CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST* #2

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Best comment ever from someone on Facebook:

"Haha, you can run but you can't change your DNA!"
Me might be exhausted AND medicated, since he's on suicide watch. ... Annnnnnnd malingering.

I don’t think he was faking. I think he was legitimately out of it. Don’t know if he’s refusing to eat, if they have him meds so he would, other issues. Maybe an act put on... but nah he seemed physically ouuuut of it.


Screen shots I just took. The man seemed OUT OF IT. The better not let him die on us!!!!!!!

Literally like an 80 year old or older with dementia or on deaths door. Maybe he is weak? I don’t know but the man is not okay and I need them to make him okay so he can sit trial!!!!!!

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His safe little world he was living in came crashing down around him.......50 rapes/12 murders & a ton of burglaries are heavy secrets to keep inside, & now he knows the entire world knows who he is.

He's probably more in shock of getting caught then we are of seeing him caught. He did a lot of evil deeds, & maybe he's not ready to cope with reality of getting caught.
The way his attorney patted him makes me sick. Like HE needs comforting!

I'm trying to remind myself everyone deserves equal representation and blah, blah, blah, but.. (can't finish my sentence without unleashing a stream of profanities).
A wheelchair, really? Hadn't heard any mention of him using one prior. He looked potentially sedated. How would you like to be the public defender who gets that case. I wonder if he will end up retaining a private attorney. Probably some attention-seeking Marc Geragos type will take him on pro bono.

Anyhow, I've never wanted to punch someone in a wheelchair before, but today was a first.

Yeah, I think it was all a big act to seem pitiable, ohhh, the poor helpless old man. Remember when he screamed and begged "oh my god, don't hurt me, don't hurt me" super pathetically at Officer McGowan and then SHOT AT him? Yeah, I think the wheel chair and the frail voice and the eyes he can barely keep open are all an act.
Did my eyes deceive me or did he indeed have part of his finger missing on his right hand? Or maybe he just had his hand in a weird position.
You don’t think that was an act?

You need to listen. The judge asked him something and he literally doesn’t seem to get it. I think she put her arm on him because he is out of it and she is trying to make sure he understands completely. Seriously tho. Check it out. Who knows. He’s awful.

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Exactly. This is either an act or he's in shock and sedated? I'm sure this is a huge shock. He thought he was home free and nothing would be found until after he died. The way they found him was so out of the ordinary, everyone is stunned. I can only imagine how he felt. Some distant relative inputting their DNA in to an open source database and LE tracing him? (I am wondering if that is where the tip came from, they got the hit and then contacted that distant relative for more information about his family tree?).

If he thinks he is going to get any sympathy from anybody? He's dreaming.

Right! No sympathy. What a monster! I am dying to know about the connection too. Someone uploads their DNA probably doesn't even know the guy and what a can of worms he or she opened (a good one but wow what a shock). I have heard DNA horror stories but this one takes the cake. I feel so badly for his sister and family. I can't even imagine. I have some distant cousins I don't know at all. I can't even imagine how it must feel to upload your DNA, trying to learn about your ancestry and be the key that unlocks one of the biggest, horrific mysteries of all time. Stranger than fiction.
talking to himself:

Sheriff: Golden State Killer Suspect On Suicide Watch
April 27, 2018 at 12:25 pm
SACRAMENTO (AP) – The Sacramento County sheriff says a man suspected of being one of California’s most elusive serial killers is on suicide watch and talking to himself.
Sheriff Scott Jones said Friday that Joseph James DeAngelo was in a psychiatric ward of the county jail and has said little. Jones says there’s been “quiet reflection” and mumbling.

I think they gave him something like Ativan for agitation. He didn’t get dementia overnight but his behavior some how seems that way. I also think his behavior is real and due to meds or resisting food. He’s on something maybe, shocked, and also not eating? He sounds challenged at the moment...

Regardless of what the cause is fake or not they better make sure this guy is sustained because [emoji79](curse rant) if they excuse it as acting and the
Asshatz diez. No no no. For the sake of the investigation I hope they watch him night and day and day and night and force him to be condemned in person while alive.

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The link provided was having technical problems. I switched to wfrriz- don't know if video is still there. I saw part
of his arraignment.

He was brought in in a wheelchair- no walking-no standing- sat the whole time. both hands were handcuffed to

arms of wheelchair. He looked to me like he was pretending to be old, can't hear well, weak voice, seemed sleepy or

drugged. Maybe all an act. Judge read 2 counts of murder- couldn't hear all of it. Next hearing May 28. ????

Female atty. was with him.

rumors that he's not eating or drinking and will not allow family to visit.


They'll have to force feed him if that's the case. He may just want to die to deny the people of California the satisfaction of holding him to account for these heinous crimes with a trial and conviction. This vicious serial killer lived for the pleasure of terrorizing his victims and having his will with them. Going on a hunger strike, even dying as a result, is really the only way he's still in control of his own fate. He can write the story for history that does not include a guilty verdict. They will have to keep him alive.


Screen shots I just took. The man seemed OUT OF IT. The better not let him die on us!!!!!!!

Literally like an 80 year old or older with dementia or on deaths door. Maybe he is weak? I don’t know but the man is not okay and I need them to make him okay so he can sit trial!!!!!!

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My bet is he's faking it!

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I had hoped he was going to be one of those guys that couldn't wait to spill his guts once caught but I now I don't think so. He was manipulative and a liar 40 years ago and he's still that way now. He deliberately said and did things to throw the cops off track back then and it wouldn't surprise me if he tried that again now. He is still under the illusion he's in control - but he is not.

I think he's faking it. His psyche may be a little wounded since he probably thought he would never get caught and now he doesn't know what to do. He was so arrogant Wednesday when he was arrested he asked about his roast in the oven! I hardly think he went from that to barely being able to sit up in 2 days. Sorry, I'm not buying it.

Maybe he's just upset we all know about his less than impressive endowment! Sorry, I know that's wrong, but he's so irritating! What an act. Geesh. I'm not buying it!
You need to listen. The judge asked him something and he literally doesn’t seem to get it. I think she put her arm on him because he is out of it and she is trying to make sure he understands completely. Seriously tho. Check it out. Who knows. He’s awful.

Actually, I heard it, and the judge meant to ask if he had an attorney ("if not, one will be assigned to you"), but didn't directly ask him in the form of a question. So the judge asked him again. Defendants are instructed to not speak, so. . . And he's acting completely. Their whole defense will be "He's so old, he can't hurt anyone. Look at him. Have pity."
Absolutely WAS AN ACT. Just like Bill Cosby went from a healthy 80 yr. old to the first day of both trial, needed a cane, needed to hang onto a bodyguard or atty., looked and acted like a sickly, weak, old man. But it didn't work.

this monster is gonna pull every stunt he can to manipulate people.

The pity play is one of the hallmarks of a psychopath. He has no defense and he knows it, so why not immediately become a pathetic and crippled old man and see if that works? Just like Cosby, who I believe also pretended to be almost blind a while back and it appears he sees and walks just fine now. He apparently felt strong enough the other day to make a rather loud outburst in the courtroom.
EAR/ONS was known to enjoy the suffering of his victims. Now he's trying to enjoy the suffering of everyone but making this process as hard as possible. He won't make this easy, it's going to be a "fun game" for him.
His bosses called DeAngelo an "average" officer. He also has a history of rage and angry outbursts and hostility toward neighbors, etc.

I'm eager/curious to know more about what coworkers thought of him, and I missed the story link. Can you repost? Thank you :)

From the link:

Willick was DeAngelo’s boss at the Auburn Police Department from 1976 to 1979, first as his sergeant, then as the chief. He remembers DeAngelo as an average cop.

“There was nothing really while he was working at the Auburn Police Department that would say he was a mass murderer, serial rapist, burglar,” Willick said.

Monday morning quarterbacking. Would you suspect a neighbor who stole a shovel of burying bodies in his backyard? I wouldn't unless I knew or suspected him of murder. He had a good record as a police officer. One coworker called him a straight arrow, by the book cop.

So he was fixing his daughter's car a week ago, working on a table before the arrest and now he looks like this?! Trying to gain sympathy or is the shock of what's happening to him taking a hit?!
Maybe he went bat **** crazy and they did have to knock him into the dirt! Maybe he is three sheets to the wind sedated...
If that's the case he can't actively participate in his case right?

IMO it's all *advertiser censored* and bull.
We shall see!

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Screen shots I just took. The man seemed OUT OF IT. The better not let him die on us!!!!!!!

Literally like an 80 year old or older with dementia or on deaths door. Maybe he is weak? I don’t know but the man is not okay and I need them to make him okay so he can sit trial!!!!!!

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I have known people with dementia/Alzheimers, and they do have a certain look. This guy does not look like he has either. Just a mean person, trying to portray a person with dementia.
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