CA - Emma Barker, 18 mos, suffocated, Lancaster, 18 March 2009 #1

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Hi ladies, :blowkiss:

Havent posted for awhile, but havent seen or heard any news. There is nothing on local news or paper in the SF Valley.

Im surprised a media-*advertiser censored* lawyer like Mark Garagos or Gloria Allred doesnt take her case with the publicity. Specktors trial is almost done, so maybe that will free up some of the ambulance chasers :crazy: (NO offence to all lawyers, just snakes)
Hi ladies, :blowkiss:

Havent posted for awhile, but havent seen or heard any news. There is nothing on local news or paper in the SF Valley.

Im surprised a media-*advertiser censored* lawyer like Mark Garagos or Gloria Allred doesnt take her case with the publicity. Specktors trial is almost done, so maybe that will free up some of the ambulance chasers :crazy: (NO offence to all lawyers, just snakes)

Are you talking about :snake:? This always makes me think of JB :clown: but I'm kinda kicking myself in the butt for under estimating his slime factor, now that we have seen the complaint from PI KC saying he was told not to call LE if he found sweet Caylee's remains.

I can't figure out what's up with the media and this case. Are they keeping it out of the news intentionally because of the similarities to sweet Caylee? Hoping not to encourage anymore copy cats? Or is it something else? Trying to prevent a change of venue? I've never seen a a baby killer get so little press. If her mother did this, or enabled someone else to do this to her little :angel: I hope everyday is an eternity to her and she gets what's coming to her. If I thought the odds were in my favor, I'd move back to CA today, this very minute. To be on her jury. Forget throwing the book at her, I'd dump a whole darn library on her head. Then she'll know what it feels like to be assaulted!!

:prayer: :prayer: for Emma's family, :grouphug: to everyone seeking justice for precious Emma....
Just checking in to let everyone that follows Emma's case know I'm still here.

Also, to let Emma know I'm still here, I'm still watching ~ honey.
Are you talking about :snake:? This always makes me think of JB :clown: but I'm kinda kicking myself in the butt for under estimating his slime factor, now that we have seen the complaint from PI KC saying he was told not to call LE if he found sweet Caylee's remains.

I can't figure out what's up with the media and this case. Are they keeping it out of the news intentionally because of the similarities to sweet Caylee? Hoping not to encourage anymore copy cats? Or is it something else? Trying to prevent a change of venue? I've never seen a a baby killer get so little press. If her mother did this, or enabled someone else to do this to her little :angel: I hope everyday is an eternity to her and she gets what's coming to her. If I thought the odds were in my favor, I'd move back to CA today, this very minute. To be on her jury. Forget throwing the book at her, I'd dump a whole darn library on her head. Then she'll know what it feels like to be assaulted!!

:prayer: :prayer: for Emma's family, :grouphug: to everyone seeking justice for precious Emma....

Your posts always make me giggle. Yes, I too, think of a :clown: when I hear the initials What a piece of work!!! Too many people are on to him and his 'atty-client HUGS' and I have a feeling he will be spanked BIG TIME after that case is over~if not before!

Back to precious Emma Leigh Barker, I have NO FREAKING clue what could be going on. That is making me wonder if there is more to this case than what meets the eye. :confused::confused: How can there be this much silence over the murder of a baby? I have a very weird vibe that I'm sure a few of you are starting to get, and I still say there is shocking evidence that we don't know about. Why they took almost a month to arrest the girl, and hardly any info has been reported on her death. What is really going on in AV?

Thank Goodness her resting place is a beautiful memorial to her, and that her family loves her. If I didnt have the comfort of knowing she was flying with the angels, I would be even more disturbed about this case. UGHHH!!!

Thank you to all who keep checking/posting on her case. :blowkiss:
Bumping Emma up to the top of the page where she belongs!

fly with the :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel2: precious girl, we will not let you down.

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United States
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|Report Abuse |#255 3 hrs ago
i just want u all to know that i havent been commenting on all of these sites due to the horrid tings u have been saying about me and my children in some cases... most of u criticize my grammer and say that i am all these other people on here. not once have i ever hidden my name when i have written on here.. i dont have a thing to hide. yes i am hurt by the things that have happened emma was a part of my life and never have i justified what happened. i am only on here to let u know all of these other posts that u think are coming from me (amber) are not me... i dont know them and dont care to. if i ever write on here youll know its me by my name being right under it... thank u and enjoy ur day.
Lovejac - thank you so much for keeping us all updated on this case! :blowkiss:
Just a little over two weeks until SB is back in court. I'm watching the calendar.
Sorry I have been away. Before taking my absence I read a post from a user continuing our talk about meth. This said person said in a round about way "I wasn't that stupid to get addicted". To me this is an ignorant statement all together. People don't get addicted to drugs because they are stupid. 1st: Addiction is a disease 2nd: I am far from stupid. 3rd: Addiction was in every generation in my biological family. I just wanted to address this.
Can one of the few supportive people (you know who you are) please fill me in on what has been happening? I know, I know...people are prob thinking well read it yourself. If I had time I would. The past 3 weeks have been hell. My mother was diagnosed with skin cancer. Some other stuff has been going on to which I don't mind talking in private with those true souls here that really care. Please msg me if you do not mind giving me an update.

I'm sorry about your mother. I hope things go well for her...and you. I know that people that become addicted to drugs aren't stupid. They may not make a wise choice when they decide to try drugs in the first place, but how many of us are guilty of sometimes not making a wise decision? All of us.

I try to check into the thread each day, but I haven't really seen anything that seemed "new". I'm sure one of the other posters that is a little more involved can answer better. I just wanted you to know that anyone that think drug addicts are just stupid is in the minority, not the majority.
Bumping for Baby Emma.....

Lovejac, I love your new Avi! You and your son, (I'm assuming) are both adorable! :)
Bumping for Baby Emma.....

Lovejac, I love your new Avi! You and your son, (I'm assuming) are both adorable! :)

Thanks, dmk! The one before this was me and my Jor Jor, this one is my Aust taken on his 3rd birthday last Sunday!
Bumping Angel Emma UP! :rose:

Sweet Angel, we won't let you down! I hope you're having fun up in heaven, laughing with all the other angel babies. Playing with puppies, running in tall grass, swimming in the crystal water. When you lay down your sweet head, you know no pain, no ugliness can ever touch you again. You are filled with all the happiness, all the love, so much joy those of us down here can't even imagine!

Last night I walked outside, it was so clear there were a billion stars lighting the sky, I swear I heard babies laughing as I walked along under those stars; thinking of you and Caylee and all the other angel babies, playing in heaven. Knowing it is a place so beautiful I can't even imagine. But baby girl, I can imagine you. I can close my eyes and imagine your grandpa holding you in his strong arms, dancing around and around, while you laughed. Feeling safe and loved. I can imagine Caylee, playing with her JoJo. Knowing how happy they were, just to take a walk around the block, pulling her in her wagon. When I close my eyes and see those things, I think I've seen a little piece of heaven.

:rose::+::star: :+: :star: :+: :star: :+: :star: :+: :star: :+: :star: :+: :star: :+: :star: :+: :star: :+::rose:​

:baby: :cat: :heart: :rubberducky: :baby:​

Oh, this is sooo hard, how can there be no news day after day? :confused:

I hope things are going better for you, praying for your mom. :rose: :rose: :rose:
I know for a fact some of the smartest people have done some pretty dumb things. My belief is that no one should be judged for what they have done in the past, it's how we learn.

About a gazzillion years ago I was put on an anti depressant, to help me sleep. It changed my personality, it made me behave in ways I wouldn't have normally behaved. And I didn't see it, I didn't realize I was acting any crazier than ever, until I went off of it. There is nothing I can do to undo what I did, at that time. I won't say I wasn't responsible, because I chose to take the drug and I chose to do everything I did after I took it. I only hope this will always remind me, things aren't always what they seem to be and to give people the benefit of the doubt when they make an effort to change.

I completely agree, no one becomes an addict because they are stupid, addicts are born. When they ingest something their body craves, they very quickly lose control of the situation. It takes a very strong person to kick an addiction, after they make the choice to live without drugs, everyday they have to reaffirm the decision. They must leave the lifestyle and everyone still connected to it. I give Kudos to anyone who is strong enough to quit.:rose: :rose: :rose:

I haven't forgotten about you Emma! You are in my thoughts every day.

I am waiting patiently and am now confident that your mother will be punished for ending your beautiful life. :blowkiss:
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