GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #2

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Apr 8, 2013
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Family members are asking for help from the public to locate 19-year-old Erin Corwin, who has been missing from her home on board the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center since 7 a.m. Saturday, June 28.

According to information provided by the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, Corwin’s husband reported her missing on Sunday, June 29. Corwin is reported to be three months pregnant, according to the sheriff’s department.

According to her sister-in-law, DeeAnna Heavilin, Corwin left in her 2013 Toyota Corolla on her way to Joshua Tree National Park and has not been seen or heard from since... The vehicle, she said, later, was found on Valle Vista Road.

She's described as 5-foot-2 with light brown hair. She was last seen about 7am Saturday morning.

Her sister tells KMIR NEWS that Corwin was apparently on her way to Joshua Tree National Park to look for a campsite for a future trip there.

The San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department and Joshua Tree National Park Rangers began an extensive search by air and on the ground. The San Bernardino Sheriff's Homicide Detail was also called in to assist with the investigation.

Erin's FB:

Media, Map & Timeline

Thread #1
Corwin's blue 2013 Toyota Corolla was found in Twentynine Palms near base two days after her disappearance.

"It was near the base and the desert, yes, but keep in mind that's a very large base," Mondary said.
Mondary said there are no official search efforts on base. He said the “target areas” are in Joshua Tree National Park and other parts of the Morongo Basin, but would not specify where.

Corwin is described as 5-foot-2 and 120 pounds with light brown hair and blue eyes. She is three months pregnant.

The Tennessee native was preparing to visit San Diego with her mother and had bought tickets to SeaWorld and the San Diego Zoo, according to the Praying for Erin Corwin Facebook page.

Sorry, I just couldn't catch up. It was the same-old stuff, except we learned that EC was adopted and her bio Dad is heartsick! Did I miss anything else? Here's what I see, IMHO:

1) We don't know when she last left her apt. (Fri Evening or Sat Morning)
2) We don't know when anyone last saw her
3) We don't know what she was wearing when she allegedly left her apt.
5) We don't know if she went to JTNP Sat Morning
6) We don't know specifically where her car was found or when it was searched for
7) We don't know when her Husband was On Duty/Stationed/Deployed

We DO know:

1) She loved all animals and volunteered at the White Rock Horse Rescue Ranch
2) She was 2-3 months pregnant, after a miscarriage
3) She was adopted
4) She bravely made the move, alone, from Oak Ridge, TN to The Marine Military Base in 29 Palms
5) She never shows her teeth when smiling
6) She has been missing for 11 Days, and neither LE nor the Marines can find her

To sum up, we know NOTHING and she remains MISSING, IMHO.

Most Sincerely, MoeJoey
Pretty much, MoeJoey! No new real info today. Great run down though! Hopefully we will have something to add to it tomorrow.
The fact that they are searching JTNP and Morongo Basin but not the base makes me think they saw something on the park's surveillance cameras, like maybe someone else in her car or a car following her. Based on this hypothetical camera footage, they are searching those parts of the Morongo Basin.
Just a thought...Don't cars registered with the base have a sticker or something on the car? If so, someone who didn't know her could have ditched the car near the base knowing it would be looked for. However, if she did meet with foul play, I believe it was someone she knew.
I believe I watch too much Perry Mason whose hunches ALWAYS proved to be correct. Too bad he doesn't exist, or we would call him in on this one. Oh, I meant Paul Drake, his sidekick detective who could detect anything.

LE/Authorities are searching JTNP because EC's Husband and Mom both said that EC planned to go there on Sat. It makes sense to go there early in the Morning when it is relatively cooler. But, it doesn't mean that she actually went there.

She could have had morning sickness and gone to an air-conditioned store instead.

Most Sincerely, MoeJoey
Does anyone fully understand the situation with Erin's parents? Now that her bio dad is being interviewed, I'm thoroughly confused.

A news article had stated Erin was #6 out of #7 children (if I remember correctly). So is the man interviewed (with his current wife) the father of all those...and Erin's mom is now remarried? Or is the woman on we have seen interviewed Erin's adoptive mom? Is there a birth mom out there, or would that maybe be the woman who was interviewed along with the birth dad?

With all the various family members involved, I'm wondering if Erin's disappearance might have something to do with that. Maybe she needed time to think if her mom remarried recently? Or needed time to sort out feelings about everyone, especially since there would be multiple grandparents?

The bio dad is the first person I've seen who seems torn up over Erin's disappearance. (I know we all experience emotions differently, but I don't understand everyone seeming so casual...especially after this long!)

UT OH, EXCELLENT pick-up. We don't need a Timeline, we need a Family Flow Chart. Did anyone die recently and EC was in line to inherit, except she ... (I refuse to say it and still believe that she may be found alive.)

Most Sincerely, Moe Joey
Does anyone fully understand the situation with Erin's parents? Now that her bio dad is being interviewed, I'm thoroughly confused.

A news article had stated Erin was #6 out of #7 children (if I remember correctly). So is the man interviewed (with his current wife) the father of all those...and Erin's mom is now remarried? Or is the woman on we have seen interviewed Erin's adoptive mom? Is there a birth mom out there, or would that maybe be the woman who was interviewed along with the birth dad?

With all the various family members involved, I'm wondering if Erin's disappearance might have something to do with that. Maybe she needed time to think if her mom remarried recently? Or needed time to sort out feelings about everyone, especially since there would be multiple grandparents?

The bio dad is the first person I've seen who seems torn up over Erin's disappearance. (I know we all experience emotions differently, but I don't understand everyone seeming so casual...especially after this long!)

Nora, could you share the link with the bio dad's interview? I haven't seen it yet. TY!
This case has me so puzzled.

Personal story for a moment - I am a fairly timid person and I have a horrible sense of direction, and yet a few years ago I got a "wild hair" so to speak and I drove 10+ hours to San Diego to stay in a house with people I met online and had never met in person. Nuts? Maybe. Great experience? Yes. I met some real friends on that trip.

I also keep thinking about how my husband and I have very weird schedules right now. He works in a shop so he's been working overnight to avoid the 100+ degree temps, and I'm not so good with the heat so I've been working weird hours too when I help him... anyway getting back to the point of this thread it probably sounds 'crazy' to some but I can imagine people not seeing/contacting each other for a day depending on circumstances. I can also see a young woman getting all "wild and crazy" and scoping out the park by herself. It doesn't sound like she planned on mountain climbing.

I can also see her stopping for an air conditioned store (as you mentioned MoeJoey), a bathroom somewhere, etc. if she was feeling bad. I wish we knew more about where her car was parked and if they thought she parked it there.
It was originally posted by bpinkbinkie on the last page of thread #1 (post 1001), but I don't know how to quote that post from another thread. Here's the link to it...

Thank you friends! Yes, the bio dad seems sincerely distraught. Another poster showed me an obituary that listed Erin as a surviving daughter or daughter-in-law. Is it ok to link it here?
If one, for whatever reason, disappears one's live-in significant other, when do you raise the alarm/contact the police?

Would you wait overnight, and then call the police in the morning?

If you've just done something horrendous, could you wait overnight to set in motion whatever wheels are going to be turning?

I'd guess that more people would raise the alarm before going to sleep that night. Because:

1. that's more consistent with the expected behavior of a spouse in that situation (attempting to fit the profile of an innocent person).

2. sleep would already be cumbersome and difficult. raising the alarm and bringing on one's fate might feel like you are in control
of the situation. if there's a car and possibly a body that could be found at any well could you sleep before reporting the situation.
It would be interesting to find out the dynamics of the extended family. It appears she is very close to her mother so maybe she is her biological mother and the husband adopted her. JMMO
If one, for whatever reason, disappears one's live-in significant other, when do you raise the alarm/contact the police?

Would you wait overnight, and then call the police in the morning?

If you've just done something horrendous, could you wait overnight to set in motion whatever wheels are going to be turning?

I'd guess that more people would raise the alarm before going to sleep that night. Because:

1. that's more consistent with the expected behavior of a spouse in that situation (attempting to fit the profile of an innocent person).

2. sleep would already be cumbersome and difficult. raising the alarm and bringing on one's fate might feel like you are in control
of the situation. if there's a car and possibly a body that could be found at any well could you sleep before reporting the situation.

You raise a very good point!

Another possibility....knowing that a body left out in the heat and the elements would decompose quicker and evidence may diminish I suppose one might try and wait as long as convincingly possible (a 24 hour waiting period?) and point LE in the opposite direction of where the disappeared significant other really is. One would also then have a 24+ hour window of opportunity to make sure a vehicle was spotted on video surveillance, create a false cell phone trail, plant false evidence, and/or abandon a vehicle. The extra time might not be used to actually sleep (as I doubt there would be much sleep for awhile) but spent going over their story in their head, etc. I know for certain, if my spouse was expected home at 4pm and didn't make it back before bedtime, I wouldn't be getting any sleep that night not knowing where they were. MOO.
If one, for whatever reason, disappears one's live-in significant other, when do you raise the alarm/contact the police?

Would you wait overnight, and then call the police in the morning?

If you've just done something horrendous, could you wait overnight to set in motion whatever wheels are going to be turning?

I'd guess that more people would raise the alarm before going to sleep that night. Because:

1. that's more consistent with the expected behavior of a spouse in that situation (attempting to fit the profile of an innocent person).

2. sleep would already be cumbersome and difficult. raising the alarm and bringing on one's fate might feel like you are in control
of the situation. if there's a car and possibly a body that could be found at any well could you sleep before reporting the situation.

This is so up to the personality of the person and to the dynamics of the couple.

For example:
In my case if my hubby doesn't come home way past (like 2-3 hours) when I expected him to be here:
First I would call him. If I can't reach him, I would see it a possibility that his phone battery died and he met someone he knew somewhere and is enjoying a coffee and chat with that person. (None of us has a car charger and I know for a fact he doesn't have my phone number memorized to call me from another phone. The only number he knows is his mother's, because that number he knew way before mobile phone with memory existed.) I would feel uncomfortable but would still wait. An hour past my first worry time I would begin to call around to see if someone saw him today and knew of where exactly was he headed. Maybe he mentioned something to someone else which he didn't mention to me. I would try to call those places. I personally could not go to sleep without knowing he is safe. Later that evening I would call the police, because in our many years together he has never slept anywhere else without announcing it to me in advance. That would occur approximately 4-5 hours after I was expecting him home, I think. I would also drive around places he supposedly went to see if I can find at list his car somewhere.

I do have a friend who's boyfriend regularly "forgets" to go home without announcing it in advance and sometimes he doesn't go home for 2-3 days. That's normal in their relationship and she never called the police, not even the first time because she suspected what was going on. Boy, if God forbids he ends up somewhere in a ditch hurt where no one can see him, nobody will be looking for him for 3 days.

In my hubby's case:
If I didn't come home the time I told I would, he would not panic. I'm sure after awhile he would even proceed to make his own dinner of some kind. He would try to call me, but if I'm not available he would think my battery is dead. We do not have car chargers, because this only happens a 1 or 2 times a year, not more. I have a friend who lives a half an hour away from us by car and if I go visit her I sometimes come home late at night, because we can really talk deep into the night. He knows this, and although I never went and stayed at her's without letting my hubby know this, he would still think that's what is going on. He is just a very relaxed type of guy. He would go to sleep and he would realize I'm missing at 6 o'clock in the morning. I'm not sure he would be worried by then, either. He would figure my battery is still dead and when I get home and charged my phone I would call him immediately. I think he would begin to feel uncomfortable that day around noon.
Now I have to stress I never stayed anywhere overnight without telling him in advance, but sometimes if I had a drink with/at that girl friend of my and felt intoxicated, then I called, or -if I realized that very late and he could possibly in bed that time- I did send a message for him that I was staying there. This didn't happened very often (around four times in approximately 10 years) but still it would be on his mind.

Now if Erin happened to stay at the ranch overnight before and hubby knows that, I see it possible that he wasn't worried. I would have called the ranch to check it to be on the safe side, but I can see him not doing it to don't look like a controlling partner. My hubby would not call there either, he would not want to be seen as a jealous husband. Some people wouldn't call because would be afraid to find out he/she is cheated on.

It would be important to know what was normal to them/between them. Without that is difficult to tell if his reaction was strange or not.
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