GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #14

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
We were posting at the same time, Meemaw!

Anyone who is seeing this evidence and doesn't think this idiot is guilty....

The San Bernardino County Sheriffs and DA have done an awesome job!
Here's what Key found:
There was DNA consistent with Erin Corwin's DNA on the knob of the propane tank found in the mine shaft where her body was discovered. That DNA excluded both Jon Corwin and Christopher Lee as a match.
Blood removed from the outside of one of the water jugs found in the mine shaft were Erin was discovered contained DNA consistent with Erin Corwin. That DNA also excluded both Jon Corwin and Christopher Lee as a match.
Key found DNA consistent with Erin Corwin's DNA on the rebar handles of the garrote looped around Erin Corwin's neck. That DNA excluded both Jon Corwin and Christopher Lee as a match.
The green t-shirt that was part of the torch found in the mine shaft where Erin Corwin's body was discovered contained DNA that had a one in 16 billion chance of belonging to someone OTHER that Christopher Lee. (The population of the Earth is just 7 billion.) Complicated way of saying the DNA on the shirt belonged to Christopher Lee. DNA on the shirt excluded Erin and Jon Corwin as possible contributors.
Swabs taken from the mouth of the Sprite bottle found in the mine where Erin Corwin's body was discovered had two contributors of DNA, one male and one female. The male contributor was Christopher Lee (with a one in 20 quadrillion chance it was NOT Christopher Lee) and the female contributor was Erin Corwin (with a 1 in 1.4 quadrillion chance it was NOT Erin Corwin).

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Note, none of Jon Corwins DNA was found at the bottom of the mine.
This case is crazy

Chris was soon leaving to Alaska . So why did he have to kill her .

I'm sure Jon would have raised the baby and Chris would have been off the hook for child support .
You'll have to forgive me if I get a little upset over this one. Because, man do I have reason to be. See I've been running down the case against this man from the start. Picking at the prosecution's little glitches. I had finally gotten to the point where I was thinking, 'maybe I'm being too hard on them. Maybe it isn't as bad a case as I'd thought. '

And then they go and pull something like THIS, and here I am once more, LIVID as all hell.

SAR did an awesome job. They really did. They searched hundreds of mines, harshest terrain, thousands of hours. Those dedicated men and women risked their health, not to mention their lives to find the body of this murdered young girl. And they did find her, miraculously, through all of the obstacles. They did this because they knew that this girl deserved to be at rest with her family, and that in death, her being was still crying out for justice for what had been done to her.

They need to find the person that did this horrific crime. Who inflicted death upon the youngest of us.

If the prosecution team had anywhere near the respect and honor that the search team had, I wouldn't be here writing this to you. Yet here we are. Because they DIDN'T TEST THE THIRD SUSPECT. They didn't run basic DNA testing on the one person with the most motive to commit the crime in the whole case. Nichole Lee. Not even after they didn't match the garrote to the first two suspects. No. They didn't think this woman was capable of murdering someone:


They didn't think this Corn-Fed Cattle-Rastling Thirty-Year-Old Alaskan woman, could kill a Diminutive Pregnant Teenager. Well, I might be a difficult personality but I think Erin should have gotten a better shake from the criminalists on this one.

I was going to wait until after I had finished the breakdown of the physical evidence, but I can't just leave it here. This has to be said. Nichole Lee is the one with the motive here, a jilted wife who needed to protect her young daughter from a broken family life. All of the physical evidence ties back to a vehicle that Nichole had full access to. She is the one who threatened to kill the victim. She is the person who called Erin "that little *****". Nichole is the one who said 'the police did not get anything from her'. SHE came into court wanting to testify for the prosecution. SHE was wearing the black garb of the executioner. SHE was wearing her husband's dog ties!! Could it be she thinks she DESERVES them, because she had finally killed someone? //NO. law enforcement says Chris is the one that did it, blah blah blah// DID ANYONE STOP TO THINK ABOUT why the second garrote, In Alaska, was found under the Passenger Seat??? Nichole's seat. What more does this woman have to do to get the credit for this? Short of confessing in open court, that is... There is one more thing, and it's a big one, it's tied to the physical evidence and I'll get to it then. Stay tuned.
Wow, lots of major information shared yesterday.

I am a little bit confused on two things. Why would ONLY Erin's DNA be on the propane knob? And what about the garotte? I assume hers is on the garotte because she tried to fight him off or get the garotte off of her but it's hard for me to imagine why or how no one else's is on it. Same with the propane tank. Maybe she carried it to the location but I think it's very weird that hers is on the handle and no one else's. Did he wear gloves and that was enough to prevent any of his being on there at all? Ugh, did he have her be the one to turn on the propane? (sorry, graphic I know - I just have such a hard time understanding what happened, and some part of me hopes that she was so caught off guard that she barely even knew what happened/was happening). Ok so maybe more than two questions, one more, did they also test for Nichole or any other person's DNA on there, especially the propane tank? Hard to believe it wouldn't have traces from IM and/or whoever filled the tank not to mention from Chris carrying it the day before.

I was also about sick when I read the part about the shared soda too. I don't even know why, exactly, but maybe because it really illustrates how clueless she was about what was about to happen. We've got two married people sneaking off into the desert, but one's hoping for a proposal from her affair partner, while the other one is planning to kill this woman he supposedly loves. It's mind boggling to think of them out there sharing a soda one minute, and then what happened a short time later.

From what we've heard both through reading articles and accounts of the trial I am not at all doubting Chris did this. I'm just confused on those points and feel like somewhere there's something missing, or I'm overlooking some obvious explanation.

After the prosecution rested, defense attorney David Kaloyanides made a motion, as virtually all defense attorneys do before they begin their own cases, to have the case against their client dismissed for lack of evidence. (This was AFTER the jury left the courtroom for the day.)

In denying this motion, the usually jovial Judge J. David Mazurek became very serious and told Kaloyanides that the prosecution more than proved its case, and that a reasonable jury would be able to conclude that the defendant was guilty of first degree murder with the special circumstance of lying in wait. Mazurek said there was plenty of evidence proving the defendant planned the murder, while letting the victim believe he was planning a special surprise for her:

"In fact, it was a surprise trip for her, but not in the way she thought."

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This case is crazy

Chris was soon leaving to Alaska . So why did he have to kill her .

I'm sure Jon would have raised the baby and Chris would have been off the hook for child support .

I think maybe wifey demanded something be done about the situation.
ADA Sean Daugherty showed on the overhead projector a photocopy of a letter that was discovered in Erin Corwin's jewelry box after she disappeared. It was in handwriting that Jon Corwin said was not his own. It was a love poem written in cursive to Erin. This is what it said:

"Like it or not you still hold a part of my heart
Ready or not we were gonna get caught
Don't give up and I won't too
Hopefully like me, you still think 'I love you'

The fingerprint technicians were able to lift a print from the piece of paper that belonged to Christopher Brandon Lee.

This proved Lee's assertion to law enforcement that his relationship with Erin ended months earlier, and that he'd had not any contact with her, was a lie.

We were posting at the same time, Meemaw!

Anyone who is seeing this evidence and doesn't think this idiot is guilty....

The San Bernardino County Sheriffs and DA have done an awesome job!

I too think the St has done a great job prosecuting this case. It was investigated well too, LE IMO did a great job. Course CL lead himself right to them.

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Wow, lots of major information shared yesterday.

I am a little bit confused on two things. Why would ONLY Erin's DNA be on the propane knob? And what about the garrote? I assume hers is on the garrote because she tried to fight him off or get the garrote off of her but it's hard for me to imagine why or how no one else's is on it. Same with the propane tank. Maybe she carried it to the location but I think it's very weird that hers is on the handle and no one else's. Did he wear gloves and that was enough to prevent any of his being on there at all? Ugh, did he have her be the one to turn on the propane? (sorry, graphic I know - I just have such a hard time understanding what happened, and some part of me hopes that she was so caught off guard that she barely even knew what happened/was happening). Ok so maybe more than two questions, one more, did they also test for Nichole or any other person's DNA on there, especially the propane tank? Hard to believe it wouldn't have traces from IM and/or whoever filled the tank not to mention from Chris carrying it the day before.

I was also about sick when I read the part about the shared soda too. I don't even know why, exactly, but maybe because it really illustrates how clueless she was about what was about to happen. We've got two married people sneaking off into the desert, but one's hoping for a proposal from her affair partner, while the other one is planning to kill this woman he supposedly loves. It's mind boggling to think of them out there sharing a soda one minute, and then what happened a short time later.

From what we've heard both through reading articles and accounts of the trial I am not at all doubting Chris did this. I'm just confused on those points and feel like somewhere there's something missing, or I'm overlooking some obvious explanation.

nikb, I'm sure he wiped it down when he put it in the jeep that morning and then wore gloves after they got to the mine. Blue latex gloves were found in CL's possession during the search warrant.
My biggest fear NOW is that he turned violent on her when they got up there, and she couldn't get away from him. She may have even been held at gunpoint and ordered her to carry and even turn on the knob of the propane tank. My prayer has always been that she never saw it coming, but today's testimony sadly tells me differently unfortunately :tears:

It really bothers me that only Erin's DNA was on the rebar handles of the garrote that was looped around her neck. Did the sick perp order her to put it around her own neck before he strangled the life out of her with his latex gloves on? Was she begging for her life? I can understand her DNA being on the rope part, trying to pull it off, but the handles? :frown: remember he made sure her phone was turned off very early. (maybe he even took the battery out at some point) She had no way to get away from him and no means to get help without her phone. This case has actually brought me to tears.

Not to mention CL had made another garrote and put it under the seat of his car in Alaska! This tells me he actually enjoyed choking the life out of Erin. I honestly think he would have became a serial killer, IF he had not been caught.
nikb, I'm sure he wiped it down when he put it in the jeep that morning and then wore gloves after they got to the mine. Blue latex gloves were found in CL's possession during the search warrant.
My biggest fear NOW is that he turned violent on her when they got up there, and she couldn't get away from him. She may have even been held at gunpoint and ordered her to carry and even turn on the knob of the propane tank. My prayer has always been that she never saw it coming, but today's testimony sadly tells me differently unfortunately :tears:

It really bothers me that only Erin's DNA was on the rebar handles of the garrote that was looped around her neck. Did the sick perp order her to put it around her own neck before he strangled the life out of her with his latex gloves on? Was she begging for her life? I can understand her DNA being on the rope part, trying to pull it off, but the handles? :frown: remember he made sure her phone was turned off very early. (maybe he even took the battery out at some point) She had no way to get away from him and no means to get help without her phone. This case has actually brought me to tears.

Not to mention CL had made another garrote and put it under the seat of his car in Alaska! This tells me he actually enjoyed choking the life out of Erin. I honestly think he would have became a serial killer, IF he had not been caught.

I am wondering if Erin's DNA was something like blood or saliva. I've never been choked but I'm imagining her coughing or gagging.

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I hope we get tweets today, I'm very curious how the defense will counter the evidence.
If the prosecution team had anywhere near the respect and honor that the search team had, I wouldn't be here writing this to you. Yet here we are. Because they DIDN'T TEST THE THIRD SUSPECT. They didn't run basic DNA testing on the one person with the most motive to commit the crime in the whole case. Nichole Lee. Not even after they didn't match the garrote to the first two suspects. No. They didn't think this woman was capable of murdering someone:

77DarkHorse7 – Bingo! I am glad you are posting here.
You question the DNA: “they DIDN'T TEST THE THIRD SUSPECT. They didn't run basic DNA testing on the one person with the most motive to commit the crime in the whole case. Nichole Lee.”

After reading Beth’s blogspot post, I wondered the same.

I’ve followed most of this case, but not all of it.
Was NL ever named by LE as a SUSPECT?
Perhaps DNA was obtained from NL, but Criminalist Key failed (erroneously or inadvertently) to include her name during his trial testimony?
Perhaps NL declined to provide her DNA?

Erin deserves justice, and the defendant CL deserves a fair trial.
Dennis B. Key, a Criminalist with San Bernardino County. Key has spent twelve years as a DNA Specialist.
Key testified as to how DNA was obtained from Jon Corwin, Christopher Brandon Lee, and Erin Corwin (at her autopsy).
Do we know that DNA samples weren't collected from Nichole?

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You'll have to forgive me if I get a little upset over this one. Because, man do I have reason to be. See I've been running down the case against this man from the start. Picking at the prosecution's little glitches. I had finally gotten to the point where I was thinking, 'maybe I'm being too hard on them. Maybe it isn't as bad a case as I'd thought. '

And then they go and pull something like THIS, and here I am once more, LIVID as all hell.

SAR did an awesome job. They really did. They searched hundreds of mines, harshest terrain, thousands of hours. Those dedicated men and women risked their health, not to mention their lives to find the body of this murdered young girl. And they did find her, miraculously, through all of the obstacles. They did this because they knew that this girl deserved to be at rest with her family, and that in death, her being was still crying out for justice for what had been done to her.

They need to find the person that did this horrific crime. Who inflicted death upon the youngest of us.

If the prosecution team had anywhere near the respect and honor that the search team had, I wouldn't be here writing this to you. Yet here we are. Because they DIDN'T TEST THE THIRD SUSPECT. They didn't run basic DNA testing on the one person with the most motive to commit the crime in the whole case. Nichole Lee. Not even after they didn't match the garrote to the first two suspects. No. They didn't think this woman was capable of murdering someone:

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They didn't think this Corn-Fed Cattle-Rastling Thirty-Year-Old Alaskan woman, could kill a Diminutive Pregnant Teenager. Well, I might be a difficult personality but I think Erin should have gotten a better shake from the criminalists on this one.

I was going to wait until after I had finished the breakdown of the physical evidence, but I can't just leave it here. This has to be said. Nichole Lee is the one with the motive here, a jilted wife who needed to protect her young daughter from a broken family life. All of the physical evidence ties back to a vehicle that Nichole had full access to. She is the one who threatened to kill the victim. She is the person who called Erin "that little *****". Nichole is the one who said 'the police did not get anything from her'. SHE came into court wanting to testify for the prosecution. SHE was wearing the black garb of the executioner. SHE was wearing her husband's dog ties!! Could it be she thinks she DESERVES them, because she had finally killed someone? //NO. law enforcement says Chris is the one that did it, blah blah blah// DID ANYONE STOP TO THINK ABOUT why the second garrote, In Alaska, was found under the Passenger Seat??? Nichole's seat. What more does this woman have to do to get the credit for this? Short of confessing in open court, that is... There is one more thing, and it's a big one, it's tied to the physical evidence and I'll get to it then. Stay tuned.
I hope that Nichole wasn't overlooked because of being female. If her DNA truly wasn't tested that screams reasonable doubt. Oy!

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Do we know that DNA samples weren't collected from Nichole?

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We do not. Perhaps Nichole had a rock solid alibi, and was eliminated as a suspect.

It's the defense's responsibility to create reasonable doubt. If LE did not thoroughly investigate other potential suspects, I expect we will hear about that today. What other defense can Kaloyanides present? SODDI ... insert your own female/male diminutive.
We do not. Perhaps Nichole had a rock solid alibi, and was eliminated as a suspect.

It's the defense's responsibility to create reasonable doubt. If LE did not thoroughly investigate other potential suspects, I expect we will hear about that today. What other defense can Kaloyanides present? SODDI ... insert your own female/male diminutive.

With the evidence presented (that we know about) in this trial. LE could have done DNA tests on every person in Palm Springs, Yucca Valley, Joshua Tree, 29 Palms and everyone on the Marine Base and the results would be the same.

The evidence points to Christopher Brandon Lee as the person who murdered Erin Corwin like the DA said in opening.

Now I don't like Nicole Lee not one bit, she may have helped in the planning, she may have helped in the coverup. But I have seen no evidence that she was involved in the actual murder on June 28th.

Who knows what the Def will try to do, but IMO the state has the murderer.

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With the evidence presented (that we know about) in this trial. LE could have done DNA tests on every person in Palm Springs, Yucca Valley, Joshua Tree, 29 Palms and everyone on the Marine Base and the results would be the same.

The evidence points to Christopher Brandon Lee as the person who murdered Erin Corwin like the DA said in opening.

Now I don't like Nicole Lee not one bit, she may have helped in the planning, she may have helped in the coverup. But I have seen no evidence that she was involved in the actual murder on June 28th.

Who knows what the Def will try to do, but IMO the state has the murderer.

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Nichole has not presented herself well, but in all fairness to her; what wife says nice things about the woman her husband is cheating with? On that level, I understand some of the statements she made, despite my dislike for her.

Two years later. I still feel Nichole in some way contributed to what led Chris to murder Erin. Very curious to see what she has to say on the stand, and if Kaloyanides can keep her reined in.

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