obviously interacted with people day to day. Nothing ever stood out to other people? Were they that good at masking their true identities?


I do think Visalia Ransacker and EAR/ONS are the same guy.

The descriptions, to me, are pretty similar except possibly the age, and for what it's worth I think EAR/ONS was a little older than a lot of people do.

Specifically, I think EAR/ONS was most likely born in 1951 or 1952, which would make him 22-24 years old at the time of the Visalia Ransacker crimes--not far from the low end of the estimated 25-35.

(To be clear, my estimated age of EAR/ONS is NOT because I have a particular suspect in mind--I don't have one).
Thinking that maybe Katie did recognize him as she apparently previously crossed the street in front of her workplace to confront him before he took off.
Wondering if he was planning to attack her on the evening that she was shot, but instead was caught off guard when she and her husband were walking the dog?
Did they usually walk the dog at that time or was the perp's timing thrown off because the M couple's schedule changed, perhaps because Katie had quit her job?
speculation, imo.

I personally don't think he was planning on attacking Katie on that evening specifically. But I don't have a particular reason for that, it's just a gut feeling and obviously impossible to know either way.

One thing to note (that may or may not relate to the above) is that Brian and Katie lived in an apartment. At that point, EAR/ONS as far as I know had never attacked anyone in an apartment, although he did shortly afterward.

I don't think that has anything to do with whether he was planning on attacking Katie that particular evening, but what I realized it very well COULD relate to is why he would be stalking and calling Katie at work (as opposed to at home, which is what EAR/ONS usually did)--he probably couldn't access their apartment or their mail to figure out who they were.

As far as I know though it's possible that he could access their mail/apartment, I have no knowledge of that either way. I'm just speculating on account of mail, and in many cases the residences themselves, being harder to access at apartments than at standalone homes.
I personally don't think he was planning on attacking Katie on that evening specifically. But I don't have a particular reason for that, it's just a gut feeling and obviously impossible to know either way.

One thing to note (that may or may not relate to the above) is that Brian and Katie lived in an apartment. At that point, EAR/ONS as far as I know had never attacked anyone in an apartment, although he did shortly afterward.

I don't think that has anything to do with whether he was planning on attacking Katie that particular evening, but what I realized it very well COULD relate to is why he would be stalking and calling Katie at work (as opposed to at home, which is what EAR/ONS usually did)--he probably couldn't access their apartment or their mail to figure out who they were.

As far as I know though it's possible that he could access their mail/apartment, I have no knowledge of that either way. I'm just speculating on account of mail, and in many cases the residences themselves, being harder to access at apartments than at standalone homes.

Good point about the apartment.

I would think it would be much harder to not be seen by other people when trying to get into or near a specific apartment unit rather than a house on a street.

This is a really good point. It shows how he was getting bolder and bolder over time as he progressed from rapist to murderer. From houses to apartments too.
I do think Katie and her husband saw EAR/ONS in the bushes peeping (a witness sais he was near the bushes) and recognized him as her stalker. That is why he made sure to gun her down after he killed her husband. I also think the Ransacker is EAR/ONS. There are too many similarities even taking 1 earing from victims/homes.
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