CA CA - East Area Rapist aka The Original Night Stalker 1976-86

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I've followed this case for more than ten years and find it quite chilling and fascinating. Recently, an author has done an analysis of this case and has posted an essay/report of his findings on his website. I'm not sure about linking rules here, but if you Google 'quester files' and ear ons, you'll find it. He is an unusual writer/investigator and is interested in bigfoot and the Bermuda triangle, but it surprisingly analytical and diligent in his approach. He also has some interesting YouTube ear/ons vids under his name too. Btw. I'm not affiliated with him in any way!
He does, in fact, have some of the best actual information on the case, compiled from a variety of sources, that ring true to a local (like me), when so many other folks misunderstand the neighborhoods/geography of Northern California.
I especially found his theory of the Magliore murders interesting. It is often opined that the EAR had an accomplice/lookout/partner in crime because of the Magliore murders and the witnesses giving a completely different description of the perpetrator than all of the other EAR victims. I find Quester's theory as plausible as any in explaining how a bigger, and completely different looking dude was witnessed chasing down the Maglores and executing them while police later found some of the EAR's "kit" in the same vicinity. The EAR's MO was completely different, and the few times he was foiled during an attack, he would rough the person up after tying them up (so he could put some space between him and the location of the crime before police could be contacted), and then poof, he would be gone in the night. This is far different than what the Magliore's murderer did, which was to chase them both, through multiple peoples' yards, by a couple witnesses, before executing them both, in separate sides of the same backyard in front of yet another witness.
This is far different than what the Magliore's murderer did, which was to chase them both, through multiple peoples' yards, by a couple witnesses, before executing them both, in separate sides of the same backyard in front of yet another witness.
My belief is that the Magliores recognized EAR/ONS as someone they knew and put 2 and 2 together while out walking. EAR/ONES could not let either of them live, that is why they were both chased down and killed. He did not kill another witness because the guy did not know him and could only give a description. As far as 2 guys involved in the crime: IMO one was the killer, the other just a witness. EAR/ONES acted alone, he was out prowling that night when discovered by the Magliores.
My belief is that the Magliores recognized EAR/ONS as someone they knew and put 2 and 2 together while out walking. EAR/ONES could not let either of them live, that is why they were both chased down and killed. He did not kill another witness because the guy did not know him and could only give a description. As far as 2 guys involved in the crime: IMO one was the killer, the other just a witness. EAR/ONES acted alone, he was out prowling that night when discovered by the Magliores.
While I agree that is possible, and I also agree that eyewitness accounts and descriptions, especially in fast moving and traumatic events, can vary widely from person to person, the two solid eyewitness descriptions of the shooter of the Magliores reads to me like a different person.
That said, one person saw the shooter from above, and the other was just a (smaller presumably) kid. So, while it is possible that perception made the shooter look more robust, older, and darker in complection, than other descriptions of the EAR, is it not possible that the shooter and the EAR are two different people?
I think so. Not that it really matters because, of all the EAR/ONS cases, specifically the murders that are still prosecutable, this and the shooting in Visalia would have the least amount of physical evidence directly tying a suspect to the murder (it would have to be some sort of ballistics match as any DNA found on the "kit" of bindings found in the area would be circumstantial).
For the record, I do agree that the EAR/ONS acted alone. Talk of him having an occasional accomplice/lookout/partner in crime is pretty unbelievable for a variety of reasons. I think if we are to lend credit to eyewitness descriptions at all, though, we have to at least acknowledge that it is possible that the Magilores were killed, as you said, because they happened across their killer doing something that necessitated (in the shooter's judgement) their elimination, probably because the shooter saw them observe something he was doing, and he realized that they recognized him. Meanwhile the EAR (who may or may not be the shooter) was also prowling in the same area, an area he had struck in before multiple times, recognized that he would likely be blamed for the killing because of the "kit" LE found in the same area (as well as his presumed lack of alibi, his transportation being seen in the area, or any number of other circumstantial factors that would make him look guilty, when he may not have been.)
Anyway, this would explain the difference in descriptions between the shooter and the EAR... But so does stress... And confusion.. And perception of the eyewitness... As I said, it's plausible.. But irrelevant in terms of proving the ID of the EAR.
So glad I found this thread... I will go over it when I have time... its the most fascinating unsolved serial killer case in my opinion.

What are people general thoughts on the type of knot (Diamond knot) that he used to bound his victims with? I wonder if he learned it in the boy scouts or perhaps military.... or if he painstakingly learned how to professional tie that knot to throw investigators off?

I still lean to the former
What are people general thoughts on the type of knot (Diamond knot) that he used to bound his victims with? I wonder if he learned it in the boy scouts or perhaps military.... or if he painstakingly learned how to professional tie that knot to throw investigators off?

I still lean to the former

Back when EAR/ONS first started raping, macramé was really popular. My feeling is he learned macramé, but could have learned knots in cubs scouts as a start.
So linking the Maggiore murders to EAR tells me that the Maggiore's knew Ear by name, that is why they were killed and not the other young man/witness. I have felt this all along but there was no evidence.

Here is the link to submit a tip to the air force investigators:
It is not clear that there is anything new here. It is good to know that another law enforcement agency is still in this. This is probably the "hottest" active unsolved Serial Killer case in the US. There is a great deal of evidence including the killer's DNA but, officially at least, no suspects.

The Maggiore Murders are a "mystery within the mystery" and may either be the key to solving the case or a "red herring" that has distorted the investigation.

During the time Sacramento was on high alert due to the East Area Rapist, who broke into suburban houses to commit a series of rapes, an unusual double murder occurred within a block of the original EAR rape and at the center of one "cluster" of these rapes. The murders involve a young Air Force MP and his wife who were out for an evening walk near their home. They appear to have been confronted by their assailant who shot both of them and then chased them into a yard and shot both of the enough to be sure they were dead. Only one gun was used but two men were seen by multiple witnesses leaving the scene and composite sketches were obtained.

This did not appear to be a random shooting. The shooter clearly wanted both of them dead. This was a middle class suburban neighborhood with very little crime. The shooting was in no way like the EAR cases but near the scene of the shooting was found two shoe laces tied together in a manner very much like some of the shoe laces used in the EAR rapes.

It has not been reported what Sgt. Maggiore did at the Local Air Force Base but Any MP is likely to make enemies. There were some high level investigations going on involving Drug Smuggling but as a 21 year old Sgt., he would not be a key player in such an investigation. The "clean cut" appearance of the two men leaving the scene suggested "military" at a time when long hair was quite common. Air Force investigators have never made an arrest.

Some Sacramento Co. Sherif investigators believed the killings involved something "on base". Others were not so sure. The shooter clearly wanted Mrs. Maggiore dead and she was not in the Air Force or otherwise involved in any of her husband's work.

The possible explanations are:

The Maggiore killing had nothing to do with EAR. The location and the Shoelaces were just coincidences.

EAR was out prowling the neighborhood and encountered the Maggiore's WHO HE KNEW. He killed them to prevent them from reporting him. This would not explain the two men leaving the scene as only one man was involved in the EAR rapes. It is possible that the second guy was some sort of "accompanist". Possibly one guy was EAR and the other was just a guy out for a walk who heard the gun shots and just wanted to get away without getting involved. The two men left in different directions and witnesses never placed them together. If this was the case, Law Enforcement had no idea which one was the real EAR. Once the composites of both men were released to the public and were in every newspaper and all of the local TV news reports, you would expect the innocent guy to come forward. He never did.

A third theory is that one of the men killed the Maggories for some reason unrelated to EAR. At the same time, the real EAR was on the prowl very nearby. When he heard the gun shots, he knew police would come around shortly. He ditched the shoe laces and left quickly.

Law Enforcement never had a real description of EAR because he wore a mask but they had a good idea of his hight and build and one of the mystery men was consistent with that description.

After the Maggiore killings, finding the two men became the focal point of the investigation. There was another rape soon after killings, but once the composites were released, the Rapes in Sacramento County ended (and moved to Contra Costa County).

Interestingly, Mrs Maggiore's mother reported that she had complained to her about how she and her husband were having "trouble" with some guy they knew. She could furnish no details.

Also, it seems like there were two things going on. There is the sexual part of the rape. Where the EAR seemed to have trouble with limpness and .... And there was the domination and terror which the EAR did not seem to have any problem with. The EAR would seem to be a likely candidate for BDSM. And not just some weekend warrior but possibly a well respected and revered member of clubs. I would like to ask if it matters who the EAR was terrorizing, whether male or female, does the sex even matter to him. If he knew your worst fear, reagardless if he enjoyed it or not, wouldnt that be the one he would choose. A women violated while the man watched or listened, helpless to save her. Knowing that their lives would somehow be frozen in that moment. Could the ear have even been gay? Or bi-sexual? And trying to get his own revenge against the "breeders"? San Francisco was having riots during this period.

Drugs. Mermelstein. Hetrick. Jones.

Could any of the above help to explain what happened?

I jumped on this thread a couple of days ago after a long hiatus from WS-- I'm a native Sacramentan/Carmichaelite so I naturally checked here to see the progress on this case-- thank you all for the links and tips toward media sources.

I realize, again (as I felt this back then too), that I am probably a peer (in the same age group) of this rapist/murderer... It's easy for my senses to go right back to those times and the atmosphere that permeated my neighborhoods.

Having spent the last couple of days watching the documentaries and reading Sudden Terror, I have come away with a distinct impression of this dude. The whole middle class thing, knowing the manners in those neighborhoods are "not to butt in" and "don't be nosy," he knew he wouldn't be looked at or searched for-- and he was right. Knew everyone was conserving energy, turning off lights, especially exterior lights... Let's just say I kind of feel like I know him, went to school with him, perhaps not actually, but his social "type."

Here's my basic synopsis: He was raised in a very dysfunctional upper middle class home; his mother was dominant and I think she sexually abused him, and often. He hated his father for being an ineffectual witness to the sexual relationship going on, he couldn't do anything about it "his hands were tied." Perhaps the abuse even went on right next to him in the same bed, and his father "just laid there."

The homosexual ideas don't ring true to me, as a matter of fact, the entire sexual act seems to be a scene from his past that's replayed over and over (captured while asleep, subdued, positioned on the stomach, threatened, then onto the back, then removed to another room and onto the stomach again, lotion, masturbation, make her do it, then onto her back... and so on. Methodical, unchanging, and since it was there from the very beginning, I feel the ritual was the impetus for the invasions, not the sex.

Actually, I get the feeling he might have even been asexual outside of these attacks-- he was sexually inept, at best, barely even penetrated the women, but when he did it was at the same moments in the ritual. He did not exude sexual power, it was rage, terror, and many times, anguish (the sobbing and crying at the end of it all).

I think the whole thing for him, psychologically, was about correcting his role in the play: he as the ******er not the ******ee; he as the power, not the powerless, and when he included the men, it was to humiliate and demasculate them-- render them worthless.

There are a few things that puzzled me along the way: the variety of vehicles that seemed to be associated with his prowling and his get aways-- at first I thought a mechanic who used the cars in for repairs, then after I learned he wore mostly dress socks (very weird for a college aged guy at that time) I thought used cars salesman.

My feeling is that when he went to Goleta and graduated to murder, it was in effort to make it all stop. To end it. The first victims were execution style-- shot in the head, the man on his knees... And then another attack, the ritual was abbreviated and erratic, and the true rage came through as over the top (loss of control) bludgeonings. This erratic style and bludgeoning continued in the next five break-ins and murders. Then they stopped, the last one after a 5 year break.

My feeling is that it may be possible that the psycho-drama played out in all the EAR/ONS rapes and murders may have been satisfied. His rage-filled bludgeonings releasing all the pent up residual hatred.

I don't believe he stopped prowling, and perhaps burgling-- because I think there was a huge satisfaction in violating the sense of security in those nice neighborhoods (they were never safe for him). I think he's out there and operating on such a different modus operandi that he's off the radar, even if he's on it (the "petty" crimes that don't get investigated by police). I believe he's safe now, in that he'll never go to jail, but he's still getting some satisfaction against the communities that let him down.

I don't know who he is, but as technology progresses to the point that dna is used for all kinds of common identifications (better than any fingerprint, it will happen), they'll find him. The layers of his facade will be stripped away leaving him exposed to the only thing the cops have on him, dna. (shoot, even a close relative's dna could expose him)

There. Now I've got this out of my system, I'm going back to read the last few pages of this thread!

My Opinion Only :moo:
Not much of what we see here on this site scares me but this case is genuinely frightening. I am very suprised this forum does not have multiple threads concerning this case as EAR/ONS is without a doubt the most rampant offenders never caught.

I realize, again (as I felt this back then too), that I am probably a peer (in the same age group) of this rapist/murderer... It's easy for my senses to go right back to those times and the atmosphere that permeated my neighborhoods.
So what is your opinion as to the location of his home/work? I mean I know he started in Visalia (or at least that is the common wisdom these days.) But much has been made of him possibly going to Rio Americano HS or Del Campo HS (my money is on Jesuit HS and playing or being associated with a sports team where he may have traveled to the other High Schools for games and liked what he saw), but what do you think of him graduating from Cordova High and then going to work as a mechanic then the military or something...? Just curious...

Here's my basic synopsis: He was raised in a very dysfunctional upper middle class home; his mother was dominant and I think she sexually abused him, and often. He hated his father for being an ineffectual witness to the sexual relationship going on, he couldn't do anything about it "his hands were tied." Perhaps the abuse even went on right next to him in the same bed, and his father "just laid there.".
I don't know about the sex abuse by mom. Though I could see it by dad, or an aquaintence, followed by absent dad (because of work?), and emasculating unpleasable mom. But I digress...
Some sort of patriarchichal indoctrination took place though. He obviously didn't care much for women, and this would be why I'm a proponent of him living the the so called "Del Dayo" area... And attending Jesuit HS, possibly being abused at school or church. Catholic doctrine/education at that time especially, presented a pleathory of contradictory lessons if a priest, or other male authority figure was abusing him.

There are a few things that puzzled me along the way: the variety of vehicles that seemed to be associated with his prowling and his get aways-- at first I thought a mechanic who used the cars in for repairs, then after I learned he wore mostly dress socks (very weird for a college aged guy at that time) I thought used cars salesman.

My feeling is that when he went to Goleta and graduated to murder, it was in effort to make it all stop. To end it. The first victims were execution style-- shot in the head, the man on his knees... And then another attack, the ritual was abbreviated and erratic, and the true rage came through as over the top (loss of control) bludgeonings. This erratic style and bludgeoning continued in the next five break-ins and murders. Then they stopped, the last one after a 5 year break.
I think he might have been an overachieving lackie at a service station/garage that was open late... At least to start


I don't know who he is, but as technology progresses to the point that dna is used for all kinds of common identifications (better than any fingerprint, it will happen), they'll find him. The layers of his facade will be stripped away leaving him exposed to the only thing the cops have on him, dna. (shoot, even a close relative's dna could expose him)

There. Now I've got this out of my system, I'm going back to read the last few pages of this thread!

My Opinion Only :moo:
Only problem with increases in dna sensitivity is that, in cases as old as this, I'm sure they will find a handful of officers' dna, as well as the suspect's possibly... And familial matches, while they could be instructive, it also reminds me of Orwell's 1984.
It doesn't matter about any law enforcement dna at the scenes, they have the killer's dna. They have had it for years. As far as familial dna, I'm all for it. It helped catch the grim sleeper Lonnie Franklin jr, serial killer.
There hasn't been much Websleauth interest in this case but there is a lot of information out there if you dig around. There are also three books on the subject.

He started in suburban Sacramento County as a rapist but moved to other parts of Northern Calif then moving to Southern Calif where he became a killer. He started out attacking women who were alone then he started targeting couples where he restrained the male while raping the woman. It is very likely that including a male in his assault was part of his "kick" and not just an MO.

He developed a technique of selecting victims in neighborhoods where there were routes into and out of that a vehicle could not use. This allowed him to enter and leave a neighborhood discreetly and an escape route if Law Enforcement were to arrive. He would then become very familiar with a neighborhood and the comings and goings of people who lived near his target. He would also break into the home of the target to be familiar with who lived in the household, the layout, the existence of a weapon in advance of his assault. This careful planning is probably the reason he wasn't caught.

Before the Sacramento Co rapes began, there were series of "sexual burglaries" in the town of Visalia, 100 miles to the south. The break-ins were similar but the description of the perpetrator is someone rather "husky" while EAR/ONS was described as trim and athletic. Some in Law Enforcement still believe they are connected.

He probably lived:

in the eastern suburbs of Sacramento prior to 1976 until the Summer of 1978,

Somewhere along the Hwy 680 corridor of Contra Costa county from the fall of 1978 until the Summer of 1979

Coastal Santa Barbara county from the fall of 1979 until spring of 1980

The Irving area of Orange County from the Summer of 1980 until at least the spring of 1981 and possibly as late as 1986 or later. His last know crime was in Irving in 1986.

He appears to have resumed his activities after his move to the Santa Barbara area but something went wrong during an assault on 12/30/79 and he ended up killing a couple after the male put up effective resistance. After that, he killed all of his victims.

Law Enforcement was unaware that the Southern Calif crimes were connected to each other or to the Northern Calif crimes (which were known to be linked and named the EAR) until 2001 when an early comparison of DNA from unsolved rapes and murders was compared.

Because there is DNA, the case is still very much solvable and it is considered by many to be the "biggest" unsolved serial killer manhunt from that era. The perpetrator is probably around 60 +or_ a few years so he is probably alive but his DNA hasn't come up from any crime after 1986 or in any of the expanding data bases of DNA collected from people with felony convictions. Is it possible that after a 10 year reign of terror, he has stayed out of trouble for 30 years?

EAR/ONS is not only a target of amateur sleuths around the world but State and Federal investigations are still active and groups of retired California detectives have been very involved.

A great deal of information is out there including a pretty consistent composite of what he looked like in the 1970's. The basic approach is to identified men who looked somewhat like the guy did in the 70's, lived in the Sacramento area at the time and otherwise fits the pattern. A surprising number have be found but were eliminated by DNA. There are said to be more who are still being looked at.

Also Intriguing is an open investigation by the Air Force into the Maggiore killing.

It is very possible someone will realize that they know or knew someone who fit the basic pattern and decides to "drop a dime" i.e. make the phone call that will blow this wide open.
One problem is there's about 8 sketches of this guy and none of them look alike.
There hasn't been much Websleauth interest in this case but there is a lot of information out there if you dig around. There are also three books on the subject.

I have this case as #6 on my classic top (eventualy 1000+) unsolved list, after Cleveland Torso, Jack the Ripper, Texarkana Phantom, Black Dahlia and Jack the Stripper.

If he is also the Visalia Ransacker then he must have gone on a diet and gotten into shape around 1976.
Would love to see this case solved. He had a lot of good luck not getting caught, sad for the victims. There are a few websites and many YouTube videos devoted to this case for anyone interested.
I have read about this guy for a few years now but I'm really digging in at the moment and he is such a prolific guy. I can't wait for him to be caught, if ever he is, to see if the profiles people have offered are legit.

While the exact age hasn't been determined, the fact that he was relatively young makes it even more interesting to me because he was really rather "mature" in his tactics. There is a level of intellect that makes his crimes even more daunting.

Again, I can't wait for him to be caught. Not just for closure for all the many victims and their families but also so we can study this creature. Where did he come from and where has he gone?
Not much of what we see here on this site scares me but this case is genuinely frightening. I am very suprised this forum does not have multiple threads concerning this case as EAR/ONS is without a doubt the most rampant offenders never caught.

I'm only just seeing this now but I completely agree with you.
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