CA - Elliot Rodger kills 6, injures 13 in Isla Vista, Near UC Santa Barbara, #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

This punk kid (and his ilk) has really gotten under my skin! :furious:

Throughout his whole life as a minor, it appears he was rescued from situations and/or manipulated others which resulted in him being rescued. Ditto for him ensuring he got his way one way or another.

Once in college and dealing with his sexual frustrations he must have realized that his rescuers could no longer rescue him. And, of course ER was incapable of helping himself. So what did he choose/plan/do, he fricken took it out on all of us! The spineless, egotistical, arrogant, spoiled rotten little puke took his I-can't-get-my-way-so-I'll-get-you out on all of us!

This isn't about guns, knifes, cars, hot girls, brutes, mental illness, etc.

It's about this little punk not getting his way!

And, he didn't create himself alone!

All my honest opinion and end rant.

Nailed it right on. I see Elliot Rodger as a highly narcissistic and entitled person. He wants everything his way no matter what.
Evidently NY version of crime stoppers is at the point where in vans, with speakers, they drive around neighborhoods announcing what particular killer/killers they are looking for.
That has to be a comforting thing for youngsters out playing to hear from a van driving by what “bad “ people are around their neighborhood.

Vans that came around my neighborhood, as a kid, had ice cream and snow cones....

How far we have come………………………

Like 1:15
Murder victims dad met with ER's "father"

A father whose son was murdered in a California shooting rampage met Sunday with the deranged killer’s dad in an effort to find “common ground” over shared grief.

Richard Martinez, whose 20-year-old son, Christopher, was killed in the May 23 bloodbath near Santa Barbara, met in private with filmmaker Peter Rodger, the father of virginal gunman Elliot Rodger.

“I have met Peter Rodger, and plan to work together so that other families such as ours will not suffer such as we have,” Martinez told the Daily News following the meeting.

“This was a private conversation between grieving fathers who have reached common ground,” he said.

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Virgin killer Elliot Rodger's 'Xanax addiction made him withdrawn and anxious in days before his murderous rampage'

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Has any MSM confirmed this besides the Daily Mail?
Appreciate the link....but is IS the DM, y'know? :giggle:

ETA- I wish they would stop calling him "Virgin Killer".
IMO that is going to push young adults who may still be virgins even harder, associating anyone who is still a virgin with someone who will "snap" one day.
Has any MSM confirmed this besides the Daily Mail?
Appreciate the link....but is IS the DM, y'know? :giggle:

ETA- I wish they would stop calling him "Virgin Killer".
IMO that is going to push young adults who may still be virgins even harder, associating anyone who is still a virgin with someone who will "snap" one day.

ER did have access to xanax per his manifesto. I am not sure DM knows anything more than that. Considering he was withdrawn and described as having a panic attack (where he froze in school and his mother had to come and get him) long before the rampage, I don't put any value in the article.
By the way there are so many similarities between ER and Adam Lanza.
As I recall Lanza would also have similar panic attacks at school where he would freeze.
fwiw and for the record I feel that flight 370 landed and will be used as a bomb. pilot had just attended dp trial out of his way in new york for high ranking taliban officer....he was found guily. this was an intended terroristic act, that he planned on for years on his own flight bypass radar in vietnam. I do believe that the plane landed and will be used as a bomb against us at some point and time n the near future. all the pings red herrings. if the public beieves otherwise god help us all. if a terrorists or serial killer has a plan they will do everything to execute said plan. the chances of our LE INTERVENING IN TIME ARE NILL.

FWIW I DNT believe ER WAS MENTALLY ILL, ASPERGERS OR INSANE. I believe he was determined. as much as I believe the pilot was. jmmho.
Has any MSM confirmed this besides the Daily Mail?
Appreciate the link....but is IS the DM, y'know? :giggle:

ETA- I wish they would stop calling him "Virgin Killer".
IMO that is going to push young adults who may still be virgins even harder, associating anyone who is still a virgin with someone who will "snap" one day.

There's a GMA link in the previous thread in which the family's attorney says ER was using Xanax. He didn't use the word "addicted" though. And, yeah, the DM isn't the most reliable source.
There's a GMA link in the previous thread in which the family's attorney says ER was using Xanax. He didn't use the word "addicted" though. And, yeah, the DM isn't the most reliable source.

Yes BigCat, that was kinda my point.
"Using" and "Addicted" are 2 very different animals...
That is why I questioned the DM's headline, wanted to know if there was any actual proof he was overdoing it.

We shall see I suppose :sigh:
Yes BigCat, that was kinda my point.
"Using" and "Addicted" are 2 very different animals...
That is why I questioned the DM's headline, wanted to know if there was any actual proof he was overdoing it.

We shall see I suppose :sigh:

From the article:
Today a police source in Santa Barbara, California, told Radar Online that investigators are 'being told that he was likely addicted to Xanax'.
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Been busy at work, good to see some familiar names are still on this thread and some new ones, to boot! :) Thanks for the info, folks, been to busy to keep up. Love me some WS. :loveyou:

Now, LIKELY, in the above quote, leaves alot of room. And Radar Online isn't The New York Times or WP...I take this news with a cup of salt. ;)
BTW...I take meds, as some of you know. I am addicted to them. I have to take them or I will get ill, withdraws, etc. Dr. prescribed, as were ER's, from what I've read. Now, am I abusing them? No. Was he abusing them? I think that is the question. If he was, does it have any bearing? Who knows, at this point.
...and so I ask again, where did ER get the xanax from? And how long was he taking xanax?

Was it a formal prescription and if so, who was writing it (which indicates they were diagnosing and treating him for a mental illness)?

Or was it from dubious internet black markets?

Both of those questions and answers leave a lot open for some serious lawsuits either way.
BTW...I take meds, as some of you know. I am addicted to them. I have to take them or I will get ill, withdraws, etc. Dr. prescribed, as were ER's, from what I've read. Now, am I abusing them? No. Was he abusing them? I think that is the question. If he was, does it have any bearing? Who knows, at this point.
See links below for everything that follows![/FONT]

Psyc meds tend to get clumped together. They are different. Stuff like Xanax , Ativan treat the symptoms of mental illness (anxiety/insomnia). Think aspirin for headache – it is not addressing the reason for the headache , only the symptom of “pain”.

My hunch here is the drug class you are referring (benzodiazepines / barbiturates.(Xanax, Ativan etc.). These classification of drugs do have tolerance issues (need more to get same effect) and withdrawal ( body craving as the drug leaves your system). Think alcohol – hangover is withdrawal – alcohol leaving body basically.

For lack of a better term, the "pure” psych meds (illness itself) -antidepressants, anti-psychotics, (Paxil , Zoloft etc. etc.) typically do not have tolerance and withdrawal issues in the pure sense of “addiction” need more and more.

The antipsychotics/antidepressants are attempting to alter the differing illnesses themselves (depression/psychosis/bipolar) not focusing directly or only on symptoms by altering neurotransmitters in the individuals brain. There are 4 main neurotransmitters associated with mental illness (there are others but the main 4 are , DopamineEpinephrine Serotonin and Norepineine.

Mental illness basically (again complicated but basically!) is a result of differing levels of the 4 . Some excite the person. Some slow the person down (basically!) “They regulate” the brain and body The reason why there is so much trial and error (and awful results) with a lot of them (the ones attempting to address the illness itself not the symptoms) is because docs are guessing basically (there are basic starting points!) what the levels are at the start. (Again basically!)

All of them increase or decrease neurotransmitters levels. BUT the problem is if the client is thrown an antidepressant which increases an already high neurotransmitter – problems. Some try to decrease some. Again , if the level is already low, and the drug thrown at the patient lowers the one that is low already -- problem again.

That is why you see so many with endless lists of Rx history in mental health.. The only way they do it now is to try different ones and wait and see if it makes one feel like crap, or increases negative symptopns.!

Now the real sad part about this (controversial) is neurotransmitter testing is starting to become better. (Think insulin/glucose)Think of how magnificent (even if not an exact science ) if the person prescribing has an idea of which is elevated, which are normative and which ones deficient, at least there would be a much better starting point. That’s western medicine, big pharm ($).

Some addictions have direct withdrawal profiles (mental or physical withdrawal), which if not addressed can be fatal (alcohol/ barbiturates). Interestingly, if a heroin addict came to an ER for withdrawal(not overdoes) and an alcoholic came in for withdrawal the alcoholic would be admitted instantly (alcohol withdrawal can kill physically). Heroin withdrawal wont.. Overdoes versus withdrawal are different things!


Folks tend to “like” the ones that relieve the symptom (Xanax etc.). However the ones attempting to address the illness directly are more problematic and medication non-compliance with these is MUCH higher.

And think about it. If your anxious, and you take Xanax and you feel less anxious in an hour that is rewarding. BUT that class needs more, over time to get the same result.

But if you are given an antidepressant/ antipsychotic and you start to feel worse – you’re not going to want to take them. Throw in the fact that if one has tried three different ones in the past and had horrible experience each time there is a unwieldiness to try another one. Positive or negative reinforcement!

Xanex- lots abuse! It has sedative qualities-- the liklhood of someone going out of control on Xanex, alone, is low !

Don’t know if that helps any!
Me too! And I found MANIFESTO dramatic - totally different if they just used the words diary!
The irony of the now-rarely-prescribed Valium is this: Xanax (for those of you that get my drift....wink, wink).

The dreaded "Mother's little helper" is like tic tac candy compared to the stuff they dispense out like water today. Iykwim?

The reason is because he suffered from the same disorder - Lanza was higher (worse) on the specutrum.And same history - medication non compliance, exhausted mom. Lanza mom placed him in special settings.

There is SOME method to our madness!!!

King said that Adam Lanza "displayed a profound autism spectrum disorder with rigidity, isolation and a lack of comprehension of ordinary social interaction and communications." Lanza was also diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder.
I did not read whole thing and am not asking quote !! What was the general drift when he mentioned Xanex and did he mention it more than once?
He had been withdrawn and anxious since middle school .Lots of links posted from folks who knew him and everyone described him as isolated.
Family friend stated he was the lonliest person he ever saw - linked more than once earlier in threads
I hate to say this but I don't think there is a doable option that will stop rampage killings.
We have to try something no? My god in the last week the ages of killers are younger and younger

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